Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted of all charges Nov. 19, 2021, but the Soros Payroll of DAs , AGs and Judges is determined to destroy him.
Open Here

Douglas Reed. The Battle for Rhodesia (1967)

Douglas Reed. The Siege of Southern Africa (1974)

Fighting Men of Rhodesia. Stories of Rhodesian veterans who witnessed history

5 Rhodesia Regiment. Recollections of a soldier’s experiences during the Rhodesian Bush War against communism 1970s.

Eva Vlaardingerbroek Speech at CPAC Hungary. April 2024

“My purpose in coming to Rhodesia has been to fulfill my Christian duty of opposing Communism in two ways. The first is to focus attention on the Conspiracy by refusing to be its pawn and by writing to expose it. The second is to actively fight communist inspired terrorism in Africa by military service.” John Alan Coey 1950 – 1975
Counter Currents : Warrior for the West

100,00 Blacks in Johannesburg : “Shoot to kill! Kill the Boer! The farmer!”
South Africa

The ANC (a jacked Communist Party) and its gov’t has enacted laws for property seizure without compensation. This is not just a policy shift. It is a complete abandonment of constitutional gov’t.

A publishing company specializing in books relating to Africa and African history.

An Afrikaaner perspective on the ‘Go back to Europe’ rhetoric. Who are we? and Expropriation of Afrikanner land. Feb. 2025

“Kill the Boer (Whites) Kill the White Farmer”

South Africa Black Party Sings with Julius Malema

Communist Takeover of South Africa. Jan Lamprecht.

Home Affairs Name Change for Pretorius
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”

Dr. Peter Hammond and Jan Lamprecht : How Jews Created Black Communism in Africa.
The world’s first communist party established outside Doviet Russia was established in South Africa to be the base for the Communist Revolution against Africa.
News Sources
Australian International People Power News Service
Tyranny is not possible without compliance

G. Edward Griffin and his Freedom Force Outreach

News aggregate for
Christians for Truth.

“We live in times of mass deception, where the entire world has been decived by lies.”
The Great Revolution (1789 – ?) for Judaic Supremacy a Noachide world order andSoviet
Two dialectical axes: Communism (Internationalism) and Zionism (the nationalism is controlled by the Zionist organisations and Israel).
Communism is the world-scape and international scope of the Revolution in its sistema. A goal of Communism is the abolition of national sovereignties and especially White nation sovereignties and our patria. The UN World Constitution state that elimination of national sovereignties is a goal of the UN.
Exposing the Judeo-Masonic Conspiracy
Information Operations and subset PSYOPs of Hybrid warfare.
J.R. Nyquist: Grand Strategy in the Age of Mass Deception. 

A transcendent view on a world in spiritual devastation

Researching the Geomasonic Conspiracy

Australian League of Rights
Global Research and Analysis
Founded in 1984 as a plafform to support Soviet defectors.
International Policy Council
Ice Age Farmer tracking the Revolutionary Agendas to break the supply chains, organise famines and destroy agriculture and livestock industries.

Exposing Psyops & Scams

For the Catholic City

Zionism or the Jewish nationalism operates within the internationalist sistema of the Revolution. It now has captured and directs the nationalism of all Western nations in the service of Communist goals.
He Tried to Warn Us : Benjamin H. Freedman 1961.
Uploaded by EQ0Agnostalgia.
1961 speech. Willard Hotel in Washington.
The Perestroika Deception

Soros Foundations work with CIA and Mossad as operations for subjection of captured states (ZOGs)

Carl Behrens@CarlBehrens3 : Exposing the #perestroikadeception & Gnostic, Kabbalistic grip on minds and souls.

World Order Wars for Eurasia
Aggregating and curating news, politics, current affairs, history and culture from Central and Eastern Europe.

Insight on military activities on NATO’s Eastern Flank | Poland and the Baltic states.

When the Jewish Bolsheviks seized control of Russia (1917) they set their sights on world Revolution. In the West what we call the Deep State is the subversion which operates to facilitate the Revolution in its ojectives to divest Western nations of landscape and the White European demographic in order to build Eurasia as the geo-political centre of world empire and soviet.
Your Trusted Source for News in the Western Kingdoms

Isenguard forced to scrap DEI initiatives … Orc spawning pits will be the first to go.
Manifesto of the Communist Takeover of the US Government
“We will take the United States under labels we have made very lovable’ we will take it under liberalism, under progressivism, under democracy. But take it , we will.” Alexander Trachtenberg (1885-1966 at the National Covention of Communist Parties, Madison Square Garden 1944.

From the Twitter Litterbox, Catturd2 calls the Revolution and the Deep State Communist Takeover of the US

Talk to the paw

A Warning to America: 25 Ways the US is Being Destroyed

Michael Collins Piper. 2006. The Judas Goats: the Enemy Within.
Open here
America’s Fall to Communism – Documentary
Covering the Communist Takeover of the US and ‘Christ is King’ Counter Revolution on @RealCandaceO

Australia Enslaved and the Plan for the World
ZOG Strikes Back

November 2024, Donald ‘father of the vaccine’ Trump wins government for the RINOs on the back of the Biden Democrat Communist Takeover 2020. Four years of Marxist state: its crime, chaos and corruption have put all American institutions into systemic failure.

Both Democrat and Republican Parties serve the same master, the same beast system.
Israel First is the Trump priority and the way to Make America Great Again. But for Cabal, only the Zionist Axis of the Great Revolution can achieve UN Agenda 2030. Redress and solution to Marxist state failures of the Communist Takeover will be: 4IR, Digital ID, total surveillance of central data base, AI, trans-humanism and CBDC digital currency.

Sanhedrin Letter to Trump: “You have been elected to fulfill a heavenly mission.”

Sanhedrin calls upon Trump to establish an International Divine Court (IDC)

Trump is not going to ‘drain the swamp’. He will create a protected Wetlands in the Foggy Bottom. He will separate the gators from the crocs and the anacondas. The Council on Foreign Relations dicta from The Owners of fedgov.zog.usa will continue to flow uninterrupted to the Mahogany Corridor.
The Cabal is taking down the cabal.
“You don’t change the system by one guy riding in on the white horse and fixing everything. You change the system by so many people shifing their time, their priorities, their money, their intention, their prayers that the crowd moves THIS way and you can not force them to go THAT way anymore.” Catherine Austin Fitts
In a nutshell this is the victory of the #Christ the King counter revolution of the West and the Church as the foundation and Kingdom order for all nations.

The US government keeps building the US section of the International Control Grid.

Catherine Austin Fitts identifies Trump as a vaccine traitor. She calls out Operation Warp Speed.

Ex-Top Official outlines the Trump Administration’s Road to the Future. “The real goal here is to build the data center infrastructure for a Control Grid, a Digital IS and an All Digital Financial System. Health care is just the excuse.

Catherine Austin Fitts – there will be a public distributed ledger for the people but private for bankers and the government. The Bank of England will hide transactions with shadow banks.

Project Stargate is upon us: Trump to invest $500 billion in new US data centers to boost the power of AI. Is Trump being used to build out the superstructure of a digital system that could later be weaponised? (It is certain it will be weaponised just as 5G and Warp Speed were weaponised)
CoVID – Certificate of Vaxx Identity

Dedicated to the memory of Kary Mullis, biochemist, who received the Nobel Prize for his work on the development of the PCR test. Fifth anniversary of his [very timely} death Aug. 7, 2019

Documenting the CoVID PCR Pandemic Hoax 2020 and the tens of millions asymptomatic and sniffles positive PCR Cases.
Documenting the CoVID PCR Pandemic Hoax 2020 and the tens of millions asymptomic and sniffles positive PCR ‘CoVID’ cases.

Search for:
‘vaers database more covid vaccine harmful effects than all other vaccines combined ‘.
Compare and contrast the Google and Yandex search.

Database info/analysis for study, research and review etc on CoVID 19 vaccine adverse reactions / cases reported (Australia).

Summary of key pieces of evidence demonstrating covid vaxx harm mRNA injections increase all cause mortality (ACM)

Childrens Health Defender

Dr. Judy Wileyman : Vaccination Decisions Substack

Exposing Big Pharma from the Inside

750 studies about the dangers of the CoVID-19 injections

With updates on the next WHO pandemic operation
#1 VAERS Auditor’s Observations
Ex Big Pharma Exec Exposing Big Pharma
The European Race and Western Civilisation
Western Liberal Tradition of the Revolutionary Era (1789 – ?), individualism, hostile elites.
White Identity, Interests and Culture
Race and racial conflict are at the heart of some of the most serious challeges facing the Western World in the 21st century. Promotion of racial realism.

Dilbert leads the OK to be WhiteBack for Western nation Counter Revolution

Scott Adam’s – It’s Gone too Far notices what other sites do not. An independent site of factual reporting and uncensored opinions on stories that matter to White nationalism. ..

A DNA Test confirms African Origns for Uncle Ruckus.
Australian Activism and Campaigns

The most fundamental of rights

Campaigns for life

Australian League of Rights. Our Christian heritage at risk.

Stop the Rot Sack the Lot. It’s GO Time

Campaigns, court cases and comment advocating for family values, the protection of children, all life and the preservation of Australian society from those who would replace its Christian heritage.

Reignite Democracy in Australia freedom compaigns

Covid-19 Vaccine Class Action

Jules on the Beach for all things CoVID – especially legal.
Case note: Fidge v Pfizer Australia Pty Ltd [2024] FCA 161

British Australian Community to celebrate and defend the interests of traditional Australians
National Socialist Comment

The Essential JQ

The pil pul is strong and the craic is fierce. Shmuley uses his debate time on a serious subject : the Hamas Israel War to accuse Candace Owens of everything from Blood Libel Christianity to Jewish genitalia obsessions. Shameless plug for his book and his daughter’s sex business. PG parental goyim. Strong O MaGog (OMG) content.

The Crucial Jew is always our clue
They own the Shoah and run the Show
“Sometimes those prejudices are right” @ 7.35. Gay Jews Dave and Milo go for the ultimate WRONGTHINK. Yes. Jews do run the world.
“The ultimate taboo. The Alt Right people. they aren’t anti-semites. They don’t care about Jews. They might have some assumptions. They might have prejudices about Jews. Like: Jews run everything. Well we do. The Jews run all the banks. Well we do. The Jews own all the media. Well we do. You know. I mean they are right about all that stuff. … This isn’t in debate. These are just facts.”

Every single aspect of the War upon the Christian faith and its Western Civilization is Jewish.