The Social Kingship of Jesus Christ

Manifesto of the Fourth ComIntern March 11, 2020
November 5, 2021
Baradur Perspectives
November 19, 2021
Manifesto of the Fourth ComIntern March 11, 2020
November 5, 2021
Baradur Perspectives
November 19, 2021

The Social Kingship of Jesus Christ

Sacre Coeur mosaic - Dome du Basilique du Sacre-Coeur

"Quas Primas"

Pope Pius XI introduces The Feast of Christ the King
Given on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception at St. Peter’s, Rome, December 11, 1925

The Kingship of Christ and The Conversion of the Jewish Nation


D.D., D.Ph., B.A.,
Professor of Philosophy,
Holy Ghost Missionary College,
Kimmage, Dublin


The mystical body of Christ in the modern world

by Fahey, Denis, 1883-1954.

Publication date: 1944
Publisher: Waterford : Browne and Nolan,


The Rulers of Russia

by Fahey, Denis, 1883-1954.

Originally Printed in Ireland, at Farkgate Printing Works, Dublin,
Permission to reprint in United States and Canada granted exclusively to
Copyright for U.S.A., 1940

On the subject of the foundation of the Bank of England, Fr Fahey, In his work, The Rulers of Russia,  references The Nameless War by Archibald Maule Ramsay.

A University of Hawaii professor has cited documents for his calculation of the Jewish-Soviet genocide of the ethnic European Russians (White Russians) at 62 million. Political scientist RJ Rummel put the numbers at 61.9 million people systematically murdered by the Jew created and controlled Soviet Union 1917 – 1987. Aleksandr Solzhenitzen (Nobel Prize for literature 1970)  put the numbers of the Jewish-Soviet perpetrated genocide at 66 million 1917 – 1957.

Communism’s death toll and the Jewish role in Bolshevism (Video)

CoVID is Communism rebranded as a deadly virus.

“The All-Jewish Mark on Red Russia”

“Very few Russians have anything to say about their own country these days.  In the so-called ‘ Dictatorship of the Proletariat’, the proletariat has nothing whatever to say; it is Russian only in the sense that it is set up on Russia; it is not Russian in that it springs from or includes the Russian people.”

[ The Jewish Khazarian ‘Russian’ government of the Soviet Union genocided upwards of 50 million of the ethnically European or White Russian ethnos according to Alexander Solzhenitsyn ]

“It is the international program of “The Protocols” , which might be ‘put over’ by a minority in any country, and which is being given a dress-rehearsal in Russia.”

“Remember what the Protocols say about Press control:  remember what Baron Montefiore said about it, and then look at the Government journalists.  The committee comprises 41 men and the 41 are Jews.  Only Jewish pens are trusted with Bolshevist propaganda.”   The Dearborn Independent, Sept 25, 1920.


Newspaper from 1939 details the control of both East and West by the International Judenstaat

The Russia, Soviet – Israel Axis

The New York – Moscow – Tel Aviv Triangle

May 16, 2019

“At this point, you may be confused, Israel and the Soviet Union are ideological allies – both follow the ideas of Karl Marx, so both are communist / socialist.  Yet the Soviets supplied military equipment to the Arabs – enemies of Israel.  And at the same time, the enemy of the Soviet Union, the U.S. was arming Israel.”

“To understand the treachery of which the Zionist Bolshevik Jews are capable and to understand the treachery which took place during the 1973 War, I must explain the New York – Moscow – Tel Aviv Triangle.  To do so, it is necessary to go back a few years in history.

“A heavy migration of Jews from Russia to America started 1831.  Most of these were communist Jews.  So many of these communist / Bolshevik Jews  settled in New York City that N.Y. has been referred to as ‘Moscow on the Hudson’.”   Jack Bernstein. 1984.
The Life of an American Jew in Racist, Marxist Israel (p. 21-25)





In his Letter of 2nd February, 1930, ” On the Soviet Campaign against God” . Pope Pius XI wrote as follows:

“We were also at pains to ask the governments represented at the Conference of Genoa, to make, by common agreement, a declaration which might have saved Russia and all the world from many woes, demanding as a condition preliminary to any recognition of the Soviet government, respect for conscience, freedom of worship and of church property. Alas, these three points, so essential above all to those ecclesiastical hierarchies unhappily separated from Catholic unity, were abandoned in favor of temporal interests, which in fact would have been better safeguarded, if the different governments had first of all considered the rights of God, His Kingdom and His Justice.”

The governments of Europe refused concerted action for the rights of God. Now that war has broken out in Europe, Russia will make every effort to pursue her campaign against God.

Captain Archibald Henry Maule Ramsay (4 My 1894 – 11 March 1955 A.D.)

Ramsay was the scion of an aristocratic Scottish family that had fought the settlement of Scotland’s debt to the Nasi Jews of the Great Synagogue of Mulheim an der Ruhr. The invasion of England, Scotland and Eire by Prince William of Orange was the invasion of their front man in the War of the Succession 1688-1746 to settle the debt.

Ramsay knew secrets of the UK state from the family and clan history – the clans who fought for the Stuart cause.

He was educated at Eton and the Royal Military College, Sandhurst.  Served with 2nd Battalion Coldstream Guards in WWI until he was severely wounded 1916.  Thereafter he served at Regimental HQ, the War Office and the British War Mission in Paris until the end of the war.  Member of H.M. Scottish Bodyguard from 1920.  Elected to Parliament 1931 as a member of the Scottish Union and became MP for Midlothian and Peeblesshire. Came to be regarded by the UK establishment as an anti-semite.  Arrested under Regulation 18b 23 May, 1940 and detained without charge or trial in a cell in Brixton Prison until 26 Sept. 1944.  On the following morning he resumed his seat in the House of Commons and remained there until the end of that Parliament 1945.

By way of introduction to The Nameless War, Ramsay quotes Isaac Disraeli, father of UK Prime Minister Benjamin D’Israeli (who should know) : “It was fated that England should be the first of a series of Revolutions which is not yet finished.”  Life of Charles I.  Isaac Disraeli. (1851).

His thesis is that International Jewry (the Judenstaat) has owned and operated the International Revolutionary Machine for the goal of Jewish world power since the English Civil War 1642.  The owners of the consols of the Bank of England are the dynastic heirs to a sovereign money trust with its foundation in the Bank of England chartered as an asset of the Corporation of the City of London.  The Nameless War is an historic account of how that came about.

To the memory of those Patriots who in 1215 A.D. at Runnymede signed Magna Carta and those who in 1320 A.D. at Arbroath signed Scotland’s Declaration of Independence,  this book is dedicated.

The Nameless War
Captain Archibald H. Maule Ramsay
(Britons Publishing Co. , Brunswick Square : 1952, reprinted 1956, 1977)

Captain Ramsay’s work demonstrates that the Great Revolution (inaugurated in France 1789 A.D.) and the Communist Revolution (inaugurated in Russia 1917 A.D.) are different ‘phases’ of the same Revolution which has its origins in the English Civil War 1642 A.D.  The legal fiction of the United Kingdom and its Empire of the Corporation of the City London began with the loans taken out for the English Civil War.  The Protestant Mason Parliamentarians of England and the Scottish Convention of Estates (Whigs) sought out the Princes of Jewry (the Nasi) to secure loans that would enable them to finance, equip and ship back to England a New Model Army to fight against the Union of the Two Crowns and the standing national army of Charles I.

The Nameless War reveals the unsuspected link between all the major revolutions in Europe – from King Charles I to the war of the Red International Brigades against Spain 1936 (the Spanish ‘civil’ war).  One source of inspiration, design and supply (finance) is shown to be common to them all.

These revolutions and the World War (1939 – 45) are seen to be integral parts of one and the same master plan .  After a brief review of the forces behind the declaration of the WWII and the world wide arrests of many who endeavored to oppose them, the author describes the anatomy of the Revolutionary International Machine (called on this website : ‘the sistema) .  The machine today continues the plan for supranational world power and hegemon – the age old Messianc dream of International Jewry.

Today all UN member nations are captured states of that Machine and incorporated into its Sovreign Money Trust – the international central banking cartel, which foundation was laid in the Charter of the Bank of England 1694.  But even at the end of national sovereignty for England, Scotland and Eire with all estates in original title forfeit to the Bank of England and the City of London corporation at the time of the War of the Succession (1688 A.D) – the last defenses of government and law in Westminster jurisprudence would hold for the nations of England’s blood and faith against what became the permanent world-wide Revolution, even in the time of the Third and Fourth ComIntern (1938 – ?).

As a cartel, this Sovreign Money Trust , this world pyramid of Monopoly Capital is construction of central banks which monetize the ‘coin of the realm’ or national currency as interest bearing debt to all states captured by the cartel and incorporated as assets.  The directorates of these central banks interlock within this privately owned , global money trust.  All are vertically integrated into a single Apex – currently the Bank of International Settlements, Basel, Switzerland.

The Owners of this cartel are the dynastic heirs in the Trust of the Princes of Jewry (Nasi) of the Great Synagogue of Mulheim an der Ruhr in Germany which made the loans to representatives of the English Parliament led by Oliver Cromwell for the English Civil War 1642 A.D. The original (allodial or udal) title to all estates of three nations were put up as collateral on those loans.  These are now the consols of the Bank of England.

This is a secret of the UK state guarded in the Royal Charter of the Bank of England 1694 and protected to this day, most recently in Section 27(9) of the Companies Act 1976 and the Official Secrets Act of 1989.

Ramsay’s work is confirmed in the work of Stephen Mitford Goodson, a former non-executive director of the South African Reserve Bank.  A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind. (2014) and Inside the South African Reserve Bank: its Origins and Secrets (2014).  Goodson gives a historic and economic account of the Bank of England as the foundation of the central banking cartel, its agenda for the world system of central banks with its foundation laid in the Bank of England.  This cartel was established for the state capture and ownership of national populations whole and entire as assets of the cartel, an agenda  directed and organised by Sir Montagu Norman, governor of the Bank of England.