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Mother and Refuge of the End Times
Monique B. of M&R interviews Xavier Reyes-Ayral, author of Revelations.
Streamed live on Oct 25, 2022
In this interview, Xavier Ayral covers the importance of Our Lord’s counsel and that of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Marie Julie Jahenny for both spiritual and physical protection in End Times tribulations.
From the Chapter entitled “Chastisements and Diseases” from Revelations by Xavier Reyes Ayral
All sacramentals should be blessed by a priest and are signifiers of the armour of God for us and our families. These are not lucky charms. Without faith and conversion they will not avail.
All sacramentals to be Blessed by a priest and are signifiers of the amour of God for us and our families
[7.15] Marie Julie invites everyone to wear the Brown Scapular. Promises of the Blessed Virgin as foretold by Marie Julie Jahenny.
[10.53] Purple Scapular blessed by a priest. The Virgin Mary asked Marie Julie to announce that during the Days of Darkness [ also mentioned by Padre Pio ], all who wear it, will be able to see in their homes. It confers protection for the person who wears it and family members.
[17.04] Cross of Holy Protection from disease or Cross of Pardon from venial sins. The flame signifies children of the Spirit of God.
[20.03] Medal of the Good Guard. Protection of purity.
[22.34] Medals of St. Benedict and the Miraculous Medal.
Remedies of the Plagues
[28.50] The Three Days of Darkness will eradicate all the enemies of God. [ 38.49 ] Hell will be emptied. The earth to be purified and also humankind alive upon the earth.
[31.57] The blessed candle made of beeswax.
[40.51] Apocalyptic plagues. The Cross of Holy Protection. By the Divine Mercy of our Lord, the White Hawthorn is offered to us as a remedy to be used against the deadly and burning plague which will be very contagious. It will affect the tongue and the brain and cardiovascular system. The first sign of this plague will be a burning red skin lesion that will develop a black and yellow centre. At the first sign of this burning lesion use the hawthorn leaf – the leaf itself without the wooden stem. The Virgin Mary invites us to take the hawthorn leaves and to place them in boiling water. Cover the pan in which water is boiling with the leaves. Let boil for 14 minutes. Then remove from the heat and pour into container -eg a teapot or container. Apply it to the burning lesion and consume it three times a day until all effects are gone and forgotten. Apply this remedy early. If the lesion develops the black and yellow centre, this remedy will only relieve the suffering of the disease and not cure.
In God’s mercy, other plagues can be healed with specific prayers. Sept 13 1880, the Blessed Virgin told Marie Julie Jahenny: “Souls will be protected and preserved who will write down these words and repeat them during the time when these violent plagues will break out, causing great damage. These words written on one piece of paper can suffice for an entire family. [This particular prayer can be carried in the wallet ] ‘O very pure Virgin, you who have always carried and who still carries the good and chaste fragrance of purity , take away from us this disgusting smell and send it back to that place where we shall never have to smell it again, by the chaste scent of your holy purity. Amen. Some of these plagues will cause such a stench, that the very stench will propagate the disease.
Other remedies were also recommended to Marie Julie Jahenny such as St. John’s Wort flower for violent mental troubles, chest pains and headaches. [In the ordinary times, Xavier disclaims that a doctor must be consulted and emphasises that these remedies are given for the extraordinary times of the Chastisements when God will purify the earth and humanity of the destroyers. These times are during the war that comes and the Divine Chastisements up to the Two and Three Days of Darkness that follow].
In another prayer for unknown disease, Marie Julie related : “Place a drop of holy water upon the poor souls suffering unknown diseases that attack the mind, heart, mouth and tongue to alleviate their suffering and pray for their healing.”
Our Lord told Marie Julie to foretell : “My little loving and beloved souls, against the Great Calamities you will put the medal of my Sacred Heart in a glass of water or a spoonful, if you wish, you will invoke my Adorable Heart. I will relieve you of all attacks. I will console you in your pains and sorrows.” This water can be used to anoint persons and to de-contaminate food and water.
The Miraculous Medal which has the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
[ 52.16 ] Unknown diseases. To Jesus: “I salute You. I embrace You. I adore You. Write a prayer upon a piece of thin paper (eg rice paper or wax paper) “O Jesus vanquisher of death, save us. O Crux Ave Spes Unica”. ( Hail O Cross, our one hope)
Consume this little paper let it dissolve upon the tongue.
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