www.henrymakow.com Nov 13 2024 Savvy Granny Historical Parallels Between Hitler and Trump

Reflections in a Pfizer Eye
November 8, 2024
From ‘Just Biden our Time’ to the Availing Time
December 19, 2024
Reflections in a Pfizer Eye
November 8, 2024
From ‘Just Biden our Time’ to the Availing Time
December 19, 2024

www.henrymakow.com Nov 13 2024 Savvy Granny Historical Parallels Between Hitler and Trump

“Trump’s victory is a replay of the historic landslide mandate given by a destroyed German nation to Zionist Asset Adolph Hitler who won the mandate to rebuild Germany (which he did) for a covert objective  of wrecking it in such a way as to permanently destroy the German nationalism and so incorporate the tremendous power 
of a Teutonic people into building Eurasia as a geo-political entity and centrepiece of what will be a world soviet.”
By Savvy Granny
I agree with your political analysis on the Trump mandate victory.
I do not think that Chabad is the “head of the Illuminati snake”. Your subject matter proper is a sovereignty – the money power – and it has order and a structure, a hierarchy, ownership, leadership, ranks etc. In these terms, I think it is better to consider Chabbad more as a the nexus which turns the head of a central command and distributes, co-ordinates those commands. In military terms this is a JOC – a joint operations command.
Even the central banking cartel is merely an arm – the financial arm of a covert International Judenstaat and its supremacy. The princes (Nasi) who own the consols of the Bank of England are the foundation of the cartel and money pyramid. They are The Owners and defacto constitutors of all states captured by their Revolution (and its wars) and now seated in the UN.
Both the ZOG Western Bloc of nations and the BRICS are corporate infrastructure of that cartel and divisions within the cartel.    The Owners of this central banking cartel also own the Great Revolution (1789 – ?).
As a sistema, the Great Revolution  has both Zionist and Communist axes or hands. The Rothschild state and its president is perhaps the Right Hand – as in ‘Benjamin’ for their war making. Their world wars are acclerants of what Disraeli called ‘the phases of our revolution’. This would be their permanent Great Revolution of which Anatoliy Golitsyn speaks in “New Lies for Old” and “The Perestroika Deception”.
As a sovereignty, the Money sovereignty is a racial supremacy and intends to do away with all national sovereignties except their own. This will be one of their objectives for WW3 which they will machinate on either the Communist Axis or the Zionist Axis of their Great Revolution.
The Soviet Russian invasion of Ukraine 2022 is one of their warpots as is the Israel – Hamas war. They could boil up either one and tip their BRICs and ZOG Bloc of Western nations into it.


I think you are correct that the Trump mandate victory indicates The Owners are going to go with the Israel-Hamas-Sionistskiye Gosudarstva [Zionist government] warpot. https://fitzinfo.net/operation-sig/
From this perspective, it becomes evident that the Communist Takeover destruction of America was a ‘just Biden our time’ kind of operation sucking on a popsicle and acting like a dementia patient presiding over the destruction of the United States. It was much like the CoVID operation which was folded into it. The lockdowns, masks, the wreck of the economy and primary production and all the CDC ‘medical counter measures’ were implemented to make people demand the vaxx and a certificate of vaxx identity.  Just as the Biden regime was implemented upon the American population to get them organised to give Trump a landslide mandate.
This is a replay of the historic landslide mandate given by a destroyed German nation to Zionist Asset Adolph Hitler who won the mandate to rebuild Germany (which he did) for a covert objective  of wrecking it in such a way as to permanently destroy the German nationalism and so incorporate the tremendous power that is Teutonic people into building Eurasia as a geo-political entity and centrepiece of what will be a world soviet.