Breaking the Last Defenses to Communize the West

Another genocide of the Communist Revolution is now unfolding across the Western and developing nations
November 5, 2021
Manifesto of the Fourth ComIntern March 11, 2020
November 5, 2021
Another genocide of the Communist Revolution is now unfolding across the Western and developing nations
November 5, 2021
Manifesto of the Fourth ComIntern March 11, 2020
November 5, 2021

Breaking the Last Defenses to Communize the West

One of the main objects of the  Revolution is to break the last defenses and communize the West

If a world Communist state is to be built upon the ruins of all nation states, then all Western ZOGs: the Anglo-sphere nations, the EUSSR must be subverted, restructured and brought into the communist sistema.
This is why the West is currently being made-over as ‘the enemy of humanity’ . Against the population at large, all four sins crying to Heaven for Divine Vengeance have now been  legislated, judicially upheld, and tyrannically imposed on the population.  Every institution of social influence is undergoing subversion spearheaded by Marxist Grievance Industries / payroll and Gook cohorts:

murder of the innocent

the sin of Sodom

oppression of the poor

to defraud the working man (servants) of wages.

 At the hands of  Marxist-Leninist governments in Lockstep with the International Bio-Security State and its CoVID Regime ( IBSS ), every institution of social influence in ZOG West must undergo systemic failure and Satanization by means of ideological dictate and  law enforcement of the Four Sins.

At Fatima 1917,  our Lady called these Marxist ideologies, together with Communist  atheism (later a foundation of the  Constitution of the USSR ): ‘the errors of Russia’.  She said these would spread throughout the entire world if Russia, specifically Russia as a nation, was not consecrated to her Immaculate Heart by the Holy Father and all the bishops.

For over ninety years, a  succession of popes and anti-popes have not been able or have refused our Lady’s request.  In the 21st century, the rotten fruits of this refusal are self-evident and militant.   Every nation now is undergoing demoralisation, destabilization and subversion through these ideologies as an international movement for social change. The ‘errors of Russia’ are  the Cultural warfare and Marxism of the Fourth ComIntern and its permanent, world-wide Communist Revolution.

With the Corona Operation and its standard issue Communist genocide, the West has been assigned the ‘anti-christ’ script  for a future WWIII  of ‘liberation’.  And this is to come from  the ZOG Eastern Bloc, which at present, is  building its Eurasian Empire. (The Perestroika Deception).

Dr. Astrid Stickleburger , WHO Whistleblower explains : “The pandemic is organised in a systemic way”

WHO Whistleblower Connects the Dots

The Highwire with Del Bigtree

As one might expect, The Owners of both the Eastern and Western ZOGs have a plan for the vassal nations owned by their central banking cartel and welded to their seats in the UN.  On their Grand Chessboard, the nations with majority White populations – the EUSSR and Anglo-sphere nations – must all be restructured in order to be fitted into the world pyramid.

The White population, specifically,  must be reduced to a minority demographic or replaced entirely – especially  in our native European lands where we are the majority demographic.

ZOG West is to be made over as ‘Great Satan’. 

In  Marxist-Leninist 4th Political Theory and its Mad Plan, the West is always designated  as  ‘Globalist’ and ‘uni-polar’.  They as an example of this – the USD as world reserve currency, together with the NATO Alliance.  We are supposed to be the  enemies of humanity ruled by ‘too big to fail banks’ and lumbered with a ‘too big to sustain’ carbon footprint.  In the Lockstep Quadrant of the Rockefeller Scenarios and my adapted version, the IBSS has

scripted  our  Marxist-Leninist governments with CoVID Regime dictates and policies that are : ‘selfish’, ‘uni-polar’, nwo [satanic version] and criminal (under Articles of the Nuremburg Code).  And they are labelled and treated as such in the Communist sistema of Big Media, Big Tech and Big Corporate.

Compare and contrast to what is always presented as the ethical and socially responsible ‘capitalism’ of the  ZOG East Communist Bloc – owned by the same ‘too big to fail’ banks of the central banking cartel, I might add.   (This is basic perception management for Western sheeple  in the Big Media yada yada ) .

At the time of the Great Reset for the West, ZOG East holds aloft the torch for the New World Order of a ‘thousand points of light’ celebrated in the Luciferian doctrine of Illuminism,.  When he wasn’t writing Communist ideology, Karl Marx was writing erotic love poems to the Lucifer – so he was be big fan of what Masonic doctrine calls ‘pure Luciferian ideals’.     This load of codswallop will, of course, come from ZOG East.

In contrast to the Western ‘Great Satan’,  politically correct discourse regards these ZOG East paragons of ethical responsibility as :  ‘multi-polar’,  religiously ‘conservative’, ‘nationalist’,  environmentally sustainable,  co-operative stakeholders and partners with the UN and so on.

ZOG West, on the other hand,  has already been fixed and sealed with the label of ‘systemically racist, colonial oppressors’ in every Marxist Critical Race Theory.  So the democide of Western populations is to be conducted by the CoVID Regime of our own governments.  And These are now manifestly subverted to Marxist Leninism under the dictate of the UN  International Bio-Security State (IBSS).  The CoVID democide of the Western governments upon their own populations will be made to look like the Molochian legacy of the evil West finally devouring its own racial heritage and founding stock.

The Deep State Revolutionary Assets of the Western ZOGs now have manifested their power with the UN IBSS  and function as so many national politburos of its CoVID Regime.  The West’s strong political and economic alignment serves UN dictate in the  formation of what Marxist discourse calls:  ‘Globalism’ and the Globalist  Bloc.

The  Revolutionary Assets of the Deep State  in Lockstep for a great ‘Reset’ , have  pronounced this formation to be: ‘new world order’.   This is “the BOGEY”  of The Protocols of Zion 5.11.  It is  the decoy which cloaks the Eurasian Empire presently being built through the ZOG East Communist Bloc.

Ultimately, the Western power Bloc undergoing Lock Step and  Globalist Reset  must rely on an EMF central control grid.  And the Dictate of these Lockstep governments  must have full spectrum dominance over that Grid. This is where the Social Credit System of the Chinese Communist Party is just the thing.

Human resources of the Western Special Economic Zones will be linked genetically to the Grid for all our social and economic communications and transactions.  CoVID (Certificate of Vaxx ID)  passports are the basis of  it.  A one ( Communist ) world currency –  (Central Bank Digital Currency CBDC) – will financially integrate the entire Control Grid.

Because they have Full Spectrum Dominance, the Western ZOGs in Lock Step for Globalist Reset will control the Hacking Operations linked to specialized military units like this:  British Ministry of Defense posting blows the lid on ‘irregular; hacker branch with links of ‘unique and specialized military unit’  [ just like in the Soviet Union and the PRC]. 18 August 2021.

Thoth – god of medicine, science, magic, judgement, hieroglyphs  and the dead.

In the Corona Operation, the Western nations have been assigned the ‘anti-Christ’ script in  a future WWIII for their  liberation.

We are supposed to be ‘the bad guys’.  And the Communist ZOGs of the Eastern Bloc – currently building their  Eurasian Empire – are supposed to defeat the ‘Globalist’ West  in this conflict.

Western industrialization, social progress and development have been branded ‘unsustainable’ for vassal states by The Owners.  Whereas Communism (of course), as well as all primitive, regimented and collective lifestyles for the projected masses of the Fourth Industrial Revolution,  will get the green tick for UN Sustainability.

Think with anticipation  of that Happy Meal with insect burgers and Gates Foundation GMO fries delivered by drone to the Black Rock gerbil hutch in your Sustainable City.

Worse luck for this  fiction, the 20th century of Communist genocides and crimes for the Revolution fall into the ‘general knowledge’  category of the Western consciousness.  This is because the Western nationalists fighting the Long March of Communist subversion of all our institutions got so much of it documented and  into  public record for all Western nations.

So, for The Owners,  the basic problem of their  WWIII liberation script is:  what kind of taste-y sauce  for the insect burger?  As always, they confront their  usual problem with perception management.

Thus the winning future scenario of 4th Political Theory suggests itself.   The Western nations are to be ‘made over’ by our own Marxist Leninist governments under the direction of the  IBSS and its CoVID Regime.  We are to become Globalist Great Satan with an even more impressive genocide / democide  and crimes against humanity record than ZOG East ( if that is possible ).

Imagine there’s no countries.  For the real New World Order to be established, nations as we know them today – consider them gone.  The transhumaned  younglings of the universal soviet will regard  the idea of nations as quaint relics of a bygone era.

In terms of genocide, the Communist Eastern Bloc has weighed in at over 100 million souls.  So to look good by comparison with the Soviet Union  [currently a Potemkin Village of federated ‘conservative,  traditionalist’ and  Christian and Muslim populations which replaced all the White ethnic European Russians murdered by the Yiddish Bolshevik Jews] and by comparison with Communist China [currently the organ harvesting capital of the world on the Bei Jing – Israel Axis], the Western governments, now entirely subverted to Marxist Leninism by the Revolution will have to put some serious numbers on the board.

But even with a world depopulation  across their UN vassal nations,  as mandated by the J-Apex of  The Owners on behalf of  their racial collective and crime syndicate, the Jewish ethno-state will still have to win the eternal , suffering sweepstakes. Thus Israel APPEARS to be undergoing another Whole Schlomo and Cost. And maybe they are.  Or maybe their CoVID fatalities are to be relocated like the millions of Holocaust Survivors of World War II  streaming into the American and British Occupation Zones of Germany with the Red Army and demanding to be ‘repatriated’ to the West.
Did you pass the Hitler test?  Those who fail the Hitler test are very susceptible to the BIG Lie of the CoVID Deception.

In Australia, it is conceivable that our own Federal Politburo , which is calling itself ‘the National Cabinet’ and ‘Operation CoVID Shield’ will go for 60% of the population and eradicate the Anglo-Celtic demographic under its premiers and Point men / women CHOs of the Revolution. The heritage and founding stock of the Australian state are of this majority and will resist being restructured as a Special Economic Zone ( Colony) of the PRC.

As a White population, we are the demographic especially detested by The Owners, their Judaic racial collective and crime syndicate.   In the Southern winter of 2021,  NSW premier, Gladys B-J invoked the Kabbalistic 6 million which she required to be  genetically modified with a medical experiment in biotech,  patented viruses  before the entire state of NSW can come out of lockdown, curfew, travel radius, business shutdown  etc.  You could not make this shit up.

Stew Peters spoke with Royal Australian Air Force Veteran Alan Hennessy about the roll-out of the International Bio-Security State.  Note that Hennessy completely gets it.   He is military and he recognizes a military operation when he sees one – in this case, an international military operation.  The Australian governments at federal, state and local levels are not coming up with these policies on their own.  They are under dictate.  They are in Lockstep.  And the Pointmen / women – namely, the Commissars of the Revolution –  are not hard to find.

.  Uploaded by Keefey8.
August 21, 2021.

In April 2020, SuperJew, Dr. K (Henry Kissinger) issued the watchword for initiates of the Corona Operation.

Yes, depopulation is an objective of the Operation and its Plan, but it is not the End State.  One of the  immediate goals is civil war / revolution.  Here is the juice straight from the Vampyre Squid : the “US is a divided country. Public trust is crucial to social solidarity. Retreat from balancing power with legitimacy will cause the social contract to disintegrate. Failure could set the world on fire.”
“The Coronavirus Pandemic Will Forever Alter the World Order”.  Dr. Henry Kissinger.  Wall Street Journal. Opinion.
April 3, 2020

Exactly the same could be said of Australia.  One of the objectives of Operation Corona is to rigorously divide Western societies and set people against each other in terms of life necessities and even life itself.   I tend to think that creation of social chaos and  conduct of a democide upon the population is about as clear a ‘retreat from balancing power with legitimacy’ as anyone could imagine.  And if our Australian Politburo is not inclined to poke the Squid, they will get themselves organised to do it.

Maybe you don’t think making up a world pandemic is how the NWO / WHO psychopaths roll in terms of forward planning? Here they are making their plans as they joke about fooling all the health systems and pulling off their trial run H1N1 pandemic hoax. This is how they think.

Monopoly – Follow the Money
April 8, 2021
Vrouwen Voor Vrijheid

With international deployment of the Corona Operation by the Revolution’s Power Elite, the long work of Communist subversion against  the West now yields its strength.

On cue, all Western UN member nation states demonstrated the complete Communist subversion of their governments by the Revolution and its cabals. In a matter of days, they took up position in the Lockstep Quadrant of the Manifesto – diagrammed above as the “Rockefeller Scenarios”.  They literally fell into Lockstep with the UN dictate and its International Bio-Security State –  vertically integrating into the chain of command.

Marxist Co-Incidence  theories of political analysis taught in the public schools always attempt to instill  the idea that political events (like a Communist Takeover)  just happen by chance or win the vote through an electoral process.  Transfer of power just happens. Whereas the decades , even centuries long process of  building international  organisation and planning  (of the Revolution), the operation of the Fifth Column on the Inside – all the organisational machinery of The Revolution falls into the realm of conspiracy theory even when it is in plain sight and on public record.

Overnight, bio-security became the organizing principle of regime change for all 153 UN member nations.

“If there really is a Pandemic”


Check out #11: if the pandemic started in 2019 how is it that all the gov’ts all around the world order and deliver PCR test kits 2018. Silas Speaks.  April 8 , 2021

The import of the above video is not to say that many people have not died of diseases and conditions which  governments have both ordered and  incentivized doctors and hospitals to label ‘CoVID-19’.  Follow the money of massive loans from the World Bank to governments with ‘CoVID’ terms and conditions.

“This is Clearly a Plandemic with No Virus Isolated from Human Beings with Disease”


Dr Judy Mikovits, former research scientist

Deception is not true consent.
Dr. Mikovits explains that SARS-COV2 has not been isolated from a human subject.

The CDC admitted back in July 2020 that the sequences they were using on the PCR test were actually a synthetic virus. They didn’t actually have a complete sequence of a disease causing SARS-COV-2 from a human being. They have it from the monkey cells as we all know. And these are the pictures you see.

“So the sequences containing HIV envelope sequences along with the other corona virus sequences have never been isolated from a human being with the disease and shown to be infectious and transmissible. “
The “envelope sequences”  to which Dr. Mikov

its refers are patented by Arbutus and Accuatus Pharmaceuticals.  They own the lipid nano particle envelope process for the gene splice of the vaxx which delivers the mRNA coding for the patented biotech viral or Spike Protein.  November 2019, Moderna and the University of North Carolina , Chapel Hill became research partners in the development of these  spike proteins to be sealed in the lipid envelope for the Moderna vaxx.

Assays [diagnostic tests] designed for detection of the RNA of 2019 – NCOV (aka SARS COV-2) were tested with stocks in vitro  that were transcribed full length RNA – that is synthetic RNA, exactly as Dr. Mikovits claims.

There is no original SARS COV-2 Virus.  It was never isolated from human tissue.
“Statement on Virus Isolation (SOVI) ‘SARS-CoV-2 Has Never Been Isloated or Purified.”
By Sally Fallon Morell,  Dr. Thomas Cowan and Dr. Andrew Kaufman. August 11 2021

“This is no SARS-Cov-2.  It is not a naturally evolved virus.  It is a lab engineered S1 Spike protein viral sequence.  To ‘catch it’ , you have to be injected with it.
Fred Corbin Nuclear Biological Engineer – Drops Leaked Pfizer Ingredients and Wuhan Lab Docs

Yep – it’s a BOGEY.  For the Hoax Phase of the Corona Operation, prior to the Vaxx Mandates,  the CoVID Regime  just re-branded the common cold and the flu to conceal the 5G micro-wave illnesses / deaths and the adverse events of the  vaxx : a  military grade bio-weapon.

“..a group of biologists, chemists, doctors and journalists take apart the SARS-COV-2 narrative piece by piece – from the non-isolation of the virus, to the hidden problems with purported photographs of the virus, from the claims that it has been genetically sequenced to the invalidity of the PCR ‘covid test’.

Episode One of “The Viral Delusion” – The Tragic Pseudoscience of SARS-CoV2, unpacks the science of the claims that changed the world.


Dr. David Martin : “The Plandemic is Organised Crime and Biological Warfare.  Their Own Words Admit It.”

Our Dept of Justice is unwilling to uphold the laws of this country.  They have given these extra-judicial, extra-legislative and extra-executive bodies with no legal authority : the CDC and the FDA – which say ‘we are going to break the law’ – the permission  to break the law.”

“We have anti-trust laws that are clearly a prerequisite for the pandemic to exist.  If we didn’t have these anti-trust violations – things like funding the pathogen creators at Wuhan and the University of North Carolina , Chapel Hill, we wouldn’t have these well documented and very strong evidence based allegations.”
Sept. 11, 2021

Dr. David Martin @ 4 mins 20 seconds : ” ..the weaponsiation of the corona virus which officially started in 1999 when Anthony Fauci came up with this brilliant idea that he could come up with an infectious, replication defective and that is the actual words used.  And that is ‘an infectious, replication defective form of coronavirus’.  He paid researchers at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill to invent a pathogen.  Notice, I am not saying a virus and I am not saying a vaccine for good reason.  We are not talking about a virus, we are talking about an engineered pathogen.  We are not talking about a vaccine.  We are talking about the introduction of a compute simulated code in the form of turn your body into a factory producing S1 spike proteins similar to thos found in corona virus.  You are not injecting a viral fragment; you are injecting a code to make your body produce a pathogen…”

‘They are lying. There is no question they are lying’ said medical freedom rights attorney, Attorney Thomas Renz of Ohio. Sept 28, 2021

Great Victory in Alberta. Man Proves CoVID does not exist in court. All restrictions lifted
August 4, 2021

Banned from YouTube Lab Analysis at 7 Universities Shows No CoVID!
Banned from YouTube Lab Analysis at 7 Universities Shows No CoVID!
Feb 19, 2021
Wardo Rants

“..observation  under a SEM (scanning electron microscope) we found NO CoVID in any of the supposed positive 1500 CoVID 19 samples collected here in Southern California. What we found was that all of the 1500 samples were mostly influenza A and some were influenza B, but not a single case of CoVID”…”We sent the remainder of the samples to Stanford, Cornell and a few of the University of California labs and they found the same results as we did. No CoVID. The CDC also can not provide us with any CoVID samples.

“We have now come to the firm conclusion through all our research and lab work that CoVID 19 was imaginary and fictitious. We at the 7 universities that did the lab tests on these 1500 samples are now suing the CDC for CoVID 19 fraud. The CDC has yet to send us a single viable, isolated and purified sample of CoVID 19.”;read=178163
Transcript from ‘Lab Analysis at 7 Universities Shows No CoVID’

It is significant that the research of the 7 universities did not use the PCR test itself, but rather samples that had been labeled as positive on the Polymerase Chain Reaction Test.

The polymerase chain reaction test (PCR) currently being used to detect or diagnose CoVID-19 was invented by Dr. Kary Mullis (1944 – 2019 ).

He was awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry 1993 , along with Dr. Michael Smith for the invention of the PCR test.

Mullis has called US CoVID Czar, Dr. Anthony Fauci a liar and stated for the record:  “The PCR test is not diagnostic of disease.”  He designed the test to amplify DNA samples , not diagnose disease.

Statements by Dr. Kary Mullis on the PCR test:

“It is not suitable as a diagnostic tool”

“Amplified DNA products can be anything”.

“Diagnostically speaking…you can find almost anything in anybody”.   And, as we have discovered, that includes a goat, a paw paw and Brazilian chicken wings.

The PCR tests are unable to distinguish between “the whole virus and viral fragments”,  he claims. A so-called positive PCR test can not determine if one is infected with any virus; such a result “merely indicates the presence of viral RNA molecules. ”

Was the COVID-19 Test Meant to Detect a Virus?

Is there a Corona pandemic or is there only a PCR Test pandemic?

For the Hoax phase the of the Corona Operation, the media whorejobs have had to cover the the actual morbidity numbers as satirized in Australia by the “Your XYZ” website.

From January 01 – July 4, 2021 the Australian Bureau of Statistics inform us that the number of CoVID deaths for Australia is 1. That is correct: 1. On July 11, 2021, it surged by 100% to 2.

The post CoVID-19 vaccine deaths, however, stand at 355.

From April – August 2021, these subverted Marxist Leninist governments under CoVID dictate from the  IBSS didn’t even bother to make up the numbers on a national case by case basis.  They just pulled the magic case numbers out of the Collective Wazoo.  Around the world from Kentucky USA to Tajikistan, the magic number for April – August was 233 as illustrated.
Magically all over the world the MSM Script says exactly 233 new corona – covid cases
Aug 13 2021

UPDATE : July 30, 2021 – the Center for Disease Control comes clean.  They are busted and they know they are busted.

Situation Update, July 30th 2021 – CDC , FDA Faked Covid Test Protocol Using Common Cold Virus

Health Ranger Report
July 29, 2021

The CDC is Busted.  They admit the PCR tests never tested for CoVID, Nouvelle Corona Virus, SARS-Cov-2 or whatever they are calling it this month.  They have lost control of their Looney Toon.

The Wile E. Coyote Moment

Translation: We at the CDC did not have a specimen of SARS-CoV-2 (as Dr. Mikovits and 7 universities asserted).Therefore we decided to go with a non-diagnostic test for our BOGEY: SARS-CoV-2. This is the test we have used from Feb. 2020. So we contrived samples of the virus from a range of sources through in vitro (petrie dish)  diagnostics – synthetic mRNA samples, genomic nucleic acids etc. And we fabricated the samples of the virus for which we were supposedly testing. We said these contrived sequences had to be close to the sequence of SARS-CoV-2 (the virus we never sequenced and isolated from any human tissue). Really we hadn’t the foggiest because we didn’t have an actual specimen. And now seven independent universities are calling us on our CoVID crap. (No wonder we are getting sued) It would seem that some scientists not on our payroll have actually done the science and know for certain that we pulled the whole CoVID thing out of our wazoo.

Now they admit it.
They are busted in the US.
They are busted in the UK.

” 27 August, 2021.  As of 15 July , Public Health England’s modelling group, with the MRC Biostats Unit, estimated that overall infection mortality rate is approximately 0.96%.”  In answer to MP Mr. Steve Baker, Conservative for Wycombe: ‘To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care what is his Dept.’s most recent estimate of the CoVID-19 infection fatality rate.”

And while the Hoax Phase of the Corona Operation aka the ‘CoVID-19 Pandemic’  of 2020 was raging and supposedly killing hundreds of thousands of people (as determined by a + from the non-diagnostic PCR test), and what with the ‘filled to capacity’ ICUs and overflowing morgues etc., who noticed that we scrubbed the annual  flu stats?

Yes.  The influenza virus kills millions of people every year. This is a matter of public health record.  It does not help anything to label these deaths: ‘CoVID-19’ on the basis of a PCR test that does not diagnose any disease.

So how many lives did they destroy gas-lighting millions of people with CoVID fakery?

And how many lives did the UN-Fauci-Gates-Rockefeller Corona Operation destroy with positive labels from the PCR test.

From July 2021, however, the dreaded ‘Delta Variant’ is now upon us.
A new phase of Operation Corona begins.

Antibody Dependent Enhancement / acquired immunodeficiency of the vaxx is now a reality for the vaxxed.  Transmission of the patented, bio-tech viral proteins from the vaxxed is now a reality for the unvaxxed.
Del Bigtree : “World Renowned Vaccine Expert Dr. Geert vanden Bossche Reveals the Truth of CoVID-19
Sept. 5, 2021

The March 6, 2021 interview follows up Vanden Bossche’s letter to every medical professional in the world telling them why we must stop the CoVID vaxx programme.

Dr Geert Vanden Bossche. Open Letter. March 6 2021 to all authorities, scientists and experts around the world, to whom this concerns: the entire world population

According to Vanden Bossche, our natural immune system and  our broad spectrum, non-specific antibodies, especially those of the mucosal membranes (IgMs) – is seriously compromised (he says ‘destroyed’) by the CoVID-19 vaxx.  The coding for these biotech (patented) viral sequences re-code our DNA to produce Specific spike protein anti-bodies (prions).  These synthetic mRNA S1 spike protein viral sequences that have been installed in our own genetics can now reproduce from any tissue to which the spike proteins bind ACE2 receptor sites – brain tissue, gut tissue, kidney tissue etc.  These spike proteins are toxic in themselves and they out compete our broad spectrum immunity.

When the vaxxed make these synthetic , patented proteins in their own cells, they are making the variants of the original viral sequence gain function. This is highly transmissible and can become highly infectious.  This is Antibody Dependent Enhancement.  It is also acquired immunodeficiency in terms of durable innate immunity of the non-specific, broad  spectrum antibodies from the natural immune system.

According to Dr. Vanden Bossche, we are going to pay a huge price for this.  These prions become highly infectious when the innate immune system becomes out-competed by the S1 spike protein synthesis.  All these variants that are being reported are coming from populations with the most vaxxed percentages.  Also to be considered is that the unvaxxed will pick up on these spike proteins (prions) and mount their own antigen – antibody response so the original synthetic patented viral sequences will mutate through this process like any other virus.

The vaxxed will require no end of booster shots to keep pace with the ADE reaction and its gain of function [ read production of variants].

Dr. Robert Malone who pioneered the mRNA bio-tech vaxx  also warned that this gene modification of the mRNA would stimulate human cells to produce the viral proteins (prions) of the biotech viral sequences that had been coded into the mRNA of the vaccinated subject.  This is like the installation of an operating system or the rewrite of the blueprint for protein transcription.  It will alter the immunity of the vaccinated and produce a different kind of antibody which the host’s own natural immune system will not be able to recognize as foreign proteins.    Whereas a non-vaccinated person exposed to a virus and infected with it will produce antibodies to multiple regions of the virus, an individual who has received a CoVID-19 vaxx will produce antibodies to the spike protein of the S1 protein synthesis with which they have been injected and re-coded.
Vanden Bossche & Malone: CoVID-19 Giants Unite
Oct 2 2021

A predictable complication of altered immunity is ADE – Antibody Dependent Enhancement.  This is an immuno deficient compromise in terms of the innate, durable immunity of the non-specific, broad spectrum antibodies of the natural immune system.  As the prions are replicated through mRNA , the altered immunity can lead  to systemic inflammation or cytokine storm.  Furthermore, the graphene oxide component of the vaxx leads to blood clots at the microscopic level as D-Dimer tests have  now substantiated.


In the above video, Dr. Brooks refers to Dr. Malone, the inventor of the mRNA biotech.  Dr. Malone predicted that nations with the largest percentage of vaccinated population would have surging numbers of new ‘CoVID’ variants and these would be gain of function cases  of the vaxx itself.

This is exactly what we see occurring.  New CoVID cases are surging in the most vaxxed countries, not the least vaxxed. Mounting scientific evidence is showing us that this surge is caused by the vaxx which stimulates the production of viral proteins (spike proteins or prions) when it binds ACE2 receptor sites in human cells.

In the video below, we see a young girl being overwhelmed and forcibly vaccinated.  Her health, her fertility and ultimately her young life are being taken from her. Look at how these caring and sharing monsters overwhelm her and force this medical experiment.  This is a  violation of specific Articles of the  Nuremberg Code on forced medical experimentation.  And what an experiment! A kill shot that is on the radar of the peer reviewed Medical journals as a kill shot.

Red Pill World 

The ‘Kill Shot’.  Do you think this is Red-Pill woo-woo?  Fake News?  Domestic terrorism?

October 22, 2020, the FDA held a meeting of the “Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee” to discuss the development , authorization and or licensure of vaccines indicated to prevent CoVID-19.  The FDA released a Safety Surveillance of CoVID vaccines:  ‘Draft Working List of  Possible Adverse Event Outcomes’ – subject to change (as more would be reported).  What they don’t say is that  conventional vaccinations have been causing many of these conditions for years – such as Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (eg sudden infant death syndrome).  As follows:

Here is the list of auto-immune, prion diseases the FDA ‘is concerned about’ in relation to CoVID vaccines.

  • Guillain-Barre Syndrome
  • Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
  • Transverse myelitis
  • Encephalitis / myelitis / encephalomyel, meningitis, encephalopathy
  • Convulsions, seizures
  • Stroke
  • Narcolepsy, catalepsy
  • Anaphylaxis
  • Acute myocardial infarction
  • Myocarditis / pericarditis
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Pregnancy and birth outcomes
  • Other acute demyelinating diseases [MS ]
  • Non-anaphylactic allergic reactions
  • Thrombocytopenia
  • Disseminated intravascular coagulation
  • Venous thromboembolism
  • Arthritis and arthralgia / joint pain
  • Kawasaki disease
  • Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children
  • Vaccine enhanced disease – ADE (antibody dependent / deficient enhancement)
“Permanent Lethargy Syndrome and long term loss of motor skills now common side effects of the covid vax” July 28 2021.

The Bio-Security Communist State will (of course) blame these tragic conditions and deaths on the unvaxxed population which the CHO CoVID Commissars will hold responsible for viral variants, mutations and transmissions.  These are ‘gain of function’ ADE effects of the S1 protein synthesis.

On cue, grieving and distraught parents will lead the demand for the unvaxxed to be put in CoVID isolation.  In Brisbane, the CoVID concentration camp is currently being built at Pinkenba. ( For all those overseas tourists, you understand.  Wouldn’t you love to know who writes these scripts? )

A significant number of the population is now vaxxed. Six months into the US and UK vaccination programs, the vaxxed are producing their  S1 Spike proteins / viral proteins of their mRNA genetic modification. The unvaxxed  are receiving the exposure / transmission and making their own antigen – antibody response.  This can not end well.
July 27, 2021
This webpage archives the “Banned Video of BS-19 Vax Injured Austraians.”

Nearly 50k Medicare patients died soon after getting CoVID shot: Whistleblower”

Cell culture models of the Pfizer / BioNtech vaccine enhanced infectivity (ADE – Antibody Dependent / deficient Enhancement)  Comparing SARS-CoV-2 natural immunity to vaccine induced immunity: reinfections versus breakthrough infections.” Aug 25 2021

At the end of the Northern Hemisphere summer ( August 2021 ), The Corona Operation has no more need to pull these positive PCR test results out of the Great  CoVID Wazoo and gasbag the public with the Corona stats. Asymptomatic, healthy people with + PRC labels do not a credible pandemic make. So the PCR tests can  be dispensed.  They were designed to amplify DNA , not test for or diagnose any disease.

All over the Western world, people have been given false positives as well false negatives  on a non-diagnostic test for the  common cold. The CDC is able to now able to dispense with this PCR diagnostic fakery because they now have a population that is vaxxed for CoVID.  So now we have the real deal.

The toxic spike proteins (prions) being produced by the vaxxed are transmissible and those who are exposed will mount their own immune responses – as everyone does every year with the seasonal mutations of the common cold and influenza etc. The unvaxxed will be sero-positive in terms of their own immunoglobulin markers for these patented bio-tech viruses because they have been exposed and made antibodies. So they now have natural, durable immunity.  Just as someone who had the Shingles five years ago or someone who was vaccinated with the Herpes Zoster Virus two years ago will still have the anti-body markers of their immune response.  These can now be ‘interpreted’ as cases.

We wait to see if there will be a rise in positive tests by assay and anti-body titre  for people who are asymptomatic for any disease with sero-positive markers of their natural, durable immunity.   Along with the surge cases of ADE among the vaxxed and their prion diseases, these will be taken for new waves and variants of the original Corona Hoax.

Whatever happens, we will not be soldiering on with Codral.

Nobel Prize winning scientist , inventor of the PCR Test, Dr. Kary Mullis is now completely vindicated. His courageous statements against Dr. Fauci, Director of the NIAID : vindicated. How convenient that he met with an untimely death August 2019.

And how many other lives did the UN-Fauci-Gates-Rockefeller Corona Operation destroy with positive labels from the PCR test.

The Real Pandemic Begins to Emerge

The Party Line of the Australian Politburo and its CHO  CoVID Czars has re-labeled ADE and only speaks in terms of the ‘dreaded spread of CoVID’ and ‘CoVID case variants’ among the unvaccinated.  Just when you thought they could not stack this pile of CoVID shit any higher, Lo! they stacked it higher.

All these Maoist psychopaths will need bigger face nappies to conceal the facts.  The serious numbers of these  ‘break-though’ ADE (Antibody Dependent / deficient Enhancement) cases are among the vaxxed.

What is being labeled:  ‘CoVID’ morbidities and mortalities are the prion diseases of the CoVID injection and its transmission.
This post has embedded Dr Petrella’s predictive video of March 2020.
What mRNA prion sequences do has here been re-posted from Dr. Mercola in answer to Petrella’s prediction.
Dr Petralla’s Video of March 2020 is embedded in this link.
Embedded in text of Aug 27 upload

All you have to do to get caught up in the  global medical experiment of the CoVID Regime of the Communist state  is to be subjected to a PCR test and get a false positive.  Remember.  There is no SARS-CoV-2 that has ever been isolated from human tissue.

These break-through ADE conditions and diseases , as flagged by the FDA above are the ‘gain of function’ conditions of those who have been injected and those who are sick with the transmission.

And there is worse to come.

For those who were in the first wave of vaxxes in Australia, February 2021 the CoVID cover-story from the Bio-Security Regime was still in place.  The CDC was not yet busted.  Now, in the Australian winter 2021, the S1 spike protein / prion diseases coded by these  patented mRNA transcriptions  are now beginning to manifest .  Apart from the thousands of adverse reactions, the vaxxed are beginning to get the symptoms of the disease/s with which they have been injected. The unvaxxed also are getting the symptoms of the transmission.

Even with the Official Narrative and Party Line in the bin with so many face nappies, predictably,  Blood Moon Gnome and serial liar, Dr. Anthony Fauci warns of  a ‘worse’ variant [ a promise ] that could impact the vaxxed if CoVID-19 is allowed to keep mutating in the unvaxxed population – which, of course, is building immunity to the synthetic, patented viral proteins being injected into and transmitted by the vaxxed.

Situation Update, July 29th, 2021 – CDC implodes, admits vaxxed can be super-spreaders, demands masks for all.  The Health Ranger Report
Situation Update, July 29th, 2021 – CDC implodes, admits vaxxed can be super-spreaders, demands masks for all
Health Ranger Report

The CDC’s director Dr. Rochelle Walensky has just told us that the Official Narrative on the CoVID vaxxes and indeed on ‘CoVID’ itself  has self-destructed.  In March of 2021, Walensky had publicly promised that vaxxed people could not spread the virus and infect others.  Now we see that Dr. Robert Malone was right.  In the last week of July 2021, Walensky has now stated publicly that the vaccines are ‘failing’ and that vaccinated people may carry higher viral loads (as would be expected with ADE) than unvaccinated people.  And this would contribute to the spread of CoVID – which now is here in the form of  prion diseases which are coded by these  patented mRNA biotech viral proteins.  These codes are now being produced in human tissues and transmitted because they have now been injected. Oops? No Oops.

You are a Co-incidence Theorist and a Blue Pill Retard if you think The Planners of the Corona Operation had to wait for Rochelle’s announcement to learn this.

In the US today, a genocide is starting to gain traction as the Agenda of the UN ‘CoVID’ Regime becomes manifest and the US government continues in its efforts to democide the American population so as to advance the agendas of disease, eugenics and death.”

The Corona Operation has no more need to pull these positive PCR test results out of the CoVID Wazoo and gasbag the public with their Corona case numbers . Asymptomatic, healthy people with + PRC labels do not a credible pandemic make. So the PCR tests can be dispensed. They were designed to amplify DNA , not test for or diagnose any disease.

The Australian Special Economic Zone  of the PRC is still using the PCR test, however, because they are building a genetic data base for the Social Credit System of the Chinese Communist Party.  Their Genomics Institute , specifically the Bei Jing Genomics Institute, is conveniently located in every Australian capital city.

All over the Western world, people have been given  false positives on a non-diagnostic test for the common cold – even if you don’t have the sniffles.   In the US, the CDC is able to now able to dispense with this PCR diagnostic fakery because in the Northern summer of 2021 they now have a significant percent of the population that is vaxxed for CoVID.

ADE (Antibody Dependent / deficient Enhancement) is the worst case scenario for a vaxx.  And the CoVID vaxxes are now on the radar of The Journal of Infection for this complication.  “Infection – enhancing anti-SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies Recognize Both the Original Wuhan/D614G strain and Delta Variants.  A Potential Risk for Mass Vaccination.”  August 9, 2021.

The preliminary study “In Vitro and In Vivo Functions of SARS-Cov-2 Infection and Neutralizing Antibodies” was a clear signpost as to where this was going. Also the study “Worse Than the Disease?  Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against CoVID-19”  by Stephane Seneff and Greg Nigh.  International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and Research.  May 10, 2021 .

These peer reviewed studies found that the experimental CoVID vaxxes being mandated throughout the Western world pose multiple and serious risks of adverse reactions, acute or chronic autoimmune and inflammatory conditions.  Vaxx shedding of the spike protein or prions , as well as prion or neuro-degenerative diseases are among the complications.
Pfizer Whistleblower Confirms Bioweapon Global Extermination Plan
The Prisoner Aug 13, 2021

Iceland, one of the most heavily vaxxed nations in the world has a massive CoVID surge in case numbers.

Governor Justice of West Virginia has stated in a press conference : “West Virginia is seeing a 26% increase in positive cases in people that are fully vaccinated over the last eight weeks.  And a 21% increase in breakthrough cases requiring hospitalisation for people that are fully vaccinated.  We have also seen a 25% increase in deaths in people that are fully vaccinated over the last eight weeks.”  Sept 5, 2021


Listen to NSW CoVID Czar , Dr. Jeremy McAnulty , Ministry of Health spin these facts for the media whorejobs.  Listen to how he frames the crucial infobyte : “All hospitalised CoVID cases are vaxxed ( except one).  This is the context of even more strict Lockdown measures for NSW until they get 6 million vaxxed.

This is GROSS Misconduct in Public Office
Why not just say straight up that 141 people are in hospital with a CoVID diagnosis [ label ] and 140 of them are vaxxed.

Sept. 28, 2021 Victoria’s Health Minister Martin Foley provides the CoVID Update on the ABC News, Australia.  At 3 mins 4 secs “Of the 375 CoVID patients in hospital yesterday, 78% were vaccinated and 17 were partially vaccinated.”
In FULL: Health Minister Martin Foley provides Victoria’s CoVID-19 Update. ABC
Sept 28 2021
ABC News Australia
We are under CoVID Tyranny in a growing pandemic of the ‘vaxxed’.  And the CoVID Commissars have let the truth slip out.  It is  the vaxxed who are in hospital as the CoVID cases as diagnosed by positive PCR and reported by the Comrade CHOs, Health Directors and Ministers: Dr. McAnulty, Martin Foley etc. And the data bears them out. You are more likely to have an adverse reaction or die from a CoVID vaxx than you to get sick or die with SARS-CoV-2 (which was never isolated from any human tissue and has a 99.9% recovery rate.

Israel, one of the most CoVID vaxxed nations in the world continues to confirm what Dr. Robert Malone and increasing studies in the relevant medical journals are saying.

Despite these ADE related surges of spike protein ‘gain of function’ developments , the Israeli government (like the Australian government) is doubling down on Communist Dictate to insure the increase in vaxx numbers.  Australia has not yet announced measures to seize children from unvaccinated parents – but it is coming to that.

Nobel Prize winning scientist, inventor of the PCR Test, Dr. Kary Mullis is now completely vindicated.  His courageous statements against US CoVID Czar , Dr. Fauci , Director of NIAID: vindicated.  How convenient that he died in August 2019.

“The Corona Crisis Has ‘Depopulation’ Already Begun?”
Peter Koenig-Global Research May 12, 2021

The Short Answer is : Yes.  It has begun

Dr. Henry Makow’s Satanist correspondent Fozdyke anounces: “The Culling Has Begun”
July 27, 2021
Reiner Fuellmich – their goal is population reduction
London Pete ’72 – 2Q2Q
Sept 9 2021
Dr. Cole on CoVID Shots : ‘This is a poisonous attack on our population and it needs to stop now!”
Health Impact News. August 9,  2021 July 6 2021

57 Top Scientists and Doctors: Stop All Covid Vaccinations   Paul Craig Roberts : “The West’s Medical Authorities and presstitute Media Should be Indicted for Conspiracy to Commit Mass Murder. Ohio judge orders hospital to treat ventilated CoVID-19 patient with Ivermectin.”

The Most Vaxxed Countries Have The Most CoVID Cases
Dr David Martin-w-Stew-Peters-There-Is-No-Virus. This is Organized Crime.
Aug 21, 2021

In this video, Dr. David Martin exposes the mass murder of patented genocide.  The mRNA story has fallen apart.  No part of SARS-CoV-2 was turned into a vaccine because there is no SARS-CoV-2. .  No one , not even a Wuhan bat, can catch a computer generated code uploaded by the Chinese in January 2020 and spliced together in a lab.  This was given to Moderna as a pathogen stimulant and operating system to be injected so that your own cells would produce the S1 Spike Protein Synthesis (first patented 1990) of what is now being called : ‘CoVID-19’ .  It is not an attenuated viral antigen (of the mythical SARS-CoV-2)  as in a conventional vaccine.

February 2021: The Largest Vaccination Program in the history of Australia

National Cabinet was established March 13, 2020 as the Politburo within the government as the executive of the  Australian Communist state and its CoVID Regime. It is composed of the prime minister and state and territory premiers and chief ministers.  It interlocks with a central directorate within the UN for the International Bio-Security State (IBSS) and its UN Communist Agenda.  Operation CoVID Shield is tasked with the enforcement of all things CoVID (and that is just about everything).  It is a Cheka and  was  established in May 2020 taking its orders from National Cabinet.

The Australian CoVID Regime liaises with other government orgs.  For example,  it ‘works with’ The Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) in their decisions about approval and license any CoVID-19 vaccines being administered in Australia that use GMOs.  These include all the adenovirus vaccines and some of the mRNA vaccines . (p. 9)

As forced vaccination is clearly in the plans of the Communist state, the Australian Defense Force had to secure authorisation to administer SARS-CoV-2 CoVID-19 vaccination according to its designation by the Therapeutic Goods Administration  – which is: a poison.

Jan. 2021 saw the approval of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaxx by the Therapeutic Goods Administration. Within the week,  New South Wales announced plans to set up mass vaccination sites across Greater Sydney.

The ‘first priority’ groups were given the Pfizer vaxx during Phase One which covered quarantine and border workers, front-line health workers, aged care and disability staff and residents.

July 29 , 2021. NSW has recorded 239 new CoVID cases – the highest daily number since Operation Corona began.

In the Australian Special Economic Zone / COLONY of the PRC, the CoVID Commissars are still relying on those PCR tests as a prop for the vaxx rollout.   This does not mean that anybody is actually symptomatic for cold and influenza. But, the CoVID CHOs are pulling numbers they need to gaslight the public out of the CoVID Wazoo. According to the new, re-jigged definition of ‘pandemic’ used by the World Health Organisation all you have to have for a pandemic is a rise in quantifiable case numbers. So if you can test for it (even fraudulently) and if you have a rise in case numbers, according to some Official Liar,  then you have a ‘pandemic’. This could be anything: the ‘Ekka Flu’, nits, climate change nutters, lying politicians [ big numbers there] , homophobic micro-aggressions, mad scientists,  Big Pharma psychopaths, ‘vaccination hesitancy’ , ‘Islamophobia’, ‘White Supremacists’.

With the Corona Operation, the real  case numbers of concern will be the rise in S1 spike proteins  from the CoVID vaxxes.

There is now a real increase in the prion diseases / transmission from the CoVID vaxxed. The rise in prion diseases is quantifiable.  Also entrain will be the related morbidities of the graphene oxide of the injection and the GO / 5G interaction.

And in response  to these dark and diabolical events – entirely of the Australian Communist government’s own making – our Politburo adopts a Zero CoVID Policy on the basis of a PCR test that does not diagnose any disease.
August 1 2021

In Australia, the Zero CoVID Policy has been  signaled by the  ‘new world Order’ announcement from a Maoist psychopath and NSW CoVID Commissar.

A New Phase – the Vaxx Phase –  of  Operation Corona Has Begun

What this means in practice is stated by CHO:  Dr. Kerry Chant, .  “CoVID will be with us forever , people will have to get used to endless booster vaccines.”

Dr. Chant: COVID Will be With us “Forever,” People Will Have to “Get Used To” Endless Booster Vaccines

According to Dr. Chant: “The majority of the population is vaccinated.  The cases of CoVID that you see will occur more in the vaccinated people because no vaccination is perfect.” [ Actually they will occur more in the vaccinated people because these biotech mRNA vaxxes have been designed for gain of function and ADE ]

In the Southern winter of 2022, the science of some of the world’s leading virologists predicts we are going to see a lot of death and disease  in this population due to the ADE reaction with the naturally evolved corona viruses that continually circulate in the human and animal population.  The unvaxxed, picking up on the prion transmission will not be exempt.

So the government needs to come up with a plan now on how they are going to blame the unvaxxed for this.  What are they going to do?  Short answer: Booster shots.  As soon as that booster shot is available, anyone who is vaxxed but ‘unboostered’  and dies or is hospitalised with a disease – ‘let us say on the FDA ‘possible outcomes of concern’ will considered ‘an unvaxxed for the purposes of the CoVID mortality or morbidity’ and morbidity count.  They are already running this number with the two dose schedule.  If you die within two weeks of the first vaxx – you are an unvaxxed CoVID death.  If you die short of the 2nd CoVID Booster, you are an unvaxxed CoVID death.  This is how they roll.

Need more ‘CoVID cases’ to work over Sydney or Victoria or Greater Briz?  Mandate more PCR Tests.  Dial up that cycle to 45 amplification where the inventor of the test, Dr. Kerry Mullis stated for public record: “You can find anything in the DNA sample” – like dead fragments of corona virus nucleotides.  Now you have an outbreak – even if everyone who came back positive is healthy and asymptomatic for any disease and living their lives as normally as the Communist state allows under their CoVID Regime. These people are now presumed infectious.

Need a sharp decrease of CoVID ‘cases’ when the next Booster shot becomes available so you can gasbag the public with how well the vaxx is working ‘to flatten the curve’ of a dreaded variant?  Then, fewer tests.  Don’t shove that probe up the noses of the school kids. Dial the PCR cycle back to 25 and you will see ‘case’ numbers drop dramatically.  See how well that Booster works?

Must Watch – Parents Do Not Let Your Children Get Tested at School – Ethylene Oxide – Please Share.
( March 26, 2021.  The Truth Hunter ) 

In the Countdown to the Kingdom video shown below: “Following the Experts”, Dr. Lee Merritt, past president of the American Association of Physicians & Surgeons : “In the entire time I started medical school at the University of Rochester N.Y., a case was a sick patient.  A case of pneumonia is someone who is sick with pneumonia.  But that’s what they’re doing.  They are testing people and calling them ‘cases’.  That is not epidemiology.  That is fraud. ( 13.43 )

Dr. Lee, pathologist:  “Now.  A case is somebody who has symptoms.  it is not somebody who is healthy.  So what we have done by confusing positive tests with cases is basically class a huge number of people who are immune to the disease as having the disease.” (14.07)

Following the Experts

The above is an excellent account of Operation Corona (March 11, 2020 – to the present) as documented in the words and info bytes of those who implement it and those who oppose it.

CoVID deception is being used to disguise the real pandemic of the prion diseases and the related morbidities of the graphene oxide / 5G interaction.

Geert vanden Bossche : “Mass Vaccination is the Cause of Pandemic”
July 28, 2021

“Neither the vaccinated (who merely believed the vaccine would protect them from Covid-19 disease) nor the non-vaccinated (who simply believe there is no need for them to take the vaccine in order to stay protected) are to be blamed for the escalation of this pandemic

“Mass vaccination is the one and only culprit.”

open here

“Continued mass vaccination will only lead to a further increase in morbidity and hospitalization rates. This will culminate in a huge case fatalities when expansion of more infectious vaccine-resistant variants will explode.” Dr. Geert vanden Bossche.

Dr. Dan Stock destroys the entire CoVID narrative for the Mt. Vernon School Board in Indiana

“In every country, the curve of vaccination is followed by the curve of deaths.”
French virologist and Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Luc Montagnier calls mass vaccination against coronavirus “unthinkable” and a historical blunder that is leading to “dangerous variants” and to deaths. May 19, 2021.

Dr. Luc Montagnier’s position is here stated briefly.  For those who have had the CoVID vaxx, (which Montagnier regards as a bio-weapon), they now have an altered immunity.  The vaxx uses a binary system of ADE [ Anti-body Dependent Enhancement } by splicing the code for a bio-tech virus into the host mRNA.  The mitochondria of the human cell is to produce what Dr. David Martin has called the “S1 spike protein synthesis”. [ Videos of Dr. Martin – an expert of patents – is uploaded to this webpage ].

These patented, bio-tech viral code/s of the vaxx have been spliced into the vaxxed person’s DNA.  These  will “Antibody Prime” their altered immunity.  Dr. Montagnier predicts that In the next influenza season, when the vaxxed person is exposed to the common cold / influenza viruses of the community at large, the prion / viral code of the gene splice will  induce cytokine storms of inflammatory cascades  by means of Antibody Dependent / deficient Enhancement (ADE).  The host’s own immune system will not recognize these prions as foreign proteins (antigens) and make antibodies against them.

What follows cytokine storm is organ failure and death.

Medical experts who agree with this analysis and prognosis are now being published in the professional medical journals (many references on this webpage).  See also the videos (heavily censored by Big Tech) of Dr. Geert vanden Bossche, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Judy Mikovits, Dr. Michael Yeardon – formerly of Pfizer.  Also a host medical organisations that are now in legal action against governments and pharmaceutical companies. July 27, 2021.
July 21 2021
Dec 14, 2020 – July 23 2021. Reported July 30, 2021.
CDC Director Lies to America Announcing the Latest ‘Pandemic’ – “the Pandemic of the Unvaccinated”
July 17, 2021
July 26 2021

Breaking news : 111,768 Vax ‘breakthrough’ cases – CDC Stopped Counting in May 2021. It is the vaxxed who are getting sick. It is the vaxxed who get and spread the Delta variant. The CDC stopped tracking these cases as the Delta ‘variant’ began to spread.

Government ‘Flying Blind’ on Breakthrough Infections, as COVID Infections Among Fully Vaccinated Soar

Correlated to this is also the 5G activation of the graphene nanotech (smart dust) at different bandwidths of GHz as the network power is increased in the 5G grid.

The graphene oxide (GO) is not listed on the patent for the vaccines because it is a trade secret. Bill Gates referred to ‘the trade secret’. The Chinese patent does list graphene oxide. The reason it isn’t listed in the US patent is because graphene oxide is a known toxin. It is also the main ingredient of hydrogel – the liquid AI template to create an interface between humans and the internet, namely the connection to the icloud and DARPA. Shanghai Nanotech filed the patent for use of graphene oxide in the CoVID-19 excipients, according to Tal Zaks, Chief Technology Officer Moderna .

The WHO website besides being full of CoVID shit is also full of the IBSS Party Line.   The ‘global world’ needs to work together on the CoVID vaxxes – all the usual suspects and old faves are featured: PeterDaszak and the  Moderna, NIH, NIAID Commissars together with the billionaire Nazguls  who have financed the R & D of these products.

The broadband power of the grid is being steadily increased to handle the QR code database of the Chinese Communist Party Social Credit System. This has been implemented in Lockstep in the Australian winter of 2021 for the PRC Special Economic Zone of Australia.

And more GHz will be required to handle all transactions in Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC ) when national currencies are cancelled and the currency system goes ‘one world’. The WEF Koffee Klatch of the 1% of the 1% covered this at Davos July 2021.

Graphene oxide and barium oxide have been the ‘smart dust’ component of the chemtrail toxins for decades. These have now entered the water supply, food chain and atmospheric circulation. Smart dust is endemic in the population. Both of these oxides compete with heme for oxygen in the animal blood. And (wouldn’t you know it), the masks from the CCP are laced with graphene oxide which is especially interactive with the higher GHz of the 5G network. Healthy people have been finding ways to break down this toxic load for years with varying degrees of success.

Now the GO  is being activated by the increased GHz of the broadband network and amplified by the bio-resonance of the vaxxed.  The  ‘smart dust’ forms micro-clots in the circulation and is the cause of embolism in blood which is subject to microwave radiation. Those who have been vaxxed with CoVID are most at risk.

The official CoVID pandemic narrative will be the cover story for these injuries and deaths, just as the identification of non-vaxxed persons as ‘super-spreaders’ of the pandemic will be the cover story for the prion diseases of the CoVID vaxx.
Permanent Lethargy Syndrome and long term loss of motor skills now common side effects of the covid vax. July 28 2021.

And in the UK, the first prion wave from the vaxx is also coming in.
Must Watch!! Funeral Director John O’Looney (of Milton Keynes, UK) Blows the Whistle on CoVID
Sept 16, 2021
The Crowhouse.

May 2021 film producer Robin Monitti interviewed John O’Looney to learn how his business was coping during the pandemic.

“Mortality was at normal levels, [2020] , even slightly lower than 2019. Many of his colleagues turned off their refrigerators around Christmas [2020] because “nobody died”. Then “we started vaccinating here on January 6, 2021 and almost immediately the number of deaths went through the roof. I have never experienced such a high mortality rate in 15 years as a funeral director.”

When he shared this information on social media, Big Tech Nazgul, Jack Dorsey, deleted his Twitter account. And Russia Today attempted to buy his silence.

So is the pandemic the corona virus [ aka the common cold ] or is it the prion disease and graphene poisoning of the vaxx?

Dr. Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH – Baylor Medical Center discusses the mounting deaths as clinically documented and recognized on the official websites. “As these deaths [ from the vaxx] continue to mount, 86% of these deaths have no other explanation. They’re well enough to walk into an ambulatory and actually have the CoVID-19 vaccine and within two days, they’ve died – 5.37 It is my judgement that the vaccine is the cause of death in the majority of cases. … The Covid ‘Vaccines’ are the “most dangerous ‘ medical experiment in history.”

Dr. Michael Segal, neurologist and neuroscientist, explained in a recent article of The Wall Street Journal why people who are vaccinated against CoVID are still contracting and spreading what he regards as ‘CoVID-19’ at a high rate.

For Second Week in a Row : more CoVID-19 Vaccination Deaths than CoVID-19 Deaths in the US According to CDC and VAERS websites. July, 19, 2021

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) has stated that CoVID shots risk millions of lives and they support the right to decline the CoVID vaxx.

Dr. Simone Gold from America’s Frontline  Doctors discusses some important topics regarding the experimental CoVID injection and explains the Articles of the Nuremburg Code of International Law as it applies to medicine and human experimentation.

See The Nuremburg Code also explained on Rumble.

The Nuremberg Code Explained

US Senator Dick Durbin.( D-Illinois, Majority Whip )
Admits : “Millions Have Died From the Vaccines”. July 15, 2021

Reiner Fuellmich states that WHO has conceded that the CoVID virus of 2020  is just like the Common Flu  –  500,000 Americans are  dead from the Vaxx.  The CoVID virus of the Hoax phase of the Corona Operation 2020 is just like the Common Flu because it WAS the Common Flu re-branded.  But the prion diseases of the vaxx and its transmission are another matter.

‘The Globalists’ are merely the Jubela, Jubelo, Jubelum in Operation Corona – which is being run through the UN.

Although the PCR test can not diagnose any virus, the bio-tech of the CoVID injections  induce human cells to  multiply synthetic, patented  inflammatory proteins called ‘spike proteins’ or prions.  The serum has been engineered to deliver the nano-tech ‘smart dust’ to the human genome (mRNA) through a process called  ‘magnetofection’ which targets gene delivery both in vitro and in vivo.

The disease of the CoVID vaxx, as expressed by the human victim, can be very similar to that of the Guillian Barre Syndrome, usually associated with the influenza vaxxes and the Epstein Barre Virus.
Exposed ! Magnetism Intentionally Added to ‘Vaccine’ to Force mRNA Through Entire Body Banned YouTube Videos
June 10, 2021
Dr. Jan Ruby interviewed by Stew Peters

UPDATE. June 29, 2021. “Myocarditis Following Immunization with mRNA CoVID Vaccines in Members of the US Military.” New study links ‘acute chest pain’ in male soldiers to mRNA vaccines. [ These graphene injections are not ‘vaccines’ as conventionally understood in medicine ] . Latest study in Journal of American Medical Association’s “Cardiology”, 23 male soldiers between the ages of 20 and 51 presented ‘acute onset of market chest pain’ within the second dose of Pfizer or Moderna graphene injections. Cases subsequently diagnosed with clinical myocarditis were included in the case study.

When graphene oxide is mixed with hydrogen, it becomes magnetic (MGO) and is called reduced graphene oxide.

Within the CoVID injection serum, lipid nano particle envelopes of iron oxide  create magnetic fields. This forms a more aggressive delivery system of the synthetic mRNA and coding into every cell, inducing the creation of the spike protein.

“”Magnetofection: enhancing and targeting gene delivery by magnetic force in vitro and in vivo.  May 2003.

The nano particles themselves are graphene.

The cutting edge research and development in bio-engineering and brain modelling is in graphene research and development.  Like magnetofection, graphene also has magnetic properties. “Ferromagnetism in graphene and other graphite-derived materials”

Graphene Flagship, DARPA, NIH, Rockefeller University are all heavily invested in the interface of brain and wifi frequency technology.
The Graphene Flagship co-ordinates approximately 170 academic and industrial partners in 22 countries and has more than 90 associated members in its core project.

Imperial College London graphene research for vaccine technology financed by Bill Gates.

Graphene is superconductive and readily integrates with human neurons.

“Innoculation with graphene oxide nanoparticles renders the human subject able to be manipulated mentally through different frequencies. They can feel think and see feelings, thoughts or things that are broadcast to them. They could develop fake memories or delete real ones. “
April 1, 2017. W. Wayt Gibbs. The Rockefeller University

These different frequencies to which Gibbs refers are wifi frequencies. Graphene nanotech is able to synapse with neurons using different radio-frequencies (among them 5G). They can map the brain and transmit / receive instructions remotely.

Once delivered, we are beginning to see the auto-immune prion diseases of the CoVID vaxx.

Dr. Charles Hoffe MD. The mRNA vaccines are plugging up the capillaries in the blood of those who took the ‘vaccine’. Heart failure is a prognosis. The spike / proteins in the lipid nano-particle envelope are designed to be mass produced in the vaxxed. These particles are collected in the lymphatic system and fed into the circulation – these little packages of mRNA. Absorded into cells around the blood vessels – namely the capillary networks. This is where the gene envelope is released . The body then gets to work making the spike proteins. Each gene can produced many. The body then recognises these are foreign bodies and makes anti-bodies against its. So then you are protected against COVID. That’s the idea. In a coronavirus, the spike protein becomes part of the viral capsule – it becomes part of the cell wall around the virus. It is in your cells. It becomes part of the cell wall of your vascular endothelium. Http://
This means that these cells which line your blood vessels, which are supposed to be smooth, so that your blood flows smoothly now have these little spikes. “So it is absolutely inevitable that blood clots will form because your blood platelets circulate round your blood vessels, and the purpose of blood platelets is to identify damaged vessels and stop bleeding. So, when the platelet comes through the capillary, it suddenly hits all these COVID spikes and it becomes absolutely inevitable that blood clots will form to block that vessel.” This are microclots and can not be found on any scan. Clinical RET : Reduced Effort Tolerance – out of breath much more easily than they used to. Capillaries in bronchioles – blocked. The heart must work harder to try to keep up against a much greater resistance to get the blood through the lungs. Pulmonary Artery Hypertension.

Blood deteriorates when exoposed to graphene oxide. In the vaxx, the graphene oxide nano tech delivers the mRNA spike proteins and prions . GO is an oxygen sponge which puts the body in oxygen deficit. Many complications: anaphylactic shock, toxic blood clotting, lung paralysis ( can be fatal) , mitochondrial cancer, endothelial cancer. This can be measured and viewed through hematological testing. The more vaxxes, the more deteriorated the blood as seen under a microscope.

Dr Charles Hoffe Talks About Microscopic Blood Clots in the Brain, Heart and Lungs

First postmortem of Covid-vaxxed patient; body riddled with viral RNA

“The Difference Between Covid Hoax & Communist Coup?  None. June 15, 2021.  Henry Makow

The Marxist state is a front for the Jewish central bankers who own its ‘debt’.  Feb. 14, 2020

“Vaccines Deliver Graphene Oxide Nanotubes for 5G Mind Control” 
Nanotubes of graphene search out and become attatched to synapses.
June 21, 2021. ‘A Marcher’ from Spain.

“No mRNA (Gene Therapy) in Pfizer Vaccine”
June 30, 2021 video/Z2sAH0Woz38r/

Newsbreak 133 Breaking: Dr. Young Reveals Graphene, Aluminium, LNP capsids, Parasite in 4 vaccines

August 27 2021

Ramola D Reports

Quinta Columna

The Parasite trypanosome found in the injection it is a species in the Zimbabwe and Zambia region causing sleeping sickness and death in humans and livestock due to entering the bloodstream via the tsetse fly. Hat to tip to RR.


Exclusive! Dr. David Martin Just Ended CoVID, Fauci, DOJ, Politicians in One Interview.

Stew Peters talks with Dr. David Martin.  July 19, 2021

In their final drive to consolidate world power, The Owners of The Revolution and its high command have settled upon a bio-security narrative of ‘peace and safety’ from the common cold (corona virus) as their moral high ground and operational platform. Their Corona Operation might be based real science of bio-engineering and a military grade weapons system ( 5G ) for the objectives:  de-population  , social chaos and destruction, but fake science and Communist lies have been deployed against the masses to cloak it.

Vaccinated Tagged like cattle for the slaughter house
July 28, 2021

So.  The Round-up of Usual Suspects.,Foreign%20Ministry%20spokesperson%20said%20Monday.