The Honours of Christendom is the Crown of Thorns permanently kept at Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris.
The Once and Future West
Unicuique Suum is a traditional Catholic website of nationalist history, heroic legacy and current political analysis
‘The Warning’ according to Mari-Loli Marzon, one of the visionaries of the village San Sebastian, Garabandal, Spain. Mari-Loli saw Our Lady and St. Michael the Archangel 1961 – 1965.
These are the words of our president: “Without Russia there is no humanity” – “If you want to live on this Earth, you should accept Russia as an independent sovereign superpower.”
Alekandr Dugin.
Russia is a sovereign nation, adjacent to other nations claiming both independence and sovereignty. And like other ‘sovereign’ powers it is owned by the Jewish Central Banking Cartel and welded to its seat in the UN. Russia is not opposed to the Fourth Industrial Revolution of the Globalists, rather it has signed an agreement with the World Economic Forum for Moscow to be the centre of it.
Mausoleo Ossario Garibaldino, Janiculum Hill, Rome
Displaying the bronze crown of Master Masonry, ‘Roma o Morte’ (1895) is the monument to Giuseppe Garibaldi, the Italian General and Grand Master, responsible for the capture of Rome during the Revolution of the Grand Orient on the Italian Peninsula 1848-1871 (Risorgimento). The Revolution was made for state capture by the Jew Banking Cartel of the estates, city states and principalities of the Peninsula. The Papal States were taken at that time and Pope Pius IX was imprisoned in the Vatican.
The ancient estates of the newly created Kingdom of Italy lost their independence and came under subjection to Masonic social order and ownership by the Judaic Supremacy through its central banking cartel.
“The secret of the Perestroika Deception is the permanent Revolution”
Anatoliy Golitsyn
The Perestroika Deception 1992
The world-wide Revolution of the Fourth ComIntern was established by Lev Bronstein (Trotsky) in Paris 1938 and formally inaugurated by World War II – for which no Armistice ever was signed.
“Abuses of power will put the final touch in preparing all institutions for their overthrow and everything will fly skyward under the blows of the maddened mob”….”internecine strife soon develops into battles between classes in the midst of which states burn down and their importance is reduced to that of a heap of ashes.” (The Protocols of Zion: 3 and 1.7.
The CoVID caste system for Certificate of Vaccination Identity is now being implemented through “Abuses of Power”. As a policy of the Fourth ComIntern, it has the potential to become the most rigid and genocidal in the history of the Revolution to date. Western governments, entirely subverted to Marxist-Leninism, are executing a Communist operation to create chaos and “exhaust the state in its own convulsions”. (Protocol 1:8)
In the year of our Lord’s Reign 2020,
the Fourth ComIntern ( 1938 – ) declared its Manifesto of
de-facto accession to world power from its U.N. Praesidium
on March 11.
A yearbook by month from Paschaltide, Feast of St. George, April 2020 A.D. setting out these tremendous events with their antecedents as the base and shape of things to come.
Overnight, bio-security became the organizing principle of regime change for all Western nations.
When Being CoVID Jab Injured is the New Normal
We Are All Mutemwas
Open Here
The world united against 250,000 Whites and the official representatives of all 4,000,000 Blacks, their traditional Chiefs, to destroy Rhodesia. Why? What was the real agenda? And why is Rhodesia so much more significant than being “just a footnote” in history?
A most sincere thank you to correspondents who have contacted me through this website.
To You All: I have read of your interest, advice, ideas and comments.
At this time I have no plans for introducing a comments section. I have not ruled this out, however. I may be able to introduce such a feature when the homepages for all twelve months of the traditional Roman Catholic liturgical year are created – as originally planned, an effort requiring several years.
In answer to many requests since July 2022, I will certainly not wait that long to create a webpage for Xavier Reyes-Ayral author of Revelations (published May 31, 2022)
Thank you for many notifications. Agreed. This is a matter of priority. will offer a permanent homepage feature and vlog for the Channel : ‘Mother & Refuge of the End Times’ and the interviews they are hosting with Xavier Reyes-Ayral. Our comment will be featured on that web page as the story of the Revelations Crusade develops. The live stream interviews on M&R have a ‘Live Chat’ facility. Thank you so much to those who have emailed references on relevant material from Church historian: Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea Maritima circa 314 A.D, the War in the Vendee and so many branches of this story. Literally.
This website is intended primarily for the traditional Catholic home schools and home school communities of the Anglosphere nations with a special recognition of the Rhodesiasphere world-wide.
It was never envisioned for high traffic or page one on Google. If a good effort has here been made, much of our subject matter will be shadow banned on the search engines and fail to meet
‘community standards’ of Big Tech and its platforms.
By this metric, I think we may lay claim to modest success.
This website is for you – the Home Schooling Community. And it has been researched for shared material, linked, referenced, written, created and presented in hope that it may be of help to you. If you are teaching the history of the Western Christendom from the 4th century A.D, then the institution which gave rise to that civilisation, in its nations, is central to the subject matter:
the one, holy, catholic and Apostolic Church.
And in our time, it is the Church Militant which must sustain this tremendous battle of Counter Revolution with the infernal powers and Communist accession to world hegemon through its praesidium in the United Nations.
The internet is only a tool and (by plain reasoning) at some point, the Full Spectrum Dominance of the Communist State will deny it to us. Therefore: hold as much of your material as you can in hard copy, books, pdfs both photocopied and burned to external hard drive. If you are using this website as a teaching resource, burn it to hard drive, archive it and share the links through the home school communities. If they want to, let the young people freely share its memes, themes and material on their social media platforms.
Deus Vult and God Speed
July 19, 2022
In Ordinary Time after the Pentecost
July is the Month the Church Dedicates to the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
Novi et Aeterni Testamenti: Mysterium Fidei
"Blood of Christ, most worthy of all honour and glory"
Litany of the Precious Blood
In answer to the call for the First Crusade, preached by Pope Urban II (Nov 27 1095), the Crusaders from the Latin West under Godfrey of Bouillon retake Jerusalem after 463 years of Islamic rule, breaching the walls through the Tower of David on Mt. Zion.
Judaea – incorporating Judea, Samaria, Idumea came under the rule of the ancient Roman Empire of the Caesars 6 B.C through the deposition of Herod Archelaus. In the settlement of the Wars of the Roman Tetrarchy, Palestina Prima was incorporated into Nova Roma (the Byzantine Empire), notably, the Christian East under Emperor Constantine I from the 4th century A.D.
Most of the Christian East and Christian North Africa of Nova Roma fell to the Islamic invasions in the 7th century A.D.. Palestine fell August 20, 636 A.D. when the Rashidun Caliphate laid siege to Jerusalem. Syria was conquered (638 A.D.), Egypt (654 A.D.) and then North Africa. Islam invaded the Western half of Nova Roma under the Berber general Tariq ibn-Ziyad.
The Iberian Peninsula of Nova Roma and their Christian Visigothic Kingdoms in Spain and Portugal fell to Islam 711 A.D.
The siege of Jerusalem 7 June – 15 July 1099 was brought by the First Crusade against the Fatimid Caliphate. The capture of Jerusalem laid the foundation for the Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem which lasted almost two centuries.
Perhaps the “Why-?” of this matter is like that of the Basilica of St. Paul’s Outside the Aurelian Walls in Rome, one of the four papal basilicas and one of the oldest (commissioned 324 A.D) by the Emperor Constantine.
Before it burned almost completely to the ground, July 15, 1823, St. Paul’s was the resort of Bl. Anna Maria Taigi. A few months before the fire, she was praying before a crucifix at St. Paul’s when our Lord showed to her a vision of the basilica in flames. She heard a voice say to her: “I will make of this place a heap of ruins”. And then she realised her fervent prayers were unavailing. Our Lord confided to her that a chastisement would fall upon Rome in regards to that basilica. And He would permit it to burn because of the profanations which had been committed there.
(The Life of the Venerable Anna Maria Taigi. 2017 : pg. 282).
Xavier Reyes-Ayral
“The object of this book: Revelations is to call everyone to mobilisation.”
(Xavier Ayral on the John Henry Westen Show for LifeSite News, July 21 , 2022)
“This is a new Crusade to take up the Cross and the sword.
Our sword must be this [holds up Rosary @ 35.02] The Holy Rosary.
Your shield must be marked: confession, monthly confession. I invite all your auditors, as the Blessed Virgin Mary asked, to follow the devotion of the Five First Saturdays of each month, to go to confession once a month, to go to mass, to meditate on the fifteen mysteries, and to pray the Rosary, if you can, daily.
And I know this is extraordinarily difficult for those who have never done so. But try as well to fast on bread and water on Wednesdays 24 hours and / or on Fridays.
This is very long winded and I apologise, but I am immensely passionate with this subject. It is a call which has been placed under the bushel, but it should be placed above the bushel for everyone to see. These are not my words. These are words that were meant always to be told, to be echoed to all the Catholic Church and non-believers. It is a message of hope.” 34.54 – 36.07
In his youth, Xavier Reyes-Ayral worked closely with Fr. Rene Laurentin (1917-2017), the Church’s foremost scholar of contemporary miracles and Marian appearances. As authorised by the Church, Fr. Laurentin undertook many of his studies in causes of canonisation.
Missing piece of the 3rd Secret of Fatima : Rome will ‘host the seat of the Antichrist’
July 21 2022
40 minutes
“The year 1960 is upon us, and then, what will happen? It will be very sad for everyone and far from a happy thing if the world does not pray and do penance before then. I can not give more details because it is still a secret.” Sr Marie Lucia of Jesus and of the Immaculate Heart OCD (Lucia dos Santos of Fatima In her final interview with Fr Augustin Fuentes) She continued “…Fr we should not wait for a call to the world from from the Holy Father in Rome…”
The Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls was gloriously rebuilt and re-consecrated 1854 in the reign of Pope Pius IX who championed the faith of the Church Militant against the errors of the Revolution, the Communes and the Sectarians.
16 July 1251. Our Lady of Mt. Carmel gives the Brown Scapular to St. Simon of Stock
“Whosoever dies in this garment shall not suffer eternal fire”
Brown Scapular Book: Our Lady’s Garment
The Brown Scapular: A Sign of Salvation and Protection
The Catholic Storyteller: Mount Carmel, The Cloud & The Brown Scapular
July 11 2022
Carmelites of the Holy Face of Jesus
Traditional Carmelite Observance St Joseph’s Hermitage
Inchincurka Dunmanway Co. Cork, Ireland
For Mass cards, Scapulars and sacramental supplies
July 25 Feast of St James Santiago
Patron Saint of Spain
The Apostle is remembered on his Patronal Feast Day as Santiago Matamoros at the Battle of Clavijo during the Spanish War of Reconquista (722 – 1492 A.D.)
The Battle of Clavijo was fought between the Spanish Kingdom of Asturias and the Islamic Emirate of Cordoba, 23 May, 844 A.D.
St James joined the Spaniards at the Battle of Clavijo (9th century) which Western Christendom demonizers, Marxist deconstructors and Muslim Invasion Helpers are wont to call a ‘fictional battle’. However, this Battle, has been commemorated for over a thousand years in cathedrals, churches, state buildings, public squares and ceremonies all over the Iberian Peninsula – never more so than on July 25 at Santiago de Compostela.
St. James appeared at Clavijo in the body of his resurrection and fought with Asturias against Islam. Traditionally St. James is depicted with tribute of the virgin maidens of Spain – one of the many tributes demanded of the Christians under Islamic Law for the slave traffic of the Muslim Overlords with the Jews.
Many stained glass windows, paintings and statuary in Spain and Portugal as well as traditional ceremonies of honour depict the Tributo de las Cien Doncellas which now must also (of course) be regarded as ‘legendary’.
Google has shadow banned the search for these images and ceremonies.
Search for it under the Spanish title.
July 13, 1917 Our Lady Speaks of Portugal to the Shepherd Children at the Cova da Iria near the Village of Fatima, Portugal
“Sacrifice yourselves for sinners and say many times, especially when you make an offering: ‘O my Jesus, this is for love of Thee, for the conversion of sinners and in repair for the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary”.
Our Lady, Queen of the Holy Rosary
Faith of our Fathers
Padre Pio: Seven Tips For Our Times You Must Remember
July 22, 2021
Following Padre Pio Channel
“Invocation to St. Michael the Archangel, preface to the ‘Exorcism Against Satan and the Rebellious Angels’ .”
Published by order of H.H. Pope Leo XIII. May 18, 1890
….“The most cunning enemies have filled the Church, Bride of the Immaculate Lamb, with bitterness, they have drenched Her with gall, they have laid their impious hands on all things desired of Holy Church. Where the See of Blessed Peter and the Chair of Truth has been established as the Light of the nations, there have they placed the throne of the Abomination of their Impiety, so that having struck the Pastor, they might also prevail to scatter the flock. O Leader most Invincible, be present with God’s people against invading evil spirits and bring us the victory.”
July 16, 2021. “Traditione Custodis” Issued Motu Proprio by Acting Pope (No. 2), Francis I .
The New Order (Novus Ordo) Mass of 1969 now has been affirmed as the unique and only recognized Roman Rite. The abridged Roman Rite of 1962 (called by Pope Emeritus, No. 1 Benedict XVI : the ‘Extraordinary Roman Rite’) has been declared by the Acting Pope No. 2, Francis to be under suppression within the novus ordo catholic church.
However, he has granted the bishops exclusive power to authorize the ‘Extraordinary Rite’. So this is just one more example of ‘Synodal Way’ confusion.
We should all know who is the author of confusion.
Steak and potatoes: the canonized Roman Rite of the Council of Trent: Quo Primum (1570) has been suppressed together with its abridged version 1962 in the Bergoglian church.
Quo Primum is an Apostolic Constitution of Pope St Pius V. It guarantees in perpetuity that every Latin Rite priest has the right to say the Missale Romanum canonized at the Council of Trent. Canonically, it can not be abrogated.
Thus, in the dogma and unity of faith, Acting Pope Francis is not in communion with his predecessors, Pope St Pius V and Pope Benedict XVI who reaffirmed the canonical rights of the traditional Missale Romanum in his Summorum Pontificum July 7, 2007.
July 18, 2022. 20 Euro Silver Coin to Promote CoVID Vaxxination
This completes the Bergoglian Trifecta of ‘not in communion’ with the dogma and unity of faith and morals of what the popes and the constant, ordinary magisterium of the Church has always and everywhere taught.
“And then I heard another voice from Heaven crying ‘Go out from her my people that ye be not partakers of her sins, that ye receive not of her plagues’.” Apoc 18.4.
The manifestation of the Bergoglian counter church within the Roman Catholic Church is the rotten fruit of the Masonic errors of the Vatican II Council.
Catholics are in no way enjoined to leave or abandon the Roman Catholic Church as if there is or could ever be another Church established by Jesus Christ and bearing the Four Marks. I think we are enjoined, however, to have no part with Francis I in the sins promoted by documents like Amoris Laetitia, acts of pagan idolatry or works undertaken in the service of the United [Communist] Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (to which the Vatican is signatory).
In charity we must oppose these sins and join the Revelations Crusade (which has been called by Xavier Reyes-Ayral) in the spirit of our Lady of La Salette: “I call upon My cherished children who have lived in my spirit…Go show yourselves to be my dear children. I am with you, provided your faith is enlightening you in these evil times. May your zeal make you famished for the glory and honour of Jesus Christ. Do battle children of light, you, the few who see thereby, for the time of times, the end of ends is at hand.”
Pope ‘Emeritus’ Benedict XIV never abdicated the papal office (the munus) which can not be abdicated. This is on the Vatican website.
The Church must pray and make sacrifices of penance for Pope Benedict and the Acting Pope, Francis I according to the Days of Rogation before Ascensiontide: “That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to preserve our Apostolic Prelate and all orders of the Church in holy religion.” ( Prayers of Rogation. Litany of the Saints for the Pope and all consecrated souls)
“Cardinal Siri Vatican II and the Third Secret of Fatima”
Judith Sharpe ( interviews Gary Giuffre of The Siri Project ( for the “Cardinal Siri Presentations” of the Catholic Restoration Conference.
“The true election of a certain papal candidate was suppressed and supplanted by an irregular and invalid election and its published outcome”. Fr. Malachi Martin, Chief Fatima Obfuscator to Gary Giuffre.
The Siri Project – Interviews with Gary Giuffre, videos of the 2019 interviews.
Gary Giuffre is an organizer for the St. Jude Shrine, Stafford Texas which offers the pre-1955 Tridentine Rite.
Mass livestreams from St. Jude Shrine for the Liturgical Year 2021 – 2022
Make a Spiritual Communion with the Fifteen Decade Rosary before the Tabernacle of the Blessed Sacrament at the Shrine of Saint Jude Catholic Church in Stafford Texas.
Rosary Intention: For the end the Communist, Masonic hold on America, Australia, Canada and other countries around the world and the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary to the glory of Jesus Christ our King.
“Adorable Face of Jesus, hidden in the Blessed Sacrament “
Invocations to the Holy Face of Jesus
Saint Jude Shrine is sponsored by Traditional Catholics of Houston, Inc.
Streamed live May 15, 2022
Paschaltide 2022.
Nine Invocations to the Holy Angels
(approved by Pope Pius IX 1851)
Read about the wonderful promises made by St. Michael the Archangel to Portuguese Carmelite Sister Antonia d’Astonaco for those who recite the ‘Invocations to the Nine Choirs of Holy Angels’.
- O Holy Angels watch over us at all times during this perilous life.
- O Holy Archangels be our guides on the way to heaven.
- O Heavenly Choir of the Principalities govern us in soul and body.
- O Mighty Powers, preserve us against the wiles of the demons.
- O Celestial Virtues give us strength and courage in the battle of life.
- O Powerful Dominations, obtain for us dominion over the rebellion of the flesh.
- O Sacred Thrones, grant us peace with God and man.
- O Brilliant Cherubim, illuminate our minds with heavenly knowledge.
- O Burning Seraphim, enkindle in our hearts the fire of charity.
July 10, 1927. Legion of the Archangel Michael.
Corneliu Zelea Codreanu with the Romanian Nationalist Founders of the Legionary Movement (Legionaries)
The Crimson Thread Series of Essays: The Romanian Horizon of ‘Quis ut Deus?’
“Other Romanian Horizons”
dedication of his final work :
“For My Legionaries of the other Romanian horizons”
Corneliu Zela Codreanu,
Legiunea Archangehelului Mihail of Romania
“The appearance of Communism in Russia, the treasonous actions of so many men of state and the reaction of the Communist agitation and infiltration in every country and every organ of Western societies brought forth in each country of Europe a nationalist opposition to this International Conspiracy.”
Prince Michel Sturdza
former Foreign Minister of Romania.
The Suicide of Europe: Memoirs of Prince Michel Sturdza,
Western Islands Publishers. Boston. Los Angeles. 1968 ( p. 22 )
In Romania, Corneliu Zela Codreanu led the Romanian nationalist movement
as the Captain of the Legion and its Iron Guard
“Our deliverance is in labour, honour, love of country and faith in God. We work for one Romania with our Christian Church being the foundation of the social order.”
Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
The Writings of John Alan Coey:
The Myth of American
Anti-Communism in the Rhodesian War of Independence (1965 – 1979)
“It is said, the crisis of the Western World is the degree that it has separated itself from God, and shares the faith of the communists. The crisis of the Communist World is the degree it has failed to separate its people from God. The stronger faith will win.”
John Alan Coey. Chapter One: “Christian Activism”. A Martyr Speaks : Journal of the Late John Alan Coey. 1988.
(New Puritan Library, Inc. Copyright the Coey family), p. 3. [Hereafter AMS]
Also published as The Fighting Doc: The Rhodesian Bush War Diary of John Alan Coey., KIA 19 July 1975. 2015.
(Helion Company: Warwick U.K)
“Coey believed that preserving white Africa in the face of Afro-Marxism and international capitalism was right because Rhodesia stood for the Western Christendom”
Part I: “What Makes Heroic Strife Famed Afar?”
“Western civilization is based on Christianity. The decline of the West correlates to its demise, and the West can be revived by a revival of faith.”
John Alan Coey
A Martyr Speaks (p. 4)
The crown of the Pennines appears upon Cross Fell where the signature cloud of Helm Bar is formed by the Helm Wind of Cumbria, England. Remembered in his poem of Mashonaland: “Spring Herald” by the Franciscan poet of the Mutemwas (in Rhodesia’s Hurricane Sector near Mutoko), John Bradburne wrote of the July winds at Chigonia as “akinned clean to that Helm” of his Cumberland home.
The Helm is a fierce North Easter blowing down the S.E. slopes of the Pennines escarpment – a clear wind, wholly fresh, young and keen , new made upon the Highland snows. And in its eye, the dome of the Northern stars never setting.
John Bradburne was martyred for the holy faith in Rhodesia, September 5, 1979.
The Perestroika Deception in 2022: As Predicted by KGB Defector Anatoliy Golitsyn
July 16, 2022
“[Since] 1917 the Soviet Union and its slave empire have existed entirely as a result of transfusions of aid, technology, money from the West and primarily from the United States, paid for by U.S. Taxpayers.”
William McIlhaney interviewing Christopher Story, editor The Perestroika Deception, 1995
“Golitsyn exposed the Soviet plan for world Communism to take on the appearance of collapsing while transforming itself into something appearing benign , like the Trojan Horse. More than 94% of his predictions of how the plan would direct world events by the year 2000 were accurate. Nothing has halted the Trojan Horse since. In fact today, we have millions more of these innocent looking Trojan Horses in our midst in every nation world wide.” Continue Reading
The Perestroika Deception: Behind the Mask
July 7, 2019. “Putin is a proven fraud and communist Russia and China are in the final preparations for military conquest of the West”
Andy Sloan
July 31, 2019. “World War III – the Final Act in a Long Range Synagogue Script to Achieve World Jewish Domination.”
Andy Sloan
The Caledonian Hotel in the Hunter Valley of Singleton, NSW
hangs out the Red Duster and becomes the Freedom Pub of Australia – defying the CoVID Regime mandates, breaking the CoVID Caste System and copping the fines of the
United [Communist] Nations
2020: The Corona Pandemic Hoax
To wit, the ‘nouvelle’ SARS-Cov-2 Corona Baloney
Biggest Lie in World History – there never was a pandemic. Outline of the UN Fake-out over its 190 member nations.
The CoVID Regimes of the UN ran the Corona Baloney Hoax of 2020 as part of an International Operation to meet the ‘signed off’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals – beginning with Depopulation.
Your O2 / CO2 respiration must not go over the allowable limit of CO2. Keep that Mask On!
2021: Mandated Plague Shots with recombinant mRNA biotech spike protein toxins
Biggest Medical Experiment in Wold History. The “Corona Boloney Hoax” of 2020 proved to be the platform and springboard into [drum roll please]:
mandatory injection with a bioweapon. The adversities of the vaxx and transmission of the spike protein toxin from those who became infectious with it morphed into the ‘Pandemic of the Unvaxxed’
2021: Now the mandated CoVID Correctness insists: ‘Pandemic of the UnVaccinated’ responsible for ‘CoVID’, ‘Long CoVID’, ‘Variant CoVID’, ‘Repeat CoVID’, More CoVID, Failure of CoVID Boosters, Monkey-pox, Tomato-pox, Stupid-pox, Climate Change, Bovine Flatulence, Over the Limit CO2 Emissions and the Vaxx adversities, transmissions and deaths
“Australia’s DESPICABLE CoVID Response 2022”
August 19 2022
And just as the Official CoVID Narrative and Party Line tanks and heads down the drain
2022 : Soviet Union invades Ukraine
“…after destroying millions of lives with their CoVID hoax, they are covering their tracks by starting a third world war.” Henry Makow. June 21, 2022. He refers to the International Judenstaat as a criminal cartel. ( “Organized Jewry is Essentially Organized Theft” )
Communism and Judaism are identical. The Planks of the Communist Manifesto and the UN Charter are identical. UN Agenda 2030 and the World Economic Forum Goals are identical. All have been established and financed by the International Judenstaat.
Within the Security Council of the United [Communist] Nations the polarisation for the looming war between the East and West has been worked out, dictated and outsourced to the nations:
- Russia and China – partners in the creation of Eurasia as the centre of New World Order
- The US and Europe – the NATO Alliance
- Israel (the spider at the centre of the entire web) and
the UN ‘multi-lateral partners’ like the World Economic Forum and World Bank responsible for setting up UN CoVID regimes across the globe.
The geo-politics of the Russian invasion of Ukraine is reminiscent of Game One of the World Chess Championship in Reykjavik, Iceland July 11, 1972. In that Game, Boris Spassky opened for the Soviet Union with a pawn to d4. And Fisher (for the US), committed to the Game but late, took him up on a strategy much favoured by the Russian chessmasters: the ‘Nimzo’. Fisher’s opening move was knight to f6. Thus accepting Spassky’s pawn to d4 as an invitation to create a strong presence in the centre of the Board.
On the Grand Chessboard, a strong NATO presence is now emerging in the centre of Europe in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine with an expeditionary force. And in this conflict, the US and the EUSSR, the Western nations are being positioned as ‘the Zionists’. And our ruling elite, our political masters, clearly, are Zionist bad guys.
Our societies are decadent, post-Christian and liberal. Our populations are being subjected to a Satanic Makeover and Marxist deconstruction in accord with all three stages of Yuri Bezmenov’s definition of Communist subversion: demoralisation, destabilisation and crisis. The Owners of both the Communist East and the Western nations (undergoing Communist subversion), have dictated for the West a policy of ‘Satanisation before sovietisation’. Together with the demolition and takedown mandate for all first world Western economies by the UN Earth Charter, the ‘satanisation before sovietisation’ strategy is being implemented by the UN CoVID Regimes of all Western nations under the management of the World Economic Forum globalist leaders. They have been embedded into our political structures and they have their orders.
Thus, our Western societies are being positioned and polarised as the ZOGs and Zionist bad guys before the Ukrainian conflict goes to final round against the Communist Eastern Bloc: the Soviet Union / Russian Federation, Communist China (and their colonies).
These Bad Actors posture themselves as a ‘Post Communist’ alliance for new world order and their colonies pose as ‘independent’. As nations, they were taken by the Communist Revolution in the 20th century, subjected to deconstruction and then reconstructed as communist systems. But now we are supposed to believe they have thrown all that off and are no longer owned by the International Judenstaat or incorporated as assets into the Money Pyramid of central banking cartel – which is the financial arm of the Judenstaat.
The Fourth Political Position presents the Eastern Communist Bloc as: ‘Anti-Corruption’, ‘Anti-Liberal’ ‘Anti-Zionist’ and nationalistic. Supposedly, they are all about upholding their traditional national values, religious traditions, customs and norms. These are the nations supporting the Soviet Union invasion of Ukraine (a nation depicted in their propaganda as the poster boy for Western crime, chaos and corruption). We are to believe that Ukraine with its ‘banderite, rogue nationalism’ and ‘Nazi battalion’ is the head of the Zionist snake (seriously). And Vlad, our hero nationalist liberator has vowed to crush the Ukrainian Nazi battalion which is killing the Russian population in the separatist Oblasts , bayoneting babies (standard Nazi warfare) and shelling their own Ukrainian people (probably gassing them as well).
All this Nazi atrocity propaganda is made on the Soviet – Israeli axis as the Israelis seriously get off on this stuff.
Upon inquiry, the traditional values and norms of the ‘post Communist’ nations turn out to be the Freemasonic, Noachide Laws and 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals recognized by Judaism, Islam, the novus ordo judeoXtian churches and the Russian Orthodox Church within Russia – an extension of the KGB / FSB as we saw at the Vatican II Council.
One of the prime objectives of WW3 will be for the Communist Bloc to destroy the ‘evil, Satanic’ West and rid the world of its toxic Christian legacy, historically known as the Holy Roman Empire of the West.
For the International Judenstaat, long list of grievances here: enforced Judenstaat control and removals from Christian lands, law enforcement against usury, law enforcement protecting Christian populations from Synagogue predations, wars against Islamic invasions, crusades and pogroms, systemic racism, colonial oppressions, misogyny, religious nuttery and persecutions, wars against religious minorities and their insurrections. And lots of homophobia, transphobia, Islamophobia, paedophile phobia, satan phobia, etc.
Only when this legacy is destroyed, will The Owners find it possible to integrate the remnant population of Western Europe into one convergent superpower from Lisbon to Vladivostok
The International Judenstaat has decreed that Eurasia is to be the centrepiece of its world communist state and its World Order of Judaic Supremacy.
Now are you one of those sheeple entertaining the idea that powerful interests might be in conspiracy to bring about this state of affairs?
Attention please. UNESCO, the European Commission and World Jewish Congress have met together (secretly) and decided to put the world on message to stop the spread of conspiracy theories and keep the global community safe. Sanitize your thinking and social behaviour.
This type of thinking is WRONG-THINK. It is not acceptable to your commissars. ‘Unfriend’ conspiracy theorists promptly on social media. Do not hit ‘like’ or ‘subscribe’. Send them an empathic emoji. Report them to the authorities.
2022: Mandated ‘Coincidence Theory Correctness’ is now the UN CoVID Regime
Party Line for all Marxist states
There are no conspiracies. World government is honest, transparent and empathetic.
#ThinkBeforeSharing and stop the spread
July 2022 The Billboard Battalion Launches at Echuca, Victoria Australia
“No Farmers = No Food. Stop the Fear” is the message to Australians who face the demolition of agricultural production and food supply chains at the hands of the Australian CoVID Regime of the United Nations under the dictates of the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
On the Corona Baloney Hoax of 2020, here is the full pint from The Caledonian Licensee Bradley John Hill:
“Public health orders requiring patrons to show vaccination status is ‘the most shameful and disgusting act ever imposed on the good people of Australia.” – The Caledonian Licensee, Bradley John Hill
Dec 2 2021. ‘Multiple infringements’ by Bradley John were tendered by the police in court against The Caledonian. To hear the police tell it, on October 15, 2021, Hill was “seated in the public bar on a bar stool consuming a schooner of beer with another person while unvaccinated and failing to check the vaccination status of patrons.”
Lest we forget. Families were arrested for taking their children to the park. Law enforcement deployed against children and old people. Employees threatened with job loss if they refused the CoVID injection and thousands lost their businesses, jobs and homes. Loved ones were excluded from visiting relatives in nursing homes and hospitals.
Never forget. Never forgive Communist tyranny over Australia and the ongoing implementation of CoVID genocide
July 13, 2020 the CDC posted:
“CDC 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019 – n CoV) Real Time TR-PCR Diagnostic Panel”
Under the heading ‘Performance Characteristics’ the CDC admitted: “…no quantified virus isolates of the 2019 – n CoV are currently available.” ( p. 39)
Dr. John Reizer “CoVID-19 Does Not Exist!”
But it still took a year and a half to withdraw a test which could not diagnose a disease for which there were no ‘quantified virus isolates’.
Huge: CDC Withdraws Use PCR Test for CoVID and Finally Admits Test Can Not Differentiate Flu from CoVID
The CoVID ‘pandemic’ was the product of an inappropriate test. The CDC admits it.
The Flu Has Disappeared Worldwide During the CoVID Pandemic
The CDC removed tens of thousands of CoVID deaths from the official stats.
This is a no brainer.
The ‘CoVID Pandemic’ was the product of a test that could not diagnose any disease and an insane amount of payola in brown paper bags to the regulatory agencies
Just Released Docments by Pfizer Show BioN Tech paid ‘Prescription Drug User Fee Payment’ fee to the FDA: $2,875,842.00 . March 2, 2022
UPDATE: “Australia’s prime Minister, Scott Morrison said the nation’s political leaders want to move to a new phase of ‘living with CoVID 19’ as though it were the flu , but would consult the health experts.”
‘Like the flu?’ ‘as though it were the flu?’ It is the flu and sniffles.
Instead of the FDA CoVID Solution
Australia should adopt the Belarus CoVID Solution.
“Don’t worry about it. That’s our vaccine.”
President Likashenko Spells out the Real Threat Posed by CoVID-19
Jan 26 2022
The week after WHO declared ‘global pandemic’, March 11, 2020, the official UK government posted its assessment of Covid-19
No longer considered to be a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK
So England and UK public health got it right the first time. ‘CoVID-19’ is not and never was a medical emergency or HCID. And this assessment would have been available to the Australian Health Commissars, CHOs , CoVID cadres and CCP Hacks.
For decades, Ivermectin has been the proven standby as an ‘anti-cellular infective for serious cases of respiratory disease where there are underlying chronic conditions and risk factors. Every year a lot more people die of this type of disease – like influenza with underlying immuno-deficiency – than ‘covid’.
The 27th Modern Olympiad Held in London
27 July – August 12, 2012
A Preview of the UN Corona Operation for International Regime Change
Ecohealth Alliance asked DARPA to fund Gain of Function Research for Bat Borne Coronaviruses 2018.
DARPA refused. Not to be discouraged Fauci’s NIAID moved this research to Wuhan and several sites across the US.
Kosher Bat Soup
CoVID-19 is Man-made. From Fauci to Gates to Daszak – a Timeline of Bio-Terrorism. Follow the money.
BioTech pathogens engineered by Baric, Daszak, Zhangli and Moderna; funded by Fauci, the NIH, the NIAID and the US Government for research and development of SARS, MERS and Covid-19.
Big Media is on message and on mantra with the CoVIDious – schlepping the vaxx deception and normalizing the deaths and injuries from the bioweapon. The military are now particularly hard hit with ‘skyrocketing disease according to the Pentagon’s DMED data.
AIDs-like ‘Chronic CoVID’ is taking over Europe, Australia and NZ. The natural, innate immune system of white blood cells, B lymphocytes, neutrophils etc is tanking. The Boosted can not clear the BioTech sequences of the mRNA protein toxins in the injection easily. And it is common for them to keep getting reinfected.
With the Omicron Variant – Dec 2021, nations mandating covid injections found themselves in a situation of mass vaxx immunity failure.
Clever solution – abolish containment which had been implemented to place the population under such duress they would ‘choose’ vaxx compliance. Ju-ju the unvaxxed with an ‘illness and death’ Covid Correctness Spel and hope the vaxxed world gains ‘herd immunity’ while mortality /morbibity is still relatively low on the genocide timeline.
The unvaxxed with weak immunity are also struggling with ‘chronic covid’ – the blood resonance and aerosals of the biotech protein sequences which the vaxxed are now coded to produce.
Hospitals are becoming overwhelmed with the adverse outcomes from these injections of mRNa BioTech toxins – the CoVID Vaxx. Repeated short term infections are taking the Vaxxed / Boosted towards immuno-deficiency.
Chronic CoVID – is a chronically infected state, infecting others, overwhelmed with toxic covid proteins – snake venom could well be in the biotech spike sequence – while the cell counts of the durable , innate immune system continues to go down. Micro-clotting and intravascular coagulation / clotting from these injected toxins can be so bad that it is not possible to lift arms or legs.
Eventually the anti-body dependent enhancement (ADE) of the front-line immune system , like the T cells will wear off.
Heart attack and stroke are the new normal for injected children.
Stage of Subversion: ‘Normalisation’ is now promoted on Big Media.
UPDATE for July 2021 mandatory vaxx roll-out
“At Last the Tsunami of Heart Attacks Explained” – Irish Savant
CoVID criminals put on notice by Senator Malcolm Roberts
“We won’t let you get away with it. We are coming for you! We have the stamina to hound you down and we damn well will!.”
Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts puts PM Scott Morrison, Health Minister Greg Hunt and other covid criminals on notice.
CoVID Under Question Complete Video Collection. A cross-party inquiry hosted by Senator malcolm Roberts into the Australian government’s response to CoVID 19. March 23 2022. Here is the indexed video library of the doctors, scientists experts
and others who spoke at the event. Introduction by Sen Malcolm Roberts.
CoVID Criminals: “We won’t let you get away with it. We are coming for you. We have the stamina to hound you down and we damn well will!” Senator Malcolm
The Australian Government CoVID-19 Vaccine Claims Scheme Policy
The official website now admits CoVID-19 vaccine adverse events / complications due to the following conditions.
This is Damage Control for the criminal and civil liabilities of the National Cabinet of the CoVID Regime and its Operation CoVID Shield. That Vaxx they are making ‘as mandatory as we possibly can make it’ now has a price tag.
Subsequent to release of the Pfizer documents under FOI by order of a Court of Appeal in Texas, USA:
- Anaphylactic reaction
- Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome
- Myocarditis
- Pericarditis
- Capillary leak syndrome
- Demyelinating disorders including Guillain Barre Syndrome
- Thrombocytopenia, including immune Thrombocytopenia, identified as a final diagnosis
“The restrictions we had in place did their job, keeping our community safe and encouraging vaccination” Qld. Premier Annatasia Palaszczuk commenting on the easing of restrictions prior to the call for a federal election 2022.
She admits that these CoVID Regime and caste system restrictions coerced people into becoming injected with a dangerous medical experiment.
“The axing of the vaccine pass” [in the Northern Territory] is in response to high innoculation rates in the Territory and the continual move towards living with CoVID-19.” NT Health .
Allow me to repeat: They admit it
John O’Looney – Funeral Director on Vaccine Deaths
Milton Keynes funeral director, John O’Looney talks freely about deaths he has attended post the CoVID vaccination mandates in the UK. Specifically, these are deaths by thrombosis (blood clot) and aneurysm in unprecedented numbers. All affected had been breathless with aching and burning pains. If in the chest, they had been admitted to hospital. If a limb was affected, they were sent home. These were the people he remembers being called upon to attend post mortem.
Deaths related to CoVID vaccination considered by the French Courts to be suicides
Published February 12, 2022
An embalmer from a small town in Mo. (200 embalmed bodies / year) reveals what she has experienced since May of last year (2021) . She has documented that 93% of deaths she has taken care of were produced by the vaccine.
Cairns News Archives from July 2020
Riccardo Bosi – AustraliaOne Party
“Masks , Lockdowns, Mandatory Vaccines”
July 3, 2021 – to all Australians, our rights under the Federal Biosecurity Act 2015.
Nature by Numbers
March 12 2010
Cristobal Vila
“The wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all the godlessness and injustice of men who detain the truth of God in injustice. For what may be known of God is manifest in them. For God has manifested it unto them. For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made. His eternal power also and divinity: so that they are inexcusable. Because that, when they knew God, they have not glorified him as God or given thanks…”
“…just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with all iniquity, malice, fornication, avarice, wickedness , full of envy, murder, contention, deceit, malignity…”
Romans 1: 18 – 24…28, 29
In the Manifest of the permanent, world-wide Communist Revolution, the Rulers of Sodom are seen to have legislated, judicially upheld and enforced upon the people of the nations all four sins crying to Heaven for Divine vengeance.
The Physical Ashen Remains of Sodom and Gomorrah
October 19, 2007
Genesis 6: “As It Was In The Days of Noah”
Disclosure is Coming
July 21, 2022.
House Committee advances legislation that will provide for public access to government UFO (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) reports. The Intelligence Authorization Act has gone to a vote on the floor of the House of Representatives. This is a bi-partisan amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act that would establish a ‘secure system’ to receive reports about UAP that could be made available to the public through FOIA. The Senate has yet to take up the bill.
“Is Full Disclosure Imminent?”
From 0.45 to 7 mins and 47 seconds, researcher, author and filmaker L.A. Marzulli sets out the ‘ladder of disclosue’ timeline on official government acknowledgement for the type of UFO phenomena he has investigated for decades. “The ambivalence is just mind blowing” he comments. “Nobody cares”. (4.35) In his discussion with Gary Stearman, Marzulli reviews the video clips from Fox News which have tracked the soft disclosures from the Pentagon over the past five years. The break is at 7.47 and the discussion on UFO/UAP ‘alien abduction’ resumes at 10.36. This video was uploaded by Prophecy Watchers Channel April 22, 2022 just before the “Birthright Conference” in Nashville, Tennesee.
Birthright Series, Part 3 | The Prodigal Son
Timothy Alberino
Jul 1, 2021. This is part 3 in a series of lectures based on Timothy Alberino’s bestselling book Birthright. In this lecture, Alberino discusses the Parable of the Prodigal Son and the restoration of mankind to the family of God.
“An Act for granting to theire Majesties severall Rates and Duties upon Tonnage of Shipps and Vessells” [The Tonnage Act] was passed in July 1694 by Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. The Charter of Incorporation to the Bank of England was granted under the Tonnage Act.
“To the memory of those Patriots who in 1215 at Runnymede signed Magna Carta and those who in 1320 at Arbroath signed the Declaration of Independence, this book is dedicated: 27th July, 1952.
Captain Ramsay’s work The Nameless War demonstrates that the Great Revolution (France 1789) and the Communist Revolution (inaugurated in Russia 1917) have their origins in the English Civil War 1642 A.D. The legal fiction of the United Kingdom and its Empire of The Corporation of the City of London (established in the Charter of the Bank of England July 1694) begin with the loans taken out for the English Civil War against the Union of the Two Crowns by the Masonic Whigs of the English Parliament and the Scottish Convention of Estates .
The Nameless War
Captain Archibald H. Maule Ramsay
1952 (reprinted 1956, 1977 by Britons Publishing Co.)
The American Counter Revolution understands the Reconstruction which began in 1865 as the subversion of 1776 America and the beginning of another regime.
This counter Regime has always been undergirded by the Empire of the City of London – its corporation and Bank of England. It succeeded with 41st Congress of the United States. Agents in the pay of the Central Bank succeeded with the Act of 1871 which enacted a new constitution as a legal standard of abrogation to the original Constitution for the Sates of the American foundation: “United States Code Title 28 3002 (15) (A) (B) THE UNITED STATES, A FEDERAL CORPORATION.” ( February 21, 1871. Acts 41st Congress, Section 34, Session III ).
Eventually this would see the complete Reconstruction under the Federal Reserve Act 1913 which nullified the sovereignty of the United States and placed the sovereignty with the Money Power, namely the central bank (Fifth Plank of the Communist Manifesto). This in effect nullified the role of the US Dept of the Treasury as set out in the original Constitution for the United States. Congressman Louis T. McFadden got into the Congressional Record how the Fed had virtually built another regime called the United States of America governed by the Council on Foreign Relations.
The signing and sealing of the July 9 1900 Proclamation was the culmination of the series of referendums on the proposed Constitution of Australia held 2 June – 31 July 1898 in the six colonies that were to become the states of the Commonwealth of Australia.
Documentation of these events is made in Ian Henke’s work: “Australia: ‘The Concealed Colony”, which charts a process that began in 1900 and continues today.
In a Commonwealth, the people own the land – whereas with a Crown or monarchy, the monarch owns the land.
Commonwealth extinguishes monarchy.
July 29, 1921. Adolf Hitler becomes leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nationalozialistische Deutsche Arbeitpartei)
The NSDAP continued the Freikorps fight against the efforts by the Communist Party (with its base in the USSR) to erupt the Revolution within Germany and other European nations. The NSDAP was strategically created to raw German workers away from communism and into German economic recovery through volkisch nationalism.
To understand the Party’s shift to racial purity and national strength laws (including eugenics), its financing is the key to the perception of its covert objectives and the exposure of its real stakeholders both for the NSDAP and the world war it was used to create.
July 23, 1921 The Communist Party of China was founded by Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Chen Duxiu, Li Dashao
at the First National Party Congress in the French Concession of old Shanghai. The official date of the founding is always given as July 1 1921 and this is the date on which the centenary was celebrated July 2021 on the Western solar calendar.
“The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history” – Crypto Jew David Rockefeller
And the Rockefeller munitions factories in the Soviet Union made it possible as they pumped weapons to the Chinese Communists throughout the Revolutionary conflict with the legitimate government of China, then part of the Western Alliance during World War II
July 19, 2021.
July 13, 1931. The Central Executive Committee of the Soviet Union under the Chairmanship of Mikhail Kalinan.
Resolved: to build the Palace of the Soviets on the territory of the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour which was blown up December 5, 1931.
The Lie is a Pillar of the Communist State
Criminalizing Dissent
After an entire summer of burning, looting, murder and rioting in American cities 2020 by the Gook cadres of BLM and Antifa, Trump’s Dept of Homeland Security labels ‘white supremacists’ as the most persistent and lethal threat to the US.
UPDATE Feb 2022. The Biden DHS identifies as ‘agents of sedition’ those who confront the official CoVID narrative and the official Russian narrative with evidence based facts and statements.
New FBI Initiative Will Put “Hate Crime” Quotas On Local Law Enforcement
July 30, 2021. Eric Striker.
United Nations International Day of Observance
Nelson Mandela Day July 18
Willem Petzer (in Afrikaans, English subtitles)
“It’s High Time That We Learned About True Afrikaner History”
Uploaded by Willem Petzer, July 12, 2018
“Kill the Whites, Kill the Boere”
Nelson Mandela Singing ‘Kill the Boere’ with Jewish Intelligence Minister Ronnie Kasrils, the Central Committee (SACP) and the Komonsol
Uploaded by Freddy Jewger
February 19. 2022
“Go safely MKhonto we Sizwe” – the military wing of the Communist Revolution and its African National Congress”
“Hoera vir die jollie bobbejaan
O moenie huil nie
O moenie treur nie
Die Stellenbosse boys kom veer”
“South Africa sings anti-White Hate Songs at the World Choir Games, forcing White kids to sing along”
Willem Petzer
July 18, 2018
Afrikaans Medley – Die Stem – Steve Hofmeyr
July 26, 2014
Live in Atlanta, Georgia USA
The Americans conserving their Afrikaaner and South African heritage in the
U.S. rise for “Die Stem” at 3 mins. 32 secs.
Steve Hofmeyr: “Back in South Africa, I run a campaign…” Open Here
Boere Krisis : Plaasmoorde and Plaasvallen
Steve Hofmeyr: “Hoe My Mense Leef”
“How My People Live”
“Even if you do not feel it, even if you do not know it, I need you to understand: every time a farmer (Boer) is attacked, something dies in you. Something will die in you twice today. Every time a farmer (Boer) is killed, something dies in you too. You never die less than 5 times a month, never less than 1 once every 6 days. There is almost nothing left of you.
Gook Identity Cadres for the Long March through the Institutions and the Marxist Culture Wars of the Communist Revolution
Black Lives Matter and Soros Payroll Attacks the Saint Louis IX, King of France Statue at Forest Park in St. Louis, Missouri
Mob Attacks Saint Louis Statue, Brave Catholics Defend It
July 14, 2020
The American TFP
“Iconoclasm in St. Louis: How Identity Politics Became Identity Theft” by E. Michael Jones
The Unz Review – An Alternative Media Selection
July 11, 2020
“Karl Marx once said that history repeats itself, first as tragedy and then as farce. Nothing proved the truth of Marx’s claim better than the farcical battle over the statue of St. Louis in, yes, St. Louis [Missouri] which followed hot on the heels of the tragedy of George Floyd in Minneapolis.”
I would seriously dispute that the death of convicted felon ( 8 jail terms) and fentanyl-head George Floyd is a tragedy, but otherwise a stellar essay by philosopher : E. Michael Jones ( Such quality is the reason why Jones is an excellent exponent of the Fourth Political Position and Theory of Alexsandr Dugin.
Descendant of King Saint Louis IX to America: ‘Defend the Statue with Honor, Faith and Courage’
July 14, 2020
The American TFP
July 1, 2020. City workers under pressure from Soros Payroll Gooks remove the Statue of Christopher Columbus from the Broad Street side of the City in Columbus, Ohio.
July 7, 2020. Marxist ‘deconstruction’ of American history and cultural life sees the removal of a Columbus landmark. This act of Communist vandalism brought down the statue of Italian explorer Christopher Columbus, a gift of the city of Genoa to the American sister city.
Here is the crucial Jew: Seth Josephson: “Once I started to learn, as a young adult, about what he [Columbus] really stood for and the history of genocide against indigenous people in the Americas, it just felt like, ‘Wow this is not a name I can feel proud of.”
(As if anyone required Seth to feel ‘proud’ of the achievements of the Italian navigator and explorer).
Behind the removal of the Columbus, Ohio landmark stands the whole alphabet soup of Gook Identity cadres kitted out with their sacred Marxist oppression narrative for the Long March of subversion through all Western institutions of social and cultural influence. The politics of outrage and ‘how dare you’ activism for the TV revolution has been deployed to the airports, university campuses and streets of the major cities of every Western nation undergoing Communist subversion by the Revolution. Issues of outrage, like the death of convicted felon and fentanyl-head George Floyd are generated by the Revolution and astro-turfed to the population at large through the Jewish owned and operated Fourth Estate, the Jew MSM.
Since the Civil Rights and Anti-War demonstrations of the 1960s, The Holocaust Bus has driven the entire battalion of Gook Identities to their Demonstrations of Outrage under the battle standard and full meshuggeneh of the pre-sanctified 6,000,000 (from before World War I). This vanguard of the 6,000,000 is always in position at the front of the Bus and fully deployed against Anti-Semitism and its associated cannards. This (of course) refers to any goy expression designating the Jews as a collective noun that is less than adulatory)
Behind the vanguard, the Revolution has deployed the Anti-Vietnam War regiment of hippies, yippies, peaceniks, Hanoi Janes and Uncle Ho’s and ‘give peace a chance’ cadres and the Civil Rights marches of the 1960s. In the 1970s, it was the national liberation front cadres [for BIPOC only] against the deplorable racism, systemic racism, colonialism, oppression and intrinsic horrible-ness of White nations. This was followed by feminists against sexism in the second rank. In that rearguard, we have the gays and transies leading the ‘phobia ranks’ against the terrible oppression of cis-genderism, homophobia, queer-o-phobia, transphobia. Now with the advent of the migrant cadres, Islamophobia is presently trending. Finally, in the early decades of the new millennium and carrying on at the back of the Holocaust Bus, we have the stalwarts against satanphobia and paedophile phobia. Does anyone seriously want to know the details of what is going on back there?
The entire spectrum of this Gook battalion is deployed against the Christian White nationalist and Counter Revolution which seeks to halt the expansion of Communism in both its armed aggression and its Long March of subversion. With the UN CoVID Operation, the Revolution has entered into its convergent ‘phase’ for the destruction of all that remains of the former Christian civilization of the Western European nations and its establishment on continents other than Europe.
Saying Goodbye: Photos of Southern Monuments Felled in 2020
Black Savagery and Crime – it’s a Racial Thing
Either we talk about it or we lose our country- Jared Taylor
July 21 2022
When is Murder Random? When the Victim is White
by Joseph Jordan. August 2, 2022. National Justice Party
How Does This Work?
Open Society Foundations backed by Kremlin manufactured billionaire George Soros has been spending Big, Big, Big. Soros and his foundations have spent $40 million to elect 75 progressive prosecutors over the last decade. Soros networks have worked to support Marxist district attorneys across the US. Major recipients: LA DA George Gascon and Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner. Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund accuses Soros of harming the country. Johnson of LELDF accuses these Das of working to quietly transform the criminal justice system for the worse promoting dangerous policies and anti-police narratives.
June 8 2022
July 8, 2022
Missouri Republican Senate candidate Mark McCloskey:
“Soros-funded prosecutors ‘lawlessness’ welcomed by leaders seeking tyranny via chaos. Democrats such as Schumer are ‘like the mob’ the Missouri candidate stated. June 7 2022
Open Foundations Soros backed prosecutors preside over 40% of the nation’s murders
Soros – Kremlin manufactured billionaire . Founder and Chairman of the Open Society Foundations.
January 18, 2022
29 July 2022
Ethan Liming killed June 2 2022
July 3, 2022
MSNBC – ‘White Extremists’ are an ‘insurgency’ worse than Isis. We May Have to Fight our Neighbours. YouTube. July 19, 2022
Cultural Marxism and its Long March of Subversion Through all Western Institutions
Fall in Line
Walt Bismarck’s videos uploaded by C. Kyle
Link for the seed video that plays is:
Note: Bitchute has written an algorithm just for Walt’s Alt Right Channel. All of his videos are disabled.
“Maintain Humanity under 5,000,000 in Perpetual Balance with Nature”
July 6 2022 The Georgia Guidestones erected 1981 blown up in the early hours of the morning. Evidences of the crime scene taken away from the location.
1031 Guidestone Road NW, Elberton County Georgia, USA
The Guidestones recorded the Synagogue of Satan dictates against the Divine benediction upon Adam and Eve and their dominion of earth. Genesis 1:28.
Shown in this photograph against the sun with the Hebrew letter ‘Tav’ in relief. The position of ‘Tav’ in the Hebrew alphabet is 22 and means ‘sign’. When that which is signified is here, there is no need for the sign. The Georgia Guidestones displayed the sign of ‘Tav’ in its alphabetic derivative, that is in the Greek, Latin and Cyrillic (T) between the inscribed stela or twin pillars (towers) of Masonry.
Europa – The Last Battle [Part 4]
The Truth Seeker
August 21, 2017
We are now seeing a re-play of this dreadful movie in the lead up to World War III (only this time, the invasion comes from the East):
“Europa – the Last Battle” is a Nationalist Socialist Film which has made much previously suppressed historical truth publicly available. To win the German people to the cause of destroying Communism in its base (the Soviet Union) Hitler was permitted to issue the Reichmark as an ‘independent’ currency and to acknowledge much political truth that was heavily censored from English speaking nations.
The film does not (of course) present how the Hitler Regime (1933 – 1945) also filled its jails with Catholics and Christians who opposed his euthanasia laws, racial hygiene laws etc.
The National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP) and its state in Germany was set up and financed by the financial arm of the International Judenstaat: The Empire of the Corporation of The City of London, Stalin, the US Wall Street banks (among others). The NSDAP was created as a Golem for the instigation of world war, for the destruction of the German nation, the creation of the state of Israel and victory of the Soviet Union.
The flashpoint was the creation of NKVD Jewish Bolshevik units in Poland and the ‘folding in’ of these units into the Polish security forces. These units were ‘Polish’ forces which attacked German people in the ‘the Corridor’ of Danzig (@41 minutes) as the signal for the Nazi invasion of Poland. These Bolshevik atrocities were exact copies of the Red Brigade atrocities against the Spanish people in the Revolution which the Third ComIntern brought against Spain in the 1930s.
And they will be exact copies of ‘Nazi’ atrocities committed in Ukraine by both CIA created ‘Nazis’ and Soviet Union created ‘Nazis’ as the Azov Battalion and other ‘Nazi’ paramilitaries have been incorporated into the Ukrainian security forces. Thus the Ukrainians will be good for these atrocities just as Poland was good for them in the instigation of WWII.