From ‘Just Biden our Time’ to the Availing Time Nov 13 2024 Savvy Granny Historical Parallels Between Hitler and Trump
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January 11, 2025 Nov 13 2024 Savvy Granny Historical Parallels Between Hitler and Trump
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From ‘Just Biden our Time’ to the Availing Time

A Jewish professor at Harvard University actually teaches this.


The ‘Time of Jacob’s Trouble’ is the Biblical name for this war of Edom / Jews upon the White nations of the West and its people both in ancestral Europe and in the nations where Europeans are the heritage and founding stock.

One of the objects of their war-making will be ‘to destroy all nationalisms’ – especially the nationalism of the White, Western nations as ethne in the New Testament sense. In America, this nationalism would be the nationalism and patriotism of the 1790 First Act Americans (the ‘our posterity’ of the Founding Fathers of the old republic) and other nationalities with whom they have chosen to share American citizenship.

With the Zionist shekels backing Trump, his landslide mandate has become a salient identifier for the WW3 objective of The Owners.

In accord with Western principles of law, Israel’s right of self defense as nation does not include the right to genocide the populations in the Palestinian territories, any more than Russia’s right to its sovereign borders includes the right to invade sovereign and independent Ukraine. By all accounts on Feb 24, 2022 Russian missiles were falling on both sides of the Dnieper. And so NATO which was dying a natural death in Europe was solidly rebooted for that warpot.

The total destruction of the nationalism of all goy nations is a prime objective of WW3. ‘Imagine there’s no countries, it isn’t hard to do’ if you think about WW3.

Trump has already laid down much of this legal infrastructure from his presidency 2016-2020. When he signed Executive Order 13899 “On combating Anti-Semitism” (Dec 11, 2019) he stated: “my administration is committed to combating the rise of anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic incidents in the United States and around the world.” His EO adopts the IHRA (Internationa Holocaust Rembrance Alliance) definition.

Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews:  rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.”

This sweeping definition is suitably ambiguous and could very well serve to capture within its terms any criticism of the Israeli state’s ‘right of self defense’ mandate for genocide in Gaza.

Netanyahu has gifted Trump with a Golden Pager.  For the MAGA Base of American nationalists, this will have an ‘Israel First’ detonator for sure.

The Mighty MAGA Base 

The Trump base, especially those who support Project 2025 are American nationalists and not necessarily Zionists.

And just as the Bolshevik Jews initiated their genocide of the Russian people through the Communist anti-semitism laws,,  the Trump Executive Order 13899 is flexible enough to deploy the already weaponised DOJ against American nationalists who are critical of Zionism and the Zionist Israeli state, as well as American nationalists who advocate for an audit of The Fed and a return to Constitutional provision for the US money supply, etc.

The Trump pick for the new US ambassador to the UN, Elise Stefank has vowed to crush anti-Semitism and give Israel a blank cheque ‘to defeat evil’. This can only be interpreted to mean a blank cheque to finish their onlgoing genocide in Gaza. And get this: “We are going to crush the Americans while they are robbed of their blood and their last pennies to fund their own extermination.”

This is an expression of support for the Biden-Harris Communist Takeover policies for American [read White American] eradication.

This statement is an expression of convergent Zionist / Communist revolutionary commitment against America.

Tolkien Quote . Nationalism . “I have in this War a burning private grudge – which would probably make me a better soldier at 49 than I was at 22: against that ruddy little ignoramus Adolf Hitler (for the odd thing about demonic inspiration and impetus is that it in no way enhances the purely intellectual stature: it chiefly affects the mere will). Ruining, perverting, misapplying and making for ever accursed that noble Northern spirit, a supreme contribution to Europe, which I have ever loved and tried to present in its true light. Nowhere, incidently, was it nobler than in England, nor more early sanctified and Christianised.” J.R.R. Tolkien. “Letter to Michael Tolkien at the Royal Military College, Sandhurst. 9 June 1942. The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien. Ed. Humprey Carpenter, assistance of Christopher Tolkien. Unwin. 1981. (Letter 45; p. 55)