“The secret of the Perestroika Deception is the permanent Revolution”
Anatoliy Golitsyn The Perestroika Deception 1992
The world-wide Revolution of the Fourth ComIntern was established by Lev Bronstein (Trotsky) in Paris 1938 and formally inaugurated by World War II – for which no Armistice ever was signed.
“Abuses of power will put the final touch in preparing all institutions for their overthrow and everything will fly skyward under the blows of the maddened mob”….”internecine strife soon develops into battles between classes in the midst of which states burn down and their importance is reduced to that of a heap of ashes.” (The Protocols of Zion: 3 and 1.7. http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/przion2.htm#PROTOCOL%20No.%201)
The CoVID caste system for Certificate of Vacccination Identity is now being implemented through “Abuses of Power”. As a policy of the Fourth ComIntern, it has the potential to become the most rigid and genocidal in the history of the Revolution to date. Western governments, entirely subverted to Marxist-Leninism, are executing a Communist operation to create chaos and “exhaust the state in its own convulsions”. (Protocol 1:8)
In the year of our Lord’s Reign 2020,
the Fourth ComIntern ( 1938 – ) declared its Manifesto of
de-facto accession to world power from its U.N. Praesidium
on March 11.
This website is a yearbook by month from the Feast of St. George, April 2020 – Paschaltide 2021 A.D. setting out these tremendous events with their antecedents as the base and shape of things to come.
I have diagrammed the 2010 Rockefeller “Scenarios” to illustrate how the permanent world-wide Communist Revolution is now manifest geo-politically. The Deep State to which journalist Harry Vox refers in the video below is Communist , not fascist. The US Republic displays the fasces symbol of Rome in the House of Representatives and so places the American government within the legacy of Western jurisprudence – classical Rome, Nova Roma and the Holy Roman Empire of the West. The fasces are a sign of national unity for the America of the First Act March 26, 1790, in which the American Congress gave definition to the ‘posterity’ of the Founding Fathers in the Declaration of Independence and their Republic.
In the “Scenarios”, the Smart Scramble Quadrant reads: “in an economically depressed world, individuals and communities develop localized, makeshift solutions to a growing set of problems.” It is difficult to imagine a more socially and economically depressed world than the Communist Bloc of nations. I have represented this quadrant geo-politically as the emergent Eurasian Empire of the Soviet / Sino Communist Bloc.
Through its control of the UN, this Bloc is currently engaged in the construction of its Eurasian empire as the basis of a universal soviet. Its ‘smart scramble’ is the multi-dimensional, hybrid warfare of Marxist – Leninist Fourth Political Agenda and organisation of Revolutionary networks. As Harry Vox states in the video below – biological weapons are the weapon of choice for this type of warfare.
The Lock Step Quadrant was originally envisioned as “a world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback.” I have diagrammed this quadrant as the decoy new world order of the Fourth Industrial Revolution ‘Globalists’. The cabal of Central Bankers and their Soviet / Sino manufactured billionaires of the World Economic Forum has formed a partnership with the Marxist Leninist governments of subverted Western nations for Communist Takedown. The Long March of subversion is complete. The Owners of the Revolution can now “bring these nations to crisis” (Yuri Bezmenov) and erupt the Revolution within the Western governments from its Deep State base of embedded assets. Within the Anglosphere nations, all branches of government are in systemic failure and implementing bio-warfare against their own national populations. As part of the Revolutionary Network of the Fourth ComIntern, they are using military grade bio-warfare provided by the Communist Bloc nations to depopulate their European majority demographics specifically.
The “Scenarios” work-shop the ‘how to’ of a global bio-security gulag and the ownership of biotech humans.
Police State Contagion US Plan to Use Bioweapons to Impose Martial Law One Quarantine at a Time
July 30, 2021
Bio-warfare is now the operational platform of an International Bio-Security Regime (IBSS), locking up all 153 UN member states under its dictate. And we have seen how this Regime just ‘snapped’ into place on command and vertically integrated its pyramid of nations when the former Ethiopian terrorist, ‘Dr’ Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of WHO announced : “pandemic” March 2020.
On cue, all Western nation states demonstrated the complete Communist subversion of their governments by the Revolution and its Cabals. In a matter of days, they took up position in the Lockstep Quadrant of the Manifesto – as diagrammed above. They fell into Lockstep and demonstrated the chain of command from a central organisation by rolling out the same set of emergency policies throughout the Western world.
This was not a drill and the exception proves the rule. Nations like Sweden (which are already de facto Communist) got a Covi-Pass on those policies for plausible deniability of the obvious :
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals as ratified by all 153 UN member nations
Overnight, bio-security became the organizing principle of regime change for all Western nations.
Our Modern Revolutionary Era (1789 – ) Was Decided When the Bourbon Kings of France Rejected the Counsels of our Lord’s Sacred Heart.
The historic Christian legacy of English law and government begins with Britannia Romana under the Oikoumene of Constantine 306 -337A.D., the first Christian emperor of Nova Roma and extends through the Holy Roman Empire of the West 800 A.D – 1534 A.D.
St. Augustine of Canterbury and Western Father of the Church (594-604) was part of the Apostolic mission of St. Gregory I to the Anglo Saxons in England. A former Benedictine monastic and prefect of Rome, Pope St. Gregory I sent the mission 600 – 604 .
This legacy established the type of law and government which gave to England the reigns of St Oswald of Northumbria (634-642), Synod of Whitby (664), St. Edmund the Martyr, King of East Anglia (869), the Dooms of King Alfred the Great, King of Wessex (c. 893 ) and the Witenagemot.
Christ Law, even from the time of the little kingdoms saw the development of such concepts as trial by jury, trial by combat and prerogative writ eg habeas corpus and judicial writs such as mandamus. The reign of St. Edward the Confessor (1042-1066) laid the foundation of Westminster Law in the Benedictine Abbey of Westminster ‘ora et labora’ (prayer and work) . The reign of the Plantagenet Kings, the Crusades and the victories of the Holy Roman Empire in the West saw further development of England’s law and government in the ratification of ancient liberties and rights with the sealing of Magna Carta, the creation of Parliament and the House of Commons.
June 15, 1215 the Articles of the Barons were agreed and King John I sets his seal. Runnymede beside the Thames between Windsor and Staines now in county of Surrey.
Even at the end with all estates in original title forfeit to the Bank of England 1694
and The City of London Corporation at the time of the War of the Succession 1688 A.D. – the last defenses in government and law would hold for many nations of England’s blood and faith against the permanent world-wide Revolution of the Third and Fourth Cominterns ( 1938 –
On the eve of the war of the Third Comintern Against Spain ( 1936-39 ), Our Lord Spoke to Sr. Lucia of Fatima
Triumphal Arch of Ba’al raised in Bern, Switzerland June 13, 2013
Built by the Romans (2nd century AD) as the entrance to a temple of Ba’al that had existed for millennia. The world heritage original was destroyed by IS in Palmyra, Syria (2015). Since 2016, its 3D replica has been on tour of the Marxist capitals of the world communist state beginning with London’s Trafalgar Square. Here it is raised in Bern in honour of Switzerland’s 70 years of UNESCO membership.
until they turn on the microwaves that resonate with the nanotech interface you have from vacccinations, CoVid DNA swabs (the gel on the probe) and other sources.
2021 Headline from The Sovereign Independent,
June 2011
The Great Reset Plan Revealed: How CoVID Ushers in the New World Order
June 1933 was the height of the Ukrainian Holodomor. Twenty eight thousand men, women and children in Ukraine were dying of starvation each day in the land that was known world-wide as the breadbasket of Europe. The famine was engineered by the Stalin to teach Ukrainian farmers a lesson for resisting collectivisation and not giving up their own land to work on the Soviet agricultural collective.
The terror-famine was meant to crush all aspirations for Ukrainian independence by Ukrainians – 80% of whom worked the land. While millions in the Ukraine and the ethnic Ukrainian areas of the Northern Caucasus were dying, the USSR was denying the famine and exporting enough grain from Ukraine to have fed the entire population . For 50 years , surviving generations were forbidden to speak of it, until the Supreme Soviet was removed 1991 (probably by execution) and the restructuring of Communism was begun under the Praesidium of Chairman Gorbachev. Www.holodomorct.org
In 1929, the Triumviriate of Stalin, Molotov and Trotsky announced the plan to ‘sovietize’ agriculture of ZOG East in the USSR. This plan was framed against the class enemy of the people, namely the Kulak and the sub-Kulak (which was thought by The Party to have Kulak attitude). When Stalin announced the Five Year Plan for Socialist Reconstruction 1929-1932, it was clear that liquidation of the class enemy was essential to The Plan. Stalin made the Kulak liquidation speech on December 27, 1929. The number one class enemy of the people was defined by The Party as a husband and wife with at least 2 children in possession of land of 12 acres and a cow.
Millions of ethnic European Russians – not Yiddish ‘Russians’ died in the gulags of the Soviet Union, which is still the Soviet Union btw.
This film to be released early 2020 “Mr. Jones” is a movie about a Welsh investigative reporter who went to Ukraine 1933 to report on Stalin’s (Five Year Program) and the prosperity it had brought to the Soviet Union and the republics. Socialist reforms that had brought so much prosperity to the USSR. When he tried to inform the West about the Ukranian genocide and starvation famine , the collectivisation of agriculture – he was murdered at 30 years old.
The ‘far right’ activists in Ukraine call upon Israel and the Jews to assume responsibility and apologize for communism, assume responsibility for the Holodomor, a famine that killed millions of Ukrainians 1930s
The education system of all Western nations is a Marxist stronghold. This is where the White demographic is given our ideological indoctrination into the ‘ I am White, therefore I am a racist’ guilt training. Central to these ideologically based curricula is the loathing of Christianity programme, erasure of Christian heritage and White nation identity shame.
“In Christian nations, the origin story of our culture is the birth of Christ. Now, even if you’re not religious , even if you don’t take the stories of Jesus literally, you can probably acknowledge than an origin story about the birth of a child and a savior , born to bring peace to the world , is a powerful message and a symbol of hope for future generations. But if people are encouraged to move away from Christianity, then they lose attachment to this story and the origin story of who and what they are becomes rewritten. It’s replaced with a focus on the worst moments in our history. This is why in many modern liberalized Western nations, the native people are being encouraged to be ashamed of their past.
In social justice infested college courses in America, young Americans are brainwashed into self-loathing, they’re encouraged to feel guilty for atrocities committed by their ancestors from hundreds of years ago. The same is true of many European nations, their people are being encouraged to feel an intense sense of guilt and self-hatred for their colonial past. So, once the story we told ourselves about where we came from spiritually was based on the hope of a young child being born who could usher in a new age of peace for all humanity. Now, it’s about negativity, despair and hopelessness. You can not build anything stable or successful on such foundations. On the theme of the birth of a child, third wave feminism has promoted an attempted to normalize abortion. So the left has literally become like a death cult.”