Our Common Era of the Great Revolution (1789 – 2024) becomes the Common Era of the Anti-Christ (2024 – ?)

War in the Holy Land
May 17, 2024
O Crux Ave Spes Unica
August 9, 2024
War in the Holy Land
May 17, 2024
O Crux Ave Spes Unica
August 9, 2024

Our Common Era of the Great Revolution (1789 – 2024) becomes the Common Era of the Anti-Christ (2024 – ?)

Let the Games Begin!

If we have watched the Opening Ceremony or even the video clips
of the Opening Ceremony, then we are witnesses to a decree
from the Rulers of this world age (aion).

We have seen The Rider come through the base of the Eiffel Tower from the Champs de Mars onto the approach of the Pont d’Iena. As the official flag bearer, he is cloaked in the Olympic flag of five rings – that is five arcs (180 degrees of circle) which now have closed.  One Olympic ring has been drawn from each point of the five point  star of the Great Revolution in its global, Communist phase. Each ring represents a continent which the Great Revolution has compassed .

He has completed his arc of conquest.

Both the flag of the UN, bearing the orb of the world and the victory wreath as well as the Olympic flag are flags of the Great Revolution and its Internationale.  Earlier in the day of Opening Ceremony, both flags have been displayed on the dais at the Louvre where IOC Chairman, Thomas Bach and UN Secretary General , Antonio Guterres welcomed the world leaders to the Summit of World Leaders held concurrently with the Olympiad in Paris.

When he rode from beneath the Eiffel Tower, the winged signature of The Rider lit up the base and transformed the Iron Crown of the Great Revolution into a triumphal arch.  Completed 1889, the Tower was built to commemorate the centenary, to signify the overthrow of thrones and altar of Christendom (ancien regime)  and to crown the Great Revolution itself in the city of its inauguration.

Thus, The Rider enters our Common Revolutionary Era (CRE 2024) as the flag bearer of the 33rd Olympiad.  Flag bearers of the conquered nations (seated in the UN) and some  representative competitors under false flags, fall in behind him. Across the Pont d’Iena we see the pathway through the Trocadero marked by the image of the Eiffel laid at the feet of The Rider and the torch relay.

The Olympic flag is raised upside down signalling the distress of nations that will follow The Rider’s appearance and what this signifies.

At the Trocadero, the Olympic torch (symbolizing Lucifer, the flame of the Great Revolution) is elevated into the ceremony from the clandestine pathways that have led to the world stage.  The masked bearer of the flame is lifted from a subterranean passage into the presence of the world rulers and their representative dignities at the Paris summit.  This is an allegory.  The clandestine passages of the masked bearer signify the Great Revolution’s secret ways of infiltration, capture, subversion and capitulation / decapitation of the various national governments and regimes.

In the ceremony at the Trocadero, the torch is passed to a new relay that will take it back up the Seine (against the current)  to the Louvre not to Stade de France (where the actual games will be held).

At the World Summit there will be another reception and another ceremony for the lighting of the Olympic cauldron to hold aloft the orb of the world (represented as a golden globe) for the duration of the Games. This ceremony took place in the Garden of the Tuileries Palace in front of the Louvre (the former residence of French monarch in Paris).

The Great Revolution has acceded to world  power.  The representatives of its  world rulers are in occupation of the former royal palaces of the Christian monarchy on the Right Bank of the Seine in the city of its inauguration. 

As the final relay sped back up the Seine to the Louvre, the Iron Crown signaled the Summit, lighting up the city with a spectacular display and musical accompaniment.

It should seriously occur to everyone who is following this ceremony that the one who is to receive the spirit of the Anti-Christ is in attendence at that Summit and the Iron Crown of the Great Revolution has signaled him that the time is at hand for him to take up the  the bow and the wreath and to rule.  The Iron Crown has laid the path at his feet.

Our Common Revolutionary Era inaugurated 1789
by the Great Revolution upon France now is closed (CRE 1789 – 2024 A.D.)

July 26, 2024 A.D. The Era of Anti-Christ officially begins
with the Luciferian ceremonies and games
of the 33rd Olympiad.

Distress of Nations

Open Here .