The Writings of John Alan Coey: The Myth of American Anti-Communism in the Rhodesian War of Independence (1965 – 1979)

In Memoriam
June 3, 2022
Genesis 6: “As It Was In The Days of Noah”
August 12, 2022
In Memoriam
June 3, 2022
Genesis 6: “As It Was In The Days of Noah”
August 12, 2022

The Writings of John Alan Coey: The Myth of American Anti-Communism in the Rhodesian War of Independence (1965 – 1979)

Part I: “What Makes Heroic Strife Famed Afar?”

Part I: “What Makes Heroic Strife Famed Afar?”
Robert Burns

The Shrine of St Edward, the Confessor, King of England who laid the foundation of Westminster in the 10th century A.D.

“Western civilization is based on Christianity. The decline of the West correlates to its demise, and the West can be revived by a revival of faith.” (AMS. p. 4)

During the Vietnam War Era, John Alan Coey (1950-1975), native son of Columbus Ohio, requested a discharge from his U.S. Marine Corps’ Officer’s Training Program in order to protest the U.S. State Department’s commitment to a ‘no-win’ war in Vietnam.

By birth, Coey belonged to the White American people of European ancestry – designated as ‘our posterity’ in America’s Declaration of Independence and given definition by the 1790 First Act . He attended St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Columbus with his family : his father: George, his mother: Phyllis and his brother: George Edward. He taught high school students in the Sunday School. He lettered in track and field. He was an Eagle Scout and a member of the ROTC at Ohio State University where he majored in Forestry. [ 1 ]


Christopher Columbus at the Ohio State House, Columbus, Ohio, a gift of the
City of Genoa to the sister city 1955.

To Coey’s mind, the armed aggression of the Communist Revolution would have to be met in combat by nations and people who wanted to be free of that totalitarian tyranny. And the Long March of its organised subversion through every institution of social influence would have to be opposed in America and throughout the Western world by resistance and Counter Revolution.

A free world does exist. And then, as now, nations – including Americans – aspired to it. However, the great Western powers, supposedly its vanguard and exemplars, were and are owned by the financial arm of the International Judenstaat, what today we would call ‘monopoly capital’. The Owners of this monolithic, racial collective and The Owners of the Communist Revolution are one and the same.

All Western governments and their ruling Masonic elite are owned by the Judenstaat which, in its host nations, will always form ‘a state within a state’ – infiltrating and instrumentalising all institutions of social influence.  These are the International organs, agencies and assets  of the Judenstaat which operate the statecraft of the Communist  Revolutionary Network or sistema within all United [Communist] Nations.

Using the polite discourse of Christian, American nationalists in the 1970s, Coey designated them  in the language of the New Testament : “the Conspiracy’ – as in “the conspiracies of the Jews” (Acts of the Apostles 20: 19)

The Conspiracy to which he refers is  a  single entity, although its  Revolution (Communism and Zionism) has different branches.  Its financial arm (International Finance) or Monopoly Capital is the structure of ownership for states and governments captured by the Revolution. . The terms Coey uses are: the “Internationalist Conspiracy” (AMS, p. 104), “The Internationalists” (AMS, p. 102), “Alien Groups” – “liberals, the Council on Foreign Relations, Zionists” (AMS, p. 77), ‘The Conspiracy’ (AMS, p. 52)

In the new millennium, it is widely known that the governing elite of  ‘The Internationalists’ themselves  have published statements to the effect that the permanent, world-wide Communist Revolution has been made by them for their world hegemon.  And they refer to it as ‘our Revolution’ for the destruction of the Western Civilisation and social order – whole and entire,  as described by Nahum Goldman (1895-1892) , co-founder of the World Jewish Congress in his work The Spirit of Militarism (1915).

And “The first task of our world Revolution is Destruction.” (p. 37-38)



Statue of Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus with the Roman fasces in Cincinnati, Ohio.  Cincinnatus was a farmer statesman and military leader of the early Roman Republic.

The terms we use today: ZOG, the J-Force, the Jewish Central Bankers, Vampyre Squid, Marxist-Leninist Revolution etc. are not Coey’s terms but they are not as precise as Coey’s terms. We use the collective nouns and the ‘J word’ whereas Coey used terms that map out  the political, revolutionary and financial structure or sistema of the ‘Internationalist Conspiracy’ [10]

As Prince Michel Sturdza, Romanian ambassador in Denmark (1938), foreign minister of Romania ( 1940 – 1941) noted in The Suicide of Europe – the British crown was not sovereign in the United Kingdom [ 2 ] Throughout his memoirs , Sturdza remarked extensively on the complete subservience of Washington, Whitehall and other European capitals to ‘the Conspiracy’ of the International Judenstaat . [ 2 ] Nothing has changed since Sturdza observed their statecraft in action working behind the scenes for a world war  in the early years of World War II.

Thirty years later, President John F. Kennedy described the same sistema or Revolutionary Network of the same Communist Revolution, then based in the Soviet Union.

“For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence: on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.”

John F. Kennedy, 35th president of the United States of America 1961-1963. Address at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New York City, April 27, 1961.

Speech delivered at the American Newspaper Publisher’s Association at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel.

In Coey’s time (as now) the great Western powers were undergoing subversion by the many agencies of that Revolutionary Network starting with the highest offices in states and governments captured by its financial arm of Central Banks. (These are the Fifth Plank of Karl Marx’s: Communist Manifesto).

In the new millennium, this is completely apparent, but in the 1960s, the extent of this subversion, its influence and control was covert. And in the US, it was assiduously concealed as a ruse of war by the “Myth of American Anti-Communism”.

All Western governments captured and owned as corporate assets by the financial arm of the Judenstaat maintained policies of ‘anti-communism’ in order to cloak the Deep State Assets of the Revolution, as well as Judenstaat ownership of the government.  In America, exposure by the American nationalist leaders contesting this fact of matter across all branches of the captured US government was Counter Revolution. And severe reprisals have invariably entrained from successful exposure.

By his life’s witness and writing, Coey was a Christian, an American nationalist, a soldier of Rhodesia and the Western Counter Revolution. His Christian faith and commitment to Biblical and political truth were all of one. I am inclined to think the fiery, cloudy pillar led him all his journey through.

He was the type of American who would object to use of the US military in a ‘screw-up’ capacity in a ‘no-win’ war. He was the type of Christian who could perceive that traitors had deceitfully crafted such a strategic objective in service to the world-wide Communist Revolution – agencies of which had formed a secret network to contest the political will of the American people.  For we are in majority, an anti-Communist nation which would see the expansion of Communism halted both in America and throughout the world. The government, of course, does the bidding of the Judenstaat through its Council on Foreign Relations.  In the 1970s, they pursued their Revolutionary objectives in a covert manner – standing down Generals like Westmoreland who led the US and South Vietnamese forces to victory during the TET Offensive 1968.
“Who Threw Westmoreland Under the Bus?” by John Prados. March 6, 2018.

Looking into the evidences of the US state capture, Coey concluded that the CFR dictate to the US Dept. of State was at base of the ‘no-win’ war.  He regarded this as not only an unacceptable deployment of the American military, but even more so, an act of treason that the Secretary of State (specifically Undersecretary Nicholas Katzenbach 1966-69) had been tasked to map out such a strategic objective against America and American allies fighting for their freedom against Communist invasions and takeovers.

What he perceived clearly was a dark and morally repugnant betrayal of America and its Allies by an enemy both foreign and domestic – namely Revolutionary Assets of Communist subversion in occupation of offices and positions of government within the US state. And to succeed in what former KGB operative, Yuri Bezmenov called the stage one of subversion: demoralization.  The ‘no-win’ war had to be a carefully guarded secret of that network of traitors which today we would call the US Deep State or ZOG.

So the existence of such a US strategic objective in Vietnam was not exactly published in “The New York Times”.

Yet the Coeys knew about it. From many evidences, they had deduced it. As Christians, they were not among your World Council of Churches, World Evangelical Alliance type of kumbaya judeoXtians: just praising the Lord, blessing Israel, waiting for the rapture. As Americans they took note and they took action. As Christians of a Reformed congregation they based their political decisions and actions upon their faith and Biblical truth.

Phyllis Coey went right into these subjects for the many radio interviews she gave in the new millennium as part of her pro-life activism, her commitment to the legacy of her family and, of course, the contemporary significance of the War in Rhodesia 1965 – 1979 where her son, John Alan Coey gave his life (KIA July 19, 1975) .

With reference to that war, one of her major themes was the liberal error of equating political freedom and civil rights with a democratic process owned by ‘private international interests’ and conformed to UN agreements. This was, in her view, the fast lane to a Marxist state and the New World Order.

As Phyllis Coey would often sum up for her listeners: “ freedom and democracy are not always the same thing, you know.”

Sally-Ann Lowe covers this subject in depth, both politically and historically for the Reclaiming Rhodesia project and website: .


Especially prescient is her essay: “Ian Smith’s Awakening to Espionage & Betrayal by America & Britain to Serve Global Communism” by Sally-Ann Lowe. July 28, 2020. This essay features important comment on the writings of John Alan Coey from both Sally-Ann Lowe and Dr. Peter Hammond who knew personally the Prime Minister of Rhodesia, Ian Smith, after he was stripped of citizenship in Zimbabwe and migrated to South Africa.





Coming home to the States in the new millennium with the grand kids to spend the summers with my family and seeing upon the coffee table the World Council of Churches agitprop featuring Jesus: ‘the good social worker’ and ‘pansy of Palestine’ material, along with the many op-eds supporting Marxist liberation for people historically exploited by horrible, White, racist, colonial oppressors, I always made a point of tuning into the patriot radio broadcasts. In those summers, I often sat with my mother on the screened porch in the evening, drinking iced tea, watching the fireflies and listening to the radio. Very memorable to us were the many interviews given by Phyllis Coey to various radio programs.

Then in her eighties, Phyllis Coey came across as  ‘quite a pistol’ as we would say in the Midwest.  And she was always a big hit with her interviewers and her listeners alike who called in from around America to talk about everything from the Pro-Life Movement – “If the First Amendment can’t guarantee ‘right to life’, it can’t guarantee anything” –  to the current US war in the Middle East [ 3 ] to the legacy of Rhodesia and her family and her son John Alan Coey.

In the new millennium, the ‘death of Communism’ and ‘collapse of the Soviet Union’ deceptions were always big topics with the listeners. And these official narratives or mythologies of the Crypto Communist powers (both East and West) are , of course, the 21st century retread of the Cold War: ‘Myth of American Anti-Communism’ upon which subject, John Alan Coey remains one of the most able authorities.  His Biblical and political analysis is all the more valuable because he himself had agency  in the Rhodesian war of independence and Counter Revolution.

On those broadcasts, Phyllis Coey had no difficulty in joining all the dots for the new millennials trying to understand the same issues that she and her family got to grips with during the Vietnam War Era in the States. She was especially popular with America’s veterans of the US State Department’s crypto Communist wars for the Soviet Union (now posing as the Russian Federation)  and Israel.  When the interview went to time, there would always be still a long phone line-up of listeners waiting to speak to her personally – usually about Rhodesia.

For the American Counter Revolution, Rhodesia again intensifies. This is because the Counter Revolution of the Rhodesians (1965 – 1979) addressed  the entire spectrum of the Communist Revolution in its hybrid warfare even though, in the 1970s, the Rhodesians were fighting the Counter Insurgency stage of that war against Africa and writing the book on it.


“Only an informed American people can save America – and they can save it only if all those to whom it is given to know,
will share their knowledge with others.”

John Owen Beaty. “Introduction to the Reader”
Iron Curtain Over America [ 4]

Published in 1951, This work was a New York Times bestseller and went through eleven printings. John Beaty who served five years with the US Military Intelligence Service in World War II details  the Ashkhenazi Judaic history of Khazaria and Great Tartaria – the empire of the Dark Ages which their Khaganate ruled and how they set up their banking system in Europe which goes back to ancient Babylon.

Time Out: Phyllis Coey (2013-09-13)

Time Out Productions presents long time political activist Phyllis Coey on Community Access, Channel 23. She is 86 years old and has been politically active making people aware of the New World Order since the 1940s.

Kevin Gallagher , September 14, 2013. [ 5 ]

Phyllis Coey: “You see what was happening in Rhodesia, they were only trying to defend and save their own country. The countries surrounding them – there was Zambia, there was Mozambique – they had already fallen under Marxist control, you see. So these Marxist, Communist terrorists were coming over the border into Rhodesia and kidnapping these innocent Black people of Rhodesia, many of them young people and taking them. To Cuba, then to Russia and all over getting them trained and indoctrinated, you know into being terrorists. Then they sent them back to their own country: Rhodesia”

KG.: Sounds very similar to what is going on today.

Phyllis Coey: “That’s it. That’s why it is so important to know all this because it’s a replay. It’s kept going on. And so Rhodesia was, as I said, simply trying to protect their own country from being invaded like this. And protect their own people from being indoctrinated and sent [back] in help destabilize their own country.”

KG.: Wow.

Phyllis Coey: “And, then, through the years, we ran study groups within our home trying to encourage people to come and search for the truth and, you know, find out what we could – because of what was happening in our own country.”

Phyllis Coey: “So…we were having speakers come and tell the truth about what was going on and the danger to our country. There were times when we would have maybe a thousand people in attendance. If you can believe that.”

Phyllis Coey: “When my sons were in high school and as I said we were in turmoil over the Vietnam War and all that, I would attend what they called the Parent Teacher Meetings.

“And the parents would be all upset about what was going on. And I’d say. ‘Well. Why don’t we find out what’s creating this. There has to be a reason, there has to be, you know, someone creating some of this. And I would invite them to come and attend our home study meetings. Well. They would literally push their chairs back and look at me. And what I would hear is: ‘Oh well. Uh. It’s just a fad. It’ll pass’.”

KG.: Yeah. Some fad. It’s been going on

Phyllis Coey: “How many situations have come along since then?”

KG. That fad has just continued for the last 50 something years. It’s been a long fad.

Phyllis Coey: “That was in the 1960s.”

So. As a family, the Coeys were exceptionally well informed about the Communist Revolution and its Long March of subversion within the Western nations – especially America. They were nationalists who were active in the Christian American Counter-Revolution.

They knew about US Senator Joseph McCarthy’s list of communists termiting away in the US State Dept. [ 6 ] In common with other Christian patriots of America’s Midwest, they did not see this disclosure as ‘reds under the bed’ or ‘commies out to get you ‘ or ‘another anti-semitic canard by the junior Senator from Wisconsin’ – as the ADL and the mainstream media were wont to smear Senator McCarthy (1947-1957) – even when he was speaking in the Senate as Chairman of the Senate Committee on Government Operations – a Committee which included the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.  In the Jew Media,  the substance of his many addresses and reports was inevitably: ‘anti-semitic’ canard.

American nationalists, however,  saw McCarthy’s speeches about communist subversion within the US government as serious allegations based upon evidences that required criminal investigation by the highest offices of government.


“Communists in government service are homegrown traitors
causing America to lose the Cold War”

February 9, 1950, the Senator from Wisconsin, Joseph McCarthy warned in a Lincoln’s birthday address to the Women’s Republican Club of Wheeling, West Virginia. [ 6 ]

To John Alan Coey’s mind, exactly of this ilk was the US State Dept’s ‘no-win’ strategic objective for the Vietnam War. And had it had been more widely known, it would have been perceived in Senator McCarthy’s exact terms, in John Alan Coey’s exact terms – not just in Ohio but across all of Christian and patriotic Middle America.

Invariably, Phyllis Coey described her family in this way. From her many radio interviews, the Counter Revolutionary Americans who knew and understood this matter of Revolutionary subversion were attempting to inform others through the community networks available to them – like the Coey family’s home study group.

They didn’t have to wait for the internet to become ‘red pilled’. And in 2013, her interviewer: Kevin Gallagher was amazed to hear how this was possible without the internet.  However, for Americans who read the Congressional Record, it certainly was possible in the decade of the 1960s.

“The truth is the Federal Reserve Board has usurped the Government of the United States. It controls everything here and it controls all our foreign relations. It makes and breaks government at will.”
Louis T. McFadden

A private money trust of central banks owns the  governments of captured states (both the Zionist West and the Communist East)  as corporate infrastructure.  Today the Internet calls it : ‘the Vampyre Squid’.  And that Squid has had its blood funnel into the US since 1913 (as Congressman McFadden established)  and into the UK since the Bank of England was chartered  1694. All of these central banks are vertically integrated as a single pyramid through a series of interlocking directorates. Sir Montagu Norman created this structure for the Corporation of the City of London as Stephen Mitford Goodson discloses in his work: A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind. (2014 and 2019)

From her general knowledge and reading, it is clear that Phyllis Coey and others like the Coey family knew about the ownership of the US government by the Federal Reserve. [7] This is a private money trust owned by ‘International Financiers’ as Congressman Louis T. McFadden (R-Penn) documented for the Record when he was House Chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee (1920-31). [8]

From John Alan Coey’s references to the US big tax exempt 501 companies (foundations): Rockefeller, Ford, Carnegie,etc., his family, undoubtedly, was conversant with the findings of the Reece Report. [ 9 ] Specifically, the Alan Gaither ‘eye-opener’.  In his 1954 interview with Alan Gaither, President of the Ford Foundation, Norman Dodd, then staff director of the Congressional Special Committee to investigate tax-exempt foundations,  reported: “Mr. Gaither then went on to say, ‘Mr. Dodd, all of us who have a hand in the making of policies here, had had experience operating under directions, the substance of which is , that we use our grant-making power so as to alter life in the United States that it can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union.”
“Congressional Special Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations, chaired by Congressman Carroll Reece. Report by Norman Dodd to the Committee.

So with the youngest son of the Coey family, John Alan, the apple really did not fall that far from the tree, even though his trajectory landed in Rhodesia.

“The individual” wrote J. Edgar Hoover “is handicapped by coming face-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists”, much less confront – even though everyone complies with it every day. To see even part of the totality is overwhelming and in the 1970s  (as today) , what the Counter Revolution (for the most part) saw in that monstrosity was something just too big to take on. But Coey was military and combative. And what he saw, like David sizing up Goliath, was that he couldn’t miss.

Thus he resolved upon a decision to enlist in the Rhodesian Commandos instead of accepting an officer’s commission with the US Marines. He wrote his “Soldier’s Protest”, copies of which were sent to his Congressional representatives, Draft Board, extended family members, church and community and the Veterans Associations, as Phyllis Coey recounted in the above interview and as G. Edward Coey described in his 1977 preface to his brother’s writings. [ 1 ]

Xeroxed copies of “A Soldier’s Protest” went far and wide. In point form, Coey set out his position:

“1.] The deliberate prevention by the U.S. Government of victory over communist forces in Southeast Asia.

2.] The attempted overthrow of the Constitutional Republic of the United States by a revolutionary conspiracy of internationalists, collectivists and communists in and out of the U.S. Government

3.] The attempted destruction by Government Defense Officials of the fighting capabilities of American combat forces” ( AMS. “A Soldier’s Protest” , p. 7 )
Cf. “A Soldier’s Protest” Reprinted in Fort Fairfield Journal with the permission of his mother Mrs. George Emmett Coey.

Having made his decision and not one to dither about, the 21 year old John Alan Coey received his discharge from the US Marines, graduated from Ohio State University 1972 and enlisted in the Rhodesian Security Forces under a command that was, in his judgement, fighting a real war to halt the expansion of communism. He believed the Republic of Rhodesia’s War of Independence was a cause  that also served the interests of America.  And the refusal of the US Department of State to support Rhodesia in its war against communist aggression and  expansion, he regarded as a betrayal of America and further evidence (as if more were needed) that the official ‘Anti-Communist’ position of the US Government was a myth.

That myth was necessary to cloak the reality:

the citadel of the US Executive and its Dept. of State had fallen to the Revolution.

In Coey’s assessment, the treachery of  ‘American Anti-Communism’ was not only an actual, official policy; it was a ruse of war in service of the Revolution.

As a ruse, its weakness was that it had to cower behind the Jewish [which he called ‘the Alien Group’] owned mainstream media and rely on that Fourth Estate to form many necessary deceptions in the public mind.  The ensuing contradictions then proved to be the electric can opener for the whole can of worms – which he used with great precision in his writing.

One of these, was, of course, the official narrative and Party Line depiction of the Rhodesian War of Independence (1965-1979) as a civil war of White racists against poor, oppressed Blacks who were only seeking their due of liberation, civil rights and redress from racism, colonial exploitation and suppression of their tribal culture, identity and laws etc.

According to all this liberal /Marxist bleeding-heart palaver on all Western mainstream media, the  dreadful situation and humanitarian crisis that was Rhodesia was caused by an intransigent and illegal ‘White, minority, colonial settler regime’. And, according to all Communist Assets, it could only be remedied by a UN Charter type of electoral process: majority rule – always designated ‘Black Majority Rule’ – as if this were the only possible type of majority.  In terms of numbers, a majority is a majority. Blacks do not necessarily vote as a bloc across tribal lines for unity governments. So what kind of majority?  Perhaps the tribe with the largest demographic? the tribe that gets the most foreign Gooks across the border to vote with them? all the liberals Black and White voting together for Wakanda? weaponized wymyn of the Sexual Revolution who wanted Amazonia? Who knows.

The political truth was exactly the opposite, as the Pearce Commission 1972 officially discovered (and thus inadvertently)  confirming the affirmative positions of the Rhodesian Constitutional Referendum 1969.  When the Commission refused to admit confirmation, PM Smith called their bluff and pulled the plug on them in April 1972. The Pearce Commission may have taken the position of the African National Council in their public relations, but they did admit their actual findings in The Hansard in the House of Lords, December 1972. (This essay series will cover the Pearce Commission duplicity in: Part III: ‘Ruses of War’ )

The entire Rhodesian population in the mosaic of its tribal demographics: Mashona and Manica, English and European, amaNdebele, the indigenous Koi and San people – largely wiped out in the Mashona and amaNdebele wars of the old Zambezia (and Western bleeding-hearts could not care less) – as well the Asians and Coloureds had worked out a Rhodesian solution for their national sovereignty. They worked out a system  based upon balance of power and self-rule for each demographic under its own laws whether they were written or customary. Only the Europeans had the statecraft for such a solution – called the Westminster system of government, and the Rhodesians  had it.  They had it in spades because they succeeded in freeing up that ancient foundation from the ownership and subversion of The Crown and its Empire of the Corporation of the City of London (owned by the International Judenstaat).

To impose a UN [Communist] electoral process on Rhodesia would only serve to reignite the genocidal tribal wars of the past. And this was precisely the goal of the Communist Zimbabwean parties and their militaries.  Naturally, it was in the interest of the International Judenstaat (The Owners of the Communist Revolution) to promote this as a springboard for state capture of Rhodesia on the landmass that is now a colony of the People’s Republic of China with a population of Zimbabweans.

Thus, in the political analysis of his writings, Coey went straight for the lie of the Revolution on its moral high ground, the pillar of the Deep State. As Solzhenitsyn described it: “In Communism the lie is a pillar of the state.”

In example, the leaders of the Democrat Party jacked by the Communist Revolution here ‘take a knee’ to their Gooks in ‘The Kente’ on The Hill.  In this photo op we see them posing as ‘visitors’ – kind of like an illegal, settler regime.

The Democrats take a knee to Burning, Looting and Murder across American cities. June 8 2020

Coey did not learn about the Communist Revolutionary Network and sistema for his Bachelor’s degree from Ohio State University, but he knew that the US Deep State of Communist Revolutionary Assets in service to ‘the International Conspiracy’ or ‘the Alien Group’ will always work to capture the legitimate institutions of state. Then, they will proceed to alienate these institutions from their foundation and purpose and set them upon the Revolution itself as the pillar and ground of their operation, thus making them over as a golem or a stooge. The American vernacular would call this: ‘a tar baby.’ Coey does not employ this term, but his clear analysis and thinking leave no doubt as to his meaning or his references in ‘the Alien Conspiracy and its workings’.

Coey did not bother punching the tar baby. Rather, in his writings, published correspondence, lectures, conversations and friendships, he set about demolition of the lie that is a pillar of state: the deception of American Anti-Communism or UK Anti-Communism.

Just as it was in the interests of the US Deep State to conceal the reality of its Communist power beneath the  legitimate structures it had instrumentalised for the Revolution, it was also in the interests of the Rhodesian Deep State to cloak itself and its services to the Revolution with the same deception. Assets of the Revolution were unfortunately embedded in the legitimate Rhodesian government – as they are in all Western governments. In Coey’s time, their efforts to capture and hold the choke points would have been a work in progress.

Of course, the entirely legitimate (by every Western criteria of legitimacy) Rhodesian Front government of the Republic of Rhodesia needed no cloak for its interests or objectives which were plainly set forth in its Constitution. [ 12 ] It did not have to conceal from its population that it was owned by the central banking cartel – because it wasn’t owned by the central banking cartel.  The government of Prime Minister Ian Smith had chartered a national bank outside the world financial pyramid of the  Internationaal Judenstaat which the Protocols of the Elders of Zion calls ‘Our State.’  And so the Rh$ was a blacklisted currency. Right throughout the war it was blacklisted on all money markets.  Also the qualified electoral franchise of Rhodesia, adopted by Constitutional referendum, was enough to make the Commissars of the United [Communist] Nations cough up their collective furball – which they did.

But the cryptos of the Revolutionary Network will always rely upon the slime-y Ganelon Factor and Deep State squidliness of their Assets positioned throughout the legitimate structures of state to network the real politik of the Revolution . And they rely upon Judenstaat media dominance across the Western nations to create deceptions in the public mind by repetition of official narratives, cover stories and party lines.

Millennials call this delusional system: the Matrix.

Even though, in terms of his military service, Coey was counterinsurgency, his writings clearly identify this hybrid warfare of Deep State. And the events of his life, victory and legacy reveal not only how these work for the Revolution but also their defeats ‘in Cruce Victoria’.  He was, as one might expect,  much inclined to poke the Squid – as were his editors, S.E.D. Brown of the South African Observer and Wilfred Brooks of Rhodesian Property and Finance – periodicals in which he was published as a writer and correspondent.

The permanent, world-wide Communist Revolution certainly had a Plan for state capture and the subversion of every institution of social influence in Rhodesia, the Portuguese colonies and South Africa. It was called Operation Mayibuye.

The J-Force is still in damage control about it.  This is because those ‘evil White racist, colonial settler regimes’ of Africa and especially ‘the Apartheid Regime’ of South Africa are the gift that just keeps on giving.  All the mythology that has been created around these subjects by the Scriptwriters of the Revolution is still working up a sweat for the sacred Marxist oppression narratives needed by the Identity Cadres and their Gooks.

One of their biggest howlers is the work by Pultizer Prize winning reporter, Glenn Frankel: Rivonia’s Children: Three Families and the Price of Freedom in South Africa (1999) . These are, of course three Jewish families working for the Communist Revolution. [ 11 ] The schtick they are running with this one is like: ‘Now how in name of Lenin could the Jewish Communist leaders have possibly known that those documents seized by the SA police at the Goldreich Liliesleaf Farm were the documents of , you know, like a real plan for the Communist takeover of all of southern Africa?’  Of note here is the fact that many of the Jewish Communist leaders were spared the Rivonia Trial and enabled to abscond by the good offices of South Africa’s Revolutionary Deep State Network.

We are now living in the time post the United [Communist] Nations manifesto of the Revolution’s accession to world power over all member nations.  That Manifesto was the international operation of the Corona Baloney Hoax 2020. In the West, this accession has occurred through a process of state capture and Deep State embedding throughout the decades of the 20th century.  Now all institutions of social influence are undergoing Marxist subversion in Bezmenov’s stage four: normalisation.

The skools of the Communist  state will only teach a Marxist curriculum.  Your children and grandchildren will have to learn their subjects according to Marxist Deconstructionism of the Western civilization and knowledge in toto.  In this hermeneutic or frame of reference, many historical facts of matter documented from many sources, (including official sources) will be evaluated as: ‘anti-semitic’ and permanently deleted from the hard drive.   Advanced mathematics is: racist.  And they will have to learn Critical Race Theory like Rivonia’s Children as part of their Mandela studies.

On that cheerful note, the adventure of the Counter Revolution continues.

Notes and References
Part I : What Makes Heroic Strife Famed Afar?

John Alan Coey. ”A Martyr Speaks : Journal of the Late John Alan Coey.” 1988. (New Puritan Library, Inc. Copyright the Coey family).  Cited in the text as  AMS.

Also published as The Fighting Doc: The Rhodesian Bush War Diary of John Alan Coey.,
KIA 19 July 1975. 2015. (Helion Company: Warwick U.K)

1.] Coey, G. Edward. “Introduction” to A Martyr Speaks: Journal of the Late John Alan Coey . July 1977. Hide Away Hills, Ohio.

2.] Prince Michel Sturdza. The Suicide of Europe: Memoirs of Prince Michel Sturdza, Former Foreign Minister of Rumania. 1968. (Boston and Los Angeles: Western Islands Publishers) p. 112 and 25.

3.] “General Wesley Clark: ‘We’re going to take-out 7 countries in 5 years”
Uploaded by Nakama, March 7, 2019.

Note: In this interview, the former NATO general refers to Rumsfeld both in his capacity of US Special Envoy to Iraq and later as Secretary of Defense. These wars were not ‘about oil’ as he claims. These were Operation Sionistskiye Gosudarstva or ‘Zionist Government’ wars in collaboration with the Russian Federation [the Potemkin Village name for the Soviet Union] and Israel. “The operation uses ‘friendlies’ on both sides of the Israel/Arab conflict to build the Zionist oppression narrative as a perceived continuation of Western colonialism.” The strategy involves Israel ‘taking one for the team’ and casting itself as the bad guy as a means for framing the West for the crimes in the region. The familiar Gook alphabet soup army, now morphed into ‘jihadis’ for the SIG wars – financed, trained and supplied by all parties, one might expect. Operation SIG provides for the continued Soviet / Israeli dominance of all the regime changed governments in the Middle East “with leaders in all countries in on the Plan. SIG is paving the way for the World Communist Order” the centrepiece of which will be Eurasia.

4.] Beaty, John Owen. Iron Curtain Over America. 1951. First Printing. 1954 Eleventh Printing. (Melbourne, Australia: Wilkinson Publishing Company)

5.] Coey, Mrs. G. Emmett. Introduced as: Phyllis Coey by Kevin Gallagher of Time Out Productions, Community Access Channel 23.

Time Out: Phyllis Coey (2013-09-13)
Kevin Gallagher. September 14, 2013.

6.] According to Senator McCarthy, homegrown traitors were causing America to lose the Cold War. “The State Dept. is infested with Communists. While I can not take the time to name all the men in the State Dept. who have been named as members of the Communist Party or members of a spy ring, I have here in my hand a list of 205.”

McCarthy, US Senator (R-Wisconsin 1947-1957). Chairman of the Senate Committee on Government Operations 1953, this Committee included the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.

The range of detraction, smear and accusations his political [Jewish Lobby / Masonic [Communist] enemies brought against him is extensive. Everything from the standard ‘anti-semitic cannard’ to sodomy. He was and is featured always as ‘Mr. Diabolical’ and ‘Mr. Prime Example of WRONGTHINK’ in the mainstream, controlled Jewish media.

7.] Coey, G. Edward. “Introduction”. A Martyr Speaks Journal of the Late John Alan Coey. July 1977. Hide-Away-Hills, Ohio.

8.] Congressman Louis T McFadden (R-Penn. 1915-1935) Chairman of the US House Committee on Banking and Currency 1920-1931. “On the Federal Reserve Corporation : Remarks in Congress 1934”. An Astounding Exposure. Forum Publishing Company – 324 Newbury St., Boston 15, Massachusetts.

May 23, 1933, Congressman McFadden brought formal charges against the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank system, The Comptroller of the Currency and the Secretary of United States Treasury for numerous criminal acts, including but not limited to, Conspiracy, Fraud, Unlawful Conversion and Treason. The petition for Articles of Impeachment was thereafter referred to the Judiciary Committee and has Yet to be acted upon.

From McFadden’s many addresses to the House, we have an assessment of the Independent Treasury Act 1920 and information on the Rockefellers and their Foundation which was one of the founders of the Federal Reserve Bank.

The Independent Treasury Act 1920 suspended the de jure (by right of law) establishment of the Treasury Dept of the US and turned It over to the Federal Reserve Bank to perform an act of sovereignty, namely  to issue the currency. According to McFadden, the bulk of ownership of the Federal Reserve ‘a private money trust’ is held by Rothschild Bank of London, Rothschild Bank of Berlin, Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Warburg Bank of Amsterdam, Lazard Brothers of Paris, Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy, Chase Manhattan Bank of new York, Goldman Sachs of new York, Lehman Brothers of New Yok, Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York.

John D. Rockefeller helped to found the Federal Reserve along with Rothschild and J.P. Morgan. This funded the Rockefeller Foundation ( See The Notes for The Reece Report by Norman Dodd below) and the Council on Foreign Relations (1921) .

The Rockefellers are billionaires manufactured by Monopoly Capital in the US, namely the Federal Reserve [privately owned] Money Trust. The Rockefeller Foundation has financed Communist and ‘Islamist’  Gook cadres all over the world for subversion, regime changes and take-overs for the Communist Revolution.

it financed Marxist Gook liberation identities / cadres and their cultural Revolution against Americans.

This Foundation was one of the funders of the UN. It helped to found the Council of Foreign Relations and hijack the educational system to get cultural Marxism into the schools. It kick-started Big Pharma – now single cartel: Big Pharma, Big Abortion, Big Vaxx, Big BioTech, Big Organ Harvesting Combine.  It is ‘into’ bioweapons and genetic engineering.  And it worked to outlaw hemp in the US.

“If a nation can issue a dollar bond, it can issue a dollar bill”
Thomas Edison Exposed Central Banking Scam in 1921 New York Times Interview, Dec 6

June 10, 1932. Congressman McFadden’s speech before the US House of Representatives.

His inquiries had established that the Federal Reserve Bank is a “private money trust” . “Open the books…and you will be staggered to see how much American money has been taken from the United States Treasury for the benefit of Russia. Find out what business has been transacted for the State Bank of Soviet Russia, by its correspondent, the Chase Bank of New York [owned by the Rockefellers]”

“The FED has usurped the government. It controls everything here [in Congress] and it controls all our foreign relations. It makes and breaks governments at will.”

Congressman Louis T. McFadden survived two assassination attempts, was ruthlessly pilloried by the Jew Owned Press for his ‘anti-semiitism’. Stuck to his guns and demanded an audit of the FED. As one might expect, he died under very suspicious circumstances.

McFadden did not use the collective term Jew Bank or Jewish central banking cartel – he used the term ‘International Bankers’ or ‘International Finance’ or ‘private, international financial interests’. [ Note. Even so, the sistema which he called conspiratorial and “Jewish influenced” hounded him from office and he was stripped of his banking committee chairmanship. Ostracized by the Republican Party and labelled ‘anti-semitic’ and ‘crazy’, he demanded accountability from the the financial arm of the International Judenstaat  which he called:  “International Jewish moneychangers”

As a Congressman, McFadden did not turn the other cheek but went after the enemies of America both foreign and domestic. He referred to both the Nazis and the Communists as ‘foreign ideologies”.
John Wear. “Is This Why America Aided Her Communist Enemies to Destroy Rhodesia”
June 20, 2021.

Linde corresponded with RR in appreciation of John Wear’s excellent post. This is still posted in the Response Section.

9.] Norman Dodd (1954) was the staff director of the Congressional Special Committee to investigate tax-exempt foundations – sometimes referenced as the Reece committee, in recognition of its chairman, Congressman Carroll Reece. The principal author of the “The Reece Report” was Norman Dodd.
Tax Exempt Foundations the Enemy Within – Norman Dodd Dr. Stan Monteith.

The major tax-exempt foundations of the US since at least 1945 have been relentlessly operating to promote a hidden agenda. That agenda has nothing to do with the surface of charity, good works or philanthropy. The real objectives include the creation of a world-wide Collectivist State – including the Soviet Union, which is to be ruled from behind the scenes by those same interests which now control the tax exempt foundations.

Sally-Ann Lowe. “Follow the Money: How Tax-Exempt Foundations Conspire Against America for World Communism. February 6, 2021.
Norman Dodd ( 1952-1954) was the chief investigative researcher for the Congressional Reece Committe of the US House of Representatives. He investigated the un-American activities of the Big Tax Exempts (501 companies) in particular the Carnegie, Rockefeller, Guggenheim and Ford Foundation.
G. Edward Griffin interviews Norman Dodd (1982) regarding the time he spent as the chief researcher for the Reece Committee.  In his interview and Congressional Report, Dodd revealed the “hidden agenda for a world government’ – a world communist system of government.

Alan Gaither , President of the Ford Foundation interviewed by Norman Dodd (1954) : “Mr. Gaither then went on to say, ‘Mr. Dodd, all of us who have a hand in the making of policies here, had had experience operating under directions, the substance of which is , that we use our grant-making power so as to alter life in the United that it can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union.”

10.] See Fr. Denis Fahey. “The Rulers of Russia”. 1940.
This material was reprinted by permission given exclusively to Rev. Charles E. Coughlin of the America First Committee.

11.] Glenn Frankel. Rivonia’s Children: Three Families and the Price of Freedom in South Africa. 1999. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson. The Orion Publishing Group Ltd.

12.] J. Albert Coetzee, M.A., D.Phil. The Sovereignty of Rhodesia and the Law of Nations.
April 1970. Pretoria.

Essential text concerning the Rhodesian War of Independence by Dr. Coetzee, formerly Head, Dept. of Political Science, University of South Africa and Member of Parliament for Kempton Park, Republic of South Africa.