Hamas Invades Israel October 7 2023

January 26, 2024
War in the Holy Land
May 17, 2024
January 26, 2024
War in the Holy Land
May 17, 2024

Hamas Invades Israel October 7 2023

Operation Sionistskiye Gosudarstva (Zionist Governments) for regime change of Muslim governments is a strategic objective of the Revolution on the road map to the world soviet and its Communist World Order centred in Eurasia. (https://fitzinfo.net/operation-sig/).
See also: “Zionism is a Kremlin Decoy”. July 12 2019. Timothy Fitzpatrick. https://fitzinfo.net/2019/07/12/israel-is-a-kremlin-decoy/. There is plenty of evidence. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/14/unverified-rumours-of-russia-arming-hamas-persisas-war-rages-in-gaza

“Israel was created [by The Synagogue of Satan] as the instrument to bring about the Battle of Armageddon [Third World War] and fulfillment of prophecy. A war that will be so terrible, where nuclear weapons will be used so that American citizens and the other people of the world will get down on their knees and beg for no more war.
“And what will be the answer to that? They are going to be told the only way we can guarantee no more war is if we destroy the sovereignty of nations [as if sovereignty of nations was the cause of war]
and then we come together as one humanity in a one world government.” 

 William Cooper (Behold a Pale Horse)

How The Israeli Mossad Created And Financed Hamas As Controlled Opposition

“How Israel Helped to Spawn Hamas”.  Andrew Higgens.  Jan. 24, 2009.  “Hamas is Israel’s creation”.
The Wall Street Journal.  https://archive.md/6mQ4Z

Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas. This is part of our strategy – to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank”, the PM told a meeting of his Likud party’s Knesset members in March 2019.

The truth is : Israel has been funding Hamas for some time, probably from the time Hamas / Mossad special forces gunned down the Fatah leadership 2007.   Now the radical terrorist group that was created by Israel in partnership with the US Deep State and the Soviet Union States, has now been unleashed.  It has taken the entire Palestinian population of the world’s largest open air concentration camp hostage and is using them as human shields against Israel.

And it creates its own atrocity propaganda.

Israeli officials obtained the Hamas battle plan for the Oct. 7 2023 terrorist attack and massacres in the Gaza envelope more than a year before it happened, as shown by documents, emails and interviews.  But Iraeli military and intelligence officials dismissed the plan as ‘aspirational’ , considering it too difficult for Hamas to carray out.”  Ronen Bergman and Adam Goldman reporting from Tel Aviv.  Nov. 31, 2023.  Updated Dec. 2, 2023.   https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/30/world/middleeast/israel-hamas-attack-intelligence.html.  

UK Labour Party suspends candidate after comments he made alleging Israel allowed 7 October attack to happen


And So Israel Strikes Back to ‘Finish Them’


Zionism, the Jewish ethnostate and the Western ZOGs  are the opposing axis of the Revolution which the International Judenstaat calls in its Protocols of Zion ‘our Great Revolution.’ They refer to what is mistakenly called the French Revolution (1789). 

The War in the Holy Land is now joined between the Soviet-Islam axis and Zionist axis of the Revolution. It is the conclusion of the Operation called by Soviet defector Ion Mihai Pacepa: Sionistskiye Gosudarstva (Zionist Governments).

Operation SIG or Operation Zionist Government was / is  the Soviet Strategy of using Middle East conflict as a means of turning world opinion against Zionism and especially the Western nations controlled by the Zionist axis of the Great Revolution and Israel.   Its task and purpose is to usher world communism.  “The operation uses friendlies on both sides of the Israel / Palestine / Arab conflict to build up the Zionist oprression narrative as a perceived continuation of Western colonisalism. The strategy calls for Israel allow itself to be used as ‘the bad guy’ in order to frame the West for its crimes in the region. SIG also allows for continued Soviet dominance of Israel and the Middle East, with leaders in all countries in on the plan.”  https://fitzinfo.net/operation-sig/

In this Operation, the role of the Western ZOGs was / is  to undertake a series of ‘regime change’ wars against Islamic nations that were not aligned with Sionistskiye Gosudarstva.  This was  outlined by former NATO General Wesley Clark in his now famous interview: “We’re going to take out 7 countries in 5 years” .  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Knt3rKTqCk.  (March 7, 2019) In that interview, General Clark describes this conflict as about oil – a mere cover story and ruse of war. 

The Lie is the pillar of the Communist state, according to Alexandr Solzhenitsyn. 


The Soviets gave Palestine to the Zionists according to declassified CIA Report (Nov 1947)


“Operation SIG is paving the way for the coming Eurasianist World Communist Order. https://fitzinfo.net/operation-sig/

Historically, the Grand Orient Freemasonry of the International Judenstaat inaugurated the Great Revolution in France 1789.  And it forced upon the French nation the murder of the French monarchs and  royal family, much of their aristocracy (completely demonised in all Revolutionary literature), a Masonic social foundation and republic, the terror, the Communes, the empire of the republics, etc.  These atrocities continue right into the Communist phase of this same Great Revolution which today is attempting to destroy not only the French nation, but all Western nations and replace these White European natives, heritage and founding stock with Muslim, African and indigenous nationalities.  Under the President of the Eruopean Commission, Ursula von der Leyen’s ‘Africanisation of Europe’ policy, the nations of Western and Central Europe are  intended to become ‘Eurasian’ nations. 

“You  Will Have No Place to Run.  Islam is the Broom of Israel.  Rabbi Rav Touitou.
