The Honours of Christendom is the Crown of Thorns permanently kept at Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris.

The Once and Future West

Unicuique Suum is a traditional Catholic website of nationalist history, heroic legacy and current political analysis

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Autumn frost at Cawfield Crags in Northumberland, England.  Hadrian’s Wall (built by the Romans 122 A.D.) marked the boundary of nations in Roman Britannia:  Albion and Alba of Caledonia (Scotia).

The Twenty-fourth and Last Sunday After Pentecost

“et tunc parebit signum filii hominis in caelo”
“And then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in the heaven and all the tribes of the earth shall mourn”

Gospel according to Matthew XXIV.30

“When Will the Warning Come?”

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The Honours of Christendom is the Crown of Thorns permanently kept at Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris.

“The Warning is not a question of years but of months.”

Fr. Michel Rodrigue. Sept 2024 as reported by Xavier Reyes-Ayral.

@16.08 “The time now is very short” .. “ In matters of The Warning, he [ Fr Rodrigue ] confirmed what he told us before, The Warning is not a question of years but of months. He explained the situation world-wide…” Xavier Reyes-Ayral. Sept 11 2024.


Fr. Michel Rodrigue has publicly announced a time frame of (at most) 1 year and 11 months for the expected event of The Great Warning (El Gran Aviso). This time is “less than 2 years” determined upon the month: Sept 2024.

This announcement is published on this website merely for the purposes of record.

The Great Revolution inaugurated in France 1789 is now in its global, totalitarian, Communist phase (1917 – ?)

According to the grand masters of the Palladian Rite Freemasonry,

Three World Wars must be organised and executed to accelerate the progress of the Great Revolution
to its end state and world order under the Crown of the Judaic Supremacy

Statue of Albert Pike, the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction from 1859 – 1891 pictured with the House of the Temple in Washington DC.

Albert Pike 1871  Letter to Guiseppe Mazzini: “Three World Wars”

The third and final conflagration was envisioned  to be for the mutual destruction of the Islamic nations
and political Zionism (In modern terms, this is the state of Israel and its Western nation ZOGs)
“March 21 – Are They Following Pike’s Script?’ by Dr. Henry Makow (March 21, 2024)—are-they-following-.html

“We know the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong.
Do you not think an angel rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm?”

At the bidding of his Masters in Freemasonry and Skull and Bones, George W. Bush (a mere president) in his first inaugural address (20 Jan. 2001) gave the Masonic Watchword for the final stage of the Great Revolution to all executors.

That is, the Communist phase (1917 – ?)  of the Revolution begun 1789 in France would enter its global, totalitarian end stage (inaugurated 2001). And it would take  for its object,  the integration of all nations into world order (soviet).  This integration and convergence of Marxist-Leninist Revolutionary goals is now occurring across every social index of all UN member nations: globalism and the fourth industrial revolution.

Historically and presently, the Great Revolution is owned and made by the Crown Ashkhenazi / Khazarian Jews of The City of London, in 2001 then the capital of their Sovereign State.  The foundation of their central banking cartel as a Sovereign Money Power was laid in the Bank of England.  The ownership of all original land titles (allodial and udal title) of the nations which form the United Kingdom are the consols of the Bank of England .  But in the course of the final stage, that capital would be moved back to their ancient capital in the lands of Khazaria between the Black and Caspian Seas.

The ‘Angel rides in the whirlwind’ Watchword for the inauguration of that final stage was conveyed with its time lock in a letter to Thomas Jefferson 20 July, 1776 from an Anonymous correspondent, probably the founder of Illuminati Masonry: Adam Weishaupt.  Together with Albert Pike, the 33rd Degrees: Giusseppe Mazzini (1805-1872) – Weishaupt’s successor, Lord Henry Palmerston (1784-1865), Otto van Bismarck (1815-1898)  were all co-founders of the Palladian Rite for The Three World Wars they knew would be required to achieve the world domination of the International Judenstaat and a world soviet of all nations.

Landmarks of the world financial centres built by the Sovereign Money Power and guarded by blood wing dragons of The City of London displaying the red inverted cross on their shields.  Pictured is the 30 St Mary Axe (aka ‘the Gherkin), the Shard, the Leadenhall (aka ‘Cheesegrater), Baku Flame Towers, the Bajterek Tower in Astana – these are all landmarks of the Sovereign Money Power which rules a world empire of nation states it has captured by its Great Revolution.  The foundation of this empire was laid in The City of London  with the charter of the Bank of England July, 1694.  Its apex was raised in the Bank of International Settlements, established January 20, 1930 in Basel, Switzerland.  The current praesidium for its captured states is the United [Communist] Nations.

The Sovereign Money Power is “The central ganglion of international capitalism”.  It  is owned and organised by “men of a single and peculiar race, who have behind them centuries of financial experience”.  J.A. Hobson (1858-1940) in his classic work Imperialism: a Study.

This Sovereign Money Power of the Internatioinal Judenstaat and its Supremacy is also designated on this website as Monopoly Capital for polite conversation.  Specifically, in economic terms, this is a cartel; that is the central banking cartel.  It owns the Great Revolution (1789 – ?) which it made for the state capture of all nations and ownership of their lands together with the populations,  labour and resources of those states.

Preparation for the Force Majeure of Christ the King: 
The Great Warning (El Gran Aviso)
is set against a worldscape largely created by
the Sovereign Money Power, its anti-Christ dragon forces and agencies.

Concerning dragons:

The reality of the ‘dragon’ comes down to us from the Biblical words of both Old and New Testaments. The Apocalypse of St. John the Revelator designates Satan, “that ancient serpent” as:  ‘the dragon’ from the Greek ‘drakon’ derived from its root word ‘derk’ signifying ‘to see’ (Apoc 12:9). A great eye that we are supposed to regard as ‘all seeing’ is one of its symbols.   Elsewhere in the Testaments, “dragon” is used to denote the organised forces of a world devouring power which rules nations through the (Babylonian) beast system of imperial succession bringing the destruction of war and slavery of peace to the temporal, social order. The Prophet Isaiah describes palaces and fortresses as being the abode of dragons. (Isaiah 34:13). Mt. Seir, the seat or See of Esau is designated as the abode of dragons ( tannin , pl tanninim ) .

Uniquely among the heritage and posterity of nations (ethne), the Bible gives the example of Esau which was captured  by the dragon power of Babylon (“the desert of the sea” Isaiah 21:1).  In Biblical prophecy ‘the sea’ is often used as a metanym for ‘the nations’ collectively. Esau was folded into the Babylonian Sexigesimal System of that power.

And Esau I hated and laid his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness”. Malachi 1:3

Historically, the Patriarch Esau of Idumea (Edom) had many tribal branches through his idolatrous wives.  His major tribal branch is to be found among the Turkic peoples and descended from his Hittite wives through ancient Media and Phrygia of Anatolia. The Greek myth of Jason and the Argonauts clearly depicts this civilisation as a  ‘dragonseed’ power. It is of interest that the Septuagint (read by the early Church) places the Hittites in Mizpeh “under Mt Hermon” (Joshua 11:3) 

Among the many tribes and nations of the Turkic people, the Khazarian Jews, formerly of the Khazar empire and its Khaganate (600 – 1000 A.D.)  are the main tribal branch of Esau descending through the Turkic nations.

The Orkhon stele (in ancient Turkic, Gokturk) were raised to mark the furthest extent of their Khaganate. In European letters, the script of the stele was formerly called ‘orkhon’.  The inscriptions relate to the orgins of the Turks, their golden age, their subjugation by the Tang Dynasty and their liberation by the Kul (a title that passed into Romanian as ‘drakul’) and the Khagan of the Second Khaganate (682-691).  So this Khaganate would have spanned the length of the Oxus and controlled the Silk Road.  And it would have had traffic on the Amber Road of Central Europe in the ‘gold of the North’ and slaves.  Undoubtedly, it was from this traffic that the designation ‘ork’ has passed into European languages. In Tyrol, the name ‘ork’ refers to a demon of Tyrolese folklore.  In Anglo-Saxon, ‘orcneas’  is the name of Grendel’s stronghold in the poem Beowulf.  In J.R.R. Tolkien’s mythology of Middle Earth (Old English: Middangeard), the orcs are characterised as a hybrid race bred by the Dark Powers for the destruction of the world of men.

In the old languages, names very often tell the story. The name:’ slava’ for the ancient European Slavic people of Central Europe preserves for us the nature of traffic of the Khaganate on the Amber Road from the Baltic coast to the Black Sea and Khazarian empire of Turkic Idumean Jews or the Ashkhenazi.  Undoubtedly control of the Amber Road was one of the reasons why the Varangian prince of Kyiv, Svyatoslav I (died 972) of the tribe of Rus (from the Gothic lands of what is today Sweden) went to war with the Jewish Khaganate of Khazaria between 963 and 965 A.D. He defeated them at the Lower Don River and the Ossetes and Circassians (N. Caucasus) when he destroyed the Khazarian capital of Sarkel. 

Today this idea of ancient Khazaria as a Turkic-Idumean Khaganate of the Jews and their Tartarian empire spanning the Oxus River, the caravan routes of Asia Minor and the Arabah is (of course) disputed by the Ashkhenazi / Khazarian Jews, including geneticist Doron Behor.

Petra of ancient Idumea

In our time,  the dragon seat and authority of the Babylonian power remains as it was in ancient times and as the Bible describes it: “the wilderness and desert of nations”. The Elders of Sion (“which is Mt. Hermon” Deut 4:48)  state in their Protocols ‘we have kept our organisation in the shade’.  The Sovereign Money Power is an occult power. But  its Sexigesimal System of fractional reserve banking / usury (which the prophets of Israel called : ‘iniquity’ and ‘iniquities’ with reference to Babylon) is certainly visible and it sets upon the many waters of its captured nations, states and populations. (That is why mythologized images of dragons are usually depicted as maritime or sea powers). The dragon always has its seat (or see of oversight and foresight) in terms of power, authority and law over the nations as a mercantile / financial system of the Babylonian god Mammon. Usury is the basis of this beast / slave system and its  economy. The issue of money is the monetization of debt to this Money Power – a private interest.  Nations owned by the Sovereign Money Power do not issue their own currency (liquidity).  

In this 3rd millennium of our Lord’s reign, all nations / states are now captured by the dragon forces of the Great Revolution owned by this international, occult power which the Bible collectively calls:  ‘Babylon’ after the head of its imperial succession of empires. 

And in the year of our Lord’s reign: 2020, this Sovereign Money Power and its ruling dragon forces of anti-Christ declared a manifesto of accession to world hegemon through their praesidium over all nations:
the United [Communist] Nations.

As a totalitarian system, Communism is by definition global and the apocalypse of this accession to world power is a centrally planned production documented and discussed at length on this website.

“Globalism’ is the 21st century term of this Marxist-Leninist merger of these two axes of the Great Revolution. A synthesis is emerging between the Western ZOG Bloc of capitalist nations  and Communist BRICS nations together through the corporate infrastructure of the Central Banking Cartel which encompasses all nations.  But it is the directorate of the CBC, owning both the Bloc and the BRICS nations, which drives the machine of Globalism through the UN and its international law, through the WTO, through the economic and political unions like the EU, the EEU,  the Non Governmental Organisations financed through all the Dark Money networks –  including the big tax exempts (501c)s and NGOs.  And (of course) war accelerates the convergence.   

The works of Fr. Malachi Martin and his many interviews have come into their own in the 21st century, especially his interviews with Bernard Janzen  ( ).  This world-scape of geopolitical convergence is central to all his subject matter. 

October is the month of the fall of the Draconids

This website, Unicuique Suum (To Each His Own) currently features the month of October for the years 2020 – 25 A.D.

October is the month the Church dedicates to the Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Features, discussions and essays on this website include: 

Wars in central Europe and the Holy Land
The Perestroika Deception of the Great Revolution: collapse of communism and the Soviet Union

The WHO PHEIC (2020-25) and its Operation for universal CoVID – certificate of vaccination identity
Studies and treatments for the prion diseases of the CoVID injections

Enduring importance of the legacy of Corneliu Zelea Codreanu and the Legion of the Archangel Michael
The Cold War Myth of American Anti-Communism in the Rhodesian War of Independence (1965-79)
The Caledonian Freedom Pub and Australian counter revolution

‘The Peace of Christ the King in the Reign of Christ the King’ Pope Pius XII, October 20, 1939
The United [Communist] Nations Agenda

Genesis 6 and 4IR:  ‘As it was in the days of Noah’.

The White Tree and Crimson Thread : October 2020 – 2025 of the nations of England, Rhodesia, Australia, South Africa, Canada, New Zealand, America.

These are the words of our president: “Without Russia there is no humanity” – “If you want to live on this Earth, you should accept Russia as an independent sovereign superpower.”
Aleksandr Dugin. The Fourth Political Theory (2012)

February 15, 2022.  The Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) was created jointly by the Russian Federation Communist Party and Vladimir Putin’s United Russia Party.  Taisaev K.K., First Deputy of the State Duma Committee on Affairs of the Commonwealth of Independent States.  Taisev, speaking for the  Eurasian Integration and relations with compatriots in the Communist Party faction, addressed the Duma on the resolution that created the DPR in the Ukrainian oblasts annexed by Soviet Russia 2014.

Russia is a sovereign nation, adjacent to other nations claiming both independence and sovereignty.  And like other ‘sovereign’ powers it is owned by the Jewish Central Banking Cartel and welded to its seat in the UN.

These wars are fake, but the warfare, deaths and destruction are real. 
Welcome to the Zone.
“The goal is endless war, not successful war”.  Julian Assange

During the Minsk Peace Talks (Feb. 2015), the Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko offerred the Donbas as a concession to Russia.  Putin refused.  “Are you out of your mind” according to Forbes.

April 16, 2015.  Official Correction and retrieval of the Party Line :  Putin denies ‘rumours’ on the Poroshenko ‘take the Donbas’ offer at Minsk.  Kremlin refuses comment.

Russia is certainly not opposed to the WEF/SPIEF
Fourth Industrial Revolution of the Globalists, rather it has signed an agreement with the World Economic Forum
for Moscow to be the centre of it.

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Pope Francis I , acting in the ministry of the papal office (the munus) held by Pope Benedict XVI,
consecrated Russia and Ukraine
to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
25 March 2022 A.D. St. Peter’s Basilica, Rome.
All bishops in communion with Rome invited to join in the consecration.
Under patronage of our Lady of the Pillar, Spain, the movie of “The Great Warning” (El Gran Aviso) had its world premiere September 27, 2024.
(“El Gran Aviso” Festival Internacional de Cine Catolico). 
In the Americas, under the patroness of the Americas, our Lady of Guadeloupe,
“The Great Warning” premieres October and November 2024.  For the US under patronage of our Lady of the Immaculate Conception “The Great Warning” opens in cinemas October 17, 2024.  



” ‘Liberalisation’ (Glasnost -openness) was the programme to revitalise all the communist regimes. Maintaining their ranks and Party discipline, they would appear to the West to be liberal, democratic in terms of their approach to human and civil rights.  As controlled opposition to the ‘Old Guard’ style of communists, they would undermine the real nationalist and Christian opposition.”
Anatoliy Golitsyn.  New Lies for Old (p. 336)

Medvedev is working strictly to a Kabbalah World War III script.  “Our enemy” he says is not only entrenched in Kiev.  Also in Europe, USA, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.  That is why we are intensifying production of the most powerful means for destruction.”

Over course of the Soviet Russian invasion of Ukraine
(Feb 2022 – 2024)
Ukraine is being destroyed.

Millions of Ukrainians are seeking refuge in Poland
according to Polish Member of the European Parliament, Dominik Tarczynski

Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances

5 December, 1994.  In the wake of what was purported to be ‘the collapse of Communism in Soviet Russia’,  four agreements were signed in relation to the accession of Belarus , Kazakhstan and Ukraine to recognized sovereign nation status.

The four memoranda were originally signed by the four nuclear powers : Russia, the United States, the United Kingdom, France.  China gave individual assurances in separate documents.  In the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), the United States, Great Britain and France made guarantees to defend Ukraine’s territorial integrity in exchange for Ukraine’s relinquishment of nuclear weapons .  These are unconditional security guarantees bound up with recognition of Ukrainian sovereignty.  According to Lech Walesa, former political prisoner of the USSR and later President of Poland, the Budapest Memorandum made no mention of these guarantees as an economic transaction.

March 4, 2025.  Professor of Economics, Board Member and Founding Rector of the American University of Kyiv, Roman Sheremeta has posted the Lech Walesa letter to President Trump.

Eleven days after Russia invaded Ukraine in force, talks between Russia and Ukraine began and a draft of the ‘Treaty on the Resolution of the Situation in Ukraine and the Neutrality of Ukraine’ (March 7, 2022) was on the table.  The disputed terms were: neutrality or surrender of sovereignty. .  “Early Peace Plan Shows Russian Intent to Neutralize Ukraine”. 

The Ashkhenazi / Khazarian Jewish Supremacy will continue to attack Ukraine as a sovereign nation.

The Jews will never forgive the Ukrainian people for siding with their German liberators in World War II and putting an end to the Red Terror in Soviet Russian occupied Ukraine.  This is why Putin (a Khazarian Jew) continues to accuse the Ukrainians of being ‘Nazis’ and to justify their genocide under the guise of war.  They are clearing the land for the Judaic Supremacy with intent to re-establish the Jewish empire of Khazaria (to which the slavic people of that ancient land mass were once subjugated).  The Jerusalem Post reports (Jan. 8, 2021) that after the Israeli ambassador to Ukraine condemned the honoring of Ukrainians they call ‘Nazi collaborators’ in the former Soviet republic, there was a rally and protest outside the Israeli embassy in Kyiv demanding the Jews apologize and repent for their role in conducting the 1930s genocide in Ukraine (the Holodomor) which took millions of lives.

Warning of Jesus in 1972: War in the Holy Land Will Not Stop Until the Father Purifies Earth!

Mother & Refuge of the End Times
Nov 15, 2023

This warning of our Lord was given to Teresa Musco (1943-1976)  who bore the stigmata of His Passion.  Since that time, there have been eight wars in the Holy Land and from there, our Lord told Teresa, will the great war be born and then a great punishment of Heaven will come upon the earth to purify it by fire.

10 October, 1973.  Our Lady indicated to Teresa that the time of this punishment was related to war in the Holy Land beginning with the Yom Kippur War, Oct. 6 1973.   This conflict has been relentless and deadly over the decades and there have been at least four major conflicts since 1973.

Prior to the October 7 Israel – Hamas War 2023, Israel carpet bombed Gaza, September 28, 2008.

Our Lady told Teresa: “The Communists are gaining power in my son’s house, but they are waiting for the right time.”   She also said: ” When Satan reaches the top of the Church, know that then, he will manage to seduce the spirits of the great scientists.  This will be the moment when they intervene with very powerful weapons that will make it possible to destroy a large part of humanity.”

It should be considered that the ‘very powerful weapons’  of global democide to which our Lady refers are bioweapons.

The import of this statement is basically ‘urbi et orbi’ .  The capture of the hierarchy by Communists and occupation of the summit of the Church by Satan will be associated in the world with global warfare.  And this conflict would not end until there would be a mutual destruction of the competing forces.  Then would come the great punishment from Heaven to purify the earth.   Our Lady also spoke of this at Akita in the decade of the 1970s.

Secular references also bear out the role of Communism in the subversion of the Church and the Revolutionary strategy of infiltration and auto-demolition .  Bella Dodd.  The School of Darkness (1954).   The  Devil and Bella Dodd.  Mary A. Nicholas MD and Paul Kengor Ph.D. (2022) document the Communist takeover in  the US through the testimonies of Bella Dodd. “Bella Dodd -A Communist Cancer is Killing Us”  Henry Makow (May 2, 2023, Feb 15, 2024).

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“Dying for dark gods”

Dr David Hilton, October 9, 2024

“Stephen gave us an indication in Acts 7:41 , quoting Amos 5:25-27, who the god of the Pharisees was and therefore, who the god of the rabbis is:

And they made a calf for themselves in those days and offered sacrifices
to the idol and rejoiced in the works of their own hands.  And God turned
and gave them up to worship the host of heaven, as it is written in the
books of the Prophets:
‘Did you offer to me slain beasts and sacrifices for forty years
in the wilderness, O house of Israel?
And you took unto you the tabernacle of Moloch
and the star of your god Remphan, figures which you made to adore them.
And I will carry you away beyond Babylon’.

The Hebrew word that is usually given in the Protestant Bibles as ‘Rephan’  is more correctly and phonetically spelt ‘Remphan’ as given in the Douay Rheims.  This is where it gets revealing, because this god was well known to the ancient Israelites.

Hamas invades the Zionist ethnostate of Israel

October 7 2023

UPDATE :  Feast of the Holy Rosary. October 7, 2024. Israel bombs Beruit, Lebanon.

The heart of Christianity in the Middle East is Lebanon.  The Maronites of the Eastern Catholic, West Syriac Rite are estimated to make up around 21% of the Lebanese population.  These are an Aramaic people who use the Syriac as their liturgical language.  They have the third highest mass attendance in the world with 69% saying they attend mass daily or weekly.

October 7, 2024 Anniversary of the Hamas Invasion of Israel 2023.

because of our triumphant march across the planet, we have made the UN a weapon for our goals of seizing power over all kingdoms and nations.  We will not allow any nations to evolve.  And we will destroy by fire and sword all those nationalist movements that seek to lead people out of our dictate”. The Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson.

(New York Jewish Week. Oct 7 2024 ) — Donald Trump visited the gravesite of the Chabad Hasidic movement’s late leader on Monday to mark the one-year anniversary of the Oct. 7 attack on Israel.

The former president’s visit to the Queens grave of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, known as the Rebbe, was thick with ritual and symbolism.” It could hardly be otherwise.

And in the US election, November 2024, with the Adelson money behind him, Trump went on to win a landslide mandate victory.

I think we should assume that the direct pipeline from the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)  to the Oval Office ( via the Mahogany Corridor ) is secure. The Swamp also rises. Maybe we thought The Swamp was at the high watermark under the Communist Caretaker Government fronted by the Biden Harris Actors 2020 – 2024.  But perhaps not. 

Under Trump, The Swamp may appear to go down and sink to its levels,  but only because the Zionist Israel First squidlies, Revolutionary Assets, world order dastardlies and deceptocons in ZOG blackwater working with federal bureaucracies weaponised against the American people now are being pumped out and displayed in the tanks of government power.

During the Trump presidency, The Owners and Consitutors of all states captured by the Great Revolution ( and now welded to their seats in the United [Communist] Nations ) will attempt to pull the levers for WWIII through the Zionist Axis of their Great Revolution to finish the SIG Wars (Sionistskiye Gosudarstva) for the integration of Eurasia as a geo-political entity. (

They will use the Trump  presidency to bring about their ‘availing time’.

“From ‘Just Biden our Time’ to the Availing Time

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Does a nation’s right to self-defense include the right to genocide?

Jan. 22, 2025.  President Trump signs Executive Orders to lift the Biden Term sanctions aimed at curbing Israeli settler violence against Palestinians in the West Bank.  He also placed the International Criminal Court under sanctions for its ruling that Israel is committing a genocide in Gaza.  He  rescinded a policy that had blocked US sanctions against the ICC.  Those who attempt to hold the US and its allies accountable for war crimes before the ICC will be at risk of financial penalties.  Within hours of lifting sanctions, Israeli settlers attacked Jinasfut, a Palestinian village in the West Bank, injuring at least 21 villagers and setting fire to homes, cars, a nursery and workshop according to Jinasfut officials.

5 December, 2024. The Amnesty International report,You Feel Like You Are Subhuman’: Israel’s Genocide Against Palestinians in Gaza,documents how, during its military offensive launched in the wake of the deadly Hamas-led attacks in southern Israel on 7 October 2023, Israel has unleashed hell and destruction on Palestinians in Gaza brazenly, continuously and with total impunity. “Our findings must serve as a wake-up call to the International community. This is genocide. It must stop now.”

States that continue to transfer arms to Israel at this time must know they are violating their obligation to prevent genocide and are at risk of becoming complicit in genocide. All states with influence over Israel, particularly key arms suppliers like the USA and Germany, but also other EU member states, the UK and others, must act now to bring Israel’s atrocities against Palestinians in Gaza to an immediate end.”

1 November 2024. Pre-Trial Chamber I of the International Criminal Court (‘Court’), in its composition for the Situation in the State of Palestine, unanimously issued two decisions rejecting challenges by the State of Israel (‘Israel’) brought under articles 18 and 19 of the Rome Statute (the ‘Statute’). It also issued warrants of arrest for Mr Benjamin Netanyahu and Mr Yoav Gallant.

The Chamber ruled on two requests submitted by the Israel on 26 September 2024.

July 19, 2024. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled that Israel’s occupation of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank is unlawful. The ruling also found that Israel’s settlement regime, annexation, and use of natural resources are illegal. The ICJ’s ruling requires Israel to:

End its occupation

Dismantle its settlements

Provide reparations to Palestinian victims

26 January 2024.  Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip (South Africa v. Israel). Request for the indication of provisional measures.

Post the election of the Trump presidency, Savvy Granny wrote to Dr. Henry Makow. He published her correspondence Nov. 13, 2024.

Savvy Granny–Chabad Co-ordinates but the Money Power Leads

“Trump’s victory is a replay of the historic landslide mandate given by a destroyed German nation to Zionist Asset Adolph Hitler who won the mandate to rebuild Germany (which he did) for a covert objective  of wrecking it in such a way as to permanently destroy the German nationalism and so incorporate the tremendous power that is Teutonic people into building Eurasia as a geo-political entity and centrepiece of what will be a world soviet.”–chabad-co-ordin.html

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The Truth About the Mark of the Beast @ Prophecy Clips

The Greek NT has Chi Xi Stigma for the Apoc. 13.18. The number 666 is the numeric translation of the Greek letters.   Read from left to right in Greek, the Chi Xi Stigma is an  alliteration of the sibilant letters. (Read aloud it is the hiss of the serpent)  Read from right to left in Aramaic the Greek letters spell: ‘in the name of Allah’ – the Bismillah.

Islam is the ‘Broom of Israel’

The Executors of the Jewish Money Sovereignty will bring first the Al Mahdi to kill the Christians and destroy the Western hegemon.  Their High Cabal is building Eurasia as the centrepiece of a new hegemon and world soviet.  And for that construction, the Jewish ethnostate of Israel (along with all other nationalisms) may well be selected for sacrifice. In the same way as the Crown Jews of the Empire of The City of London directed their Zionist warlord, Adolph Hitler to sift and select the assimilated European Jews when he signed the Haavara Agreement with the Zionist German Jews (August 25, 1933).  The Zionist Jews who obeyed the command to go to Palestine were enabled by the Nazi regime.  The non-Zionist, assimilated Jews were marked down as subjects for trauma based mind control of the international Jewish population and especially the population that would be conditioned to perceive itself as a ‘reborn from the holocaust’ in Palestine. “You Will Have No Place to Run. Islam is the Broom of Israel” by Rabbi Rav Touitou.

Now it is the Zionist Jews of the Israel ethnostate who are in the crosshairs of the Revolutionary Communist Jews  engaged in the formation of Eurasia as a single ’empire of empires’ to quote Aleksandr Dugin, thelamite crypto Jew and author The Fourth Political Theory (of the Communist Revolution) .

For years Netanyahu has propped up Hamas

Oct 8 2023.  Times of Israel. Tal Schneider

“The premier’s policy of treating the terror group as a partner, at the expense of Abbas and Palestinian statehood, has resulted in wounds that will take Israel years to heal from,” she said. Schneider was far from the only one to draw attention to this sordid history as the Israel government rushed to declare war on Hamas and begin their slaughter in Gaza.

“Since he took office as prime minister a second time,” wrote Dmitry Shumsky for Israel’s Haaretz on October 11, “Netanyahu developed and advanced a destructive, warped political doctrine that held that strengthening Hamas at the expense of the Palestinian Authority would be good for Israel.”


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Northern lights of Aurora Borealis turned the skies blue, green and red across parts of Europe. Netizens call their appearance as far south as Italy and Bulgaria: ‘apocalyptic’

Our Lady of Fatima spoke to the Shepherd Children of the Serra da Aire, Lucia dos Santos and her cousins Jacinta and Francisco Marto near the village of Fatima, Portugal 1917.

“If people do not stop offending God, a worse one [war] will break out during the reign of Pius XI. When you see a night illumined by an unknown light, know that this is the great sign given you by God that He is about to punish the world for its sins by means of war, famine and persecutions against the Church and of the Holy Father.”

The 75th anniversary of the Maoist Takeover in China falls on October 1, 2024,water%20were%20classified%20as%20harmless.

May 31, 2024, the Minjiang River flowing through Chuanzhusi in Sichuan Province turned blood red.  No – according to the Songpan County Ecological Environment Bureau, this is not a Biblical commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the Communist Chinese Revolution.  This is just an “abnormal body of water” .  It has been certified “non-toxic” with no dangerous levels of heavy metals.

The October Revolution, (Oct. 24-25, 1917 on the Julian Calendar)
was the second and last stage of the Jewish Bolshevik Revolution in Russia 1917.  Kerensky fled Petrograd and the Jewish Khazarian Bolsheviks (calling themselves Russians) seized power in Moscow with their international brigades and declared the immediate withdrawl of Russia from World War I.  (November 7 – 8, 1917 on the Gregorian Calendar).

Spectacular Northern lights across the Northern hemisphere
with the fall of the Draconids.

Most Holy Theotokos, Save Ukraine

“To tell our Western friends how much Ukraine has always been in history an integral part of this Europe and not just an Eastern fringe.”
Karl von Habsburg : Without Ukraine, Europe is not Completed
Sept 20, 2021

Mausoleo Ossario Garibaldino, Janiculum Hill, Rome

The Capture of Rome (Presa di Roma) 20 Sept. 1870

was the final event in the Revolution executed by the Grand Orient Freemasonry (Red Masonry) for the unification of Italy.  (Risorgimento 1848-1871).  This event marked the final defeat of the Papal States as an independent and sovereign polity in the reign of Pope Pius IX.

Displaying the bronze crown of Master Masonry,  ‘Roma o Morte’ (1895) is the monument to Giuseppe Garibaldi, the Italian General and Grand Master, responsible for the capture of Rome.
  The Revolution was made by the Jew Banking Cartel for capture of the estates, city states and principalities of the entire Peninsula (except San Marino).  The Papal States were taken at that time and Pope Pius IX was imprisoned in the Vatican.
The ancient estates of the unified and newly created Kingdom of Italy (1870)  lost their independence.  As captured states, they came under subjection to Masonic social order through ownership by the International Judenstaat and its racial supremacy.  From the time of  Unification, they become mere corporate assets of  its financial arm: the central banking cartel.

Larry Romanoff.  Nov. 21 2022.  “The Richest Man in the World”.

Documents that a small number of Jewish banking families operating out of the City of London (a sovereign city state) have for generations held wealth records with fortunes above the order of magnitude above anything we might have imagined.  These sovereign 13 are the financial arm of the International Judenstaat.

This cartel has financed the entire Revolutionary Era inaugurated in France 1789 as documented in the works of Andrew Carrington Hitchcock –The Synagogue of Satan: updated, expanded and uncensored. (2006, Money Tree Publishing);  Stephen Mitford Goodson – A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind (4th edition 2019, Black House Publishing).

“The secret of the Perestroika Deception is the permanent Revolution”

Anatoliy Golitsyn
The Perestroika Deception 1992

The world-wide Revolution of the Fourth ComIntern was established by Lev Bronstein (Trotsky) in Paris 1938 and formally inaugurated by World War II – for which no Armistice ever was signed.

Abuses of power will put the final touch in preparing all institutions for their overthrow and everything will fly skyward under the blows of the maddened mob”….”internecine strife soon develops into battles between classes in the midst of which states burn down and their importance is reduced to that of a heap of ashes.”  (The Protocols of Zion:  3 and 1.7.

The CoVID caste system for Certificate of Vaccination Identity is now being implemented through “Abuses of Power”.  As a policy of the Fourth ComIntern, it has the potential to become the most rigid and genocidal in the history of the Revolution to date.  Western governments, entirely subverted to Marxist-Leninism, are executing a Communist operation to create chaos and “exhaust the state in its own convulsions”.  (Protocol 1:8)

In the year of our Lord’s Reign 2020,

the Fourth ComIntern ( 1938 – ) declared its Manifesto of
de-facto accession to world power from its U.N. Praesidium
on March 11.

A yearbook by month from Paschaltide,  Feast of St. George, April 2020 A.D. setting out these tremendous events with their antecedents as the base and shape of things to come.

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals as ratified by all 153 UN member nations

Overnight, bio-security became the organising principle of regime change for all Western nations.

Where Did this “New World Order” Coup Come From? The Rockefeller’s “Social Engineering Project”

Continue reading


The White Horse Rider of the First Seal (Apoc 6:1-2)

33rd Olympiad

July 26 – Aug 11 2024

‘Paris Becomes the Centre of the World –

of sport and so much more’

Remember the French Revolution, which alone we call ‘Great’ for the secrets of its preparation are well known to us. It was entirely the work of our hands. (Protocols of Sion III.14)

When the first seal is broken, the spirit of Anti-Christ is revealed .   As seen by St John the Revelator, he rides upon a white horse going forth ‘conquering and to conquer’.  In the Biblical vision, St John describes him as having a bow (toxon) and receiving a victory wreath (stephanos).

The meaning of  these attributes is not limited to weapons of war. Figuratively, the bow could mean any arc and its degrees – a scythe and its sweep, the arc of an oration and its points, a strategy and its sectors, a narrative and its themes.

Spiritual realities work in many dimensions.

The Anti-Christ spirit has been possessed by many figures historically, most notably Judas Iscariat, who possessed and was possessed by him.  Some of his human agents and agencies are well noted in world history.  In modern times, some even bear his logo, for example the Council on Foreign Relations (‘ubique’) and the emblem flags of the Russian Federation and Rothschild family.

But in the time of the consumation (Matt 24: 14), Anti-Christ will come onto the world stage, another “son of perdition”, whom The Rider will again possess and take for himself.

Continue reading

Olympic Flag Hoisted Upside Down

Distress of Nations

Boundary stone of ancient Babylon depicting a Nergal locust soldier











Open Here 

Paris, July 27, 2024.  On ‘the day after the night before’ of the 33rd Olympiad Opening Ceremony which staged a lewd and blasephemous mockery of Leonardo da Vinci’s ‘The Last Supper’ fresco,
the City of Light plunged into darkness.


Sacré-Cœur Basilica on Montmartre (Hill of Martyrs) remains alight


Jesus Christ the King proclaims his Eucharistic Reign to the world in the city where the Great Revolution was formally inaugurated 1789 , the city which became the Progressive Ville lumière when it was the first city in Europe to use gas lighting to illuminate its streets.

Basilique du Sacré-Cœur de Montmartre

From its dome, the basilica overlooks the entire city of Paris and its suburbs.

His Excellency, Bishop of Nantes Felix Fournier, proposed (1870) to build the basilica in repair to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for the French Revolution and the enduring legacy of its blasphemies and outrages against faith and morals. Ground was broken 1875 in the decade before the centenary of the French Revolution 1889.

Perpetual Adoration of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist has been maintained at the site since 1885.

Spiritual communion at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Paris

Make reparation for the blasephemous outrages against the Lord Jesus Christ at the
Summer Olympics in Paris 2024

France, the Deep France (La France profonde) calls for aid.

Continue reading

The Child Sacrifice is hailed by the UK NHS in the Opening Ceremony of the London Summer Olympics 2012.

The London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games raises the Tophet for the global offering to Ba’al / Molech that will occur at the hands of the WHO, Big Abortion, Big Vaxx, Big Pharma, Big Bio-Tech and the Depts of Defense of all captured states whose governments are seated in the United [Communist] Nations.

The NHS Segment of the Ceremony 2012 was staged as predictive programming [NLP]  for the International CoVID Operation and depicts key events of the mirror 2021 year.

“The vaccine and abortion industries work together to harvest fetal tissue and turn it into vaccine ingredients like MRC-5 and WI-38. They grow the aborted fetal tissue, grind it up, and inject it into children (and adults) as part of new vaccines, including polio vaccines and some mRNA jabs.

“Decriminalisation of abortion in Qld. (2018) certainly lends itself to the international organ harvesting and body parts for sale business model that is currently under FBI investigation in the US.”

Aborted Baby Parts, Stem Cells and Organ Harvesting Are Big Business


There is a demonic, ritualistic aspect to all of this that harkens back to the Old Testament practices of sacrificing children to Molech. Today’s version of satanism pretends to be medicine but still delivers contaminants to the blood and the flesh.” Mike Adams. The Health Ranger Report. Sept 6 2024.—the-jewish-grift-is-u.html

Watch the summary videos of specific undercover meetings from CMP’s Human Capital project documenting Planned Parenthood’s sale of baby body parts. Full footage for each encounter is also available (full footage of the unreleased, subpoenaed undercover conversations is available from Congress).

“Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam”.  Cato
Carthago delenda est.

The Vaxx and Bio-Tech Plagues of Pharmakeia (Gal. 5:20 ; Apoc. 18:23) all involve human sacrifice, especially child sacrifice
Rona? 1992 Olympic Ceremony
The 1992 Olympics predicted 2021.
symbols of 1992, 2012 Olympics – predictive.

October 2020 – 25 A.D.  CoVID stands for ‘Certificate of Vaccination Identity’.  This is the code name for an international military operation being run by the  United [Communist] Nations.

CoVID is an UN Agenda 2030 Objective.


January 30, 2020.  The WHO declares SARS / MERS ‘nouvelle cov-2 corona virus’
(the common cold) to be a PHEIC 

(Yes, that’s right: Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) is actually pronounced FAKE. )

March 11, 2020 A.D.  The WHO upgrades the PHEIC declared upon all UN member nations.
And through the use of the PCR test, the official PHEICdemic managed to rebrand the common cold and influenza as a dreaded ‘covid’ virus.

The American biochemist Dr. Kary Mullis (1944 – 2019) won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1993) for his development of the polymerase chain reaction test.  He is on public record with his statement that pcr does not diagnose any disease.  And for the purposes of this most extensive military operation in the history of the world,  the untimely death of Dr. Mullis in 2019 can only be described as ‘convenient’.

Over the course of Operation CoVID, we have seen the universal and unprecendented suspension of the public sacrifice of the mass by the Church, as demanded by the Marxist UN member nation states.
We have seen the Vatican and its dioceses comply .

Eric, I offer my apology as you have requested, I was duped by the media hype and should have been stronger,” the bishop emeritus of Tyler, Texas, wrote on X.

“[Let] us pray for all shepherds to have stronger supernatural faith as we face more challenges in the future. May Christ be our Light in whatever darkness we face.”
Bishop Joseph Strickland

WHO declared an end to the ’emergency phase’ of the
CoVID-19 PHEICdemic
May 2024

This can only mean the world is still under the CoVID-19 PHEICdemic declaration of March 2020.

So what phase are we in now?

Short answer, we are in the ‘obfuscate and cover-up phase’ that is needed to cloak the ever upward annual trend in all cause mortalities and to censor and sideline the tens of thousands of people who now have chronic diseases and ill-health conditions from BOTH the mandatory covid injections AND the shedding of spike proteins from those who were injected.   

This is basically a double-down, rinse and repeat process to uphold the Official 2020 CoVID Correctness

Remember when millions of healthy,  asymptomatic people across the Western nations waited in long drive-though lines for a covid test that would tell them if they are sick or not.

The new CoVID Correctness is : plan on having CoVID-19.  It’s the New Normal.

In example:  almost 1 in 4 Australians may be at risk of severe illness from CoVID 19.

CoVID-19 injections are recommended for adults, particularly for those at high risk of severe CoVID-19.  Talk to your doctor. [Always talk to the doctor who is pushing you to get injected with a GMO prion disease].

“Symptoms of cold or flu?  It may not just be a cold or infuenza.  Test for CoVID-19 if you have symptoms like: stuffy or runny nose, cough, sore throat, sneezing.  Are you 70+ years of age?  Are you even moderately to severely immuno-compromised?  Are you on immuno-suppressants?  Do you live in a rural or remote area?  Do you live in aged care?  Do you have a disability?  Are you pregnant?  Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent and aged 30+ years?  Are you obese?   Do you have a chronic health condition such as diabetes? asthma? fatty liver?  These are all covid correctoid risk factors for developing a severe illness or becoming chronically ill with CoVID-19 (Long CoVID).   Know your risks.  Talk to your doctor.”

Red Pill Translation for those who are struggling with CoVID Matrix Deception :  The above risk factors and indeed any factor is a ‘risk factor’ like bad breath, nits or Islamophobia.

The deceptive, weasel word ‘Long CoVID’ is now proverbial in all international health messaging and in Australia – AHPRA dicta and messaging.

As a reference term and diagnosis:  ‘Long CoVID’ is being officially deployed to cloak the prion diseases that have become endemic in the community since the covid injection mandates 2021.  These are diseases of the GMO spike protein covid biotech injections.

The Canadian Government now admits that deaths have surged among citizens who received Covid mRNA booster shots.

A peer reviewed study has confirmed that Covid mRNA ‘vaccines’ caused a staggering 112,000% surge in deadly blood clots in the brain.  “Covid-19 Vaccines: a Risk Factor for Cerebral Thrombotic Syndromes”. Internationational Journal of Innovative Research in Medical Science (IJIRMS) vol. 09, issue 11, Nov 2024.

The GMO modRNA is recombinant with human DNA and other viral DNA – so new variants will be emerging.  If an injectee becomes infectious with it, they can shed these spike proteins to others.

CoVID-19 genetic modifications [still deceptively called vaccinations in AHPRA official covidspeak] are recommended for adults, particularly for those at high risk of severe CoVID-19 .  “Test early for CoVID-19.  Note that some people may have no symptoms but still test positive.  Take action quickly if you test positive.  Talk to your doctor.  Oral antivirals [not Ivermectin] are available and should be started within 5 days of symptoms for people with a postive CoVID test who have a high risk of severe illness.”

GMO spike proteins of the modRNA biotech are now in the vaxx schedules for children.  In Australia, these serums are not even being regulated by the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR)

Independent studies on the shedding of the GMO spike protein are now finding publication.  The most promising is the Yale LISTEN Study.  Watch this space.

Yale researchers have found the CoVID spike protein in the blood of people who were never infected with CoVID – years after they were injected.  Their data suggests that the GMO spike protein has integrated with human DNA causing long term spike production.
The Yale LISTEN Study
Dec 20 2024

According to Dr. Pierre Kory, MD, MPA the most puzzling thing we’ve seen with the vaccine is its ability to shed and harm those who never got it.  A peer reviewed study published in  the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and Research validates the thousands of shedding reports sent to us.
Menstrual Abnormalities Strongly Associated with Proximity to CoVID 19 Vaccinated Individuals. (Vol. 3 No. 2(2024)
Dec 10 2024

Injecting a critical mass of the population with a bioweapon that sheds biotech spike protein sequences (prions) that have been jigged with nano venoms, moulds and whatever else is in those tens of thousands of patents has released a “Dangerous Genetic Mechanism of Action before Sufficient Pre-clinical Testing”.




What phase of the PHEIC are we in now?

The second short answer:  we are in the assessment phase. 

Even those peer reviewed medical journals (Big Pharma screeds) have been compelled to publish new and independent studies that at least acknowledge the adversities and the spike protein modRNA injection with a view to salvaging what can be salvaged of  the PHEIC and the CoVID Correctness of the  Official Narratives.

To wit, a University of Bristol led study, published in JAMA Psychiatry on August 21, 2024
investigated associations of CoVID-19 with mental illnesses according to vaccination status.

Apparently health data obtained on 18 million people diagnosed with severe CoVID-19 has been examined.   And the unvaccinated people are showing a higher incidence of mental illnesses for up to a year following a severe Covid-19 infection.  Vaccination, however, (while not preventing CoVID-19 infection – as everyone now would know) DOES mitigate this incidence of mental illness.  JAMA seriously published this nonsense.

As these Operations like ‘Warp Speed’ and ‘CoVID Shield’ undergo assessment and salvage, it is important not to lose sight of the Big Picture
which was evident from the beginning of the PHEIC Declaration in 2020.

“Censorship of Public Health Science” by Judy Wilyman PhD.  Oct 23, 2020.

“There never was a public health anything.  It was racketeering for the purpose of instilling terror to adapt the behaviours of populations. 
Period.  That is all it was.  That is what it always was.”
Dr. David Martin to the EU Parliament in Strasbourg, Sept. 13 2023.

There never was a ‘New Corona Virus’; there never was a pandemic
Prof. Michael Chossudovsky. Nov. 27 2023 with updates Aug 4 2024

“ ‘You Were Right, Vaccines Are Killing Millions of Our Loved Ones’,”
Kazuhiro Haraguchi, Japan’s former Minister of Internal Affairs

Destabilizing the social, political and economic structure of 190 sovereign countries cannot constitute  a “solution” to combating a novel coronavirus  which mysteriously emerged in Wuhan, Hubei province (PRC) in late December 2019. That was the imposed “solution” —implemented in several stages from the very outset–, leading to The March 2020 Lockdown and the Rollout of a so-called Covid 19 “Vaccine” in December 2020, which since its inception has resulted in an upward trend in excess mortality. 

It’s the destruction of people’s lives Worldwide. It is the destabilization of civil society.

Fake science was supportive of this devastating agenda. The lies were sustained by a massive media disinformation campaign. 24/7, Incessant and Repetitive Covid alerts” in the course of more than three years. In turn, the ongoing fear campaign had devastating impacts on people’s health

The  historic March 11, 2020 lockdown triggered economic and social chaos Worldwide. This was an act of “economic warfare”: a war against humanity.

The Whole CoVID Meshuggeneh has been operated by the Crucial Jews (That Strategic <1%) who are pulling the levers and pushing the buttons for Global Pandemic Hoax.  Clearly, they are also managing the ‘lights, cameras, action’, directing the celebrity influencers, tik-tokkers and politicians, doctoring the script, acting, dictating
and rolling out the spike protein, bio-hack injection for the global population. 

“I am corona virus, the Great and Powerful. Pay No Attention to the United [Communist] Nations Agenda Behind the Curtain. “

“I am done talking about Covid and SARS cov-2 and I am done for a very simple reason…
a small group of criminal industrial conspirators decided to subordinate the entireity of the human population for the purpose of their sinister plans to enrich themselves while impoverishing and killing the rest of humanity … I am done being polite…

“And I am not going to sugar coat it…This is a criminal cartel.”   Dr. David Martin

A Study in Trauma Based Mind Control : the Biderman Report 1956 .

Denver Airport Mural 1994 of the CoVID Operation 2020

“There never was a public health anything.  It was racketeering for the purposes of instilling terror to adapt the behaviour of populations.  That is what it was.  That is what it always was. Period.
“But the problem even with the theory that ‘we had an outbreak of something 2020’ is falsifiable from the data from Zurich that shows us that in the year of the ‘death pandemic’ around the globe 2020, life insurance companies paid 30 billion dollars less in claims.”

Life insurance data show a massive spike in  excess deaths  among younger, working-age people that began in 2021, even as COVID-19 deaths decreased, and continue today.

A report by the nonprofit Society of Actuaries found that 34% more 35 – to 44-year-olds died than expected in the last three months of 2022.  More deaths occurred among white-collar vs. blue-collar workers. The organization also reported a sudden jump in employee deaths in the fall of 2021.  Independent sites aggregating Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data confirm these trends. According to U.S. Mortality, excess deaths in September 2021 among 25- to 44-year-olds were 70% above normal. That number has dropped, but as of May 2023, the most recent month for which data are available, deaths in this age group remained 10% above expected. Among people under 25, it was 16% above normal.  Even Big Corporate media is reporting these trends

Take Note and Remember.  Risk exposure is underwritten by reinsurers, whose bill is comprised of a blended contribution – so all premiums will rise, and it will be passed off as sector inflation. However, reinsurers sounded the alarm this week at LIMRA. “Three years into the pandemic there’s a new spike in mortality that has reinsurers worried. “The headline fact is that we’ve still got excess mortality” said Neil Sprackling, CEO of US life and health for Swiss Re, at the LIMRA Conference on Monday, National Harbor, MD. “There’s a spike and it’s beginning to have an impact with the general population.”

“We did not have a pandemic, we are having a genocide.”
Dr. David Martin


Along with wars, open borders, White nation ethnic cleansing, geo-engineered climate crisis
and Net Zero energy policies,
biosecurity is a central organising principle of both UN and Earth Charter
for the mandated destruction of Western nations and societies.

Daniel Andrews found crying under a desk as thousands storm Melbourne’s Shrine of Remembrance.  His Minders make him bring out ‘the Angry Nurse’ to retrieve the official narrative.

October 23,  2020. The so-called Freedom Day began at 2pm at the Shrine of Remembrance, where protesters gathered holding placards and giving speeches before being encircled by a line of police.

A favoured tactic of the Fake News Media is to label something “so-called” which they wish to discredit without evidence.
Violent anti-lockdown protests lead to 16 arrests.
Sky News Australia.
Oct 24 2020.

Hundreds of anti-lockdown protesters have violently clashed with police in Melbourne resulting in the arrest of 16 people and 96 penalty notices. Under current restrictions, protests are not considered illegal, but gatherings of more than ten are. Protesters – many without masks – holding flagpoles and signs attacked mounted police officers and horses as tensions boiled over at the Shrine of Remembrance. After officers formed a ring of steel around the group, protestors reconvened in South Melbourne where they threw flares and struck a police van.

Premier Daniel Andrews said the unsafe and unlawful protest was “shameful” because it was conducted at the Shrine of Remembrance.

More than 200 protestors arrested at Melbourne’s shrine of remembrance.
Groot Corona protest in Amsterdam
NOS Jeugdjournaal. Oct 4 2021
Time Lapse of Sept 11, 2021 demonstration, Amsterdam


June 6 2020. At the height of the lockdowns (for Whitey) BLM rallied across Sydney and Melbourne.  Clearly the numbers were in tens of thousands.   This  was declared an authorised public assembly minutes before the 3 pm start.
Thousands rallied at Sydney Black Lives Matter protest authorised minutes before start
June 6 2020.
Guardian News.
Michael Leunig axed from The Age editorial over COVID cartoon
Oct 25 2021.

ROLL Tide:  Excess Deaths, All Cause Mortality and the Advent of the
‘Turbos’ like Turbo Cancer, Turbo Diabetes and Autoimmunes.
#Died Suddenly – trending on Twitter / X
with special recognition of elite athletes.

Office of National Statistics (ONS) UK clearly shows that vaccinated persons of the UK nations under 60 years of age are dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated people of the same age and have been for six months. (Nov. 21 2024)

Dr. Peter McCullough

“The vaccines are causing an enormous wave of illness.  And there have been a series of false CoVID narratives that now have come full circle.  Even now, we are seeing a third false narrative.

The first false narrative was from 2020. 
‘The covid virus is unassailable.  We have to stay in lockdown, wear masks and be fearful.

The second false narrative was ‘take the vaccine; it is safe and effective.’ 

The third false narrative came after the mass vaccination of the global population. 
‘It’s not the vaccine causing all these excess deaths and illnesses.  It’s CoVID.  It’s the CoVID we saw in 2020 that is causing all these deaths and illnesses in 2022’. (and 2023, 2024 and 2025…)

Don’t fall for the false narrative.  The medical literature at this time is compelling.”

This chart prepared from the UK government’s data from the Office of National Statistics

Maintaining CoVID Correctness in the Face of Mounting Evidence:
Official Strategies

Nova Scotia is probably the most savvy.  Their CoVID-19 vaxx adverse event summary even  includes mention that 8% of the reports were categorized as “other serious or unexpected events” including “recurring cancer.  But in Canada, covid political correctness is circling the drain and the gov’t can not retrieve the Official Narrative.  It looks like they aren’t even going to try to persuade Canadians that heart attacks and strokes among grade school children playing sport is now the new and  accepted ‘normal’ – because it  has always been ‘under-reported’ don’t you know. No one is going to believe that.  But an official inquiry into the PHEIC and the gov’t response is unthinkable as the All Cause Mortality stats continue on upward trajectory for another year post the mRNA vaxx mandates.

So they are just going to destroy the evidence – all CoVID mRNA vials.

Whereas the British Columbia response to their own official data – which clearly shows  the CoVID vaxx is killing people –  is to delete the data from their website.  That’ll fix it.

The data from Singapore also falls in the too obvious category with steady excess mortality every month.  It is a trend and it is trending.   Perhaps they haven’t yet twigged that if the Ministry of Health Policies are working, then the numbers would go the other way.  They aren’t.  And they haven’t since the vaxx roll out.  In Singapore, the gov’t  solution is to brazen it out with the Singaporeans and jail anyone who can interpret data and tries to start a conversation about the Ministry of Health stats.  Blabbing and explaining the official data on X is now against the law.

The Dutch are rather more devious.  They have introduced double ledger bean counting for their CoVID vaxx registers.  They have removed from one dataset the people who were vaxxed and died.  Naturally, that is the set they make officially available by way of showing anti-vaxxers that the vaxx is at least safe.  Maybe not effective, they concede, but safe.

Yes.  The Conspiracy Theorists are right.  There are Nano Bots in the vaxx.

Confirmed: Nano Bots in Vaccines – New Study Proves What We Have Been Warning About for Years!
Sept. 13, 2024.  World Alternative Media.

“Real Time Self Assembly of Stereomicroscopically Visible Artifical Constructions Incubated Specimens of mRNA Products Mainly from Pfizer and Moderna: A Comprehensive Longitudinal Study.”   Young Mi Lee, MDq, Daniel Broudy, PhD2.

“…reasonable inferences can be drawn about observed injuries worldwide that have occurred since the injectables were pressed upon billions of individuals.

In addition to cellular toxicity, our findings reveal numerous on the order of 3~4 x106 per milliliter ofthe injectablevisible artificial self-assembling entities ranging from about 1to 100μm,or greater,of many different shapes. There were animated worm-like entities, discs, chains, spirals, tubes, right-angle structures containing other artificial entities within them, and so forth. All these are exceedingly beyond any expected and acceptable levels of contamination of the COVID-19 injectables,and incubation studies revealed the progressive self-assembly of many artifactual structures.

As time progressed during incubation, simple one-and two-dimensional structures over two or three weeks became more complex in shape and size developing into stereoscopically visible entities in three-dimensions. They resembled carbon nanotube filaments, ribbons, and tapes, some appearing as transparent, thin, flat membranes, and others as three-dimensional spirals, and beaded chains. Some of these seemed to appear and then disappearover time. 

Our observations suggest the presence of some kind of nanotechnology in the COVID-19 injectables.  Keywords: mRNA, modified RNA, COVID-19 vaccineincubation,stereomicroscopic examination, nanotechnology.”

Pfizer BioNTech COVID19 Bioweapon: Self Assembled Liposomes After 2 Weeks At Room Temperature. Correlations To COVID19 Vaccinated Embalmed Blood And Unvaccinated Live Blood – Its All The Same!.
Sept 23 2024. Anna Maria Mihalcea

Australian DNA Contamination:
And ‘Beware of the TGA’s Hand Waving Misdirection.’  Julian Gillespie.

Dr. John Campbell: Japanese & South Korean Scientists find NANO-STRUCTURES

Confirmed: Nano Bots in Vaccines – New Study Proves What We Have Been Warning About for Years!  Sept. 13, 2024.

The Embalmer Analysis Results Will Blow Your Mind [even if it is already blown]

#Plasmidgate DNA Contamination Studies
Open Here

I know what is coming and it’s scary” – the nurses know.

Where should I start? Right after the stabby-jabbies started? That’s when we started seeing the heart issues, kidney issues, skin, strokes, embolism. Diabetes. Diabetes off the chart. Patients who didn’t have diabetes went up 75%.
I’m one of 3 people that didn’t take the vaccine at this hospital…and you wouldn’t believe what I’ve seen…I don’t even use the washrooms here…I go home…”

This is in Britain. Does anyone expect it is different in New Zealand or anywhere else?

“I’ve got the 2006 documents from the FDA on gene therapy….They say the gene therapy drugs (modRNA) will cause Delayed Adverse Reactions including ‘malignant transformations’ which means cancer. ” 
US attorney, Tom Renz, CEO of Renz Lawyers which brought suit against EcoHealth Alliance over their sponsorship of research into what Ralph Baric has called “Gain of Function bio-warfare enabling technologies.”   Author of modRNA : Why It Matters. (Oct 6, 2023)
Vaxxed 3 | Authorized To Kill
October 5 2024

Children’s Health Defense embarked on a nine-month journey across America, gathering powerful testimonies from the people. Our interviews ranged from mothers and fathers to teenagers, families, medical professionals, whistleblowers, lawyers, and people from all walks of life.

The CoVID “vaccines” (not) have conservatively killed between 17-20+ MILLON people globally and vaccine damaged over a billion while the government’s mandated health protocols of ventilators, remdesivir, and withdrawal of antibiotics caused an additional 14 MILLION deaths, many of which were blamed on those ‘Covid”- world-class scientists’.

Denis Rancourt has done the most comprehensive research on this using death statistics from over 100 + countries to show that the majority of deaths occurred once the “vaccines” were introduced and have caused an uptick in all-cause mortality that continues today as more and more

people continue to succumb to medium and long-term side effects.

Open Here

TURBO CANCER IN CHILDREN Ages 10-19: SARCOMA – Link to Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Established in VAERS.

Dr. Makis–“Sudden presentations of Stage 4 Lung Cancer at age 28 is unheard of. The only thing that makes any of these stories possible, and there are thousands of them, is mandating COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines on young, healthy people.

Todd Callender: “We know from the DMED database, the military database, that in 10 months of 2021, not even a complete year, all causes of morbidity and mortality had increased by 1100% over 2020… If you look at the forecast, that should be in the neighbourhood of 5000% increase this year… This is Genocide…

The Phoney Baloney Pandemic Crisis (2020) was concocted and organised for the VAXX and a universal Certificate of VAXX ID (CoVID).  The Simpson’s predicted this.

The Best Way to Predict the Future is to Plan It Yourself
Simpsons – Life Imitates Art – House Cat Flu
Tom B
World Vaccine Congress.  Huge Conflab. Check out their packages for government, NGOs, Big Pharma, Big Bio-Tech and Standard Vendor Packages paying full price.
CoVID Agony.
Oct 31, 2022
Brave New Normal Ep. 050 – Denis Rancourt.
Aug 13 2024

Dr. Denis Rancourt is a physics PhD, former professor and co-director at Correlation Research in the Public Interest.   Discussion of  Correlation’s recently published research into all-cause excess mortality during the Covid period, what they discovered, and the stunning consequences of the pandemic response over the emergence of the virus itself.

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‘Permanent Neutrality
in an Era of Biological Weapons for Hire’

In the US (Operation Warp Speed) and in Australia (Operation Covid Shield) were conducted in partnership with the Depts of Defense under the March 2020 official WHO  declaration of a Public Health Emergency of International Concern ( a PHEIC which is still declared btw) .

May 2024 it was decreed that ‘the emergency phase’ of the PHEIC was no longer in operation – but that can be rebooted at any time.

Under these international military operations conducted with the Depts of Defense of UN member nations, the national laws must give way to international law of the UN and its organisations (aka ‘multi-lateral partners in UNspeak). Where there is a conflict of law between the criminal law of a signatory nation like the US or Australia and the international law of the UN, the international law will  take precedence.

And as Dr. Martin has pointed out in his presentations, the International Health Treaty which chartered the WHO in 1947 specifically indemnified and granted immunity to the WHO (and its operations) in the matter of all criminal and civil liabilities which exist in any  national law. (Article 5 / Section 13 of the WHO Charter. International Health Treaty)

The UN signatory nations have signed off on this. The WHO is completely indemnified to commit bio-terrorism in any nation that is signatory to the International Health Treaty.

So it should now be clear (as in crystal ) why governments are destroying mRNA vials, why criminal charges can not be laid against government agencies conducting an operation for the WHO.  Of if criminal charges can get through the gauntlet and actually succeed in being laid, why these  are simply being dismissed without verdict or disqualified on ‘no standing’ grounds.  Such decisions are especially noteworthy where crimes are clearly proven against government agencies and employers with regard to CoVID mandates, regulations, enforcement etc. by agenies of  Operation Warp Speed and in Australia Operation Covid Shield.  We are looking at dismissals even when there is an admission from the bench that the evidence has succeeded but the charge could not.  No wonder Big Pharma needs to bolster its CoVID Correctness with studies which show the ‘unvaccinated’ to be ‘at risk’ of mental illness.  Pass the cheetohs and Bud Lite.

And, of course, the WHO total immunity in accordance with its Charter explains  why parliaments and legislative bodies refuse to even debate the issue of the excess deaths – why the members just get up and walk out or refuse to even be present when mounting evidence (that continues to mount) is tabled. 

“The risk of Gain of Function Research is worth the risk of a pandemic”

Dr. Anthony Fauci.  Former Director of the National Institute of of Health

“The CoVID-19 vaccines are causing variant strains.  This program was ill-conceived, unnecessary and is killing people.”

Dr. Luc Montagnier.  Nobel Prize winning virologist

Update:  Patrick J. McShay. “The CoVID-19 vaccine is an Israeli Mossad created bioweapon to genocide the world’s population”.

David Martin – Oct biggest bombshells

Permanent Neutrality in an Era of Biological Weapons for Hire”

The above video  features a lecture David E. Martin,1 Ph.D., gave in Dornach, Switzerland, in Sept.  2023. Martin is a national intelligence analyst and founder of IQ100 Index, which developed linguistic genomics, a platform capable of determining the intent of communications.

This technology has allowed Martin to scan and review millions of patents, resulting in a paper trail that conclusively proves SARS-CoV-2 is a manmade bioweapon that has been in the works for 58 years.

In Part 2 of 2, Dr. Martin addresses the International Health Regulations Treaty:  “a horrible idea that violates prima facie every constitution on earth.” Martin holds that the  arguments about which IHR should be adopted (or not) does not get to grips with the fundamental.  No IHR should adopted by any country.  This is because the basis of all IHR is the 1947 establishment of criminal immunity afforded to the WHO.  Fundamentally, the WHO can not be reformed because from the inception (1947) the WHO is based upon  immunity from any criminal liability –  for murder, racketeering, criminal collusion, whatever.   The debate should not be centred on what crimes are being committed with these mRNA bioweapons and the PHEICs but rather the fact that all criminal liabilities are indemnified under the international law.

Note for Australia: This is why the Defence Legislation Amendment (Enhancement of Defence Force Response to Emergencies) Bill 2020 (the Bill) is to amend the Defence Act 1903 (Defence Act) and the Defence Reserve Service (Protection) Act 2001 (DRSP Act) was passed into law Dec. 8 2020.  This Act provides indemnity for all acts which would otherwise incur criminal and civil liability for the ADF and any military forces that are  tasked on Australian soil [against Australians].  This Act clearly envisions WHO enforcement of IHR which operations must have this total immunity in accordance with the International Health Regulations Treaty.

Federal Parliament passes the Defence Legislation Amendment (Enhancement of Defence Force Response to Emergencies) Bill 2020

And on October 22nd, 2014, during the Gain of Function (GoF) moratorium, Fauci authorized Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to continue his illegal bioweapon research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology:

 Fauci authorises Baric to continue bioweapon research during moratorium.

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No ‘pandemic agreement’. The IHR is irreformable.   Abolish the WHO. Sept 20 2024.

Another [Lockstep] Plandemic in the Making

PSYOP-DISEASE-X Rising: WHO convenes ’emergency’ meeting over outbreak of ultra-deadly Mpox strain causing ‘international concern’

The former Ethiopian Gook terrorist , Dr. Tedros,  is again beating the pandemic drum.

Apparently the Bird Flu is not going to cut it as an official PHEICdemic narrative.

From the bogus bird flu to mendacious monkey pox, the United Nation’s technocratic global genocide node in the World Health Organization (WHO) is now raising the alarm.  They are rehashing their failed PSYOP-19 followup with “pandemic” fearmongering… Aug 7 2024

by 2nd smartest guy in the world

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August 2024. WHO has just declared another PHEIC. (Public Health Emergency of International Concern and yes, of course, it is pronounced FAKE. They do so love to mock us).

It it is not yet another PHEICdemic, but we should expect a CoVID [Certificate of Vaxx ID] PHEICdemic to be officially declared on Monkey Pox (Clade IB).

The beep beep sounded last year when Dr. (I use the term loosely) Tedros, former Ethiopian Gook Comunist Terrorist and now the Director General of WHO declared a PHEIC on the Monkey Pox. But he didn’t have the numbers in the WHO Emergency Committee to make it official.  As of August 2024, he now has the numbers.

Possums and non possumus(es) , you have to get Tedros.  He just has to be the deluxe   Diversity Hire – gay as a rainbow buttplug, dumb as a bag of rocks and mad as a cut snake. Don’t you just know the poor old Ethiopians were glad to see Tedros get a turbo boot out of Ethiopia even it was into the Top Dr. Death position in the WHO.

I would bet you any money The Monkey Pox will be is some infernal variant of bio-tech smallpox or HZV + spike protein from the CoVID vaxxes that health systems around the world  have been using to prime the global population since 2021.

Delta didn’t get off the ground as a cover story for these variants, but I expect this one will. And count on it, they will have a whole new batch of vaxx bio-weapons ready to roll for Clade IB as soon as the PHEICdemic is officially declared. The excess deaths from the CoVID might still be rolling in,  but whole new batches for the new PHEIC will be ready to roll as soon as it is declared.

The idea here is depopulation. And the vaxx exempts will be as telling for Clade IB as they were for the ‘SARS MERS nouvelle cov-2’ batshit crazy flu – the political elite above a certain pay grade and job classification will, of course, be exempt. Big Pharma employees will be exempt. The mass migration replacement for the White nation will be either protected with placebo vaxx batches or exempt

Ya gotta know when to hold ’em; know when to fold ’em;
know when to walk away; know when to run.

Expect a replay of the old CoVID Protools with the Communist Health System. In Australia, the AHPRA regime it is worthy of the Nikolai Semashko Model .   For sure, they’ll have a test that does not diagnose anything so they can get the asymptomatic people under quarantine and contact traced. Those who fall into the hands of the system for whatever condition – even if its a hemorrhoid, Islamophobia or nits – will get themselves a diagnosis on some PHEIC test or other quicker than you can say Monkey Pox.

And they could very well wind up in the hospital and killed with Midazolam and respirators. (As so many were the last time, I might add). 

But for people who will develop another variant of the CoVID vaxxes
– start thinking now.

Attention homeopaths. Read up on the following homeopathics:
Arnica 200C or 1M – (½ hr later) Arsenicum album 200C – Merc-cor 1M – Arsenicum album 200C – Causticum 1M – Variolinum 1M.
How you space out the Hx will be determined by the rate and pace of the presentation.

GMO Prion Diseases from the Spike Protein CoVID Injections : What Do We Do About It?

This webpage covers Ivermectin, Fenbendazole studies and protocols, as well as chlorine dioxide (MMS)
You can order it online or make chlorine dioxide with sodium bi carb (must be aluminium free) and lemons.

Start with just a small amount of sodium bi carb (eg a tablesppon) and start adding fresh lemon juice a few drops at a time. It will fizz then stop. When it stops, then add another few drops and then repeat until no more fizz.
Your solution is then saturated as chlorine dioxide. Take a tsp of it in a shot glass of water.

Monkeypox is VAIDs – Vaxx Acquired Immuno-deficiency

Monkeypox is a coverup for damage done to Immune System by COVID Vaccination resulting in Shingles, Autoimmune Blistering Disease & Herpes Infection.

Another global scamdemic “emergency” in MonkeyPox, or the rebranded Mpox, was recently announced by the Marxist Ethiopian war criminal, BigPharma bioterrorist, and Bill Gates installed Director-General of the World Health Organization…

In the following interview, Dr. David Martin discusses official PHEICdemic fear campaigns  of made up diseases which are a cover story for very real variant developments of the patented biotech that has already been deployed against mass populations through the covid mass vaxx programme.  And he recalls to us that there are many patented bioweapon pathogens that can be deployed in mass vaxx programmes ordered by governments under UN bio-security laws


Dr. David Martin Drops The Biggest COVID Bombshells Yet and Lays Out A Path To Victory Against The Biological Terrorists

The best thing that anybody who is actually listening to this right now is to recognize that when you are told there is an emergency of international concern [PHEIC], remember this is now a codeword for the preservation of tyrannical reach into the suppression of individual liberties.

That is all it is. Nobody is dying of monkey pox. Nobody is dying of H5N2. [As naturally occurring diseases]

And to the chagrin of all the NIAID, I pointed out that H5N2 was in patents filed in the United States where the supply of H5N2 was coming from NIAID’s own commercial laboratory facilities. Literally. You could dial up the lab and get H5N2 delivered to you.

So this idea that somehow or other there is a new variant / variants coming down the pipe is nonsense. These things are published. They are written. They are in patent documents . And we are very, very clear on the fact that not a single one of these has been a public health risk. We have 68 pathogens that we are monitoring right now. 68. This is a loaded gun. This is not Monkeypox , CoVID’s over. You know H5N2 is over. We’ve got 68 of these to come. So listen.

[AJ: They’ve got weaponized, gain of function versions wating]

Martin: Yes – of 68 other things and those are toxins , those are pathogens , those are chemicals. Those are all sorts of things. … The fact of the matter is: we know there are more coming.” Dr. David Martin

What Do We Do About It?
Common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) efficiently blocks the interaction between ACE2 cell surface receptor and SARS-CoV2 spike protein D614 mutants: D614G, N501Y, K417N and E484K in vitro. March 19, 2021.

Make a tincture with a good vodka. Dig up the dandelion plant: root, stem, leaf and flower. Rinse in distilled water with celtic sea salt. Preserve in a good commercial vodka. Take 10 – 15 drops in 30 mls of distilled water daily.

Pets also are being affected by the turbo blood cancers of the covid modRNA and its shedding.  Holistic vets are using 1 tsp of dandelion root / 20 lbs of weight daily.  The recommendation is to simmer 1 cup of water with the dandelion root for 20 mins , let it cool and syringe it into the mouth.
Degradative Effect of Nattokinase on Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2
Destroying spike protein! – COVID-19 update 60
Sept 29, 2022

“Can Nattokinase Replace Prescription Anti-coagulants? Extensive Review Summarizes State of Knowledge and Complementary Mechanisms” (Dec 31, 2024)

The Courage to Face Covid-19:  Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex  (Nov. 22, 2022) John Leake, Peter McCullough.  Foreward by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 

Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Dysinformation Himself and his colleagues developed an early treatment protocol of generic, repurposed drugs and supplements that has saved millions of CoVID-19 patients from hospitalization and death.

These drugs are: Ivermectin and Fenbendazole.  The Pharmacological base of Ivermectin is the genus artemisia which has been a source of anti-malarial drugs in traditional, herbal medicine. For example, Cina – aremisia cina,  common wormwood – artemisia absinthium and mugwort – artemisia vulgaris.   Chinchona bark is the Peruvian anti-malarial from which quinine and  hydroxychloroquine were derived and is the basis of the homeopathic china officianalis.

Dr. Peter McCullough is a cardiologist and his Google Bioblip and Wiki Snark tell you everything you need to know. “Peter Andrew McCullough is an American former cardiologist. [As if it is possible to be a ‘former cardiologist’] McCullough was the vice chief of internal medicine at Baylor University Medical Center and a professor at Texas A&M University.”  As a tenured professor, McCullough is well published in his professional field, but The Courage to Face Covid-19 will be his lasting contribution to medicine because according to the CDC “from the beginnings of the Covid-19 pandemic, McCullough has promoted misinformation about Covid-19.”  With a recommendation like that from the CDC he is definitely on the right track.

In despite of McCullough’s success with his early treatment protocol, it was not welcomed by public health officials. [Can you imagine?]

A lot of people are discovering the McCullough Protocol works and adding other substances to it.  Most recently, Mel Gibson took time out from the Jan 2025 LA fires to talk with Joe Rogan.  And the conversation turned to ‘what is working’ for the absolute smorgasbord of prion diseases CAUSED by the covid injections. 
Uploaded TheMentorHouse

Gibson: “I had three friends with stage 4 cancer [read ‘sudden presentation stage 4 covid spike protein injection / shedding turbo cancer].   All three of them don’t have cancer now and they had some serious stuff going on. ”  He mentions Ivermectin and Fenbendazole and methylene blue [think of hospital blue light ante natal care].   Gibson also mentioned  “hydrochloride something or other”. [ This could be hydroxychloroquine.  Or it could be chlorine dioxide – CDS tablets are used as a water purifier and safe for ingestion ].

For the entire interview, see “Joe Rogan Experience #2254 – Mel Gibson”.  At 1:30:30 Mel discusses his father Hutton Gibson’s WWII experience with anti-malarials (hydroxychloroquine).  @1:37:38 Gibson narratives “I had three friends with stage 4 cancer”.  (

The Bolivian Health System mandated chlorine dioxide as a broad spectrum anti-microbial against Covid-19 and they had one of the best outcomes in Latin America.  The Bolivian MPs who passed a law supporting this health mandate have expressed their belief that their action led to a massive reduction in deaths.
Dr Lee Merritt: Parasite Protocol: The New Parasite Paradigm (October 20th 2022)
Uploaded by Libertarian99

This is probably the key to everything. For the vaxxed and for the unvaxxed. Here is an explanation of the natural and synthetic parasites that can live the blood culture created by the biotech spike protein mRNA injection.

The development of knowledge through the vaxx experiment has led to a better understanding of immunodeficiency and cancer which is the end-stage. Parasitical infection is an important component of cancer. Why are these cancers bursting out after the vaxx? Why do auto-immune inflammations respond to anti-parasiticals Ivermectin?

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When Being CoVID Jab Injured is the New Normal

We Are All Mutemwas
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The world united against 250,000 Whites and the official representatives of all 4,000,000 Blacks, their traditional Chiefs, to destroy Rhodesia. Why? What was the real agenda? And why is Rhodesia so much more significant than being “just a footnote” in history?

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A most sincere thank you to correspondents who have contacted me through this website.
To You All: I have read of your interest, advice, ideas and comments.

At this time I have no plans for introducing a comments section.  I have not ruled this out, however.  I may be able to introduce such a feature when the homepages for all twelve months of the traditional Roman Catholic liturgical year are created – as originally planned, an effort requiring several years.

In answer to many requests since July 2022, I will certainly not wait that long to create a webpage for Xavier Reyes-Ayral author of Revelations (published May 31, 2022)

Thank you for many notifications.  Agreed. This is a matter of priority. will offer a  permanent homepage feature and vlog for the Channel : ‘Mother & Refuge of the End Times’ and the interviews they are hosting with Xavier Reyes-Ayral.  Our comment will be featured on that web page as the story of the Revelations Crusade develops.  The live stream interviews on M&R have a ‘Live Chat’ facility.     Thank you so much to those who have emailed references on relevant material from Church historian:  Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea Maritima circa 314 A.D, the War in the Vendee and so many branches of this story. Literally.

This website is intended primarily for the traditional Catholic home schools and home school communities of the Anglosphere nations with a special recognition of the Rhodesia-sphere world-wide.

It was never envisioned for high traffic or page one on Google. If a good effort has here been made, much of our subject matter will be shadow banned on the search engines and fail to meet
‘community standards’ of Big Tech and its platforms.

By this metric, I think we may lay claim to modest success.

The Holy Island of Lindesfarne, Northumberland, England


This website is for you – the Home Schooling Community. And it has been researched for shared material, linked, referenced, written, created and presented in hope that it may be of help to you.  If you are teaching the history of the Western Christendom from the 4th century A.D, then the institution which gave rise to that civilisation,  in its nations,  is central to the subject matter:



the one, holy, catholic and Apostolic Church.

And in our time, the Church Militant must sustain this tremendous battle of Counter Revolution with the infernal powers and the Communist accession to world hegemon through its United Nations praesidium for all governments  captured by the Communist Revolution.

The internet is only a tool and (by plain reasoning) at some point, the Full Spectrum Dominance of the Communist State will deny it to us. Therefore: hold as much of your material as you can in hard copy, books, pdfs both photocopied and burned to external hard drive. If you are using this website as a teaching resource, burn it to hard drive, archive it and share the links through the home school communities.

This website is not monetized in any way.  So (if they want to) the young people can freely share its memes, themes and material on their social media platforms under ‘Fair Use’. (See EndNote Disclaimer) .

Deus Vult,  Victory  and  God Speed
July 19, 2022

In Ordinary Time after the Pentecost

October is the Month the Church Dedicates to the Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary


(1.50.6)  “In these latter times, Mary must shine forth more than ever in mercy, power and grace; in mercy to bring back and lovingly welcome poor sinners who are to be converted and return to the Catholic Church; in might against the enemies of God : idolaters, schismatics, Mahometans, Jews and souls hardened in impiety who shall rise in terrible revolt against God to seduce and threaten and crush all who shall oppose them .  Finally, she must shine forth in grace to animate and sustain the valiant soldiers and loyal servants of Jesus Christ who fight for His cause.
(I.50.7)  “Mary must become as terrible as an army in battle array to the devil and his crewe, especially in the latter times.  For satan knowing he has but little time – even less now than ever – to destroy souls will every day redouble his efforts and combats.  He will not hesitate to stir up cruel persecutions and set treacherous snares for Mary’s faithful servants and children whom he finds more difficult to overcome than others.”

St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort.  True Devotion to Mary. I.50 “In these latter times God, then, wishes to reveal Mary
and to make her known as the masterpiece of his hands”.

October 1 is the Feast of St. Remigius the Bishop and Confessor of Reims who converted the Frankish nation to the faith of Jesus Christ in ancient Gaul

On 25 December, 496 A.D., St. Remigius baptised King Clovis I of the Franks at Reims. His nation followed their king in baptism.

Through St Remigius, specific promises from Jesus Christ were given to the Davidic lineage of Royaume de France through the succession of King Clovis. The heirs of Clovis include his Carolingian descendent, Charlemagne, St. Louis IX King of France of the House of Capet and a great Catholic monarch for the end times of the world through the intercession of St. Remigius

Open Revelations

“And He Shall Reign: Restoring all Things in Christ”

Catholic Identity Conference.  Sept 27 – 29 2024.  Pittsburth, PA

Feast of St. Michael the Archangel.  Bishop Athanasius Schneider, Auxiliary Bishop of St. Mary, Astana, Kazakhstan,  addressed the Conference, speaking to the Synodal Way (which again meets in universal session Rome, Oct. 2024)  and the preliminary remarks of Pope Frances in Singapore that “all religions are paths to God”.  Bishop Schneider, concluded with the profession of faith he composed for the Conference.

“We unshakeably believe and profess what the ordinary and universal Magisterium of the Church has continuously and infallibly taught since the time of the Apostles, namely, that faith in Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Son of God and only Saviour of mankind, is the only religion willed by God.”

Read the full declaration and ratifification of the Conference:
The Remnant Video
October 1, 2024

The autumn around the time of the Feast of St. Michael of 1954

St. Michael the Archangel


Sister Mary Ephrem of the Congregation of the Precious Blood

Mildred Mary Neuzil (August 2, 1916 – January 10, 2000) entered the Congregation of the Sisters of the Precious Blood in Dayton Ohio, Sept. 1930 aged 14 years.

She took her first vows at 17 and the name Sr. Mary Ephrem.  In 1939, she made her final vows.  Around this time our Lady began to appear to her and confide her own religious mission upon earth as a Sr. of the Precious Blood.  And for the reign of Christ the King, our Lady also confided to her the vocation and charism of the American nation.  She was asked by our Lord Jesus Christ and our Lady under Her title Immaculate Conception to make this known to her bishop.

The Archangel St. Michael appeared to Sr. Mary Ephrem and gave his title as ‘the Angel of Peace’.  This is the same title he gave to the shepherd children of the Serra da Aire near the village of Fatima 1916.  St. Michael asked Sr Mary Ephrem for an acceptance of the Cross.  She wrote, “For me this struck more nearly home. And I said, ‘Yes, I will accept the cross’.  The Angel of Peace replied, ‘Then you will accept the palm and the sword.  With the sword, the saints conquered themselves, the world and the devil.  I am the Angel of Peace, I come to those whose hearts are attuned to the Voice of God.  To such as these, I remain a perpetual light through blinding darkness. I was sent by Him who said: ‘I am the Light of the world’.”  (Approved by Archbishop Paul Leibold to be included in Sr Mary Ephrem’s manuscript: Collected Works of Our Lady of America)  Timeline of the visitations from Heaven received by Sr. Mary Ephrem.
See the Liturgical Calendar for Sept. 27 “Feast of the North American Martyrs. Sr. Mary Ephrem of the Precious Blood.

In the time of her visitations, Our Lord Jesus Christ and our Lady appeared to Sr. Mary Ephrem and they revealed to her the charisma and vocation of America as a nation.  She conversed on this subject with St. Michael, the Prince of the Militia Caelistis and the Archangel Patron of America, St. Sardis and the Angel Guardian of America, St. Sultra.  They requested prayers and invocations to our Lady, Queen of Angels (Regina Angelorum).  Were they were anticipating those troublous  times when the Militia Caelistis would draw the sword against the ruling powers and populations (“imagining vanities” Ps 2)  who would be with them in rejection of Christ the King?

October 2 is the Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels


Nine Invocations to the Holy Angels

(approved by Pope Pius IX 1851)

Read about the wonderful promises made by St. Michael the Archangel to Portuguese Carmelite Sister Antonia d’Astonaco for those who recite the ‘Invocations to the Nine Choirs of Holy Angels’.

  • Holy Angels watch over us at all times during this perilous life.
  • Holy Archangels be our guides on the way to heaven.
  • Heavenly Choir of the Principalities govern us in soul and body.
  • Mighty Powers, preserve us against the wiles of the demons.
  • Celestial Virtues give us strength and courage in the battle of life.
  • Powerful Dominations, obtain for us dominion over the rebellion of the flesh.
  • Sacred Thrones, grant us peace with God and man.
  • Brilliant Cherubim, illuminate our minds with heavenly knowledge.
  • Burning Seraphim, enkindle in our hearts the fire of charity.


Guardian Angel Prayers

Angele Dei, qui custos es mei, me tibi commissum pietate superna. Illumina, custodi, rege et guberna. Amen.

Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom His love commits me here. Ever this day be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen

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Fontana della Pigna

October 3rd is the Feast Day of St. Therese of Lisieux OCD.

In Carmel, her name is St. Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face. Doctor of the Church and author of Story of a Soul. She is the Patroness of Australia, Missions and Florists.

St. Therese with image of the Holy Face

St. Therese with her mother and father Zelie and Louis Martin.  As a family they were enrolled in the Arch-confraternity of the Holy Face for the combat of the Church against Communism and its  Revolution.

Image of the Holy Face of Jesus Christ imprinted upon the Veronica Veil.

“Convert us, O God : show us Thy Face and we shall be saved.”  (Psalm 79:4)

Let God arise and let His enemies be scattered. Let them that hate Him flee from before His face. As the smoke vanishes, so let them vanish away; as the wax melts before fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God.”  (Psalm 67: 2-3)
Holy Face Prayer Group – Fr Lawrence Carney
Uploaded by HT Videos

@4.38.  In the 1840s our Divine Lord, Jesus Christ appeared to Sr Marie of St Peter (Sr Marie de St. Pierre)  , a Carmelite sister  in Tours, France.  He confided to Sr Marie:  “My Father is greatly disappointed with the human race for the sins of  blasphemy and profanation of Sundays and holy days of obligation. For these sins, My Father is going to punish the world with the malice of Revolutionary men.”

In our Lord’s discourses to Sr Marie, he named Communism as the scourge of world punishment, a reference to the Communes of the Great Revolution in France 1789.
To reconcile with the Father and amend for these sins, specifically to combat the scourge of Communism and its Revolution, our Lord gave to His Church the sovereign remedy of devotion to His Holy Face.

Even before publication of the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (1848), this is our Lord’s answer to the scourge of Communism and Revolutionary men,
as recognized by Bl. Pope Pius IX and Pope Leo XIII.

“The Gospel of the Kingdom will be proclaimed as a testament to all nations.  And then will come the consummation”  (Matt 24:14 DRV).

And the nations, as nations have for the most part rejected it. This means a denial of the worship due to the Eternal Father, in spirit and in truth.

As a scourge of world punishment, the Communist Revolution has now entered its global, totalitarian phase because of the sins of Christ rejecting nations and their sins against the first three commandments.  And through Sr Marie, our Lord instructs His Church to repair for these sins and lift this scourge.

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National Shrine of the Little Flower , Royal Oak, Michigan was the parish church of Fr. Charles Coughlin.

Fr Coughlin was the great foe of ‘New Deal’ Communism in the US.  With Congressman Louis T. McFadden, he  supported the abolition of the Federal Reserve Bank and its corruption of America.

As ‘the radio priest’, Fr. Coughlin was a strong anti-NWO activist and showed steadfast courage and bravery in his crusade to expose those who run the Shadow government in the United States.   He mapped out the CFR power structure and the central banker control of the government, calling for the abolition of the Fed.
Enemies of ZOG: Father Charles Coughlin
By Reb Culhane. Dec 11 2009

In our own day, ChatGPT (programmed with data on Communist subversion from Defector Anatoliy Golitsyn)  warns that the KGB and its agencies  for cultural subversion will certainly exploit our Lady’s message and counsels given to the Shepherd Children at Fatima in order to align the Catholic Church with Marxist agenda. 

We have already seen posts, websites and podcasts on the internet which purport to give so called proofs against the  visitation of our Lady to the Shepherd Children of the Serra da Aire near the village of Fatima 1917 and especially the great miracle of the sun which she announced she would perform Oct. 13, 1917 as Heaven’s testament to her visitation.  Such  material presents the Fatima event as an example of a UFO event.  UFO / aliens from other planets (or whatever) are a Marxist script.

Concert of the Red Army Choir, in Paul VI Audience Hall, in occasion of the XXVI anniversary of the election of Pope John Paul II (Karol Jozef Wojtyla), Vatican City, 15th October 2004 (b/w photo); ( Red Army Choir); Mondadori Portfolio/Archivio Grzegorz Galazka/Grzegorz Galazka.

Lavender jacaranda flowers of Spring under the Southern Cross in the South East Queensland and Tweed Shire of New South Wales Australia

Bushfire Spring of  October 2019 in Queensland, Australia.

October 4, 2023. Paul VI Hall in the Vatican. Rome. The Synod on Synodality Opens.
Fr Gommar de Pauw : Conciliar or Catholic
Sept 9 2023

Members of the assembly of the Synod of Bishops begin work on the communion as the second theme of the synod in the Vatican’s Paul VI Audience Hall Oct. 9, 2023. (CNS photo/Lola Gomez)

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Bushfire Crisis: The De-Kulakization of Australia (1)

“In the face of this ecocide, the UN ‘climate change’ mantra is again invoked by our overseers as the cover story for a tragedy that has nothing to do with carbon emissions and everything to do water rights, sale of water rights by government, frack well drainage, floodplain harvesting and tax-payer subsidized private dams of multi-national agribusiness.” Linde.

Has Australia Sold Its Water Rights to China?

Linde asks if the agenda is to depopulate the Australian outback in advance of a Chinese takeover.


“For as We have said, they [Modernists] put their designs for the ruin of the Church into operation not from without but from within; hence the danger is present almost in the very veins and heart of the Church, whose injury is the more certain, the more intimate is their knowledge of her. Moreover, they lay the axe not to the branches and shoots, but to the very root, that is, to the faith and its deepest fires. And having struck at this root of immortality, they proceed to disseminate poison through the whole tree, so that there is no part of Catholic truth from which they hold their hand, none that they do not strive to corrupt. “

Pascendi Dominici Gregis. Encyclical of Pope Pius X on the doctrines of the Modernists
Given at St. Peter’s , Rome on the 8th day of September, 1907 , the fifth year of our Pontificate.

Xavier Reyes-Ayral

The White Hawthorn Tree of Northwest Europe, Canada, America, Australia and New Zealand


“The object of this book:  Revelations is to call everyone to mobilisation.”
(Xavier Ayral on the John Henry Westen Show for LifeSite News, July 21 , 2022)
“This is a new Crusade to take up  the Cross and the sword.

Our sword must be this [holds up Rosary @ 35.02] The Holy Rosary.

Your shield must be marked: confession, monthly confession. I invite all your auditors, as the Blessed Virgin Mary asked, to follow the devotion of the Five First Saturdays of each month, to go to confession once a month, to go to mass, to meditate on the fifteen mysteries, and to pray the Rosary, if you can, daily.

And I know this is extraordinarily difficult for those who have never done so. But try as well to fast on bread and water on Wednesdays 24 hours and / or on Fridays.

This is very long winded and I apologise, but I am immensely passionate with this subject. It is a call which has been placed under the bushel, but it should be placed above the bushel for everyone to see. These are not my words. These are words that were meant always to be told, to be echoed to all the Catholic Church and non-believers. It is a message of hope.” 34.54 – 36.07

In his youth, Xavier Reyes-Ayral worked closely with Fr. Rene Laurentin (1917-2017), the Church’s foremost scholar of contemporary miracles and Marian appearances. As authorised by the Church, Fr. Laurentin undertook many of his studies in causes of canonisation.

The new ‘In Hoc Signo Vinces’



“The year 1960 is upon us, and then, what will happen? It will be very sad for everyone and far from a happy thing if the world does not pray and do penance before then.  I can not give more details because it is still a secret.”  Sr Marie Lucia of Jesus and of the Immaculate Heart OCD (Lucia dos Santos of Fatima  In her final interview with Fr Augustin Fuentes)  She continued  “…Fr we should not wait for a call to the world from from the Holy Father in Rome..

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For the times of the Great Chastisements of God when nature itself rebels against humanity and God Himself must destroy those destroyers who are destroying both humankind and the earth itself, our Lord Jesus Christ and Mary, our Holy Queen, have given sovereign remedies to the House of Faith for protection and help.  These are reported and discussed in Xavier Reyes Ayral’s book:  Revelations in the chapter entitled: “Chastisements and Diseases”.  The video interviews are archived on the webpage linked above.

September 13, 1880

The Blessed Virgin Mary told Marie Julie Jahenny: “Souls will be protected and preserved who will write down these words and repeat them during the time when violent plagues will break out, causing great damage. Some of these plagues will cause such a stench that the very odour itself will propagate the disease.  Against such plagues, the Blessed Virgin has given the words of a prayer to be written on one piece of paper which can suffice for an entire family.

‘O very pure Virgin, you who have always carried and who still carries the good and chaste fragrance of purity, by your holy purity take away from us this disgusting smell and send it back to that place where we shall never smell it again. ”

October 7 is the Feast of Our Lady of Victories and The Holy Rosary

“Who is she, looking forth as the morning, fair as the moon, bright as the sun and terrible as an army with banners?”
Song of Songs 6:10

This day marks the victory of the Holy League over the invasion of Europe by the Islamic armada of the Ottoman Empire in the Battle of Lepanto on October 7, 1571.
The Battle of Lepanto – Clamavi de Profundis. Lyrics adapted from GK Chesterton.

When Our Lady appeared to St Dominic 1208, she gave him the Rosary to combat the errors of the Albigensians in Southern France.

The errors of the Albigensians manifestly opposed the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  A prime example would be errors in morals like the doctrine that suicide is an act of perfection. Clearly this Kool Aid is essentially the same concoction as Manichaeanism.

In Her visitation to St Dominic , Our Lady gave her title as Our Lady of the Rosary. To the shepherd children of the Serra da Aire near the village of Fatima she gave her title as Queen of the Holy Rosary in 1917.
The Battle of Lepanto: Our Lady of the Holy Rosary (7 October 1571)
Sensus Fidelium
Saturday, 7th October 2023 – Our Lady of Fatima Rosary Crusade
Regina angelorum Press.

Our Lady of Fatima’s Rosary Crusade is led by Fr. Pillari

He has been engaged in apostolates for children and young families for the past 20 years, including a variety of home-schooling apostolates.

The Benedictines of Mary was founded by Sister Wilhelmina OSB (1924-1919)  in the Diocese of Scranton, PA as the Oblates of Mary, Queen of the Apostles 1995 under the aegis of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter.

September 9 and 10, 2018. Their priory in the Diocese of Kansas City – St Joseph : Gower Missouri was elevated to an Abbey with the consecration of the Abbey Church and consecration of Mother Abbess Cecilia as the First Abbess.

The Abbey of Our Lady of Ephesus, Gower, Mo is now building a daughter house in the Ozark Highlands near Ava, Missouri: the Monastery of St. Joseph.

Sept 5 2020. Monastery of St. Joseph has its first ceremonies.

 Red Jihad and the Muslim Invasion of Europe and France
Understanding the Prophetic Time We Are Living In with Xavier Ayral
October 21 2023
Mark McLean
The basilcas, churches, Christian monuments, national monuments being destroyed.
(@31.24) Russia and E. Europe (Belarus) form alliance with Muslim nations and N Africa to invade Europe from Poland to the Rhine.

Our Lady of Victory National Shrine and Basilica at Lackawanna, New York was raised in honour of the Holy League victory in the Battle of Lepanto.   Save the Dome. Adopt an Angel.

October 12 is the Feast of Our Lady of the Pillar

October 12 is also the New Feast of Bl Carlo Acutis, the Patron of Young Computer Programmers

Bl. Carlo was beatified Oct 10, 2020 by Cardinal Agostino Vallini at the Basilica of St Francis of Assisi

His incorrupt body lies in state at the Shrine Santa Maria Maggiore, Assisi Italy.

“To always be close to Jesus, that’s my life plan”

“Everyone is born as an original, but too many die as photcopies”

Beato Carlo’s body was transferred April 6 2019 to St. Mary Major Parish, also known as the Shrine of the Renunciation in Assisi, which refers to the occasion when St. Francis stripped himself of his luxurious clothing in front of his father as a way of renouncing his wealth.

The young computer whiz and webmaster is being recognized by Catholics the world over as a saint. Miracles are coming from our Lord Jesus Christ in the Union of His Sacred Heart with the Immaculate Heart of Mary through Carlo’s petitionary prayers. As the world Communist Revolution accedes to power, Our Lord wants his Church to see and understand anew that He is indeed wonderful in His saints.

This website honours Beato Carlo as a herald of our Lord’s eucharistic reign in the Triumph of Our Lady’s Heart which she foretold at Fatima in 1917.

Official prayer for the intercession of Bl Carlo

Prayer Intention from website

By the strength of your Eucharistic bond with our Lord Jesus Christ, obtain for His Church the grace to recognize our Holy Queen, the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Mother most loving as our Co-Redemptrix.

Novi et Aeterni Testamenti: Mysterium Fidei

"Blood of Christ, most worthy of all honour and glory"

Litany of the Precious Blood

The Precious Blood:

the Remedy for every virus, plague, pandemic and vaccine as directed by our Lord
Mother & Refuge of the End Times.  August 17, 2021

October 13 is the anniversary of the great miracle of the sun near Fatima, Portugal 1917 and our Lady's visitation to Akita, Japan 1973
Fr. Isaac Relyea – 103rd Anniversary of the Miracle of the Sunday
Oct. 14, 2020
Soldiers of the Immaculate
Fr.  Isaac reads from The True Story of Fatima by Fr. John de Marchi I.M.C. who spent three and a half years in Fatima.  He interviewed Lucia dos Santos who was aged 10 years when the miracle of the sun occurred.  He interviewed her family and the family of her cousins Jacinta and Francesco Marto as well as many witnesses .

During the Great War (1914 – 1918 ), Our Blessed Mother Mary appeared to three shepherd children of the Serra at the Cova da Iria near the village of Fatima, Portugal.  They received a visitation of our Lady under the title of ‘Our Lady of the Holy Rosary’  on the 13th of every month between May 13 – October 13 in the year 1917.

Our Lady’s visitation occurred in Portugal right before the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia (Nov 1917), an event which began the new form of government for Russia and all nations captured by the Revolution:   atheistic, Marxist Communism.  And until the dissolution of the Third ComIntern by Stalin (1943), the Kremlin was the base and headquarters of what was to be the permanent, world-wide Revolution for world government.

The preparation of the Revolution in Russia was completely blacked out of the Western  media. Post World War I, Russia a defeated nation, was returning home and starting to rebuild when the Bolshevik Revolution financed, organised and executed by world Jewry was erupted upon them.

In Her appearance to the children on July 13, 1917, Our Blessed Mother confided the great matter of our times concerning Russia and the end times of the world to the three children.  And she entrusted them with a secret comprised of three parts along with visions and instructions of how they should relate Her prophecies and warnings to the Church and to the world.

Our Lady’s Appearance to the Shepherd Children Near the Village of Fatima , Portugal July 13 1917.

On Oct 13 1917, the vision of  the spinning sun was witnessed by approx. 75,000 people who had come to see our Lady’s promise of a great miracle to confirm Her visitation and prophecies to the shepherd children.

The Miracle of the Sun came to be commemorated in both fine art, craft and home- making not only in Portugal but across the entireity of the Catholic world.

As if to underline this date on the liturgical calendar, our Lady again appeared on October 13 in 1973.  This time Her visitation was to the Akita Prefecture, Japan to Sister Agnes Katsuko Sasagawa.  She appeared to Sister Agnes under Her title: ‘Our Lady of All Nations’ in regard of Her third confidence to the shepherd children of Fatima 1917.

This confidence, known popularly as the Third Secret is very much bound up with events of the end times of the world.  It was to have been published by the Vatican to the Church and the world by 1960.  One of the most tremendous public miracles in the history of the world had been worked to confirm the testimony of this confidence of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary.  The Church had accepted it as ‘worthy of belief’.

Yet, the Vatican declined to publish the matter.

Until Sister Agnes Sasagawa, a member of the convent of the Seitai Hoshikai Handmaids of the Holy Eucharist began to receive visitations from our Lady 1973.  And on Oct 13 of that year, the 56th anniversary of the miracle of the sun at the Cova da Iria, our Lady confided to Sister Agnes the substance of Her censored confidence to the shepherd children of Fatima.

“As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment upon all humanity.  It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will never have seen before.

“Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity: the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful.  The survivors will find themselves so desolate they will envy the dead.

“The only arms which will remain for you will be the Rosary and the Sign left by My Son.  Each day recite the prayers of the Rosary.  With the Rosary pray for the Pope, the bishops and priests.

“The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops.  The priests who venerate Me will be scorned and opposed by their confreres…churches and altars sacked.  The Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord.”

In Her prophecy, our Lady clearly announces that events unfolding in the world are conditional upon the unity of the dogma of faith (of which She spoke at Portugal) and the “throwing down of the strength of the altars” (Daniel 20) to use the Biblical phrase for the sacrifice of the mass and the clean oblation from the rising of the sun to its setting. Malachias 1:11.

When he granted official recognition to our Lady of Akita, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger,  then prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith,  told Bishop John Shojiro Ito of Niigata (Akita) that our Lady’s message to Sister Agnes Sasagawa is  Her Third Secret to the shepherd children of Fatima. From April 22 1984, Bishop Ito was permitted  to authorize the veneration of the Holy Mother of Akita throughout his diocese.
The Fatima Crusader Interviews Father Paul Kramer,
The Fatima Crusader Issue 82.

Our Lady of America appeared to Sr. Mary Ephrem
October 13, 1956

Kneipp Springs Sanitarium and its Convent of the Sisters of the Precious Blood. Rome City, Indiana.

From Sr. Mary Ephrem’s letter to Archbishop Leibold (Feb. 2, 1960) she gives an account of this visitation of our Lady to her Bishop. “October 13, 1956.

“Today the Holy Virgin appeared to me as I was working in my room.  Our Lady was so beautiful and she was again smiling in her heavenly way.  She was dressed in the same as when I first saw her, except that her Immaculate Heart did not appear and instead of the lily, our Lady held with both hands a small replica  of the finished Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.

She then began to speak.  Her presence overwhelmed me with holiness.  I was compelled to stop my work.  It was impossible to go on.  I knelt down then and wrote down our Lady’s words as she desired:

“This is My shrine, My daughter.  I am very pleased with it.  Tell my children, I thank them.  Let them finish it quickly and make it a place of pilgrimage.  It will be a place of wonders.  I promise this.  I bless all those who, either by their prayers, labor or material aid help to erect this shrine.”

October 27, 1956.  Our Lady of America told Sr. Mary Ephrem “I am the Immaculate One, Patroness of your land.  Be my faithful children as I have been your faithful Mother.”  She also confided to Sr. Mary Ephrem to speak to her as ‘your Mother most loving.’

She said ” My child, I entrust you with this message that you must make known to my children in America.  I wish it to be the country dedicated to my purity.  The wonders I will work will be wonders of the soul.  They must have faith and believe firmly in my love for them.  I desire that to be the children of my pure Heart.  I desire, through my children of America, to further the cause of faith and purity among peoples and nations.  Let them come to me with confidence and simplicity and I, their Mother, will teach them to become pure like to my Heart, that their own hearts may be more pleasing to the Heart of my Son.”

Springs Forth from the Immaculate Conception  Timeline of Sr. Mary Ephrem’s visitations from Heaven.

Our Lady, Queen of Angels, St. Michael and  Holy Angels gave to Sister Mary Ephrem the vision and vocation of America as a nation for the reign of Christ the King.

Our Lady told Sr Ephrem that she desired for America as a nation to cultivate the life of the indwelling Holy Trinity through devotion to the Holy Family. As the Patroness of America and our Lady of America she desires to lead Americans to purity of heart by the graces and merits of her Immaculate Conception.  To that end She had requests of the American bishops in regard of the national shrine, the image of our Lady of America and the sacramentals bound up with the vision and vocation that our Queen desires for the Americans.

It should be self evident how far removed from that vision and vocation is the Church in America following Pope Francis on the Synodal Way and America as a nation under the manifesto of the Communist Takeover.  As a state, the United States is a captured state of the Great Revolution with both the Zionist axis and Communist axis operating as the shears to cut up the social fabric to order.

Only the Union of the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts of Jesus and Mary can help America. – Sr Mary Ephrem timeline

Important dates that are bound up with America’s patronal Queen, the Immaculate Conception and her visitation to Sr. Mary Ephrem as our Lady of America.

May 17, 1846.  The bishops of the United States, then 23 in number consecrated the United States of America to the patronage of the Blessed Mother under her title of Immaculate Conception which she was to announce at Lourdes. ( 1858)

When it had been determined by the US bishops and the Archdiocese of Baltimore  to erect a basilica on the Potomac, Pope Pius X sent to James Cardinal Gibbons, the blessing of the Holy See.  World War I intervened in the laying of the cornerstone, but in 1920, Archbishop Bonzano, the Apostolic Delegate to the United States, celebrated mass at the site in Washington DC.    Cardinal Gibbons laid the cornerstone with ceremonies attended by a large number of the American hierarchy and by diplomatic representatives of twenty-four nations.

The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception was consecrated September 20, 1923.  World War II intervened in the completion of its building – 1959.  It is today  the largest Roman Catholic Church in North America.
Secrets of Sister Mary Ephrem Visionary of Our Lady of America! What Her Unpublished Letters Reveal.
Oct 1 2024. Mother and Refuge

October 13 Feast of St. Edward the Confessor, King of England


October 16 Feast of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque VHM




October 16 Feast of Saint Jose Sanchez del Rio, Cristero

Lev Bronstein (Trotsky) brings the international brigades of the Fourth ComIntern to Mexico to assist the Revolutionary Generals and made his home in Mexico from 1936. He leads their war to break the Catholic faith in Mexico and the Church.

La Guerra Cristera. 1926 – 1929. Central and Western Mexico resist the implementation of the provisions of the 1917 constitution which had settled the Communist Revolution in Mexico 1910 – 1920. The so called : Mexican Civil War when the Revolutionary Generals (1920 – 1940) attempted to implement the 1917 consitution of the Communist Revolutionary Settlement.
For Greater Glory. Christiada.

October 17 US Premiere of "El Gran Aviso" in English : "The Great Warning"
The Great Warning (English dubbed with Spanish subtitles) – Official Trailer

St Gemma Galgani was taught by her Guardian Angel how to prepare for her death and personal judgement before our Lord as the Son of Man.

St Gemma, one of eight children and desirous of a religious vocation. She was, however, too frail for the life of a convent. She suffered the loss of her mother at an early age and the loss of two of her brothers and her little sister at an early age. Her father died when she was 19 years old and with her aunt, she became responsible for her younger siblings working as a housekeeper with a local family. She experienced the stigmata at 8 June 1899 on the eve of the Feast of the Sacred Heart. an She lived in frail health and in obscurity, developed tuberculosis at 25 1903 and died at 25 years old. And yet, her Guardian Angel companion was her instructor on how to convert her soul completely to Jesus Christ and to prepare for her personal judgement even instructing on and how she must present herself before Our Lord as our judge. Her instructions are instructions for those who will live to see our Lord’s great sign in the heavens

Faith of our Fathers

Padre Pio: Seven Tips For Our Times You Must Remember
July 22, 2021
Following Padre Pio Channel

“Invocation to St. Michael the Archangel, preface to the ‘Exorcism Against Satan and the Rebellious Angels’ .”

Published by order of H.H. Pope Leo XIII. May 18, 1890

….“The most cunning enemies have filled the Church, Bride of the Immaculate Lamb, with bitterness, they have drenched Her with gall, they have laid their impious hands on all things desired of Holy Church. Where the See of Blessed Peter and the Chair of Truth has been established as the Light of the nations, there have they placed the throne of the Abomination of their Impiety, so that having struck the Pastor, they might also prevail to scatter the flock. O Leader most Invincible, be present with God’s people against invading evil spirits and bring us the victory.”

Make a Spiritual Communion with the Fifteen Decade Rosary before the Tabernacle of the Blessed Sacrament at the Shrine of Saint Jude Catholic Church in Stafford Texas.

Rosary Intention: For the end the Communist, Masonic hold on America, Australia, Canada and other countries around the world and the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary to the glory of Jesus Christ our King.

“Adorable Face of Jesus, hidden in the Blessed Sacrament “
Invocations to the Holy Face of Jesus

Saint Jude Shrine is sponsored by Traditional Catholics of Houston, Inc.
Streamed live May 15, 2022
Paschaltide 2022.

Nine Invocations to the Holy Angels

(approved by Pope Pius IX 1851)

Read about the wonderful promises made by St. Michael the Archangel to Portuguese Carmelite Sister Antonia d’Astonaco for those who recite the ‘Invocations to the Nine Choirs of Holy Angels’.

  1. O Holy Angels watch over us at all times during this perilous life.
  2. O Holy Archangels be our guides on the way to heaven.
  3. O Heavenly Choir of the Principalities govern us in soul and body.
  4. O Mighty Powers, preserve us against the wiles of the demons.
  5. O Celestial Virtues give us strength and courage in the battle of life.
  6. O Powerful Dominations, obtain for us dominion over the rebellion of the flesh.
  7. O Sacred Thrones, grant us peace with God and man.
  8. O Brilliant Cherubim, illuminate our minds with heavenly knowledge.
  9. O Burning Seraphim, enkindle in our hearts the fire of charity.

July 10, 1927.  Legion of the Archangel Michael.

Corneliu Zelea Codreanu with the Romanian Nationalist  Founders of the Legionary Movement  (Legionaries)

The Crimson Thread Series of Essays: The Romanian Horizon of ‘Quis ut Deus?’

“Other Romanian Horizons”

dedication of his final work :
“For My Legionaries of the other Romanian horizons”
Corneliu Zela Codreanu,
Legiunea Archangehelului Mihail of Romania

“The appearance of Communism in Russia, the treasonous actions of so many men of state and the reaction of the Communist agitation and infiltration in every country and every organ of Western societies brought forth in each country of Europe a nationalist opposition to this International Conspiracy.”

Prince Michel Sturdza
 former Foreign Minister of Romania.

The Suicide of Europe: Memoirs of Prince Michel Sturdza,
Western Islands Publishers. Boston. Los Angeles. 1968 ( p. 22 )

In Romania, Corneliu Zela Codreanu led the Romanian nationalist movement
as the Captain of the Legion and its Iron Guard
“Our deliverance is in labour, honour, love of country and faith in God. We work for one Romania with our Christian Church being the foundation of the social order.”
Corneliu Zelea Codreanu

The Writings of John Alan Coey:
The Myth of American
Anti-Communism in the Rhodesian War of Independence (1965 – 1979)

“It is said, the crisis of the Western World is the degree that it has separated itself from God, and shares the faith of the communists. The crisis of the Communist World is the degree it has failed to separate its people from God. The stronger faith will win.”

John Alan Coey. Chapter One: “Christian Activism”. A Martyr Speaks : Journal of the Late John Alan Coey. 1988.
(New Puritan Library, Inc. Copyright the Coey family), p. 3. [Hereafter AMS]
Also published as The Fighting Doc: The Rhodesian Bush War Diary of John Alan Coey., KIA 19 July 1975. 2015.
(Helion Company: Warwick U.K)

“Coey believed that preserving white Africa in the face of Afro-Marxism and international capitalism was right because Rhodesia stood for the Western Christendom”

Part I: “What Makes Heroic Strife Famed Afar?”

“Western civilization is based on Christianity. The decline of the West correlates to its demise, and the West can be revived by a revival of faith.”
John Alan Coey
A Martyr Speaks  (p. 4)

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Helm Bar

The crown of the Pennines  appears upon Cross Fell  where the signature cloud of Helm Bar is formed by the Helm Wind of Cumbria, England.  Remembered in his poem of  Mashonaland: “Spring Herald” by the Franciscan poet of the Mutemwas (in Rhodesia’s Hurricane Sector near Mutoko), John Bradburne wrote of the July winds at Chigonia as “akinned clean to that Helm” of his Cumberland home.

The Helm is a Nor’Easter blowing down the rugged slopes of the Pennines escarpment – a clear wind, wholly fresh, young and keen , new made upon the Highland snows.  And in its eye, the dome of the Northern stars never setting.

John Bradburne was martyred for the holy faith in Rhodesia, September 5, 1979.

The Caledonian Hotel in the Hunter Valley of Singleton, NSW

hangs out the Red Duster and becomes the Freedom Pub of Australia – defying the CoVID Regime mandates, breaking the CoVID Caste System, copping the fines from the

Australian CoVID Regime of the
United [Communist] Nations

The Licensee, Bradley Hill described the public health orders requiring patrons to show their vaccination status as “the most shameful and disgusting act ever to be imposed on the good people of Australia that being segregation and discrimination.”

On Monday, the police raided the Cali as a ‘high risk premises’.  They issued Penalty Infringement Notices (PINS) of $1,000 to every patron who could not or would not show vaccination status.  The licensee was issued a PIN for his failure to take reasonable steps to insure unvaccinated adults were not inside the Caledonian (eating, drinking, playing the pokies and having a good time).

The Cali has vowed to fight the police raids, fines, vaxx dicta from the NSW politburo, CoVID correctness, harassment and wowserism.

And lest we forget, the Corona Baloney Hoax of 2020 was supposedly all about a ‘SARS-nouvelle’ cov-2 corona virus’ with ‘flu-like symptoms’.

‘Influenza like’ ?

It was the influenza rebranded by the CoVID Regimes of the United [Communist] Nations for the purpose of creating a global pandemic in the public mind.

Open Air Concentration Camp : Melbourne

As early as March 2020, the status of CoVID-19 was acknowledged on government websites:

NOT a ‘High Consequence Infectious Disease’ (HCID) .  

Indeed it had never been isolated from any human subject and shown to be infectious and transmissible. The CDC in the US could never / would never supply any tissue samples for independent research and this fact was discovered in many court cases.


And Wouldn’t You Know It? The Flu Has Disappeared Worldwide During the CoVID Pandemic

According to the UK government website:

“As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK. There are many diseases which can cause serious illness which are not classified as HCIDs.” [ For example, the influenza virus causes tens of thousands of deaths world-wide every year but is not regarded as HCID. The elderly and immuno-compromised are considered most at risk of these mortalities. ]

Yet the member governments of the United [Communist] Nations, together with their Health Systems, ran the WHO CoVID Pandemic Operation on the world population. This is the cover-story and platform for the UN Certificate of Vaccination Identity Agenda.  And it is a depopulation exercise for the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

UPDATE Nov 2022.  On cue, at the Bali Summit of the G20 (Nov 15-16) in Indonesia, the twenty participating world leaders signed a declaration to introduce vaccination identity passports for their respective nations.  Their stated intention is to lead the way in creating a global system of vaccine identity verification ( to facilitate safe international travel, of course).

AustraliaOne Party (A1) – VOF Friday – Live from the Cali Hotel Singleton

Riccardo Bosi joins Dave and Carl

Australia One Party
Sept 15 2022

@53 – 58 mins. the converstion turns to the projected vaxx deaths from the spike protein injections with the bioweapon.  Dave, Carl, Ricardo Bosi all recognize a military operation when they see one or are caught up in one.

This is hybrid warfare against Australia.  The United [Communist] Nations is conducting a PHEIC Operation for the Certificate of Vaxx Identity (CoVID) over all member nations.  The multi-lateral partners:  the WEF, the SPIEF, the US Dept of Defence (Operational Warp Speed) and the Australian Dept of Defense (Operation CoVID Shield) are all deployed for the WHO global depop objective. 

Saving Australia

“Our focus, I know there is a thousand questions everybody would like to ask , but as you know with any ongoing operation – you don’t say anything. You just let whatever is going to happen. Happen. Understand that things are going to get very ugly early. It’s a bit like Friday night with the lads. It won’t last forever. … Mainstream media is now revealing what we have been talking to each other about for years. I don’t know about you but I am bloody relieved. It’s nice. So. Make sure you are there for your neighbours. Keep spreading the news. And get ready to assist. Because when the impact of whatever has been happening for years now starts to hit home, the problems will be extremely local.

Let me give you and example. … Higher political strategies and dark agendas won’t matter. You might have 10 -20 children just in your immediate vicinity that need to be cared for. This is fundamentally important. We have a lot of kids in our area.  And it could be as bad as that.

Without appearing overly pessimistic, we learned that the projected figures they wanted to wipe out is about 10 million out of 25 [he refers to Australia]. You have probably seen the website which projected those figures [ 2014 ] As you know, Operation Warp Speed was designed to accelerate the process so instead of billions dying , only millions died. It’s the classic bad choice / worse choice. And that’s the reality of it. And Operation Warp Speed worked to the point where it collapsed. It didn’t work. They didn’t get the millions and millions of people dying on the streets. But. At the outside we could still be looking at 7 million Australians dead in the next 3 – 5 years . … The numbers are big.

We are going to be facing the oddest war ever with the casualties showing up after the fighting is done. Our primary response is to prepare to start healing and repairing the nation [The response] will have to be very personal, very local” [and organised in that way].

20 Million Dead from the Jab, 2.2 Billion Injuries – Analyst Estimates

“These numbers are beyond staggering.”

Dr. Roger Hodkinson, an esteemed Canadian pathologist, joined Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson in a video interview, where he discussed these horrifying numbers.

These numbers are best estimates, at this point in time, using government data for the global consequences of the clot shot in terms of death and morbidity … Now, these numbers are beyond staggering. To contrast that with history, vaccines have typically been pulled from the market – the last one, the bird flu vaccine – was pulled with only 35 — three, five deaths.

Forest of the Fallen

The Memorial Forest of Australians Killed by the Mandated CoVID 19 Bioweapon Injection 2021 –

A silent witness for all Australians who were labelled ‘covid’ and injured or killed under the AHPRA CoVID 19 dicta.  These mandated covid injections are  GMO bio-techs with recombinant modRNA spike proteins.  And they are being deployed as a bioweapon against national populations as part of a  international military operation run by the WHO in concert with the Defense Departments of UN member nations.  In Australia, this operation is called : Operation CoVID Shield.  In the US, it is called: Operation Warp Speed.   These covid injections recode the DNA of injectees to produce the spike protein bio-techs (prions) according to patented batch number.  It is intended that injectees will become the vectors to shed these covid prions and provide a source of emerging prion diseases and variant strains of the original biotech in the wider community.  The official term for this international health crisis is: ‘Long CoVID’.  For all nations subjected to these military operations, the All-Cause Mortality numbers will continue to climb.  The casualties will continue to be be brought in.
The Corries The Green Fields of France (No Man’s Land)

Forest of the Fallen takes off around Australia

Memorials to the victims of the modRNA covid injection who died as a result of this ‘biowarfare enabling technology’, victims who were labelled ‘covid’ and killed with AHPRA protocols to inflate the covid numbers and gaslight the people into thinking Australia was in the grip of a pandemic with a lethal virus.

Co-conspirator government officials in all branches of federal governement, state premiers, CHOs, Big Pharmacrats, official regulatory bodies that refused to regulate and AHPRA honchos should take the blame for these deaths and injuries.  Those responsible for rolling out this mass experiment in genetic modification should be prosecuted by the families of those who died. [Not that I think the subverted Australian judiciary would permit a prosecution of this nature to succeed, but what they do squash it will build resistance, non-compliance and political will to restore legitimate government in this country].

On the Corona Baloney Hoax of 2020, here is the full pint from The Caledonian Licensee Bradley John Hill:

“Public health orders requiring patrons to show vaccination status is ‘the most shameful and disgusting act ever imposed on the good people of Australia.” – The Caledonian Licensee, Bradley John Hill

Dec 2 2021.  ‘Multiple infringements’ by Bradley John were tendered by the police in court against The Caledonian.  To hear the police tell it, on October 15, 2021, Hill was “seated in the public bar on a bar stool consuming a schooner of beer with another person while unvaccinated and failing to check the vaccination status of patrons.”

Lest we forget. Families were arrested for taking their children to the park. Law enforcement deployed against children and old people. Employees threatened with job loss if they refused the CoVID injection and thousands lost their businesses, jobs and homes. Loved ones were excluded from visiting relatives in nursing homes and hospitals.


Catturd Salute


Never forget. Never forgive Communist tyranny over Australia and the ongoing  implementation of the CoVID vaxx genocide

Cairns News Archives from July 2020

Open Here
G. Edward Griffin Interviews Norman Dodd on Subversive Activities of Wall Street Foundations.

9 March 2020

G. Edward Griffin interviews Norman Dodd, who was the congressional Director of Research for the Reece Committee, 1953-1954. In 1953, Congress tasked Rep. Carroll Reece with establishing and directing a congressional investigative committee to investigate the activities of the major Wall Street tax-exempt foundations – Carnegie, Ford and Rockefeller – on the ground of suspicions of Communist subversion.

The major tax-exempt foundations of the US since at least 1945 have been relentlessly operating to promote a hidden agenda. That agenda has nothing to do with the surface of charity, good works or philanthropy. The real objectives include the creation of a world-wide Collectivist State – including the Soviet Union, which is to be ruled from behind the scenes by those same interests which now control the tax exempt foundations.

“Islam is our partner in New World Order”. Vladimir Putin.
2022 Kazan Global Youth Summit hosted by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

Putin calls upon the Russian Federation / Soviet Union to subsidize mosques and Islamic education as “an integral part of Russia’s cultural code”.
“When Stalin was premier, he did not run the Soviet Union, the KGB did, and the Jews ran the KGB.” March 14 2002. Sergei Khrushchev son of Nikita.

The KGB / FSB controls the Soviet Islam Axis of the permanent, world-wide Revolution

Exposing the Judeo-masonic-Bolshevist Conspiracy



The West regards the Soviet Parliament’s decision to suspend the activities of the Communist Party as the death of the Communist Party and as a victory for the new democratic forces: it welcomes this development as beneficial to Western interests.

This assessment is erroneous.

The main objectives of these [democratic] ‘reforms’ will be:

(a) To create the impressions that the Soviet bureaucracy is becoming more democratic and its components more like their Western counterparts;

(b)Through these deceptive ‘reforms’ to influence the United States Congress towards introducing real reforms in the American bureaucracy, including a weakening of the CIA and the American armed services and a reduction in their budgets

(c) To create conditions for the active engagement, cooperation and convergence between the ‘reformed’ Soviet bureaucracy, the KGB under new labels and the Soviet military on the one hand, and their Western counterparts on the other.

A restructuring of the Western political system along these lines was envisaged in Sakharov’s agenda and timetable for convergence. In all probability, all these [democratic] ‘reforms’ and the process of convergence will take place while the West is in a state of total confusion and misapprehension about the real nature and purpose of the changes and ‘reforms’ in the Soviet Union. . (p. 166) .

The convergence to which Gollitsyn refers is the same ‘convergence’ to which the Reece Committee referred in the US Congressional Record

Norman Dodd (1954) was the staff director of the Congressional Special Committee to investigate tax-exempt foundations – sometimes referenced as the Reece committee, in recognition of its chairman, Congressman Carroll Reece. The principal author of the “The Reece Report” was Norman Dodd.
Tax Exempt Foundations the Enemy Within – Norman Dodd. Dr. Stan Monteith.

The major tax-exempt foundations of the US since at least 1945 have been relentlessly operating to promote a hidden agenda. That agenda has nothing to do with the surface of charity, good works or philanthropy. The real objectives include the creation of a world-wide Collectivist State – including the Soviet Union, which is to be ruled from behind the scenes by those same interests which now control the tax exempt foundations.

Sally-Ann Lowe. “Follow the Money: How Tax-Exempt Foundations Conspire Against America for World Communism. February 6, 2021.

Norman Dodd ( 1952-1954) was the chief investigative researcher for the Congressional Reece Committe of the US House of Representatives. He investigated the un-American activities of the Big Tax Exempts (501 companies) in particular the Carnegie, Rockefeller, Guggenheim and Ford Foundation.
G. Edward Griffin interviews Norman Dodd (1982) regarding the time he spent as the chief researcher for the Reece Committee.  In his interview and Congressional Report, Dodd revealed the “hidden agenda for a world government’ – a world communist system of government.

Alan Gaither , President of the Ford Foundation interviewed by Norman Dodd (1954) : “Mr. Gaither then went on to say, ‘Mr. Dodd, all of us who have a hand in the making of policies here, had had experience operating under directions, the substance of which is , that we use our grant-making power so as to alter life in the United that it can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union.”

In the first encyclical of His reign, On the Unity of Human Society, Pope Pius XII raises the standard of Christ the King

The Peace of Christ in the Reign of Christ”

before a world and time in the midst of which “the Church and the faithful are in times and in years of trial as have rarely been known in her history of struggle and suffering.” (Summi Pontificatus, Castel Gandolfo, Rome. October 20 1939 A.D).

Poland, the nation which had prevented the invasion of Europe by the Red Army in force since 1921, together with the Slovak Republic had fallen to the Nazi invasion from the West. (Sept 1 – Oct 6, 1939).

Europe was going to war.

This was the scene on the world stage when Pope Pius XII addressed his message to the Church and to the world. And He frankly acknowledged that “all men are looking with terror into the abyss to which they have been brought by the errors and principles which We have mentioned and by their practical consequences.”

These errors and principles had been infallibly identified and condemned by His predecessors. And  they were then (as now) manifest by the practical consequences inevitably following as upon a dreadful trajectory plotted well over a century before the fall of Central Europe 1939.

Gone are the proud illusions of limitless progress”

The reader of 2024 is on very familiar territory here.

But it is not so well known that the same errors and false principles which had brought nation states to the abyss of 1939 are exactly the same errors and false principles that have now brought the nations of the entire world under the yoke of the United [Communist] Nations and its new order of international law in 2024.

The same infallible direction to the same abyss is clearly signposted in our own ‘signs of the times’.

Pope Pius XII sums it up like this: “The state can not be regarded as ‘above all’ and to consider the state as “something ultimate, to which everything else should be subordinated and directed, can not fail to harm the true and lasting prosperity of nations.”

This is an error “contained in those ideas which do not hesitate to divorce the civil authority from every kind of dependence upon the Supreme Being – First Source and absolute Master of man and of society – and from every restraint of a Higher Law derived from God as from its First Source. Thus they accord the civil authority an unrestricted field of action that is at the mercy of the changeful tide of human will, or of the dictates of causual historical claims , and of the interests of a few”.

[ If I may humbly add – this website is not a little concerned with documenting the interests of that particular Chosen Few ]. To this preoccupation, the Australians might quote the national motto: “Such is life.”  And I would reply: “Such it is.”

 But the 1939 encyclical of Pope Pius XII goes far beyond such observations.

“Let us leave the past and turn our eyes toward the future which, according to the promises of the powerful ones of this world, is to consist, once the bloody conflicts of the day have ceased, in a new order founded upon justice and on prosperity. Will that future be really different; above all all, will it be better? Will treaties of peace, will the new international order at the end of this war be animated by justice and by equity towards all, by that spirit which frees and pacifies?”

In 1939, even surveying the wreck of Central Europe, it was possible to invest the peace of a new international order with this question.

Now, we know that “justice and equity” was the road to freedom and peace not taken by the Great Powers. So the Pope’s alternative and second question has now been answered:

Or will there be a lamentable repetition of ancient and of recent errors?”

When you know – you know. The minions of the international order have just been subjected to the international order of “lamentable repetition of ancient and recent errors”. The WHO CoVID Operation and depopulation exercise by their nation states which are in turn subected to the United [Communist] Nations falls into this category. Clearly. So we know. The Tablets are in our hands. The moving finger has writ. We are on our way down from that lofty prominence upon which Pope Pius XII surveyed the fall of Central Europe 1939 and raised the question of “treaties of peace” based upon a “new international order …. animated by justice and by equity towards all.”

It was not to be.

Ancient Errors

and the much vaunted civilization of society, which has made ever more rapid progress, withdrawing man, the family and the State from the beneficent and regenerating effects of the idea of God and the teaching of the Church, has caused to reappear, in regions in which for many centuries shone the splendors of Christian civilization, in a manner ever clearer, ever more distinct, ever more distressing, the signs of a corrupt and corrupting paganism: ‘There was darkness when they crucified Jesus’ (Roman Breviary, Good Friday, Response Five).”

And to this point, the New Economic International Order (NEIO) as it was first called in the 1980s, does not even pretend to hide ‘the ancient errors’ from the fluoridated throngs which have been rigorously indoctrinated with all the errors condemned by the Church. Of course they are going to poo-poo ‘the beneficent and regenerating effects of the idea of God and the teaching of the Church.” The New International Order and its United Nations is so confident in the vox populi, it even raises the Arch of Ba’al in public view. And they have raised the Tophet on the international stage of the Olympic Games in salute to the cartel of Big Abortion, Big Pharma, Big Vaxx, Big Bio-tech Combine of human organ, stem cell and tissue harvesting.  Have any of the ancient errors been left out? No. 

So in our time, we come to the last Hill overlooking the abyss of the final conflagration. And that Hill is surrounded by the belseiging hosts of the NIO minions, the UN climate nutters and their right to tax the carbon dioxide breathers, the covid correctoids and their right to impose genetic modifications, the Synodal Wayfarers and their right to a non-hierarchical church , the judeoXtian Zionists who support the right of the Jews to build their Third Temple, the Marxist-Leninist Identity Cadres raised for the Long March of subversion, the gender fluids and their right to create ever new gender identities, the species fluids and their right to identify as moodles or unicorns and compel others to cater for their identities, the Gook invasion forces of the Western nations and their right to welfare from the nations they invade, the Empire of empires Fourth Political Theorists, the Duginists and Putinists building Eurasia, their jihadis along with the flying monkeys, the mad squirrels, the Mullahs, the Maoists, the powists etc.

On that Hill surrounded, Pope Pius XII sets up the standard of Christ the King. And for our time, he defines the ground of that Hill which must be held by the Church against the oncoming and beseiging hosts: the rights of God and the Kingdom of Christ, the liberty of the Church to take the Kingdom of Christ forward to the people even in the most troublous times (“the alpha and omega of Our aims”) and rights of the family both natural and spiritual.

The totalitarian and despotic form of the state with “unrestricted dominion” may not lay claim to the direction of the private enterprises and life transactions of humanity or abolish the rights of the family. The Apostolic See, Pope Pius declares, will defend man and this ‘noble little cell’ of the family of man as the “primary and essential cell” of humanity.

It is anterior to the state and endowed by the Creator with powers and rights which it is the duty of the state to protect.”

I think that about covers it.

In light of the “alpha and omega of Our aims” is to be found the charism and vocation of America as a nation (an ethne in the New Testament sense). This was given for the reign of Christ the King and revealed to Sr. Mary Ephrem of the Precious Blood by our Lord Jesus Christ and our Lady, under her title of  the Immaculate Conception and patronal queen of the American nations.

As one would expect, the US bishops have not found any evidence of the supernatural in these visitations to Sr. Mary Ephrem as she has recorded them. But the bishops do not condemn her writings either. The Synodal Wayfarers would not appear to have much use for conversations with Holy Angels.

But for the American Catholics, the vocation to cultivate our union with the indwelling Holy Trinity and the Kingdom of God within us, through devotion to the Holy Family is the national treasure of the holy faith. This website covers the visitations received by Sr. Mary Ephrem in the section of the liturgical calendar by month, also in the links to the White Tree and Crimson Thread essays for America.

Once El Gran Aviso occurs world-wide….


““For two years now, we have been witnessing a global coup d’etat in which a financial and ideological elite has succeeded in seizing control in part of the national government, public and private institutions, the media, the judiciary, the politicians and religious leaders. All of these without distinction have become enslaved to these New Masters who ensure power, money and social affirmation to their accomplices.”

August 17, 2022

Once people discover the truth, they stop complying and the New World Order fails

” The United Nations was created to be the ‘Housing’ for the one world internationalist conspiracy.”  Myron Fagan

Roosevelt, Alger Hiss, Harry Hopkins, Stalin, Molotov and Vishinsky agreed at Yalt that it would be the foundation for a one world Communist government of united nations.

Open Here 

Pope Francis: Our Duty is to Obey the United Nations
The Remnant Video

September 15, 2019

Wild boars roam the streets of Rome

Saturn Devouring His Children

Francisco de Goya

Museo Nacional del Prado

“The wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all the godlessness and injustice of men who detain the truth of God in injustice. For what may be known of God is manifest in them. For God has manifested it unto them. For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made. His eternal power also and divinity: so that they are inexcusable. Because that, when they knew God, they have not glorified him as God or given thanks…”

“…just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.  They have become filled with all iniquity, malice, fornication, avarice, wickedness , full of envy, murder, contention, deceit, malignity…”

Romans 1: 18 – 24…28, 29


Sonic Geometry : the language of frequency and form

narrated by Eric Rankin
Uploaded Alanna Luna


Cymatics of Verdi’s A (432 Hz)

In the Manifest of the permanent, world-wide Communist Revolution, the Rulers of Sodom are seen to have legislated, judicially upheld and enforced upon the people of the nations all four sins crying to Heaven for Divine vengeance.

The Physical Ashen Remains of Sodom and Gomorrah

October 19, 2007

Genesis 6

As It Was In The Days of Noah

Disclosure is Coming


“The Coming Great Deception”

L.A. Marzulli

“What has been is what will be, what has been done is what will be done and there is nothing new under the sun.  Is there anything whereof it may be said: ‘See!  This is new!’  It hath been already of old time, which was before us.”  Ecclesiastes 1 : 9,10.

Along with Timothy Alberino’s Birthright and Genesis 6 films (featured below),  The Struggle for the Birthright is a seminal work for our times.

Jesus to Enoch:  Demons You Call ‘Aliens’ Are Allied With the Elites to Usher In the False Messiah!
On July 23rd, 2019, Jesus the Good Shepherd, conveyed to Enoch an urgent appeal to His flock
Mother & Refuge of the End Times (Sept 10, 2022)

Birthright Series, Part 4 | The Image of God

Timothy Alberino

September 2021.  This is part 4 of Timothy Alberino’s  ‘Birthright’ series of lectures based on his bestselling book Birthright.  In this lecture, Alberino discusses the origin of mankind in the family of God and his restoration.

The White Tree and Crimson Thread

“Kings built tombs more splendid than the houses of the living and counted the names of their descent dearer than
the names of their sons. Childless lords sat in aged halls musing on heraldry or in high cold towers asking questions
of the stars. And so the kingdom of Gondor sank into ruin, the line of kings failed, the white tree withered
and the rule of Gondor was given over to lesser men. ”
The Two Towers. J.R.R. Tolkien