Israel Cohen (1879-1961)
February 18, 2022
Eurasian New World Order
May 6, 2022When Will the Warning Come?

“There will come ‘A Great Wonder’ which will fill the world with astonishment! This will be preceded by the triumph of Revolution. The Church will suffer exceedingly and her servants and her chieftain will be mocked, scourged and martyred. ”
Pope Pius IX commented on the subject of his vision (1878): “Since the whole world is against God and His Church, it is evident that He has reserved the victory over His enemies to Himself. This will be more obvious when it is considered that the root of all present evils is to be found in the fact that those with talents and vigor crave earthly pleasures and not only desert God but repudiate Him altogether, thus it appears they cannot be brought back in any other way except through an act that cannot be described to any secondary agency and thus all will be forced to look to the supernatural.”
https://greatmonarch-angelicpontiffprophecies.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_44.html. The Great Catholic Monarch and Angelic Pontiff Prophecies.
The Great Warning (El Aviso)
Mari-Loli Marzon is one of the four girls from the village San Sebastian, Garabandal, Spain, who saw visions of our Lady and St. Michael the Archangel 1961-1965.
The emissaries from Heaven related to the girls an essential part of our Lady’s confidences to the shepherd children of Fatima (suppressed in 1960).
The four young visionaries conversed with our Lady and St. Michael the Archangel on this subject. And they were told that before God chastised the world for its sins (2 Peter 3: 3-7), He would warn the entire world with a great sign for the illumination of all consciences that all might believe and seek His mercy.
The Blessed Mother told Mari Loli Marzon (1949 – 2009) the date of The Warning and described to her much of what would be happening in the world at the time it would be occur. MariLoli died at Plaistow, New Hampshire 2009. As far as we have been told , she was the only person to know the date of The Warning.
When Will ‘The Warning’ (El Aviso) Come?
“Rare Video : Mari-Loli, the Only Person to Know the Date of ‘The Warning’ said This Will Happen First”
Transcript from the video posted by Mother and Refuge of the End Times (Feb. 2 2024)
Interviewer: You once said that before The Warning, Communism would dominate the world. Did the Blessed Mother tell you this?
ML : Yes.
Interviewer: What do you mean when you say ‘dominate the world’
ML: Well. I don’t know exactly the world. The Communist would take over the world
Interviewer: And it would be every place as far as you know
ML : As far as I know, that’s what I thought. But that time my knowledge it was not too far of the world.
Interviewer : But the impression that you got, as a child what you saw, you thought it was everywhere?
ML : Yes.
Interviewer: And what will happen during this tribulation. Will there be a persecution?
ML : Well. She said it will be very hard for the priest to say mass. For the peoples to practice their religion. And the the priests, if they find out they are priest, they will be persecuted.
Interviewer : And you also said that the churches would have to be closed . Is that right ?
ML : Yeah. They will be closed because they will not allow the people to go to…to the priest to say mass or the people to go there.
Mrs. Christine Bocabeille interviewed Mari-Loli Marzon on the approximate time of “The Warning’ May 7, 1983.
Mari-Loli: “Yes. It will be that time when the world will most need it.”
Christine: “When is that?”
Mari-Loli: “When Russia will unexpectedly and suddenly overrun and overwhelm a great part of the free world. God does not want this to happen so quickly. The Warning will come when you will see that Holy Mass can not be celebrated freely anymore. Then, it will be that the world will most need the intervention of God.”
Source: Albrecht Weber. Garabandal: Der Zeigefinger Gottes. 2000. (Abe Books; p. 130 – 131).
Final Sign before The Warning: A pope will visit Russia. Upon his return, the war would break out.
Mari-Loli stated in many interviews that ‘The Warning’ will come when “Communism comes again”. At that time, the Pope will visit Moscow and war will break out in Europe.
Garabandal visionary Conchita Gonzalez quoted the Blessed Mother as having said that one day, a pope will visit Moscow and that as soon as he returns to the Vatican ‘hostilities will break out in different parts of Europe.” Thus will begin ‘heroic tribulations. Conchita confirmed the testimony of Mari-Loli saying that the vision referred to the time when Communsim, led by Russia, would unexpectedly invade many countries and Christians would be persecuted.
Albrecht Weber. Interview with Conchita Gonzalez Nov. 14, 1965
Garabandal US 1988.
“Communism will appear again on the scene and cause great suffering before its reign of terror is suddenly ended.”
Secrets From The Vatican Archives: Padre Pio Confirms Garabandal!
Monique (Mother & Refuge of the End Times video channel) interviews the author of Revelations, Xavier Reyes Ayral on the subject of our Lady of Mount Carmel’s visitation to the village of San Sebastian, Garabandal.
The Soviet Union did not collapse and Putin did not kick the Rothschild central banking cartel out of Russia.

The US (owned as corporate asset of the same central banking cartel as the Russian Federation) also displays the ‘man on the white horse’ logo on its foreign policy instrument: the Council on Foreign Relation. The CFR dictates US foreign policy to the Dept. of State.
The shape of these conditions as a world-scape is coming clearly into view with the suppression of the canonized Roman Rite by Pope Francis, acting in the ministry of the papacy.
Through his apostolic letter Traditionis Custodis (July 2021) Francis has suppressed the canonized Missale Romanum as the extraordinary rite of the mass. Also, due to the mandates of the CoVID Regime, the bishops have suspended the ordinary rite of the mass (Novus Ordo Missae) in much of the Western world.
In his apostolic letter, Summorum Pontificum (July 2007), Pope Benedict XVI , who never abdicated the office of the papacy (the munus), has stated with Pope St Pius V (Quo Primum, July 1560) that the canonized Missale Romanum could never be abrogated in law (de jure ) . And he restored the 1962 edition as the extraordinary rite of the mass to the faithful after it had been suppressed de facto by bishops throughout the world.
The two popes manifestly contradict each other in terms of communion of doctrine with their predecessor, Pope St Pius V, Quo Primum.
Feb 2022. Invasion of the Central European nation of Ukraine by Soviet Russia has every potential to widen into a larger conflict with the Western powers and thus fulfill the conditions described by Mari-Loli.
Priests in Ukraine going to bomb shelters to celebrate Mass
March 1 2022
Rome reports in English
Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church is offering the mass in the bomb shelters.
Ukraine Bishops Confirm Russia Not Yet Consecrated
March 5 2022
The Fatima Center
Prophetic Developments: Blood Moon Election Day & Putin Open to Speaking to Pope Francis!
Oct 28, 2022
Mother & Refuge of the End Times.
Today’s solar eclipse ushers in the US ‘blood moon election’