War in the Holy Land

Hamas Invades Israel October 7 2023
January 26, 2024
Our Common Era of the Great Revolution (1789 – 2024) becomes the Common Era of the Anti-Christ (2024 – ?)
August 9, 2024
Hamas Invades Israel October 7 2023
January 26, 2024
Our Common Era of the Great Revolution (1789 – 2024) becomes the Common Era of the Anti-Christ (2024 – ?)
August 9, 2024

War in the Holy Land

Both the Zionist state of Israel and the Palestinian Authority were founded upon terror and  incentivize terror through their militaries.

In the dissolution of the Ottoman Caliphate (post WWI), national and tribal conflicts erupted across the expanse of the former empire as Islamic nations formed their own  militaries and waged war to stake both national and tribal claims.  Amidst the general land grab, the Ashkhenazi / Khazarian Turks (who form the large percentage of modern day Jews)  made the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia (1917) and also created militaries: the Irgun, Haganah and Leihi to conquer land in the Ottoman territory of  Palestine.

When it was part of the Caliphate, the territory of Palestine was ruled from Damascus and included parts of Lebanon, Jordan, what is today Israel, Nablus,  Gaza and the West Bank.  Under the British Mandate the entire population carried Palestinian passports.  Within this population, the Ashkhenazi made war on the British Mandate and the Arab Muslim population.

The modern Zionist state of Israel is not a colonial creation of the UK.  It is a Marxist state that was carved out of the territory of the Mandate by the Ashkhenazi / Khazarian Jews backed by their Bolshevik co-ethnics in the Soviet Union.  Israel was founded May 13 1948 when the UN General Assembly voted to the Partition of Palestine, a vote that was carried by the Soviet Bloc.  The USSR was the first to recognize the Zionist Jewish ethno-state. [ https://fitzinfo.net/2024/03/08/soviets-founded-state-of-israel-and-zionism-balfour-declaration-a-decoy/ ]

Although the two state solution for Palestine was formally established with the independence of Trans Jordan and the state of Israel in the Partition 1948, the Bureau of the Central Committee of the Komsomol of the modern Soviet / Russian Federation today supports the liberation of Palestinian territories from what Marxists designate : ‘the Anglo-American colonial occupation by Israel’. [ https://fitzinfo.net/forum/topic/the-leninist-communist-youth-league-of-the-russian-federation-will-continue-to-fight-for-the-liberation-of-palestine-from-israeli-occupation-cprf/?part=1#postid-1526 ]

Although the Palestine of the Ottoman  Caliphate had over the centuries gathered a mixed population of Muslims, Jews and Christians, the Palestinian Authority  has always affirmed there will be no Jewish population in a free Palestine ‘from the river [Jordan] to the sea.   In its charter, Hamas , the military of the Palestinian Authority has called upon the Muslim world to fulfill the Quranic obligation to kill Jews in Israel and around the world.

Like ISIS and other Jihadi terrorist militaries, Hamas is a Gook asset of the Israeli Deep State, aligning  with the Soviet Union and Soviet / Islamic governments of Sionistskiye Gosudarstva. 

Netanyahu, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Soviet Union are all on the same team – namely the Revolution.  One of the objectives in the founding of Israel by the International Judenstaat (which owns the Revolution) is to instigate WWIII and bring the Western ZOGs into the conflagation to fight on the lowest possible moral ground – the right of the Zionist state to defend itself against Hamas (the terrorist military of the Palestinian Authority) by eradicating a gulagged people who have been positioned as human shields by Hamas .

A Jewish professor at Harvard University actually teaches this.

The ‘Time of Jacob’s Trouble’ is the Biblical name for this war of Edom / Jews upon the White nations of the West and its people both in ancestral Europe and in the nations where Europeans are the heritage and founding stock.

Henry Makow has posted commentary from Linde on the October 7 Israel-Hamas War

“The victory of the Eurasian axis of the Revolution will be the Judaic Supremacy
and it’s the world Soviet centered in Eurasia. I am sure they will resurrect Israel as a Eurasian capital.”

Cabalist Jews Control Russia and China Too. Oct. 29, 2023.

“In 1949, Golda Meir became Israel’s first ambassador to the Soviet Union.

Representing Israel, Ambassador Golda Meir, a Bolshevik Jewess, met with two representatives of the Soviet Union: Kaganovich, a Bolshevik Jew, and Stalin, who had married a Bolshevik Jewess. They made a secret agreement–a pact. The Meir – Stalin/Kaganovich Pact was made to entrap the Arabs in the Soviet Net.

Savvy Granny – Shadowy Jewish Body Controls East and West. Nov. 1 2023

“Jack Bernstein questioned Zionism when he noticed all the street names and memorials for Bolshevik Jews – like Jabotinsky. That’s when he discovered the International Judenstaat that controls the Communist East and the Zionist West and Israel.

In his work, he set out to document his experience of the Moscow – Tel Aviv – New York Triangle..His book is virtually a workbook for ‘thinking it through’.”

Savvy Granny – Cabalist Bankers Created Both Nazis and Bolsheviks.  Nov. 3 2023

Both the Nazis and the Bolsheviks were created by the International Judenstaat to extend their world hegemon and structure their Eastern and Western power blocks.

The financial arm of the Judenstaat funded both the NSDAP and Hitler through their central Western banks / corporate structure and through Stalin and their central Bank of Russia. (Chaim Weizmann from The London Jewish Chronicle Dec. 16 1932 (quoted in Louis Marschalko. The World Conquerors, chapter 16).

WWII was planned by their International Judenstaat as an accelerated phase of their Great Revolution (1789 – ?) to impose Communism across Europe.
Feb 27 2024 – Jews are Blamed for Gaza & WW3

Savvy Granny- “The owners of the central banking cartel however own Russia as a captured state and have done since 1917 when they seized the government and the independent Bank of Russia.  Stephen Mitford Goodson goes right into the looting of the Bank of Russia in his Secrets of the South African Reserve Bank.  A lot of that loot financed Hitler because the Red Army could not break through Poland.  The Owners had to bust through Poland from the West.

The Big Macher Eurasian Jews who pay the salaries of political actors like Putin  fronting  the real, covert executive have the stated goal of one, integrated Eurasian continent, one Russia / Soviet Union from Lisbon to Vladivostok.  Gorbachev is on public record with this, as is Dugin, as is Putin.  So yes.  I think Poland is definitely in the way, just as it was in the way of the Huns, the Mongols, the Tartars, etc.”
Makow- This certainly contradicts Putin’s public statements and behavior. I doubt very much that Russia wants the bother of subjugating Europe.
Feb. 7 2024  First Comment from Savvy Granny and Reply
“Frankfurt’s Herbert Marcuse popularized ‘Make Love Not War’ att attractive Viet Nam era slogan to distance the American male not only from an unjustified war, but all defense” …. an “unjustified war” which “disposed of hundreds of thousands of authoritarian males of the west”
American political will to aid South Vietnam during the Vietnam War era was hardly unjustified.
I remember the Viet Nam War era very well as I attended an American high school before the Tet Offensive 1968 and later I attended university both in the US and UK . I well remember having to drive through a loud, obscene and fighting crowd of Hanoi Janes, Uncle Hos, Peaceniks, Yippies and SDS that had been bussed to my university by the Rockefeller Foundation to protest the Vietnam War, make university life unliveable and excoriate the veterans. This last proved more difficult than they had reckoned as I also remember a guy in a wheelchair yanking one the Janes by the hair and spanking her bare bottom while the Yippies wet their pants. Fun times. Anyway. I digress.
I give 1968 as the watershed event of the Vietnam War era because that was when The Brass stood down General Westmoreland and made it clear to nationalist, Christian, patriot America that the US State Dept was committed to a ‘no win’ strategy for the US military and betrayal of the South Vietnamese Ally (one of our greatest infamies).
Before that date, young men with whom I attended school and knew socially through my family’s Christian congregation, young men and their fathers (veterans of WWII like my own father) who knew US poltics and geo-politics supported a US commitment to fight against Communist aggression. Many of the young men I knew did not wait to be drafted, they enlisted.
These wars of the so called Cold War era were wars of the Communist Party executed through the Soviet Union and the PRC. The Internationale and the Communist Bloc nations were financing, training, recruiting (from national populations) and equipping guerilla armies and international brigades to make war against populations of former European colonies, populations from which the European powers had abdicated under UN Decaration of Decolonisation 1960 (Gen. Res 1514 (XV). Zambia , for example, was created with the stroke of a pen 1964. King Baudouin of Belgium cut loose the Congo 1960 which was promptly invaded by the Communist forces of Operation Mbuya. That bloodbath went on for years. Back in the 1960s, American teenagers had to learn all that in Social Studies.
The men of my parents generation and their sons knew very well these de-colonised populations were targeted for state capture by the Communist Bloc. They knew that if the United States and other Western powers did not commit to action, there would emerge entire continents of newly minted republics owned by Marx’s Fifth Plank (rhymes with central bank) under Communist colonisation and voting with their colonial masters in the UN. And these populations, like Vietnam were calling out to nations they believed to be free nations of the West to assist them against the armed aggression of The Internationale .
After Tet, of course, General Westmoreland was stood down. And so the Americans who were paying attention knew. They absolutely, positively knew – the US Dept of State was pursuing Communist objectives in Vietnam and using the US military in a ‘screw up’ capacity. Nowhere is this position more clearly set out than in “A Soldier’s Protest” by John Alan Coey (then aged 21 years) before he joined the Rhodesian Front and its war of independence (1965-1979)
“1.] The deliberate prevention by the U.S. Government of victory over communist forces in Southeast Asia.
2.] The attempted overthrow of the Constitutional Republic of the United States by a revolutionary conspiracy of internationalists, collectivists and communists in and out of the U.S. Government
3.] The attempted destruction by Government Defense Officials of the fighting capabilities of American combat forces” (John Alan Coey. The Fighting Doc 2015. A Martyr Speaks 1988. Chapter One: “A Soldier’s Protest” AMS , p. 7 )
Cf. “A Soldier’s Protest” Reprinted in Fort Fairfield Journal with the permission of his mother Mrs. George Emmett Coey. https://www.wffjtv.com/ffj_coey.htm.
Stephen Volk said (February 9, 2024):

“Thank you Savvy Granny for your comment! “They absolutely, positively knew – the US Dept of State was pursuing Communist objectives in Vietnam and using the US military in a ‘screw up’ capacity.” Yes. As a Viet Nam vet myself, I witnessed USN Intel stuff American cadavers with illegal drugs and send them on their way. And every step for moving the body along, more Armed Forces active-duty handlers received part of the cadaver-stuffed drugs, till the slain bodies arrived at their destinations. These drugs originated from Communist sources in North Viet Nam and the traitor Americans routinely increased their pay (with Hendrix and Beatle music playing in the background). After the Kissinger Treaty, destroying vast numbers of American soldiers in Viat Nam, the CIA then moved gold from North Viet Nam to Phoenix. My uncle was the navigator who brought POW McCain back from North Viet Nam – a major mistake he always regretted, and showed me his flight roster with McCain on it.”