The Sacred Heart Speaks to the King of France In the Seventeenth Century
August 10, 2020
It’s the End of the World as We Know It and the Most Common Symptom Is: I Feel Fine
September 9, 2020One Ring To Bring Them All and In the Darkness Bind Them
The CoVid-19 Lockstep / Lockdown Operation was Launched for ‘The Great Reset’
of all UN Member Nations
The World Communist Bio-Security State Declared Its Manifesto: March 11, 2020 from its U.N. Praesidium
The courageous Italian doctors have done the forbidden CoVid autopsies
Now They Know
CoVid-19 means: certificate of vaccination identification with artificial intelligence.
Maybe this is Why Suicides Are Skyrocketing…And This is Grim (as in the original Brothers Grimm)
Italian Dr. Roberto Petrella
Peekay Censored Again 2
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Dr. Roberto Petrella transcript: “CoVid-19 means the certificate of vaccination with artificial intelligence. 19 stands for 2019 – the year it was created. CoVid is not the name of the virus. It is the code name of the International Plan for the mass reduction of populations and the control of survivors. it has been developed over the last decades and launched 2020.
What activates the virus is the immune ground weakened by former vaccinations. What they are going to inject into us is the most terrible vaccine of all. It is literally a descent into hell with the aim of a massive depopulation of over 80% of the population. Do not take the tests. The tests are not reliable…None of the tests are able to accurately detect the SarsCov-2 virus. The tests only detect an infinity of small harmless viruses or cell debris which are naturally already part of our microbiota.
The people tested will increasingly appear positive in the tests – about 90%. This is their goal and this is why they started the testing with children. On May the 11th, no television nor newspaper or Italian Berlusconi broadcast announced that in France mass testing was being imposed in all schools. There were about 700 thousand tests every week. Once your child gets screened, the whole family and all immediate contacts will be forced to be screened. Pay attention to this Italians. Listen. I remind you that we are not sick. We are just healthy carriers of virus. Having virus (any virus) does not necessarily mean you are sick. You are healthy. Fine. But everyone will still appear (eventually) positive in the tests. Then , they make you repeat the tests 2 or 3 times. All public facility employees – especially in the health care sector take the tests every month. All they need to obtain is this: make everybody believe they are sick. Being positive means being labeled harmful. Pay attention Italians. Listen to me. Refusing the detection of the virus is the only key to avoid being vaccinated. Once vaccinated, we will all be severely sick, weakened. And we will certainly be led towards our deaths. The only solution to save humanity and to save Italians is to truly make people to understand they should not be tested. …Do not get yourself tested…..Do not fall into that trap…CoVid-19 means the programme of mass extermination. On television, these bastards don’t and won’t ever tell the truth…Most non-vaccinated people will cease to exist for society. You will not be able to travel without a vaccine, you will not be able to go to the cinema and in the future you won’t even be able to leave your own house. This is already happening in some Chinese cities.
Spain is one of the main test-driver countries along with Argentina and all Latin American countries. Everything has already set up and activated in all companies and Media for mass vaccination. I will prefer death to vaccination. I salute you all.”
“Heiko Schoning after his arrest in London”
German Doctor Dr. Heiko Schoning acu2020.org arrested in the UK Sept. 26, 2020
September 28, 2020
Michal Shark
Dr. Heiko Schoning is the founder for Doctors for Truth in Germany and Co-founder of the German Extra-Parliamentary Commission for (Covid) Investigation. Speaking at London’s Trafalgar Square and Hyde Park he told the crowd of tens of thousands of people: “In its final September session of 2020, the Swiss Parliament extended the CoVID-19 State of Emergency until December 2021 granting the Swiss Federal Council (Executive) extra-constitutional powers . The date is a line in the sand. It can be extended if the Parliament decides to extend. The State of Emergency consists of 21 articles and authorizes the government to impose the vaccine that modifies the human genome ( i.e. the Moderna Bill Gates vaccine). Under these laws , it could be forced upon the Swiss population under an accelerated approval process.”
Dr. Schoning took this opportunity to warn the Swiss and the world not to have this vaccine. “You should be aware” he said “This vaccine changes your DNA forever. If something goes wrong, it can not be ‘corrected’ or healed….Swiss citizens of the world: Beware of the Moderna vaccine – and of course any other vaccine – there will be more – that are changing your DNA!”
It should now be clear to everyone that the Whole Hoax of the CoVID ‘pandemic’ is not a medical emergency or a passing emergency. It is the platform and deceit of new world order roll out. It is the transition to a ‘normalization’ – as in ex-KGB Yuri Bezmenov’s ‘Four Stages of Subversion’. The ‘new normal’ is the fourth stage. And the ‘new normal’ which our Global Commissars are engineering through the ‘CoVID pandemic’ is UN Agenda 21. This will involve bio-tech and the re-engineering of the human genome on a mass scale.
On the emerging pyramid of the World Communist State , the Chinese Multi-lateral with its colonies (Special Economic Zones) would seem to be the Corporate HQ of the Big Doctor, Big Pharma, Big Abortion, Big Organ Harvester Combine. “Murder and Sale of Victims’ Organs – China’s True Diabolical Face”, published September 4, 2020. https://www.henrymakow.com/2020/09/selling-human-organs-china-diabolical.html.
In Australia , the Australian Strategic Policy Institute has warned the government regarding the 10 million CoVid-19 testing kits it has purchased from China’s Beijing Genomics Institute. The RT-PCR test panels are not especially reliable for testing CoVid, but they are very good at getting DNA. BGI is a DNA harvester and it has now opened eleven labs in Australia: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Wollongong and Hobart with the head of the head of the squid being in Brisbane, Qld between the Clive Berghoffer Medical Research Institute and the Nucleus Network Brisbane Clinic on Herston Road near the Royal Brisbane Hospital.
Looks like they are building up a DNA database for the Australian Special Economic Zone of the People’s Republic of China.
You think maybe the Australian government : local, state and federal is not on board with this?
“One of the WHO primer sequences in the PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 is found in all human DNA”
April 6, 2020
The tests Show Positive Because They Respond to Genetic Material Present in All Humans.
Up to 90% of CoVid-19 ‘positive’ test results are false as the test kits pick up partial viral fragments or dead viral fragments that pose no risk. This is does not even approach an acceptable medical standard in virology.
https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/29/health/coronavirus-testing.html. “Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn’t Be. ” Apoorva Mandavilii. August 29, 2020 . http://www.hideoutnow.com/2020/09/bombshell-up-to-90-of-covid-19-positive.html.
Even when the good old cold and flu is counted as ‘CoVid’ , the survival rate is still 99.97% for the age group 0-19 years. It is 94.6% for the 70+ years – a population with a high percent of chronic health conditions. Only when this information was published in the New York Times : Sept. 17, 2020 did the Centre for Disease Control decide that the better policy was probably not to test people who are asymptomatic.
In Australia, the government is still driving the CoVid Operation with its foot to the floor. In the DNA harvesting exercise, it has created new emergency powers on behalf of its Chinese Communist Overlords. It has amended the Emergency Response Act 2004 with Schedule 2 of the Co-Vid-19 Emergency Response Act 2020. Under Section 25, the government has the powers to remove children from their parents and put them in a concentration camp. For now, these will be called quarantine facilities. And they may use whatever force is deemed necessary to separate families.
Australia: Authorities Make New Covid-19 Rule Allowing Removal of Children From Parents
The Communist Certificate of Vaccination ID Operation
is the platform on which all UN member nations are to be locked down into the world state.
It is important to understand this is an exercise. The transitional and proto-type of the international world state that has just been declared. But it has been long forseen.
According to the Protocols of Zion 5.11, the first supranational world state the Directorate of the central banking cartel will create is a ‘bogey’. And to this state will be assigned the tyrannical, draconian, worst-case bad guy Communist, evil Capitalist script of Globalism. [ Pause to shudder appropriately ]. It has been planned to be an absolute stink of an international order with a massive de-population Agenda. The Marxist governments (wall to wall Commissars) of the subverted Western nations will supposedly be responsible for this UN Agenda. They will be scripted to make the big Communist genociders of the twentieth century appear benevolent. This is to create a state of affairs and perception in the public mind for the WW3, blockbuster. The de-population Agenda – which will be blamed on ZOG West – will require world liberation from the Soviet Russia and ZOG East. In the aftermath of the War, the remaining population will be easily sovietized and ready to accept the Judaic Imperium and its communist social order for the goy plantation as the better alternative.
At this time, however, all nations owned as corporate assets of the global central banking cartel will interlock into the world communist state through the universal digital currency. Only 5G technology will deliver the network power and broad band capable of providing the matrix.
The reserve banks of credit issue own the governments of the UN member nation states and all institutions of social influence as a part of their corporate structure. This is the global cartel of monopoly capital with its foundation in The City of London Corporation since 1694 and its Apex in the Bank of International Settlements
The Owners of the cartel own all the instruments of Revolutionary Change: the wold-wide Revolution of the Fourth Comintern ( 1938 – ) and the United Nations. These have been the Hammer of the Revolution and the Sickle of the Revolution , devised and implemented for “…our triumphant march across the planet. We have made the UN a weapon for our goals of seizing power over ‘all kingdoms and nations’. Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson.
‘Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War’ Video Game Makes G. Edward Griffin’s Interview Go Viral
In 1981 the Eyes of Darkness thriller by Dean Koontz formed only part of the backstory and script leading up to the Manifesto of the World Communist State – declared March 11, 2020 by its Praesdium of member nations – the U.N. As a platform and springboard, Eyes of Darkness was easily busted and like as not, intentionally so. https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/dean-koontz-book-predicted-coronavirus
In the Dean Koontz novel a global pandemic begins in a Chinese military lab located in Wuhan, China. ( What are the chances? ) The fictional virus was the ‘perfect’ bio-weapon because it could only affect human beings. Unable to survive outside the body for more than a minute, it did not require expensive decontamination as it spread through the population. Koontz called the virus: Wuhan 400. Forty years later ( 20 + 20 ) we are reading about it. Again, what are the chances?
The Co-incidence theorists might have a field day with Eyes of Darkness, but then, the tools of psychological warfare against mass populations and Yuri Bezmenov’s four stages of subversion are known and studied in 2020. So this is where the predictive programme fails.
And Currently we are in the ‘Crisis’ stage of the CoVid Operation for World Power Takeover
Given the facility of the internet to retrieve the Koontz novel from the Twilight Zone and the ability to analyze its role in pre-dictive programming for the March 11 2020 Declaration, the Official Narrative is now exposed. And so it is revealed that The Owners and their think tanks in their Big 501(c)(3) Foundations were working on the Declaration and Manifesto of their world power seizure – all levers of all governments – at least as far back as 1981. And the date had been set for it.
CoVid is a code like ‘Execute Order’ 66 from the Darth Sidious / Palpatine Emperor in the Star Wars Series: ‘Revenge of the Sith’. And like ‘Order 66’ it is a code of both declaration, take-over and elimination.
Even so, in the decades leading up to the March 11, 2020 Declaration, the power of the CoVid spel in the areas of foreshadowing and predictive programming left much to be desired. Too many variables remained at large.
Although Eyes of Darkness and similar works of operant conditioning have been seeded into the population for decades with a view to saturating the mass mind, for this preparation to work subliminally in 2020 as predictive programming, certain hypnotic commands must be effectively in place. One of these is the prohibition of cognitively dissonant ideas. The Minions must reflexively respond with ridicule to the idea that powerful people with vested interests actually get together in secret and plan events decades in advance. That is, of course, the resort of theorists and Doom Nutters. Predictive programming? Not a bit of it. In the Koontz fiction, there was a made up disease with a name that was constantly changed by its Handlers, it had a blackwater and dark ops backstory as a military bio-weapon with weird mutations. If Koontz had thought of bat soup – he would have put it in
Conclusion : CoVid is the Code Word for the Elite Depopulation Agenda of UN Agenda 21.
Don’t get tested. Refuse the Vax
Urgent Information About Your Future
The Crowhouse
Aug 22, 2020
Reader – Check out Chromosome 8 after 12 minutes. It reveals the whole CoVid hoax. It is not only a fraud, it is the biggest genocide attempt on this planet
Australians Have Lost Their Minds Over CoVid-19
Aug. 20 2020
Rebel News
Koontz may have been an amateur, but Eyes of Darkness still featured in the final preparations for the March 2020 Manifesto.
September 2019 was the preparation for Red October. On the 12th, Brussels hosted the Global Vaccination Summit with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
SHADY PLOT: EU Summit with 4 Gates’ NGO, Big Pharma & FB before Pandemic (SARS-2 built with HIV)
And a month later in New York City October 2019, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health and Security (social policy) in partnership with the World Economic Forum (global Economy) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation just happened to be holding Event 201, a global pandemic simulation based on the Koontz novel.
Of course they were running a simulation of how a global pandemic and lockdown would affect the world economy. They were crunching the numbers and comparing the metrics. (Could not make this shit up) https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/event201/
The Rockefeller Foundation and Johns Hopkins University : Bloomberg School of Public Health go way back. The Big Tax Exempt 501c3 Foundation funded the John Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health in 1916. They have always been joined at the hip. Event 201 was based on the Rockefeller Foundation “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development 2010. The first scenario was called ‘Lockstep’ – a world of ‘tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback.’ So. This was a production script in which UN member national governments fall into lockstep with their World Communist State overlords, assume dictatorial authority (in the public interest) and impose a new system of rules and restrictions . This is the current World Government PoZ 5.11 exercise.
Its catalyst is the “sudden emergence of a virus that infects populations around the world and destroys economies by interrupting the mobility of people, goods, debilitating industries and global supply chains.” This must be the public perception. It is the virus which causes social destruction and chaos, not the CoVid measures implemented by governments to tank their economies and cause social destruction and chaos. In the Event 201 simulation, what they were mapping out was the government CoVid measures together with the supporting role of the corporate multi-laterals in the global financial pyramid. They were workshopping the active measures designed to “destroy economies by interrupting the mobility of people, goods, debilitating industries and [interrupting] global supply chains.”
The third member of Event 201 was the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Their $60 million grant to the Bloomberg School of Public Health at John Hopkins funds the Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive health. This Big 501c3 Tax Exempt is a well-known ‘on the public record’ de-populator involved in the polio vaccination debacles currently underway in India and Africa.
Even the UN is forced to admit that the Gates funded vaccine is causing – yes, causing – the polio outbreak in Africa.
UN Forced to Admit Gates-funded Vaccine is Causing Polio Outbreak in Africa
https://www.who.int/csr/don/01-september-2020-polio-sudan/en/. https://europeansworldwide.wordpress.com/2020/09/14/bill-gates-poisons-children-fact/
Bill Gates and his foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, has become quite famous as a de-populator and major player in the destrabilization of Africa’s Food Economy. At Event 201 where they were simulating the destruction of national economies through the disruption of the global supply food chains, Gates brought a lot of practical experience to the workshop. He and Melinda have been in this business for years. This is invaluable experience for the New World Orderlies with plans to restructure global food production.
Denver International Airport mural 1994
Segue to Wuhan, China where the Communist Party of China has (over the past year) been having quite a deal of trouble with the Chinese proles who are making demands and protesting. They have thrown out the Mao Book and supported the Hong Kongers in the demand for human and civil rights. (Can’t have that) They don’t want to wear the Mao suit and sing Dong Fang Hong. Like good proletarian socialists, they are not sufficiently grateful to Uncle Xi for the great labour collective of the East. In Wuhan the Chinese have been particularly strident in their complaints about the smog and pollution. So Xi and the rest of the Party Xis ( all with the same haircut ) have a problem with the Wuhan Chinese who are not with the Programme.
Just like they have a problem with Australian bonded entities who are not with the Programme.
Melbourne is an open air concentration camp. Long traffic lines at the checkpoints within the travel radius allowed only for ‘essential activities’ . The ADF is deployed. The police who in years past were MIA and too under-resourced to attend home invasions, beat ups, car-jackings and rampages by Black African gangs are now everywhere out in force. Under the Marxist sistema, Blacks are still entitled to crime. But if you are the wrong skin colour ( White and Anglo-Celtic) , not only can your car be jacked with impunity by the Black Crime gangs, the police are now interested in your micro-management. They will break your car window if you don’t hand over whatever they demand at the checkpoints.
Now we know how they are going to solve their prole issues.
November 2019, Event 201 went live, viral and global from Wuhan.
And from the Praesidio, our regularly scheduled Programme was interrupted for a word from Chairman Gorbachev.
Yes. It is ‘Time to Revise the Entire Global Agenda’. April 6, 2020. Security is the new watchword. “We need to demilitarize world affairs, international politics and political thinking and relocate funds from military purposes to the purposes of serving human security…and as a top priority caring for people’s health.” https://worldbeyondwar.org/gorbachev-time-to-revise-the-entire-global-agenda/
Well. Of course they do. The world-wide Revolution of the Fourth Comintern ( 1938- ) has now succeeded in getting all nations under ownership by the international banking cartel. (Marx’s Fifth Plank). These are now welded to their seat in the United Nations – the national praesidium of the World Communist State. Chairman Gorbachev sees no more use for military fighting against Communist takeovers. The nations have either been defeated by the Hammer of the Revolution or subverted into submission and capitulated to bank ownership and Marxist control by the Communists who long marched in the Gramscian Fifth Column into every Western institution of social influence. Bottom line – they are all owned as corporate entities by monopoly capital. The World Communist State is now the real politik. So , of course, security is one of the Big Ones. The world must now be de-populated (as per the usual Communist genocide) and then sovietized.
In the Western nations, satanization and de-population will go together.
And, wouldn’t you know it, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres took some time off from his busy schedule at the ‘global warming’ conference in Berlin to spruik that ‘rare and short window of opportunity’ in the pandemic recovery. This, he opines, should be used by the global leaders to roll out the global climate change agenda of collapsing the fossil fuel companies. This will accelerate the globalist 2030 UN Agenda, which is merely the first benchmark for the 21st century in the UN roadmap of global totalitarian sovietizaion: UN Ageda 21. https://needtoknow.news/2020/05/un-chief-says-pandemic-must-be-used-to-deindustrialize-west/? utm_source=rss&utm_medium=r
Five months into the pandemic , World Health Organisation Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreysus (former Ethiopian Communist Terrorist) cautions : “We hope to finish this pandemic in less than two years, especially if we can pool our efforts.” And nothing helps to pool the joint effort quite like a Communist state for getting the population onto the DNA database and under the world surveillance and control grid. https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/who-chief-hopes-once-century-health-crisis-will-end-two-years.
Needless to say, there will be no return to what anyone , anywhere would regard as normal. According to Tedros, the World Communist State is here to stay. https://humansarefree.com/2020/08/who-director-says-the-world-cannot-go-back-new-world-order.html
I would take it from Tedros. Back in the day when he was just another alphabet soup Communist Terrorist fighting for the Chinese in the War of the Fourth Comintern against Africa ( 1960 – 1994) he probably drove around with a muti stick and somebody’s head in the boot of his car. Just for laughs, he says he would shut down the whole CoVid thing if the scientists would just let him. I bet you anything the long suffering Ethiopians would not have Tedros back there under any circumstances. If The Owners ever sent him back, he would wind up on the menu in one of the starvation camps he helped the Communists like the ANC, the OAU (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 1963) to create in that country.
Of course, it is New World Order time.
This has been in the pipeline for awhile. But their spels and predictive programming are just not strong enough to cloak the Agenda. Unfortunately, it is the fate of failed spels to suffer ridicule and satire from those who see through the schmo screen, the smoke and mirrors and special FX.
The CoVid-19 Operation was launched to usher all UN member nations into a World Communist Bio-Security Pedo State.
Tucker Carlson: ” When do we get America back?”
August 24, 2020
WHO Links Pandemic Compliance to Fighting Climate Change
WHO says CoVid isn’t about a virus, its about changing society
WHO announces, vax will not end this. Vax is not the goal. Re-ordering society is the goal
CoVid-19 pandemic gives impetus to acclerate efforts to respond to climate change
Lesson of the Pandemic is that we must sacrifice to save the earth
Pandemic and Climate Change are useful for mass social control
The lied. All our leaders lied to us.
They lied at every step of the Wholeschlomo Hoax Corona Boloney Operation. News reports of overworked doctors, overflowing morgues, crowded hospitals, no available beds in ICUs, emergency rooms inundated by CoVid-19 patients, geysers of blood, ambulances full of CoVid patients, homocidal gas chambers, mass graves, refrigerated trucks for bodies that can’t be accomodated at the morgues – all contradicted by videos of empty hospitals, empty waiting rooms, empty testing centres and parked ambulances. But, wouldn’t you know it: no masturbation machines.
“Cimate Lockdown” – The End Game Becomes Clear: Post Human Future
Ice Age Farmer Broadcast
September 26, 2020
The ‘Climate Lockdown’ is to extend into perpetuity. This reveals the true nature of #COVID 1984. It was a live exercise and training for The Climate Lockdown. The CoVID Lockdown was planned to normalize the police state, ‘introduce ‘contact tracing’, surveillance and micro-management of every aspect of life.
The ‘Climate Lockdown’ will be introduced when the Commissars of the World Communist Bio-Security State decide they can transition the world into the post-human future. Their hand may be forced as both the CoVID pandemic and the Global Warning narrative break down and the Modern Grand Solar Minimum goes mainstream. In their panic, they are seizing for total control. We are at a demarcation point : we either fight now, or forever lose the opportunity. Chirstian
World Communist CoVid Bio-Security State transitions to World Communist State of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals / Agenda 21 Cimate Security State.