Kyle Rittenhouse and the 2020 Riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin

Fr. Isaac Mary Relyea: With His Best Right
May 5, 2023
Center for Medical Progress
July 15, 2023
Fr. Isaac Mary Relyea: With His Best Right
May 5, 2023
Center for Medical Progress
July 15, 2023

Kyle Rittenhouse and the 2020 Riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin

Kyle Rittenhouse

Wisconsin governor Tony Evers, a Democrat, declared a state of emergency after Kenosha police responded to a reported domestic incident in which they shot and seriously injured Jacob Blake, a 29 year old, armed Black man at the scene. 23 / 8 / 2020

Outrage spread across the US as a bystander’s cellphone video of the incident went viral on social media.  BLM and Antifa Gooks were ordered to the streets.  On August 25 2020, they were still rioting in Kenosha and around the US.  In the course of those riots, Kyle Rittenhouse, aged 18 years, shot three men killing two of them and wounding a third.

Rittenhouse claimed that he fired in self-defense but the state of Wisconsin charged him with first degree intentional homicide, attempted first-degree intentional homicide, first degree reckless homicide and  first degree recklessly endangering safety.

Nov 19, 2021 Kyle Rittenhouse was cleared by a jury of his peers of all charges.

On Nov 8, 2021 , at the Rittenhouse trial in Kenosha, the Marxist liberation Gook (and convicted felon) Gaige Grosskreutz, star witness for the state of Wisconsin took the stand.  He was the wounded Antifa on the Soros payroll and he testified how Kyle Rittenhouse pointed an AR15 at him and shot him.
This is bad. Bad. Very bad to all the liberal Marxists. Never mind that Kyle’s firearm is legally registered to him whereas Grosskreutz does not even qualify to have a gun in his possession.

The Communist Take Over of the US and a DA on the Soros Payroll framed Rittenhouse as the defendant.  The state of Wisconsin  ran  a case that goes something like this :  under a liberal, Marxist-Leninist government,  you can’t kill someone in self-defense unless they kill you first.

Antifa / BLM Gooks have the right to burn , loot and murder. The Communist powers of the state order the civil authority to stand down and take a knee, but 17 year old Kyle picks up his AR15 to defend his community. “And that White Supremacist little twerp has the nerve to say he shot Grosskreutz in self defense” rages the liberal chorus led by District Attorneys on the Soros Payroll.

Then Grosskreutz took the stand. In 30 minutes of testimony, here are some of his sworn statements under cross examination – still squealing like a stuck pig and working up a sweat on his Jewish Marxist victim shtick.
I never chased Kyle Rittenhouse
Okay. I mean I chased after people about to harm Kyle Rittenhouse.
Okay. Okay. I did chase Kyle Rittenhouse but I didn’t have a gun.
Okay I had a gun, but it fell out
Okay. I had a gun but it fell out into my hand.  But I didn’t do anything with it.
Okay. I had a gun, but I pulled it out on purpose and chased Kyle Rittenhouse.
Okay. Okay. Okay. I had a gun that I pulled out and chased Kyle Rittenhouse with.
Yes. I pointed it at him.

That is when Kyle shot Antifa Gook:  Grosskreutz.

In the riot, burning, looting, murder of BLM / Antifa Gook aggression of the Revolution – be a Kyle Rittenhouse.

In the Communist world state that sponsors Gook terrorists and aggressors – be a Rhodesia.