The Soros Payroll Rises for the Communist Revolution and The Grouse Rises for Australia

Steve Hofmeyr: “Back in South Africa, I run a campaign…”
January 28, 2022
Israel Cohen (1879-1961)
February 18, 2022
Steve Hofmeyr: “Back in South Africa, I run a campaign…”
January 28, 2022
Israel Cohen (1879-1961)
February 18, 2022

The Soros Payroll Rises for the Communist Revolution and The Grouse Rises for Australia

Rockefeller Scenarios: Lockstep with Growing Citizen Pushback

A Counter Revolution Vlog of Freedom Protests, Convoys and Demonstrations

“the US is a divided country. Public trust is crucial to social solidarity. Retreat from balancing power with legitimacy will cause the social contract to disintegrate. Failure could set the world on fire.”

“The Coronavirus Pandemic Will Forever Alter the World Order”. Dr Henry Kissinger. Wall Street Journal: “Opinion”. April 3 2020.

Thus spoke the emminence grease of Vampyre Squidliness, Super Jew Dr. K. in the pages of the WSJ (last week’s budgie paper).

Sept. 2021. In Australia, we saw the serious rise of The Grouse against the vaxx mandates, lockdowns, buiness closures by the UN CoVID Regime of the Australian Marxist state. This latter is comprised of the National Cabinet [secret proceedings ] and Operation CoVID Shield [backed by foreign militaries]  and created under UN mandates  to supersede what passes for the legitimate government corporate political parties pretending to form the Commonwealth Government of Australia.

Until the imposition of the UN CoVID Regime,  the Australian Blue Line had mostly stood back from small numbers of protestors who had come out of lockdown. The police certainly did not take a knee to Australians who had lost their homes, businesses, jobs and livlihood, Australians who had been locked down for months at the hands of the CoVID Regime. In Queensland, they stood back and held the line against counter protests.

Gook cadres for the Communist Revolution : Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioted for the Soros Payroll across US cities June – August 2020 with burning, looting , murder and mayhem.  They also rioted internationally as well – most notably in South Africa.  And the UN CoVID Regime of the Western Marxist states required the law enforcement of the state to acknowledge Revolutionary entitlement to crime and ‘take the knee’.

Unlike these ‘mostly peaceful’ protests ‘ of Marxist Mainstream Media fame

the initial protests against the CoVID Regime were in fact mostly peaceful.

Even so, when the Black Lives Matter / Aboriginal Deaths in Custody protests began in Australia (June 2020), the police, politicians and courts of the Australian Marxist state were required to take the knee.

This international protocol is a Manifest for  the international UN Marxist state. In the face of Gook Revolutionary cadres taking to the streets with political action – whether demonstrating or rioting with burning, looting and murder:

The authority of the Western states had to take the knee.
June 6 2020
Crowd demands police to take a knee during Sydney BLM protest.

The police certainly didn’t accede to any requests from Australian crowds protesting the national jail sentence or the theft of jobs and income by CoVID Regime of the UN Marxist state.

In Australia it was the politicians, police and the courts which took the knee to BLM.

Problems with the Gook cadres on the Soros Payroll began in June 2020 when a Sydney court initially brought down an ‘unlawful’ ruling against a BLM protest over the death of Fentanyl addict George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 2020. And it was left to NSW Premier, Gladys Berejiklian, Marxist factotum and ‘NWO’ widget, to justify why the football matches could go ahead but by order the court , a BLM protest could not.

“If it’s a seated ticketed event where there is good social distancing” Berejiklian countered with a pleading expression,  “then it can proceed.” And the AFL season in fact  resumed 11 June 2020.

Also, June 5 2020 NSW government announced that Rugby League fans could attend matches from Round 5 (June 11) when CoVID protocols relating to pubs and clubs were eased. Up to 50 people / catering area as long as the ratio of one person / 4 sq metres observed.

Yet despite the adverse court ruling from the court, the  BLM rallies also went ahead June 6, 2020 across Australia to protest against mistreatment and deaths of Indigenous people.

Big numbers also attended a Victorian BLM protest against the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

 BLM George Floyd Monument
And Victoria’s Dept of Health and Human Services took the knee.

Common sense would link the BLM protest in Victoria to [the Official Narrative] of positive CoVID outbreaks in North Melbourne and Flemington. However, the Victorian Dept of Health and Human Services (DHHS) sabotaged their own CoVID Correctnes and maintained that although six people who attended the BLM rally and subsequently tested + for CoVID,  no evidence suggested  they acquired the virus from the BLM demonstration.  Really?

NSW police Commissioner Mick Fuller, however, was not on message with the CoVID Correctness of the Official Narrative. If there was indeed a real pandemic [instead of a Hoax], then justified measures for public safety were in place June and July 2020. And Fuller’s statement logically follows that: “We know from the Victorian protest that it put a lot of lives at risk and it’s just not worth it.” As did Berejiklian’s warning regarding the NSW protest. And makes it incredible that the football matches would get a pass – which they did.

July 27, 2020 (Monday) The NSW Premier, Gladys Berejiklian again had to trouble shoot the CoVID Correctness. At the Monday press conference, she was reduced to pleading with  the public not to attend the Tuesday rally which was declared a prohibited public assembly by the supreme court Sunday July 26. A prohibited protest against the death of a Fentanyl addict in the US.  In terms of Leftoid Revolutionary  politics , it doesn’t get worse than this.  But, it did get worse and the CoVID Regime could not regain control of the Narrative.

“Highly irresponsible” PM Scott Morrison rejoined to Berejiklian’s pleading. He described rally attendance as ‘breaking the law’.  The  Indigenous Doctors’ Assoc called for Sydney BLM protest to be postposed due to increasing risk of CoVID in the city. Good Luck with all that.

Even with the nation under lockdown by order of the CoVID Regime, a challenge to the supreme court decision succeeded on appeal minutes before the rally began.

The last minute decision meant those marching in Sydney were immune from prosecution for breaching public health orders.  NSW Greens MP David Shoebridge announced the success of the appeal to resounding cheers.
“Tens of thousands of people” and “a day of peaceful protests across Australia for the most part”

In a UN Marxist State, the Race Card must trump even the Party Line and Official Narrative of the CoVID Regime.

Organiser of the July 2020 BLM rally Paul Silva, nephew of David Dungay (an Aboriginal man who died in custody 2015) said the July protest would ‘most definitely’ go ahead. He said the BLM / Aboriginal Deaths in Custody protests “were being singled out despite NSW allowing football matches and gatherings in hotels and shopping centres. This was evidence the authorities were just using the pandemic as an ‘excuse to silence us.’ The NSW police will “use any excuse to stop First Nations voices being heard”.

Even with the nation under lockdown by order of the CoVID Regime, a supreme court decision was reversed to allow BLM protest to go ahead.

The last minute decision meant those marching in Sydney were immune from prosecution for breaching public health orders. NSW Greens MP David Shoebridge announced the success of the appeal to resounding cheers.
“Tens of thousands of people”
“a day of peaceful protests across Australia for the most part”

“No formal police action required” according to NSW Police Assistant Commissioner Mick Willing

Black Lives Matter protest in Brisbane. Saturday July 4, 2020. (Picture, John Gass)
Black Lives Matter Rallies Across Australia.

See the Gallery of thousands of protesters descending on Australian cities to take part in BLM rallies following the death of Fentanyl addict George Floyd. It features a large police presence for what the Official Narrative billed as ‘second wave CoVID-19 outbreak’ and a strong contingent of Doofus Whites masked and demonstrating for a Gook cadre.

Black Lives Matter protect in Brisbane. Saturday July 4, 2020. (Picture, John Gass)

All the pix show a strong contingent of Doofus Whites masked and demonstrating for a Gook cadre.
BLM protestor arrested after tearing up his $1000 fine for attending the Sydney rally July 28 2020.

The NSW Supreme Court had taken the knee.

The BLM protest moved into the NSW parliament that  afternoon. The Dungay family invited in to present signatures (100,000) to the MPs calling for further investigation into the death of David Dungay (Sydney jail 2015) The police keeping well back. And they were featured in the New York Times.

This is the sistema of the Revolutionary Network in action.