Reclaiming Rhodesia

The Fourth Comintern 1938 –

The Fourth Industrial Revolution 2020

ZOG US and ZOG UK ‘anti-Communism’
This is a Marxist myth created for subversion of all Western populations and betrayal of nations invaded by the armed aggression of the Fourth Comintern


The Perestroika Deception, Death of Communism, Collapse of the USSR.
This is a Marxist myth created for the subversion of all Western populations.

Petr Cibulka, the highest ranked defector to the West from the Warsaw Pact nations : “The Russian GRU is directing terrorist activities against the US / West .  The GRU is supplying Islamic terrorists with nukes so the planned attack on the US by Russia, China and Allies can follow.”  ParI II.  Petr Cibulka Interview, Spring 2005.  Editor J.R. Nyquist.  Translated: Jan Malina.

As Vietnam & South East Asia Burned, Red Jimmy Carter Yelled:
‘”The Fire is in Rhodesia!”

War of Independence 1965 – 1979

On the battlefield, the Rhodesians won their War of Independence against the world-wide Communist Revolution in Africa 1965 – 1979. Militarily, objectively, historically: they won. In philosophy there is a maxim that states: ‘against fact- no argument.’ (Sounds better in Latin).

Operation Mayibuye and Its Deep State Signatures: The Demolition of Bastions
Part One

October 29, 2020, Support

Operation Mayibuye: The Rivonia Trial Unmasking The Hidden Hands
Part 2

JANUARY 3, 2021

Forewarned Is Forearmed: From Operation Mayibuye To BLM Riots, Tools For Marxist Revolutions
Part 3

FEBRUARY 2, 2021

Made For TV Revolution: The Cover For Communist-Banker Wars & The Final Rhodesia ‘Solution’

APRIL 18, 2021

“Ian Smith demonstrated to the Western world… the economic and political power of Westminster and how it works. He presided over the entire process of freeing the Rhodesian state from the central banking cartel and established the Rhodesian national sovereignty on that freedom and Constitutional Referendum 1969.”