From ‘Just Biden our Time’ to the Availing Time
December 19, 2024Denis Rancourt : Brave New Normal
February 14, 2025GMO Prion Diseases from the Spike Protein CoVID Injections : What Do We Do About It?

Criminality and Financial Incentives Concerning Hospital CoVID Deaths.
Huge financial payments were made to hospitals during the pandemic. It is believed these payments served as inducements to encourage the extensive use of the toxic drug Remdesivir as well as end of life ventilators for patients diagnosed as ‘CoVID’. Well documented is the coercion of attending physicians and nurses by hospital administrators and other officials to ‘go along’ with toxic treatments of C19 patients.
An Anonymous NHS Whistleblower : “We were instructed to euthanize patients to inflate the CoVID death toll while hospitals sat empty.”
Hospitals were not ‘overwhelmed’ during the pandemic as the lying Mainstream-media would have had us believe.
The NHS Whistleblower also also alleges that patients were killed for CoVID stats under the ‘End of Life Care’ programme and labelled ‘CoVID’. https://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=295359.
Gaslighting the Deaths of the 2020 PHEIC
There is evidence from the death certificates that the CDC committed fraud in an attempt to hyper-inflate the number of deaths attributed to ‘CoVID-19’ while hiding the ever mounting numbers of deaths caused by the modRNA spike protein covid injections. https://jamesroguski.substack.com/cp/154880719. (Jan 14, 2025)
The findings indicate that in 2020, 376,000 of 400,000 reported C19 deaths were caused by denial of existing prescriptions, failure to give Ivermectin and HCQ and substituting proven medications with Remdesivir, ventilators and psychological stress. It was a ‘bait and switch’. And the switch continued after commencement of the modRNA injections. The deaths from leading causes were, in fact, deaths from the injections on tope of 2020 causes of death: ‘top down’ medical misconduct and fraud.
According to Matt Hancock, the treatment of falsely diagnosed C19 infected people in the UK was met with the policies of NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) and Midazolam. Looking only at the data for the 2020 calendar year, see the table of ‘cases’ and deaths with C19 present (mis)diagnosed by the RT-PCR tests with unknown cycle thresholds in four major countries.
Dr. Scott Jenson, Minnesota Senator, family doctor and professor at University Minnesota Medical School, 2016 Family Physician of the Year (2016), used his political, legal and medical expertise to blow the whistle on the CDC medical incentivisation of ‘death by CoVID’ in the Minnesota hospitals. Predictably, the state of Minnesota CoVID Regime went after his medical license and spared to effort to get him out of the Senate, his job at the University and the medical profession. For opposing CoVID Correctness he was sidelined as an ‘anti-vaxxer’ and CoVID Denier. He was prosecuted for WRONGTHINK and misinformation.
The Dr. Jensen Podcast Ep 37 : The Big Lie
April 20, 2024
https://drscottjensen.com. Remember the Big Lie they told in 2020 and beyond? We devastated society and have imposed permanent consequences in the way our society operates.
We Have Been Played : Exposing the Triad of Tyranny. Dr Scott Jensen (June 2022)
From 2021, there exists in Australia a roll-tide of prion diseases from the CoVID GMO spike protein modRNA injection that was mandated by the WHO and Operation CoVID Shield upon the population.
These diseases will have as many diagnostics as there are CoVID patents (thousands) and as extensive as the list of adversities catalogued in the Pfizer document cache (most of which they want under 75 year gag order from the court).
A critical mass of the population has been injected with a bioweapon that sheds spike proteins (prions) jigged with nano-bot DNA modification, bio-tech venoms, moulds and whatever else has been patented in the bio-tech sequences of these ‘biowarfare enabling technologies’.
From the many videos of Dr. David Martin (MCAM) on these patents, we know that thousands patents were filed on the basis of the ‘Gain of Function bioweapons enabling technology’ as Ralph Baric described this research to the National Academy of Sciences. Baric’s research and patents were funded by NIAID (Anthony Fauci) and EcoHealth Alliance at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. The USAID Dark Money network would also have been involved. These patents were for “an infectious replication defective clone of corona virus”. There are thousands of patents for ‘defective clone corona virus’ sequences from the Gain of Function researchers both before and after the 2013 Moratorium. These are the GMO spike proteins (prions) in the biotech of the covid vaccines. According to attorney Tom Renz, CEO of Renz Lawyers which brought suit against EcoHealth Alliance, Federal documents show that President Obama ordered the outsource of this research to Wuhan Institute of Virology and the creation of CoVID-19 in 2015. https://forbiddennews.substack.com/p/federal-documents-prove-obama-ordered.
“Pfizer/BioNTech’s CoVID-19 mod RNA Vaccines : Dangerous Genetic Mechanism of Action Released Before Sufficient Preclinical Testing”. (Winter 2024) https://jpands.org/vol29no4/oldfield.pdf.
Dr. John Campbell walks you through the independent studies and the prescribing of Fenbendazole and Ivermectin for cancers, including the ‘turbo cancers’ of the mod RNA and its spike protein shedding.
Fen ben for cancer [Fenbendazole for cancer]
Nov. 23, 2024
Ivermectin and Cancers
Oct 21, 2024
“Fenbendazole Enhancing Anti-Tumor Effect: a Case Series”
Clinical Oncology: Case Reports. A Scitechnol Journal. (Winter 2021). Chiang et al.
“Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug derived from an antiparasitic drug” (Sept. 21, 2020)https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC7505114/.
Dr. William Makis with Dr. John Campbell discuses re-purposed drugs and doses for treatment and promising potential cures of cancer, auto-immune diseases and altered immunity ( including VAIDs – vaxx acquired immuno-deficiency). Specifically mentioned are cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, fenbendazole, mbendazole, Ivermectin and Vitamin D. https://peterhalligan.substack.com/p/dr-william-makis-with-dr-john-campbell.
Turbo Cancers and repurposed drugs, Dr. Makis
Turbo Cancers and Repurposed Drugs, Dr. Makis
Dr. Makis gives dosages and remarks: “Ivermectin facilitates successful chemotherapy AND assists with related conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. Ivermectin reduces the side effects of chemotherapy.”
Of course there is no way he can say on YT that Ivermectin and Fenben will suffice. For example, he gives a ‘high-ish dose for Ivermectin [for a stage four turbo-cancer] is 1mg/kg of body weight. Scroll down for vaxxed who are just self-prescribing for these diseases and some who are just taking ‘a capsule’ of Ivermectin every day prophylactically.
Dr Bryan Ardis : Naturopathy, Homeopathy and Nature Cures for the Diseases of the Spike Protein of the CoVID Injections
Dr. Bryan Ardis, Dr. Henry Ealy : Healing Outside the Broken System Pharma
Dr. Bryan Ardis is the author of Moving Beyond the CoVID Lies: Restoring Health and Hope for Humanity. (Oct 1, 2024)
According to Ardis, Ivermectin also interacts with nicotene receptors in the human body – just like nicotene and tobacco. Many are following Ardis and using nicotene patches for the myocarditis of the modRNA injections / shedding.
Homeopathic tobaccum will also work.
Some covid injection batches have been found to contain spike protein sequences jigged with bio-tech cobra, crate, cone shell venoms. These de-compose blood by soaking up clotting factors and result in intra-vascular coagulation.
Some Recommendations to Try
EDTA oral chelation (for blood clotting) and homeopathic tobaccum. Zeolite is also used for chelation and is often used in naturopathy before a parasite cleanse to avoid the symtpoms of die off. An effective way to use the zeolite is to put the recommended daily measure into a fermented sauerkraut juice or soda.
In Food as Medicine, all the night shades are loaded with nicotene: eggplant, tomatoes, white potatoes, bell peppers, capsaicum, zucchini. Cayenne pepper (1 tsp) dissolved into olive oil will help break down clots and restore the vascular system.
Homeopathic Boron will help to neutralise the nano bio-tech and its fiber. https://homeoresearch.blogspot.com/2010/08/boron-metallicum-bor-met.html
Ardis thinks that the spike protein sequences have also been jigged with nano bio-tech moulds. And this would explain the turbo cancers. These can be activated with microfrenquencies. Ivermectin and the homeopathic artemisinins (like Cina ) should be thought of with diseases of fungus and moulds together with homeopathics that are worse for damp and cold like Natrum sulph and Thuja occidentalis. Silicea – quartz communication always has a place where micro-frequencies and wi fi is part of the multi-factorial disease. With house moulds apply white vinegar.
Although it is clear that Ardis is using homeopathy in his protocols, he does not go into this at length in his videos and podcasts. P eople are finding it difficult enough to think in terms of the modRNA nano-technology. But homeopathy is the original medical nano-technology and the homeopathic potencies are obtainable for everything Ardis and Healy are recommending: tobaccum (nicotene), Ivermectin, snake venoms etc.
Classic Nature Cure and Food as Medicine
Blood glucose havoc caused by some many of these spike protein sequences. Glycemic control is essential. One tbsp of cloves boiled in a pint of water and drunk throughout the day will help, as will homeopathic berberis 200C, Syzygium in tincture – 10 drops in water. Both Jambolan tea and decoctation of Rosemary will also help to bring blood sugar under control.
Salsa verde can be made with aromatic herbs like coriander, basil, mint, parsely and moringa leaves with aloe vera pulp.
Cayenne pepper will also break down blood clots. A tsp can be dissolved in olive oil and served over sauteed onions and leaks with capsiacum sweet peppers and beans. (Cajun beans)
Fasting will assist reset metabolism and help with stem cell production.
Vitamin E and selenium for Alzheimer’s Disease (Diabetes Type 3).
Elevated cortisol : Vitamin D3 and K2.
Ketogenic diet for diabetes and cancer. Boil the leaves of the soursop tree.
@SteveBlackshallOfficial. Blood vs Brown Snake Venom Equals…live blood demonstration.
Search ‘black mamba vs king cobra’
Https ://www.youtube.com/shorts/rg3TCLoymKw
Ivermectin and Fenbendazole
Includes how to buy Ivermectin and Fenbendazole.
It is of interest that in pharmacology, the base of Ivermectin is the mugwort species from the genus artemisia. These are well known in homeopathy as anti-virals, anti-malarials, anti-infectives in the same way that Ivermectin has been used in pharmacology over the decades – especially for viral diseases (like influenza for example) where there are underlying co-morbidities as with Asterias-rubens (for cancer). The Aremisia homeopathics in potency are : Cina 200C, Absinthe 200C (absinthium, wormwood), Artemisia vulgaris 200C (common mugwort). China- officinalis 200C (Peruvian chinchona bark is the plant basis of quinine and hydroxychloroquine).
The uses of nicotine (patches) in inflammatory diseases has also been studied outside the mainstream. “Nicotine in Inflammatory Diseases: Anti-Inflammatory and Pro-Inflammatory Effects” Frontiers in Immunology. (Feb. 18, 2022)
https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC8895249. Dr. Bryan Ardis has many videos on the benefits of nicotine, especially the patches (https://thedrardisshow.com ) and its many medicinal uses.
Summary of the CoVID PHEIC, its Deadly Injections and Health Protocols
As the Second Smartest Guy remarks : “There will be riots when people find out about how they have been lying about cancer.” https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/there-will-be-riots-when-people-find.
Second Smartest Guy has used his substack to expose the turbo-cancer epidemic (a real one) that represents Big Pharma’s remaining cash cow on the heels of their cancer inducing modRNA platform which included the deliberate contamination of the gene altering and highly carcinogenic SV40 promotor sequences
; in other words, the CIA, USAID, DoD (patent holders along with the Pentagon of the C19 [not]vaccines and Big Pharma always knew they would be responsible for this turbo cancer scourge. They always knew their cancer ‘treatments’ would not only NOT cure those they had poisoned, but that they would rake in staggering profits by mass murder with fraudulent therapies.
Dr. Paul Marik on Ivermectin an Cancer: ‘We know of cases of patients who had solid tumors and together with some other drugs..the cancer disappeared.” Dr. Lee Merritt: ‘Doctors around the world are showing that cancer is intracellular parasites.”
Second Smartest Guy recommends the Joe Tippen Protocol
New & Improved Joe Tippens Protocol
Tocotrienol and Tocopherol forms (all 8) of Vitamin E (400-800 mg / day for 7 days a week). Recommends a product called Gamma E by Life Extension or Perfect E.
Bio-available curcumin (600 mg / day – 2 pills 7 days a week). Mentions Theracurmin HP by Integrative Therapies as bio-available.
Vitamin D (62.5 mcg [2500 IU] 7 days a week.
CBD oil (1-2 droppers full [equal to 167 to 334 mg / day] under the tongue, 7 days a week. Recommends CBD-X as the most potent full spectrum organic CBD oil with 5,000 milligrams of activated cannabinoids and hemp compouds CBD, CBN and CBG / dose.
Fenbendazole (300 mg, 6 days a week) but with turbo-cancer can go up to 1 gram.
Ivermectin (24 mg, 7 days / week) but with turbo-cancer can go up to 1 mg / kg / day.
VIR-X immune support (2 capsules / day). https://www.virex.health.
Remove sugars and carbohydrates. Glycemic control is essential.
Dr. Andrew Jones gives Joe Tippens Cancer Protocol for Pets
This is given in measure of lbs or pounds / body weight. 1 kg = 0.45 kg. 3 lbs = 1.3 kg. 4 lbs = 1.8 kg.
https ://www.youtube.com/shorts/d5DabkaiEIk
Dr. Jones @veternary secrets (#cancer, #dogcancer, #joetippens, #fenbendazole (panacur). For fenbendazole the fendazole cancer dose he recommends 50 milligrams / 10 lbs of body weight daily. 95% curcumin (theracuman) 100 milligrams / 10 lbs of body weight daily. Canabidiol 3 milligrams / 10 lbs of body weight daily.
For cancer, those just starting out with Ivermectin from the vet (it comes as a paste) have followed self-prescribers who are using
1 milligram / kg of body weight 3 times a week for the mid grade cancers. For the high grade cancers , 1 milligram / kg of body weight every day. OR
Homeopathic Ivermectin 30C or 200C can be taken every day – a few drops under the tongue or 2 or 3 pillules under the tongue.
For the blood cancers he recommends dandelion root : 1 tsp of dandelion root / 20 lbs of body weight daily. Simmer 1 cup of water with 1 tsp of dandelion root for 20 mins.
Chlorine Dioxide receives a positive mention in the Joe Rogan interview
with Mel Gibson (See October Home Page)
CDS – a water purifier is finding a place in the alternative approaches to the roll-tide of prion disease from the CoVID GMO injection and its shedding.
In response to a recent stack on glutathione, Curious Outlier commented:
This is one of the reasons why regular taking of low doses of Chlorine Dioxide (protocol 1000 two or three days per week). It stimulates the body to up regulate the production of antioxidants. This is also known as mitochondrial hormesis. Think of it like a workout for your mitochondria. Two or three days per week like a workout is sufficient for the stress that it puts on the mitochondria. Dec. 2024.
The Ultimate Guide to Chlorine Dioxide and Beginner Training Course. Curious Human Productionshttps://pierrekorymedicalmusings.com/p/the-safety-of-orally-ingested-chlorine
Safety of Orally Ingested Chlorine Dioxide At Commonly Used Treatment Doses.
Jan. 31, 2025. Contrary to the edictss of regulatory agencies worldwide that chlorine dioxide is ‘bleach’, ‘bleachlike’ or a ‘poison’ numerous studies show the safety of oral ingestion at treatment doses.
Bolivia’s Use of Chlorine Dioxide Led to the Best Outcomes in South America
Chlorine dioxide is a broad antimicrobial that is safe for ingestion. Bolivian MP’s passed a law supporting widespread use to combat CoVID. This led to a massive reduction in deaths. https://pierrekorymedicalmusings.com/p/bolivias-use-of-chlorine-dioxide. (Dec 29 , 2024)
Many of these ‘infectious , replication defective corona virus clones’ in the CoVID Injections are jigged to deplete Vitamin B1 Thiamine
Thiamine administration is now recommended to the critically ill septic patient as part of ICU treatment for CoVID 19. Thiamine is an important precursor of glucose metabolism. (That probably will explain the surge of Turbo Diabetes as an adversity of both the CoVID injection and its shedding)
We don’t have to be a critically ill septic patient to see the importance of Thiamine depletion in the adversities and prion diseases that are presenting from these injections.
Methylene Blue
Is being self-prescribed for the neuro-degenerative diseases and the turbos of the CoVID injection and its shedding. It acts on the mitochondria to increase ATP production so it will help in the loss of cellular energy
Update on My Brain Disease. Chase Hughes. (Oct. 2024)
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4tXqcXeHHM
Inflammation of the Nerves and Myelitis
Many patents for these biowarfare enabling technologies have spike protein sequences that attack the body’s proteins for neurological transmission: GAD (glutamic acid decarboxylase). Turbo auto-immune diseases of the nerves are officially recognised as among the adversities of the modRNA spike protein injection. The new syndrome Stiff Person Syndrome has taken its place among the adversities: transverse myelitis, nerve inflammations, severe peripheral neuropathyies (associated with Diabetes) are all presenting as adversities of the CoVID injections.
A major Korean Study: CoVID Injections Have Triggered a 141% Spike in Acute Transverse Myelitis (ATM). European Journal of Neurology (Dec. 30, 2024) . Myelitis is an inflammation of the spinal cord. Symptoms can include paralysis, sensory loss, mobility disorders. (https://www.ninds.nih.gov/health-information/disorders/transverse-myelitis). The Korean researchers in collaboration with Korea’s CoVID 19 Vaccine Safety Committee (CoVaSC) found a significant risk in developing the disorder within 42 days of CoVID injection.
The Association Between Acute Transverse Myelitis and CoVID 19 Vacinatioin in Korea: Self Controlled Case Series Study.
Some of these patented spike protein sequences in the CoVID injections have been jigged to attack proteins for neurological transmission: GAD (glutamic acid decarboxylase). So there will be the turbo auto-immunes of neurological transmission like Stiff Person Syndrome, Transverse Myelitis, severe peripheral neuropathies of turbo Diabetes and symptoms of lumbar and muscle stiffness and rigidity. In context of the CoVID injection (and its prion shedding) these are post infectious, post injection autoimmune conditions.
Catastrophic Neurological and Psychiatric Damage from CoVID-19 Vaccines increased the risks of ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic stroke, transient ischemic attack, myelitis, myasthenia gravis, Alzheimer’s disease, cognitive impairment, depression, anxiety and sleep disorders. Nicolas Hulscher MPH (Jan 6 2025). https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/39560882/.
And, of course, the phenome that these spike protein bio-techs are shedded from the CoVID injected now is being studied and documented.
The ICU treatments that are administering Vitamin B1 Thiamine to septic (poisoned) patients are an important signifier for those who are sufferring the neurological conditions being studied in the context of CoVID injections / shedding. For those who are merely disabled, the signs of Thiamine depletion are : lack of co-ordination, difficult mobility, paretic stiffness (nerve inflammation), weak reflexes. Also memory loss, confusion, delusion.
A good B vitamin supplement is indicated or just Vitamin B1 Thiamine.
The CoVID 19 genetic modification (fraudulently called a ‘vaccine’) has been linked to 141% increased rise of Transverse Myelitis within 42 days of injection. Another new study sends another safety signal for spinal cord inflammation across all CoVID 19 mRNA platforms.
And not just the CoVID 19 mRNA
UPDATE: FDA Orders Pfizer to Add : PARALYSIS WARNING to RSV Vaccine Labels
The FDA has assessed the risk of Guillian-Barre Syndrome (paralysis and muscle weakness) following injection with Abrysvo (Pfizer) and Arexvy (GSK) RSV vaccines. This is a serious adverse event risk warning. (Jan 16, 2025)
The FDA describes GBS as a ‘rare disorder in which the body’s immune system damages nerve cells causing weakness and sometimes paralysis. GBS is also an aknowledged adversity of the GMO modRNA CoVID injections. Kingston asserts that the nano-tech in these injections are rare earth elements from the lanthanide series on the Periodic Table.
Dr. McCullough’s “Courageous Discourse” follows up on former UK CEO Marathoner Rod Shears. Dr. McCullough reports that his guest on a December podcast has died of a progressive CoVID 19 injection induced neuro-muscular disease with features of both Guillain-Barre Syndrome and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/covid-19-vaccine-neurologic-syndrome.