“Permanent Neutrality in Era of Biological Weapons for Hire” by Dr. David Martin

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“Permanent Neutrality in Era of Biological Weapons for Hire” by Dr. David Martin



Transcript and References

1.51] This should be a conversation. I am going to be directly delivering exceptionally problematic information to a roomful of people where my intention is not to convince you of a thing or persuade you. My intent is to lay out a series of observations and then engage in a conversation that allows us to say: ‘If this perspective we now have is the case, then what is our response? How do we apply that information?’ Then we have knowledge. We have wisdom – not just facts, which are not going to help us.

2.51] I have said very frequently I have never met a fact that can overwhelm a belief.

4.52] Twenty years after Dolly [the first GMO sheep] we now have the pope telling us that genetic modification of people is a gift from God. And. Setting the stage for the KRISPR technology , the gene editing technology , an ultimate affront to everything the Church actually advocated for nearly a thousand years. That will be now put on the altar so we can line the faithful up to edit out the genetics that we modified into the genetics courtesy of the ‘gift from God’. You couldn’t make this up.

5.26] But what was the central problem? Belief. Not observation of fact , critical thought , analysis, conversation and action. My presentation tonight :

6.13] ‘Permanent Neutrality in an Era of Biological Weapons for Hire’. This is a conversation we should have in Switzerland because of the unique role Switzerland has in the world and on the world stage where we should be having this conversation. And as a reslt of that. That is what our intent is tonight.

6.37] I have a moral obligation to open my speeches with this quote. [Slide image] “To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis we need to increase public understanding of the need for MCMs (medical countermeasures) such as pan-influenza or pan-corona virus vaccine. A key driver is the media and the economics follow the hype. We need to use the hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process. (Peter Dazak)

It always was a conspiracy of Bio-terrorism

6.41] This is the admission, unambiguously, without any equivocation, that the reason for the global terror campaign (beginning officially in the minds of most people in late 2019) was a premeditated plan of terrorism, collusion, coercion and ultimately murder. And worse than all the other facts that we will talk about tonight is that the criminals admitted to the crimes in their own words.

7.23] This quote is an admission for four felonies regardless of which side of the Atlantic you are on.

7.31] Let’s go through it. The crisis in 2015 was a reduction of funding of biological weapons programs sponsored by the WHO. The crisis was not a health crisis , it was a funding crisis.

9.09] Let’s start with hype. That’s actually psychological terror. We’re going to build a program. We’re going to recite covid count / covid death : covid count / covid death …death / count etc. And we are going to get a mind control loop going: ‘OMG there is a pandemic’. We are going to use the media to create the hype. … And the economics that follow hype is not informed consent. That is an intent to defraud.

14.14] In this quote, the pan-corona vaccine program was publicly announced during the Gain of Function Moratorium [ 2014 ] in the United States and by virtue of the pause in the US, all US affiliated programs world-wide. That Gain of Function Moratorium was going on while we were announcing a global plan of global terrorism for a pan corona virus vaccine. Which btw, the WHO based here in Switzerland declared the disease eradicated 2014. How do we need a vaccine for an eradicated disease during a Gain of Function Moratorium when there is no chance that we would have a reason to need a vaccine for a disease that does not exist. Uhm Well. Because we were making it (Ralph Baric) and we were hyping it (Peter Dazak) – he’s the one who gave that quote in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences published Feb 2015.

15.27] Refers to the address he gave to the EU Parliament May 2023.

Dr. David Martin Addresses The European Parliament – True Origins And History of COVID-19 Plandemic . International Covid Summit : European Parliament Strasbourg
May 2023

Display of slides from that Presentation which give his references.

“It all started so simply 58 years ago”

Corona virus described 1965

CoV in humans is basically common cold.

The mRNA vaccine ‘model’ is patented as an infectious, replication defective clone’.

Respiratory tract CoV harvested 1966

SARS 2002-2003

USA sent CoV to Britain to infect subjects

CDC files patent on coronavirus isolated from humans and takes control of CoV Gain of Function

Chimeric Cov known to target heart tissue (cardiomyopathy)

16.40] To these slides. The isolation of what we have decided to call coronavirus , we decided to call ‘coronavirus’ in 1965. And by 1967, the US and UK had begun an exchange program where we were taking pathogens from the US and injecting them or spewing them into healthy subjects like volunteers in the UK as part of our biological weapons program. It never leaked from any lab. It was exchanged as part of a biological weapons program. The first thing that was done with the toxins associated with the coronavirus model was that people from the US took samples to the UK and infected ‘healthy volunteers’ – enlisted people in the military who do not have informed consent


18.36] In 1992 Ralph Baric U of N Carolina Chapel Hill figured out how to take a pathogen that used to infect the gut and used to infect the lungs. And figured out how to alter it with a chimera so that it would infect the heart and create cardiomyopathy – one of the most lethal heart inflammations possible.

20.13] Pfizer decides to patent their first spike protein vaccine in Nov 2000. In the animal trials of the vaccines with the patented spike protein – the animals died. Which would explain why the U of California San Francisco institutional review board in the summer of 2020 was told this was a ‘straight to humans protocol’. They were not, of course, going to conduct any more animal studies and the studies they had conducted they were going to suppress those results.

22.35] There were many biological weapons filed off the back of the CDC patent filed 2002. The mRNA vaccine ‘model’ is patented as an infectious, replication defective clone’.

The bioweapon was engineered to hit a target but not proliferate. There was no transmission of SARS.1.0. A virus is a replicating protein sequence. Replication defective means it was not a replicating sequence but targeted a specific tissue. And the guy who created mRNA spike protein (Dr. Ralph Baric) called it a weapon “a biological weapon enabling technology”.

25.43] The mRNA spike protein weapon is designed. “Synthetic Coronaviruses, Biohacking: Biological Warfare Enabling Technologies.” Washington DC / DARPA / Mitre sponsored event. June 2005 . The perptrator called the synthetic coronavirus models with the mRNA spike protein a biological warfare enabling technoloy.

University Chapel Hill North Carolina begins Gain of Function (Weaponisation of CoV2 for a vaccine platform) 1996-1999.

32.57] Fauci and Baric made what Martin calls ‘Franken’CoV and patented it 1999-2002.

1996- 99. Ralph Baric began the weaponisation of this synthetic coronavirus envelope to become a vaccine vector – initially for an AIDs vaccine. ‘Franken CoV is a chimera with surface proteins changed – that is the glycans, spike proteins are changed so that the outer shell of the ‘Franken’ CoV could be made into a vector to deliver whatever they want.

37.19] But it was the WHO which eventually launched the bioweapon built in North Carolina and funded by Antony Fauci’s Gain of Function waiver of the moratorium 2014. Or rather the weapon was launched under the authority of the WHO

Slide of the Letter sent Oct 21 2014 to U North Carolina from US Dept of Health and Human Services / NIAID National Institute Allergy and Infectious Diseases. NIAID determined Dr Baric’s research grant (referenced) is subject to the Gain of Function moratorium. Baric’s research:

“Role of uncharacterized genes in high pathogenic human coronavirus infection.” The subject was viral modification to see if human pathogenesis can be increased in vivo.

Dr. Baric was informed: “As your grant is currently funded, this pause is voluntary”. There was no termination date to Baric’s grant. It was a non-competitive, perpetually funded grant by the NIAID.

42.47] WHO is a good way to get legal immunity. It can not be investigated or prosecuted for any criminal or civil liability in any jurisdiction as per its charter. (Article 5 / Section 13 of the WHO Charter. International Health Treaty)

Because of this absolute immunity, private interests use the WHO as a commercial cover for vaccine producers in order to provide effective global, legal immunity from product liability. As a commercial front for Gates enterprises (GF and GAVI) or Wellcombe Trust or Pfizer BionTech, WHO constitutes an unelected global hegemon. Under the authority of the WHO, its ‘multi-lateral parterners’ have been able to secure accidental or intentional release of Gain of Function weapon, declare public health emergency with WHO experts, suspend civil liberties, implement medical countermeasures from co-conspirators (and injury and death by mcm) use governments to coerce the population.

43.08] So if we know we have a biological weapon, we could start a vaccine development program under the WHO’s Charter and the WHO’s GAVI. The co-conspirators knew that if they put their bioweapons research under the WHO it had complete immunity from criminal investigation and criminal liability in any jurisdiction. Their research and programs would have “immunity from legal process of any kind”.

51.49] The pharmaceutical conquest of science by three industrialists. Timeline.

Save the date: 1952. WHO Director General Brock Chisholm advocates for population control as a WHO priority. 2011 Vaccine programs developed by private companies: Wellcombe Trust, Gates Foundation and GAVI for this priority under the global immunity of the WHO.

1 hour] 2002 the weapon was developed. US CDC patented the weapon 2003 in its first commercial deployment, 2005 turned that program into synthetic corona viruses , bio-hacking, biological warfare technologies.

Through its multi-lateral partner the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board, Sept 18 2019 WHO published “a rapidly spreading pandemic due to a lethal respiratory pathogen”. Progress indicator Sept 2020 : The World at Risk publication. This was tatamount to an admission by the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board there would be the release of a lethal respiratory pathogen with the goal that the world accept a universal vaccine by 2020. “SARS like W1V1 Cov poised for human emergence”

1.05.50] Slide of the corporate criminals and co-conspirators under the WHO operation: the foundations, trusts, Global Preparedness Monitoring Board, universities, DARPA.

Ralph Baric

Dept of Epidemiology

School of Public Health.

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Synthetic Coronaviruses . Baric Ralph. Biological Warfare Enabling Technologies. June 2005.

Washington DC. DARPA Mitre sponsored event. Invited speaker.

1.06.31] Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Feb.2016 published this article:

“SARS like WIV1 Cov poised for human emergence” . Wuhan Institute of Virology covid virus 1.

Discussion of the best way to release it 2016. U North Carolina empanelled 2 ethics review boards to review the breach of gain of moratorium this is published in the 2016 article.

Notes and References


WHO Basic Documents



Dr Martin made the point that the EU has laws prohibiting the formation of cartels. So does the US.

Article 101 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union – Wikipedia

“Article 101 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (formerly Article 81 of the Treaty Establishing the European Community) prohibits cartels and other agreements that could disrupt free competition in the European Economic Area’s internal market..”